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Im 24. LDS. Just to sum me up, Im an Australian from New Zealand living in Japan. My accent is a crazy mix of Kiwi-Aussie Japanese-English. Im a fun person, so send me an email (^_^)

  • If God came to earth and called a new prophet...?

    Here is a question for all people. If God out Eternal Father, came to earth himself, and called a prophet for this modern day and age, restored Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood, Temples, Apostles, and all things as mentioned in the Bible, would you be interested??

    NOTE: I don't need answers like 'we have the holy ghost, we don't need a prophet' Im saying if GOD himself came down and chose a prophet to write scripture for us and speak on behalf of him and Jesus, would even care? And what would you do about it?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the Jehovah's Witness's teachings are true... why the strict control?

    If the Jehovah's Witness's teachings are true... why do they ban their believers from reading 'outside material'.

    They will not take pamphlets, books, any material from other religions. This is not because they are not interested, simply because they are banned from doing so.

    If their church was true, then why do their governing leaders ban them from learning about other religions? Why are they so afraid of their members finding out the truth?

    No haters please, I am genuinely curious to hear from JW's thank you.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • getting gifts to Japanese celebrities?

    I want to get a product to a celebrity in Japan for advertising. How could I get a gift to a Japanese celeb to wear on TV or something?

    For example Kimura Takuya or other celebs?


    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Cute experiences in Japan!!?

    Walking through a park and some little kids called out "Herro!" and waving. I smiled and said "herro" back. cute. then one called out "say something in English" so I replied in English "what do you want to hear?" they were all amazed at my wonderfull english speaking skills. lol. They younger ones were like "wow, he could understand our Japanese! awesome! The "older" boy (probably about 8) was like, "of course, hes been studing"


    5 minutes later I was waiting at the traffic lights. A little boy and his littler sister were are on bikes. The button said "furete kudasai" it was a touch button, not a push button. We waited for a while until I realised the boy hadnt touched the button yet. I said "are you able to touch that button for me?" he did and it went green right away. He looked at his little sister before riding off "wow, that guy really knows what hes talking about!"


    Please share with me some cute experiences you have in Japan! I love to hear of others fun times!!

    4 AnswersJapan1 decade ago
  • Do the people you like relate to the age you experienced something?

    Okay so I have just been thinking about some people I know. One friend had a same sex relationship when he was quite young, with an older guy. At that age he liked older looking guys. Now he likes young guys, like the age he was when he had his experience. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Is there a connection? Hes not yet 20 now, so its not like hes an old man who likes little boys, but I do notice him always checking out a young school boy, even if a really good looking 20 year old walks past. any ideas?

  • Sokagakkai International SGI?

    Just reading some previous answers about this Japanese religion, everyone says they promote peace and pray for world peace.

    I live in Japan and these people are an aggressive cult!!

    I was a missionary here for 2 years (Im now here for work) and people I talked to on the street would be wanting to quit, but you cant. Its all peer pressure and they prey on the weak big time! They are fed lies about the history of their religion. Its a scary scary organisation that is not liked in Japan at all!!!

    So why does everyone think its a nice "happy religion"?

    The one here in Japan is very very aggressive!!!!

    Not a good thing!

    What are your thoughts?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever become a Jehovas Witness by reading the Bible?

    I know that they rely on their magazines, and that they will be disfellowshipped and "fall away" if they study without their watchtower magazine, but has anyone ever been converted to the Jehovas Witness religion by reading the bible and praying about which church is true? Or are the weak just preyed on by the door knockers? Please, no attack I am just curious.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Mint free toothpaste in Japan?

    I heard that Japan has a range of mint free toothpaste flovours. I want to buy them. I live in Japan, can anyone direct me to an online website? or any big chainstores that sell them?? Thanks!!!

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Mint free toothpaste in Japan?

    I heard that Japan has a range of mint free toothpaste flovours. I want to buy them. I live in Japan, can anyone direct me to an online website? or any big chainstores that sell them?? Thanks!!!

    2 AnswersJapan1 decade ago
  • I felt an earthquake?

    Hey yesterday in Japan there was an earthquake and then some aftershocks in the afternoon.

    Later that night I (In Hokkaido) felt an earthquake later that night, did anyone else living in Japan feel an earthquake last night? I was surprised that I would feel it all the way up here in Hokkaido. I text my friends and they all felt it too.

    10 AnswersJapan1 decade ago
  • how many times can I visit Japan a year on tourist visa?

    If I was to visit Japan on only a tourist Visa, how many times could I come a year?

    Would I have to explain and talk my way through it everytim eat the boarding gate?

    I own a company in Japan but do not have a full working visa, but would like to enter japan every now and then to check on the business. Any suggestions?

    8 AnswersJapan1 decade ago
  • Is he still gay??

    I have a male friend who in highschool was... `enticed` to do some stuff with a senior at school. Since then I dont think my friend has had any gay relationship, but I know that you cant just erase that from your mind. I just want to know if anyone has had similar experiences, and do you have same sex attractions because of it? or was it a `thing of the past`

    I know there is no 100% straight or 100% gay Im just wondering what everyone thinks. thanks.

  • Young Single Adult camp lesson?

    Hi I have been assigned to teach a lesson to a group of young single adults (18-30) at a camp coming up. Anyone have any good ideas?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which Immigration Center?

    I live in Hokkaido. I want to update some VISA paper work, do Must it be done at the immigration office in Hokkaido, or can I send it to the bigger office in Tokyo?

    Thanks for any help I can get!!!!

    6 AnswersJapan1 decade ago
  • Wanna priests - or just money hungry?

    Okay I live in Japan and whenever I see a huge mansion, I think "Wow, thats a nice house, that person must be rich" and then I am NEVER surprised to find next door to the massive house a """"christain""""" church. Are these ""priests"" just putting the money into their own pockets?? Big house and flash car?? I know the Catholic Relief fund/red cross helps people, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) are huge helpers of people in need. The positive press on the momon church and red cross is HUGE. So whats up with all these wanabe religions? Just a place to gather on Sunday? Or are these churches actually walking the walk?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • who pays freight? exporter? or reciever?

    I ordered some product from overseas (New Zealand to Japan.) And they are charging me full freight costs($400). Normally the exporter pays and the reciever pays for insurence and from the port of Destination to the store, right? So why are they charging me full price?

    I have imported many things into Japan and freight cost has never been over $170.

    They are a smaller company, and maybe their first time to export overseas. Is it because they dont know what they are doing? Who pays? What are my, and their obligations?

    Thanks for the help!

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • who pays freight? exporter? or reciever?

    I ordered some product from overseas (New Zealand to Japan.) And they are charging me full freight costs($400). Normally the exporter pays and the reciever pays for insurence and from the port of Destination to the store, right? So why are they charging me full price?

    I have imported many things into Japan and freight cost has never been over $170.

    They are a smaller company, and maybe their first time to export overseas. Is it because they dont know what they are doing? Who pays? What are my, and their obligations?

    Thanks for the help!

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else out there who did it?

    Im 22 and am a Company President, aka own my own business in Japan. I did not graduate university and I didnt teach English. I am not some whiz kid. I hate math and have little skills, but I fought for it, and didnt loose faith in my dream.

    I own an growing and sucsessful export business.

    jiman janai kedo, its not a pride thing, I am just wondering if anyone else has had a miracle story that goes against the ordinary? I am curious to hear. Cheers

    2 AnswersJapan1 decade ago
  • Sending myself a cheque?

    I live in Japan which has very bad international bank facilities. I want to transfer my money from a Japanese Bank to a New Zealand one. I live in Japan but have a bank account in New Zealand. (I am from New Zealand) anyway no matter what the country is, Can I write a cheque to myself and send it to my family to deposit it into my account? Also what are the pros and cons. Will it cost extra etc? Its a very very large sum and I think writing myself a cheque is best. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Sending myself a cheque?

    I live in Japan which has very bad international bank facilities. I want to transfer my money from a Japanese Bank to a New Zealand one. I live in Japan but have a bank account in New Zealand. (I am from New Zealand) anyway no matter what the country is, Can I write a cheque to myself and send it to my family to deposit it into my account? Also what are the pros and cons. Will it cost extra etc? Its a very very large sum and I think writing myself a cheque is best. Thanks

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago