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I'm 25 year old female. I am happily married; my husband is 26. We want kids in the future, but not right now. I have 2 associate's degrees, 1 bachelor's degree. I would like to get a Master's in psychology and work with the MR/DD population, as I do now as a Service Coordinator. In my state one only needs a master's degree to become a licensed psychologist instead of a doctoral degree required in many states. However, I have also been considering pursing a master's degree in social work instead. That would get me farther into the field I have been working in also, and wouldn't take as long.

  • Has anyone else used the Me Smooth from Elos?

    I don't remember the exact way it's named, but I'm wondering if anyone else can share experiences with the Me Smooth Elos Hair Remover.

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • Can someone help me find a Complete Magic the Gathering card list?

    Can someone please tell me where I can find online a complete Magic the Gathering card list? My husband has played the game for years, and has recently introduced me to it, and I would like to find a complete comprehensive list that tells me what each card does and things like that, so I can learn what I am doing.


    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone refer to the United States as "America"?

    Why does the mass majority of the population refer to the United States of America as "America" when there are many other countries that reside in North America, Central America and South America?

    14 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I recently had a question removed. I was unaware it violated anything and I have not received an email?

    How long does it take to receive an email notification of your question being marked as a violation? The question was asked 6 days ago, and was just removed within the past 2-3 days. I do not have anything in my email from Y!A stating why it was removed. I would like to find out why it was removed and see if I can dispute it. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do? It was a question about me looking for a replacement cell phone after AT&T told me mine must have gotten wet at some point to cause it to quit working.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I have a question for Witches, Wiccans, Pagans, or anyone else who may help me.?

    Does anyone know where I can purchase Yule Cards, or Winter Solstice Cards? I know there are tons of places to purchase Christmas cards, and you can buy a package of them that has lots of them in there. Where can I get packages of Yule/Winter Solstice Cards?

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Will this day go by quickly, or slowly?

    It's me again, I am at work trying to get everything finished before I can leave. I was wondering if you think it will go by quickly and I will get to leave early, or do you think this day will drag on forever and that I won't be able to leave until late?

    We are going on vacation to Mass. as soon as I get everything finished I need to do at work.... I have a ton of crap to do, and my boss is allowing me overtime to finish it before I go, but I just want to get out of here as soon as possible, so I can get started on my trip....

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Do you consider your job a highly stressful job?

    If you think your job is highly stressful please explain in detail to me what is so stressful about it. Then if you would like, take a look at my other open question right now, and let me know if you agree or disagree that my job is highly stressful. Oh, and a response to my other question after you read it and the details would be great too. I know it's a lot of information though, but this is what I'm dealing with on almost a continuous basis... even though it's just slightly worse than normal right now;_ylt=AinR5...

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What should I do right now - I need answers fast?

    I asked a similar question last night. However, I am giving two options as to what I should do right now - it's one day later, and the situation is escalating.

    My husband and I are leaving to go on vacation Thursday. I normally work 4 10 hour shifts, but this week I am only working 3.5 days and still needing 40 hours for the week. I have worked on the clock for 12.5 hours yesterday and today. I have another 12 hours of stuff to do tomorrow too. It is an extremely busy week form me at work for some reason. I have no choice but to finish all of this stuff before I leave for vacation , so I have been staying really late off the clock to get some things finished.

    I have something that needs typed and into my boss's mailbox before she arrives in the morning, or I will lose billing for it, so I will be farther away from meeting my productivity for the month (which I should meet if I don't lose billing anywhere).

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you love it or hate it?

    It being your job

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been sooooo tired, that you can't finish your work, so you can't go home and go to bed?

    I'm soooo tired, because I didn't get to bed until 5:30 AM this morning, and my husband woke me up at 6:30 AM (I had to get up by 7:00 AM for work anyway). Lack of sleep is more harmful for me than most adults, due to the effects of my previous brain injuries, so it is hard to function being this tired.

    Yet, I have something at work I need to finish before I can go home and go to bed, but I'm too tired to finish it, so I just end up staying here longer.

    Also I take a medication for ADD that helps me focus better throughout the day, but it wears off after 12 hours, so that it does not cause you to be unable to sleep. It wore of at 6:30 PM because I took it at 6:30 AM today. It is now going on 10:00 PM where I am

    AAAAHHHH... Sorry I just wasted my points whining about my problems, but get over it, a lot of people do that on here.... You can get 2 free points if you anwer my question.

    Has this ever happened to you?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • So, why is Yahoo Answers so addictive?

    Why would I rather spend my time on here laughing at the stupid questions, or stupid answers than doing work, or going to bed?

    What is it about Y/A that makes it so addictive?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Attention Deficit Disorder, Medication, and Work?

    How do you continue to focus at work to complete an important task when you have reached your max for the day, and your medication wore off 1.5 hours ago? I take Vyvanse for my Attention Deficit Disorder, and it helps my attention quite a bit, but it only works for 12 hours. I need to work late this week because I am leaving early on Thursday to go on vacation with my husband. I have a ton of stuff to do, so I am trying to type something that is due before I go home. How am I supposed to stay focused now that I am trying to work without the support of my medication?

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Our ferret?

    Our ferret is getting close to being a year old. He was born in October, and we got him in December. He has been having a lot of sneezing fits lately. I don't know what could be causing it other than allergies, but I do not know what he would be allergic to. We have been using the same food and same bedding. His cage has been sitting in the same spot in our house that it's been in for a couple of months. He is also becoming more lethargic. He used to be awake all hours of the day and night, and only slept occasionally. Now he sleeps more than he is awake, and when he gets out of his cage to play with the cats, he tires out quicker than he used to, and he normally finds something to crawl under and goes to sleep, until we find him and put him back in his cage. We are going to make him a vet appointment for the week after next (because we are going on vacation soon). But I was wondering if anyone knows what might be causing this.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Ok, so I will ask one of the dumb teenage questions - but yeah, I'm 25 - I'm just bored.?

    Do we make a cute couple? This is a picture of my husband and I before we got married, it's one of our engagement pictures......

    well here's another one

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How many pets do you have and what are they?

    I currently have 6: 2 female dogs, 2 male cats, 1 male ferret, and one female guinea pig.

    Would you get more if you could - providing you had enough room, your parents would let you, your spouse/partner would let you, your roommate would let you etc.

    I would have more pets if my house were bigger! Currently only 4 live in our house, our 2 dogs had to stay at my parents' house - they are used to it there, but I miss them sooooo much!

    15 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Why did Christians ???

    Why did Christians steal so many Pagan Sabbats and turn them in to Christian Holidays - making up their own stories (sometimes not even true) and then call them Holidays as they turned on the Pagans calling them evil (while using many of their sabbat traditions as their own)? I have wondered this for many years. I am 25 and have been studying the craft for 13 years.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My fellow witches . . . wiccans . . . pagans . . .?

    What is your favorite sabbat and why? Mine is Samhain because I love the fall, and I love the fact that the veil between worlds is thinnest at that time. I love all of the traditions that come with that sabbat that Christians have turned into Halloween... I just love it!

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why am I so nervous?

    I'm planning to take the GRE in September. I have been studying with three different books: one is by Barron's, one is by Kaplan, and the other one is by Princeton Review. I just don't feel like I am retaining anything. I am an excellent student because I'm an auditory learner, and have a 3.9 GPA from college. My IQ is somewhere between 120 and 130. I haven't finished my IQ testing that I started this year with my psychologist, but I have been tested before. However, standardized tests scare me, I do poorly on them. I only scored 23 on my ACT - and many of the students in my classes who did a lot worse in the classroom work than I did scored much higher than I did.

    What should I expect to score on the Verbal and Quantitative Sections? The Analytical Writing Section isn't something that I have to worry about - the college I'm planning to go to does not require any certain score on that part.

    What is a normal score on the V and Q sections? How did you do on the GRE?

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago