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  • Does it bother anyone that Congress just gave themselves a 93 thousand dollar stipend?

    Daily Congress goes on TV and tells the American people they need to sacrifice, yet they gave themselves a raise! How can President Obama rail on the CEO'S about the same thing, yet he allows Congress to give themselves more of 'our tax money' to spend as they see fit! How is this helping the American people? Where does it end?

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Biden know something the American people doesn't know? ?

    Biden warns there will be an American crisis as soon as Obama wins the White House. It seems terrorists are monitoring the polls online.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Disturbing news about Obama's Internet Fund Raising - Truth disclosed - have you read it?

    New York Times writer, Maureen Doud finds truth about Obama's incredible fund raising! If you've wondered why and how Obama has become such a 'rock star' around the world - now you know the truth! Obama is 'bought and paid for' by our enemies! Iran has openly declared they want America wiped off the face of the earth, along with Israel! Yet Obama accepts their support and rides on their money!!! Time for America to wake up and see the danger in this man! Read Maureen's column!!!

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • How has Obama raised more money for his campaign than any other candidate?

    Check out Maureen Doud's column in the New York Times to find the disturbing truth! Obama accepts support from Iran; Saudia Arabia; China. Obama's popularity is funded by our enemies! Who is Obama? Who is Obama's friends? The truth has come out! Wake up America!

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Maureen Doud breaks 'Truth' about Obama's Fund Raising. Have you read Maureen Doud's latest article?

    Obama continues to be secretive to the American people, playing up his 'Rock Star' status. Any intelligent citizen would question 'why' thousands of people would want to rush out and hear Obama, a lightweight Senator, speak. What has he done to deserve such popularity? Truth wins out. Maureen Doud has researched the Fund Raising and found the truth!! Obama's connections are dangerous and it is not American that is funding his campaign - but foreigners - many who want to see America wiped off the face of the earth! Check out the New York Times!!!

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did you know that Obama's internet money is coming from Saudia Arabia; Iran; and China?

    Check out the Maureen Doud column in the New York Times and see the research done on Obama's Fund Raising. Everyone says they know nothing about Obama ___ now you do! His popularity is funded by 'foreigners' - many who do not support the United States of America. Why is he so popular in his travels? They're funding his election!!!! Wake up America!!! Obama is no upfront with you!!! He knows where the funding is coming from and he 'hides' the truth from the American citizens. Stop him now!!!! Read the New York Times!!!!

    11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Have you seen Maureen Dodd's column on where Obama's Interent funding is coming from?

    Check out the New York Times (Maurene Dodd's column) - this is serious stuff! If you wondered how Obama was getting so much money - and became so popular, now you know the truth! It's time for the American people to shut Obama down! He is being promoted by our enemies!!

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Will Pelosi listen to the American people and resign? It seems there are some who are tired of her 'playing

    politics'___. The American people are fed up with the 'Do Nothing Congress'. They want action now! The President took the first step and it's time for the Congress to act now!

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who do you trust to get a victory in Iraq? McCain's response to Obama's?

    speech today was great! McCain's experience stands out!! How can the American people put the lives of our soldiers in the hands of one so inexperienced as Obama? Obama's lofty speech - his show of arrogance, could not possibly help us with the Middle East. His desires are not of the uppermost importance to the Iranian leaders. I fear Obama is too 'into himself' and caught up with his immediate popularity, to see the real truth that's out there. This is no time for inexperience and bad judgment. What do you think?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Anybody tired of Obama's 'play' on words? Obama again tries to use his skills?

    of giving 'pretty speeches' to the American people, trying to convince us that he 'knows better'___ and we should follow his lead. The more Obama speaks the more his 'lack of good judgment' shows. Aren't you tired of being talked down to?

    Anyone can give a speech of what they're going to do - but talking is easy! Where's the action? Obama's record is thin and to put American's security in his hands would be a terrible mistake! Obama is clearly a person who listens to noone. His arrogance and lofty attitude is dangerous. Why would America want one such as this to be the leader of our country?

    9 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Obama states, 'We Know. We know. We know.' what is needed to keep America?

    safe. How is it that Obama has all this wisdom and yet, he fails to work with the Administration to get it done NOW? Why do we have to wait until a Party change? Doesn't our elected leaders understand that the people want the Parties to work together for the good of America now, not two, three, four, seven, years down the road? If Obama is so smart, why isn't he smart enough to know how to work across the asile and get his 'idea' going now? The Democrats are yelling 'We know! We know!' to the American people on all kinds of things (high gas prices; drilling for oil, economy, war), yet, while people are suffering and soldiers being killed, they play politics........ waiting for an Administration change. How sad. "We know, but right now, we don't care." Is anybody hearing the real message?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How is it that Senator Dodd 'didn't know' that his VIP Sweetheart Deal of nearly?

    $80 Thousand dollars wasn't on the 'up and up'? His Committee was even investagating this company! The Culture of Corruption continues on! For details watch Chris Matthews 6/17......

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Aren't you happy that Public Opinion is now being heard?

    The fight over offshore drilling is finally being heard! House democrats want to Nationalize the Oil Refineries. Do we hear shades of Chaveze here? First Socialism, then Dictatorship. Where has all the 'freedoms' gone?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is it that the Democrats are against 'broadcast freedom'?

    Time and again, the liberals have tried to do 'Talk Radio' and they are not successful. So now they turn to 'Big Government' to 'control' the airwaves. They want to pull in the Fairness Doctrine again. Apparently, the Democrats answer to everything is "Big Government"! Check out the Laura Ingrim Show (June 18) and hear their reasonings.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Should Poleski be held responsible also for____?

    the 'wrongs' done to our Marines, in regard to the Haditha case. Poleski backed Rep. Murtha all the way! She put her power behind him and watched him 'slim' our troops and ruin their lives.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should Rep. Murtha be called on the carpet for his outlandish accusations against our Marines?

    Rep Murtha made horrible accusations against these Marine's, knowing 'nothing' of the truth! Murtha did this for political gain___ He prejudged and hanged these soldiers (Haditha incident).

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Hoshyar Zebasri, FM to Iraq, says he hopes Obama won't?

    do anything that would endanger the progress that is being made 'if' Obama gets into office. Zebasri said he told Obama this when they talked. Why would Obama say no such conversation took place? Memo can be seen on Laura Ingram's 'Just Inn...'

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Does it bother you that the Obama Campaign moved?

    Muslim women, that were sitting behind him during a speech, who were wearing 'head scarfs'. What is Obama afraid of?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you see a correlation between Venezuela and the Democrats call to nationalize oil refineries?

    Big Government, under the direction of the Democrats, are bringing 'Socialism' to the forefront.

    Now they want to take control of our refineries - deciding for us how much oil we can use. Listen to the news tonight and you'll hear the Democrats plan. Hugo Chavez does this in his country. Democrats have trouble with more drilling but no problem with 'more government'. Question: Are you beginning to worry about losing your freedoms? You should.

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why does Senator Dobb expect the American___?

    people to believe he 'didn't know' that he was getting a 'sweetheart' loan deal__, yet he claimed he was smart enough to be President of the United States of America? Which is it???

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago