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  • So, would Tampa still be headed into round two of the playoffs if Barry Melrose was still their coach?

    When I heard Barry Melrose was arriving as coach of the Tampa Bay Lightning, I really thought he's bring them to success and do great things; like he did with L.A. years ago. But clashes with the Lightning owner led Melrose out the door quickly, to my befuddlement. So, had Barry remained, would the Lightning be in the same spot?

    And for the record; I'm not a Lightning fan.

    2 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • What evidence is there that Winston Churchill had intelligence of the Pearl Harbor attack beforehand?

    So for a couple years now I've heard rumors that then British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had intelligence beforehand that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor but let it happen in order to get America in the war. I am not saying I believe this; but I want to hear the case for it and see any evidence.

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Why Do Cowards Like Vincent M (a.k.a. Dirty atheist) Send Childish E Mails And Not Allow A Response Back?

    Ok, so I can respectfully disagree with many people on here; and I have debated people both in the questions themselves and in e mail. But one thing I cant stand is when someone sends an e mail saying "you are wrong", blah blah blah, calling you a bunch of names, and they don't allow an e mail response back. I am open enough to allow people to e mail me. I can debate a point and perhaps reach a conclusion or maybe like I said I can agree to disagree. That is fine.

    So I got this e mail from Vincent M (sometimes known as Dirty atheist), arguing with me about a point on the health care bill. That's fine if he disagrees; that's America. It contained a few insults and name calling. So what, I say. I'm not in 3rd grade anymore and not gonna cry about it. In fact I actually laughed a tad. Usually I only respond to intelligent e mails; but I figured I'd try to talk sense into him and make a response... only to find out... HE DOESN'T ALLOW E MAILS!! If you send somebody an e mail; you should be able to receive them back. Otherwise don't send them and then run away. If you dish it out; you need to be able to take it. Thus Dirty atheist; I'm calling you out.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Fox News just reported an 8.5 earthquake in Chile. Would you say a prayer with me?

    No word on how bad nor how many (if any) injuries/deaths as of yet; but after Haiti nothing like that can be good. I suggest we pray for those there just in case.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do some Democrats invoke the Logical Fallacy Of False Dilemma (either/or) when speaking of Obamacare?

    Why do some Democrats invoke the Logical Fallacy of False Dilemma (sometimes called the either/or fallacy) when speaking of Obamacare? The Logical Fallacy of False Dilemma states:

    "A fallacy committed when someone assumes there are only two alternatives, eliminates one of those two, and concludes in favor of the second, when more than two alternatives exist, but have not been considered."

    That's straight outta my college textbook. Doesn't that sound exactly like what most Democrats are doing with their health care reform? They claim only two possibilities... their way of reform or nothing. If the Republicans are against their particular version of reform; they falsely say that they're against health care reform and that they don't care about people who can't afford health care. When nothing could be further from the truth. Yet they shut Republicans out, ignore all Republican ideas, and falsely claim they have no ideas despite the fact that they have tons of them and even have a web page full of them.

    That's following the logical fallacy to a t.


    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do people say that Walter Cronkite never inserted his opinion into his news telecasts?

    People seem to go out of their way to differentiate "straight news" broadcasts with "opinion" programs. I respect the late Walter Cronkite; millions watched him; and he is probably the greatest newscaster of all time. But just by listening to one of his shows; it is obvious that he CLEARLY inserted his opinion into the news broadcasts. He had opinions on Vietnam, JFK, and so on. Granted; it is not as MUCH of an opinion as someone like Bill O'Reilly; but how can statements like, "Vietnam is lost" not be an opinion?

    In reality it is not possible to have a news broadcast with 0 opinion.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Why do people think that Roe v Wade (or any Supreme Court case) is the "law of the land"?

    When it is merely the OPINION of the land?

    Some people need to learn the functions of government. Courts form OPINIONS based upon existing law. The legislative branches pass the laws and the executive signs or vetoes them. A new law, or even better yet a new Constitutional amendment, could override it (or any other supreme court case).

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do some people still think Obama is a great President?

    Let's recount all the damage he has done to this great land in just the short time he has been in office...

    * He has taken down all kinds of proven national security measures that kept us safe and prevented another terror attack in the 7 years following 9/11; he has even apologized for America protecting itself and seeking out those who did it after WE WERE ATTACKED; is more concerned about the comfort of terrorists than the safety of the American people; and has even threatened criminal action against the personnel who did their job of protecting this country and keeping us safe, which could therefore make any agent hesitant to take security measures that could protect us in the future. It will be a miracle if America isn't attacked again under Obama's watch.

    * He has plans to move dangerous terrorists who hate America and want to kill Americans into American prisons onto American soil; where they can intermix with the prison populace and spread their anti American propaganda. He also wants to release some terrorists when they would just return to their terror groups and commit more crimes against humanity.

    * He remained silent on the National Day of Prayer and ordered his staff to do the same because he is too chicken **** to do what many great Presidents of both parties have done in the past and lead the nation in prayer. If that is not a denial to God I don't know what is; and He is not to happy about that.

    * He reversed the Mexico City Policy where or tax dollars are being used for abortion "counciling"; thus making all Americans unwitting accomplices to murder. And he even wants to revoke the conscience clause and force a doctor to perform an abortion even if they are morally opposed to it, thus forcing moral doctors to violate the Hippocratic Oath.

    * He, along with that Satanic ***** from Hell Nancy Pelosi, raped the who entire democratic process by rushing a "stimulus bill" through Congress, expecting every member of Congress to read 1,100 pages in less than 19 hours, convincing people that the Earth would cave in if it wasn't passed immediately and thus killing any chance of an alternate bill; and that bill committed $787,000,000,000 of our taxpayer money for ludicrous things such as finding out why pigs stink, creating debt for the next four generations. Plus the bill would provide funding for certain jobs for a two year period only; and then the funding would run out and the local governments would be pressured to continue to provide the jobs at their expense, thus putting them even further in the whole. In addition to that, unemployment has gotten WORSE.

    * He is submitting to transnational authority and pressure and thus negating the very cause of the American Revolution against a foreign King in the first place.

    * He is running General Motors, making them produce stupid looking cars, and even asked a GM executive to step down; all of this putting the country in the direction towards socialism.

    And this does not even count all of his lies during the campaign!!

    So those of you who think Obama is this great savior, state your case. The people with brains realized Obama's evil and corruptness years ago; and some who were fooled into voting for him realized the error of their mistake. So I want anyone who is still stupid enough to think that Barack Obama is a great President to explain themselves and explain why.

    I mean, I have yet to hear an explanation of why Obama is even a mediocre President and not a horrible one.

    40 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • For College, what would be the grade point average of a C?

    I am filling out an application as a transfer student and my average from my last college is a C. (Not the best, I know; but this was 15 years ago when I was a lazy kid.) What in the college scale of 0-4 would be the grade equivalent?

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Don't you hate it when you accidentally give a thumbs down when you meant to give a thumbs up?

    Don't you hate it when you accidentally give a thumbs down to an answer when you meant to give it a thumbs up; and you can't change it?

    Sorry people I did that to.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How can somebody delete on individual answer in a question?

    I just had an answer that I gave deleted. It was a dissenting opinion than the asker had. The whole question was not deleted; just my answer. How is this possible? If askers can remove one individual answer because they don't like it because they only want answers that agree with them than that's censorship of a viewpoint and that's bullshit.

    And I actually do have a question in this rant how is this done?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • If a conservative inserted conservative ideas into Obama's teleprompter; would Obama realize it?

    We all know President Barack Obama doesn't go anywhere without his teleprompter; and he reads from it on a daily basis. In fact he even has a name for it. So I have an idea. If Barack Obama is giving a speech and his teleprompter script is suddenly replaced with a script with conservative ideals; would Obama just keep on blindly reading? And then would the rest of his fans, the media, the Huffington Post, and NBC just blindly follow it being to stupid to realize?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • True or false...McCain was ALSO planning on closing down Gitmo.?

    Now... I know that in recent weeks Barack Obama has gotten flack from the G.O.P. (and I'm one of them) for signing the order to close down the Guantanamo Bay prison within 1 year; and there have been cases of released Guantanamo Bay detainees/prisoners returning to terror groups after their release. Plus the problem of where to put them all. And Obama is getting flack for this.


    But in all fairness... during the campaign John McCain also said he had planed to close down Gitmo. And while I disagree with this; I'm pretty sure that McCain would have had like... you know.... a PLAN first instead of just haphazardly signing the order to appease all the Obamabots (including those in Middle Eastern nations).

    I suppose I'm looking for thoughts and opinions on both sides.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How do you measure a recession?

    What specific statistics are used to measure a recession? Do you believe that Bush "inherited" a recession from Clinton in 2001. The National Bureau Of Economic Research says that the recession some Republicans claim Bush inherited from Clinton began in March of 2001; but they claim the effects that caused it were already under way during the Clinton administration. What are your thoughts on this?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What exactly causes the price of gasoline in America to rise and fall?

    I know about the fluctuation between "summer gas" and "winter gas"; but what else in general makes the price go up or down? And how as the Iraq invasion effected the price of gas?

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago