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Lv 615,509 points


Favorite Answers42%

Formerly known as Elite Four Kunimitsu, back when I got TC in VG and Other: G&R, but I'm too busy at school to spend much time here. I love Pokemon, especially competitively, and play various other games.

  • How is Playstation 1 game data saved on a Playstation 3?

    I am NOT referring to PSONE downloadable games: what I'm referring to is playing PS1 disc games being played on the PS3 via backwards compatibility. Will the game data of these games be saved onto the PS3 Hard Drive or will I need some form of memory card?

    1 AnswerPlayStation7 years ago
  • What are some good games on the Wii and DS?

    My birthday is coming up so I'm trying to figure out what to buy. Seeing as Wii and DS games are still widespread despite their age and fairly cheap these days, I figured I might as well buy some. However, I really have no idea which games I should specifically aim for, which is why I ask here.

    Just as an fyi, I'm cool with really any genre but my personal favorites genres are Platformers, J-RPGs and 2D Action games.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Why do people take how good a story of a game so seriously?

    Yes I know that there are more and more games these days that are widely considered to have great stories, but why should people not like a game simply because it had a bad story? I've seen this to be a growing trend in video game criticism these days that not having a good story in a game is considered to be a flaw. Why would having a bad story in a game take away from how good the game plays? I mean I could understand if the game was extremely centered around this story or if the game was a visual novel, but I still don't get why people take the story so seriously. Was there something that happened that changed peoples perspectives on whether or not a game should have a good story? What do you guys think about this whole issue anyways?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Someone willing to rate my Ubers competitive Pokemon team?

    Okay so me and a pal of mine at Pokemon Showdown were making an Ubers team together. We wanted something that worked but was unique, so we decided to make a team with Tailwind. We're not posting this on the Smogon forums or anything yet since we want to formally RMT this as a final product, but our team is still (kinda) in the works. We could definitely use some suggestions, regardless if they're plausible or not. So yeah here's the team

    Groudon @ Earth Plate

    Trait: Drought

    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

    Adamant Nature

    - Earthquake

    - Fire Punch

    - Stone Edge

    - Stealth Rock

    Simple offensive Groudon set. Moves are more or less self-explanatory, Stealth Rock is of course very important and three powerful attacking moves gives great offensive pressure. Really benefits from Tailwind considering how much of an offensive monster it can be at double speed. Earth Plate is used for power while not sacrificing bulk and there aren’t too many threats worth outspeeding with Jolly so Adamant is used for power.

    Reshiram @ Life Orb

    Trait: Turboblaze

    EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

    Modest Nature

    - Blue Flare

    - Draco Meteor

    - Tailwind

    - Roost

    First member of our core. Sets up Tailwind if I get the chance while posing a massive offensive threat, so in double speed from Tailwind it can become an absolute monster. It is frail, but still quite deadly and has some handy resistances. Blue Flare is ridiculously strong in the sun, (2HKOing Kingdra strong), Draco Meteor kinda counteracts Blue Flare with the attack drop but the power makes it worth it over Dragon Pulse. Roost can be used on foes who don’t pose much of a threat to heal.

    Latias (F) @ Soul Dew

    Trait: Levitate

    EVs: 84 HP / 172 SAtk / 252 Spd

    Timid Nature

    - Draco Meteor

    - Thunder

    - Tailwind

    - Recover

    Second member of our core. Does a great job at checking Kyogre while dealing tons of damage in the process, so Recover and Soul Dew are rather self-explanatory. Tailwind can take advantage of Kyogre switches by doubling our speed should Kyogre choose to switch out. Draco Meteor deals tons of damage to non-steels. Thunder might seem odd on a Sun team, but it really helps in beating Rain. While Latias does tend to lack coverage, it gets what it needs, and other team members can deal with her threats. Oh, and the EVs let us survive Specs Ogre’s Water Spout without being 2HKOed.

    Genesect @ Choice Scarf

    Trait: Download

    EVs: 252 Atk / 32 SAtk / 224 Spd

    Naive Nature

    - U-turn

    - Iron Head

    - Explosion

    - Ice Beam

    Even though our team is based on Tailwind, we need something fast out of Tailwind too. Enter Genesect. While it does have some coverage issues, it still has that ridiculously strong U-Turn, which makes Mewtwo, Deoxys-A, Lati@s, and, to an extent, Darkrai almost non-issues. Iron Head gives us a more spammable STAB late game. Ice Beam helps in coverage. Explosion is pretty much for helping in scenarios where sacrificing Genesect isn’t a big deal. EVs give us the speed we need while giving us a Sp Atk boost. Naive Nature helps in dealing with Ekiller.

    Excadrill @ Leftovers

    Trait: Mold Breaker

    EVs: 176 HP / 60 Atk / 188 SDef/ 84 Spd

    Adamant Nature

    - Earthquake

    - Rock Slide

    - Rapid Spin

    - Swords Dance

    Reshiram demands Spin support, and since our team is based on using Tailwind for offensive means, we needed an offensive spinner, like Excadrill. Pretty self-explanatory, though Exca can be kinda weak at times, and the EV spread probably needs some work.

    Arceus-Ghost @ Spooky Plate

    Trait: Multitype

    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spd

    Timid Nature

    - Flamethrower

    - Judgment

    - Recover

    - Will-O-Wisp

    The last teamslot was really up for grabs. We settled on Support Arceus-Ghost, who can both Spinblock, check Ekiller, while not being a sitting duck like say Giratina-A. WoW cripples any physical attacker who gets hit by it, including Ekiller, who would be a big threat otherwise. Judgment is self-explanatory, Recover is instant recovery so there’s no reason not to have it on something like this, and Flamethrower roasts most Spinners and allows us to reliable hit Steels in general. EVs are pretty straightforward, give some bulk while still being fast.

    So yeah, that’s the team. Any comments/suggestions/CONSTRUCTIVE criticism would definitely help. Thank you :D

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Any advice for my Super Singles Battle Subway team in Pokemon White?

    So I decided to take a break from Smogon to have another round of playing the Battle Subway. And I found out how horrible my current team is. I simply can't get any farther than the third set of Super Singles, and I really don't know why. I figured it was because of my team (which should be at least decent in theory) so I'd like to know what I could fix in my team:

    Name: Tyranitar

    Ability: Sand Steam (Useful for my other teammates)

    Item: Chople Berry (Helpful in surviving those Fighting type attacks that are everywhere)

    Jolly Nature (Helps in outpacing a good deal of the Pokemon found)

    EVs focused in Attack and Speed

    - Crunch (STAB move. Highly accurate)

    - Stone Edge (Other STAB move. Not so accurate)

    - Earthquake (Provides good coverage alongside the other moves)

    - Dragon Dance (Situational, though it lets me outpace some of the attackers I can't normally beat as well as giving more power)

    Name: Reuniclus

    Ability: Magic Guard (Allows me to not get damaged by Life Orb or Sandstorm as well as not really minding status)

    Item: Life Orb (Maximum power output. Recoil damage is negated by Magic Guard)

    Modest Nature (Maximum power output)

    EVs focus in HP and Special Attack

    - Trick Room (Outspeed the vast majority of other Subway Pokemon. I'm more careful when using it if I still have other Pokemon left)

    - Psyshock (STAB move. Might change it with Psychic but it does help with Blissey and Snorlax)

    - Shadow Ball (Deals with Psychic and Ghost types)

    - Focus Blast (Finishes off the coverage)

    Name: Excadrill

    Ability: Sand Rush (Outpaces everything while in Sand)

    Item: Air Balloon (Gives me an edge when I faced with Ground moves)

    Lonely Nature (I was in no mood to get an Adamant Excadrill, so I settled with another Attack raising ability, though it does kinda mess with his bulk)

    EVs focused in Attack and Speed

    - Earthquake (Main STAB. Wreaks everything)

    - Rock Slide (Great coverage alongside Earthquake)

    - X-Scissor (Not used much, though it's helpful when dealing with Psychics)

    - Swords Dance (Makes Excadrill ridiculously strong. If I find the time to set it up and I feel like I could benefit from it, I'll use it)

    Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks :D

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Is there a way to install Windows 95 on a Windows Virtual Machine?

    I am using Windows Virtual PC, and I've been wanting to have some fun with this disc of Windows 95 I have. I was wondering if there was way to install my Windows 95 disc onto a virtual machine. If there is, how would I go about this?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • If I ran my copy of the Windows 95 Installation Disk on my Windows 7, what would happen?

    Would I be able to run Windows 95 on my computer?

    Just an fyi, this computer has a 4 GB RAM, a 1st Gen i5 processor, and 400 GB of memory is left on the C drive, if it helps.

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • What would you do if I stole all your cookies?

    Both the sweets and the browser ones.

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • In a typical American high school, is your GPA based on your marking period grades or your final grade?

    This is pretty important for someone like me who gets A-s alongside As and A+s. So, for example, I have an A- in French II right now. If I were to get an A or A+ in the next marking period and an A as my final grade, would my GPA be based on the GPAs of the two report card grades, where it would be a GPA of about 3.8, or would it be based on final grade, where it would be a GPA of about 4.0?

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago
  • Remember that stupid movement called viva la resistance?

    It's been dead for months, but do people still remember that failure?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • If everyone has issues with Obama, who else is going to be president?

    Like, seriously, I can't think of anyone fit to be president or fix the economy.

    1 AnswerGovernment10 years ago
  • Is this "Event" Pokemon considered Legit, Semi-Legit, or Hacked?

    Okay, there is this guy on Youtube, who, somehow, has managed to reproduce the ability to distribute event Pokemon with his own Router like Game Freak can, except you receive the Pokemon through GTS, not by Mystery Gift. He gives free Japanese event Pokemon to Westerners who don't have the access to it, since he lives in Japan.

    I did manage to get one of the Pokemon he's giving away, which was the Movie Golurk, and it looks and feels like the real thing. My question is, though, how legit is this Pokemon? I think it's semi-legit, but I'm not so sure. Also, is this even legal to do?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Are the Megaman Starforce games worth my time?

    Okay, I've read a lot of reviews of these games, and the professional ones all say that's it's not worth it because it's way to much like the other gazillion games in the series. However, the reviews by users of these website are actually quite positive, saying the gameplay, while a bit tired, is as great as ever.

    Now, I'm a bit confused on which I should believe, though since I've never played played a Starforce game and I've only played one Battle Network game (the 3rd one, which I hear is the best), I'm kind of leaning towards the user statements. However, I still need a more clear statement, are these games worth my time?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • When does your summer break end?

    That is, if you still go to school/college.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Can someone help me with my Tenor Saxaphone?

    I've recently started playing the Tenor Saxaphone, by recently, I mean since Wednesday. I'm doing a good job except for one problem: when I try to play the lower notes, it doesn't play right, and the note that ends up getting played is one octave higher than it should be. I'm not touching the octave key or anything like that.

    Does anyone have a solution to the problem? Is it caused by my embouchure? Do I need a harder reed? Or is it just that I need practice?

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts10 years ago
  • Is there anyone who has a Smeargle with the ability Moody in Pokemon Black and White?

    I've been dying to get a Moody Smeargle for quite a while, but it's currently only available in Japan. I really was wondering if anyone could get me one, since I am quite aware that there are people who have managed to get their hands on one, but I am not one of those people.

    I still need to think about what to offer. Just ask for something you'd like, other than shinies, and I'll see what I've got.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • What are the most expensive/valuable Gameboy Advance games?

    I have a lot of GBA games, and I wanted to know a good idea of the most valuable ones.

    The one I'm having the most hope for are my copies of Pokemon Leafgreen and Firered (yes,I own both), which, since they both came with wireless adapters, apparently increase the price a lot, though I'm not certain if it's true.

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • What do you not like about your computer?

    There's got to be something...

    For me it's these touchscreen buttons. You just put your finger on one of the icons and it preforms that task, like muting the volume. Believe it or not, there's actually a button that turns the internet connection on and off, and it's REALLY ANNOYING, since one touch will kill all of the pages you have open. D:<

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What are the most valuable Gamecube games available in North America?

    As in, which ones are the most expensive at this time.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago