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Lv 6

Someone willing to rate my Ubers competitive Pokemon team?

Okay so me and a pal of mine at Pokemon Showdown were making an Ubers team together. We wanted something that worked but was unique, so we decided to make a team with Tailwind. We're not posting this on the Smogon forums or anything yet since we want to formally RMT this as a final product, but our team is still (kinda) in the works. We could definitely use some suggestions, regardless if they're plausible or not. So yeah here's the team

Groudon @ Earth Plate

Trait: Drought

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature

- Earthquake

- Fire Punch

- Stone Edge

- Stealth Rock

Simple offensive Groudon set. Moves are more or less self-explanatory, Stealth Rock is of course very important and three powerful attacking moves gives great offensive pressure. Really benefits from Tailwind considering how much of an offensive monster it can be at double speed. Earth Plate is used for power while not sacrificing bulk and there aren’t too many threats worth outspeeding with Jolly so Adamant is used for power.

Reshiram @ Life Orb

Trait: Turboblaze

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Modest Nature

- Blue Flare

- Draco Meteor

- Tailwind

- Roost

First member of our core. Sets up Tailwind if I get the chance while posing a massive offensive threat, so in double speed from Tailwind it can become an absolute monster. It is frail, but still quite deadly and has some handy resistances. Blue Flare is ridiculously strong in the sun, (2HKOing Kingdra strong), Draco Meteor kinda counteracts Blue Flare with the attack drop but the power makes it worth it over Dragon Pulse. Roost can be used on foes who don’t pose much of a threat to heal.

Latias (F) @ Soul Dew

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 84 HP / 172 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature

- Draco Meteor

- Thunder

- Tailwind

- Recover

Second member of our core. Does a great job at checking Kyogre while dealing tons of damage in the process, so Recover and Soul Dew are rather self-explanatory. Tailwind can take advantage of Kyogre switches by doubling our speed should Kyogre choose to switch out. Draco Meteor deals tons of damage to non-steels. Thunder might seem odd on a Sun team, but it really helps in beating Rain. While Latias does tend to lack coverage, it gets what it needs, and other team members can deal with her threats. Oh, and the EVs let us survive Specs Ogre’s Water Spout without being 2HKOed.

Genesect @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Download

EVs: 252 Atk / 32 SAtk / 224 Spd

Naive Nature

- U-turn

- Iron Head

- Explosion

- Ice Beam

Even though our team is based on Tailwind, we need something fast out of Tailwind too. Enter Genesect. While it does have some coverage issues, it still has that ridiculously strong U-Turn, which makes Mewtwo, Deoxys-A, Lati@s, and, to an extent, Darkrai almost non-issues. Iron Head gives us a more spammable STAB late game. Ice Beam helps in coverage. Explosion is pretty much for helping in scenarios where sacrificing Genesect isn’t a big deal. EVs give us the speed we need while giving us a Sp Atk boost. Naive Nature helps in dealing with Ekiller.

Excadrill @ Leftovers

Trait: Mold Breaker

EVs: 176 HP / 60 Atk / 188 SDef/ 84 Spd

Adamant Nature

- Earthquake

- Rock Slide

- Rapid Spin

- Swords Dance

Reshiram demands Spin support, and since our team is based on using Tailwind for offensive means, we needed an offensive spinner, like Excadrill. Pretty self-explanatory, though Exca can be kinda weak at times, and the EV spread probably needs some work.

Arceus-Ghost @ Spooky Plate

Trait: Multitype

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spd

Timid Nature

- Flamethrower

- Judgment

- Recover

- Will-O-Wisp

The last teamslot was really up for grabs. We settled on Support Arceus-Ghost, who can both Spinblock, check Ekiller, while not being a sitting duck like say Giratina-A. WoW cripples any physical attacker who gets hit by it, including Ekiller, who would be a big threat otherwise. Judgment is self-explanatory, Recover is instant recovery so there’s no reason not to have it on something like this, and Flamethrower roasts most Spinners and allows us to reliable hit Steels in general. EVs are pretty straightforward, give some bulk while still being fast.

So yeah, that’s the team. Any comments/suggestions/CONSTRUCTIVE criticism would definitely help. Thank you :D

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I'll try my best to help you. Although I only have made 1 Ubers team (legitly, no RNG, AR, or Pokegen.) and it was Trick Room, so I'm not sure how well I'll be of assistance

    I'm actually quite surprized your choice of item on Groudon. I used a Groudon with the exact same move set as yours, and I found Leftovers to be extremely helpful, as Groudon is bulky and can swap into a lot of hits. I'm not exactly sure if you'll be missing out on any kills with Earth Plate either, because his Earthquake can hammer a lot of things.

    You said that you can use Roost to heal against non-threatning foes. Can I ask you something? What pokemon ISN'T threatening in ubers that the opponent is going to likely send out against Reshiram? Chansey's toxic will wear you out, Kyogre can beat you with rain support, Jirachi can paralyze you, and Palkia will just straight up kill you. Foretress and Ferrothorn are pretty much the only pokemon that I can think of, but their setting of hazards can hinder your team alot, as even with Excadrill, good luck spinning against Giritina. A lot of counters to Reshiram are designed to just outright kill it, and I feel you'll almost never use roost. I would reccomend Dragon Pulse; to spam something so Reshiram is not completely dead weight should you lose the weather war.

    Latias I like. There's really nothing bad about, and I think the set works wonders for your team.

    Genesect is a godsend for this team; as you have no pokemon to take Dragon moves otherwise (exca's alright, but its a little slow and risky seeing as he's your spinner). Scarf set with Ice Beam and U-turn is awesome, though I do have to question Explosion and Iron Head. Iron Head is great for STAB, but lets be honest; half the game can use a Choice-Locked steel move as set up bait. This is especially trouble some should the opponent have a Ho-oh; something you're team already struggles with. Nothing on the team can take the Sacred Fire except Reshiram and Latios, and both of those will be hit extremely hard from the Brave Bird. The same could be said if the opponent has a Reshiram. While the argument may be presented "I won't use it then", there's still a lot of pokemon that get free opportunity from Iron Head. Palkia, Kyogre, Manaphy, Blaziken, and Zekrom can all use a free opportunity for this. X-scizzor is a much better spammable, as fewer things resist it. The only real reason I can see Iron Head being useful over X-scizzor is if you want a revenge killer for Kyruem-W, at which point, this entire part of the paragraph can be ignored. Explosion I feel is a waste, as it's not too powerful, but I suppose it can work at times.

    I've personally never been a fan of Exca in ubers, but hey, why not? The set you have is pretty simple and get's it's goal done.

    Ghost Arceus, is again, pretty obvious. The set you have is pretty much copy-paste smogon.

    Alright, to recap

    ~Groudon's item I feel should be leftovers; I don't think there is any extra kill you get with Earth Plate

    ~Roost is sorta "meh" on Reshiram, considering how fragile he is and the fact that most of his initial swap ins will cripple, or outright kill, him. Suggesting to replace with Dragon Pulse

    ~Removal of Iron Head from Genesect; as its set up fodder to a lot of things, and X-scizzor is generally a better spam in the Uber tier. Same for Explosion, possibly getting replaced with Flamthrower or Thunderbolt.

    Hope I helped. And remeber, you guys probably know more then I do, so I won't feel offended if you ignor all this.

  • 8 years ago

    4 of your team are weak against ice type attacks

    3 are weak to ground type attacks.

    3 are weak to dragon type attacks

    And two are weak to dark type attacks

    You want to avoid these kinds of line ups with the same weakness'. If I have a Garchomp EV trained in speed and and special attack with earthquake and dracometeor, I would wipe out your entire team with one Pokemon. Try training a Mewtwo with reflect. You will find it extremely helpful

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yo,your EV's are all over the place/unorganized and so are your move sets. The pokemon party itself is bad.

    Check out for how you should put EV's in your pokemon and what moves it should know.

    Instead of training them like that just get them from these sites. or

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    WHERE`S MAGIKARP?!?! LOL perfect team though maybe u could use mew as a tank with protect recover a paraylze move and something else or maybe blisee would be better with it`s broken hp sorry for the crap awnser im just kinda tired

  • 8 years ago

    That team is broken but thats how uber teams are i guess.. Um i might suggest adding a rayquaza instead of genesect. Only a suggestion :p

  • 6 years ago

    Pretty good

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