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  • I regret cutting and I don't know what to do about it?

    I cut today. For the first time. I'm a teenage girl (wow, so stereotypical, I know) and my best friend hates me.

    It actually sucks, really bad. And my head hurts and my chest aches and I thought cutting would fix it because a lot of people cut to feel better, at least temporarily. I don't feel better. At all. I feel worse.

    Well, I cut my wrist. And I bled (but I didn't think I would). So now I have red lines. I'm scared. I'm supposed to be that sweet girl that has her life together and is super bubbly, but my best friend left me. She was really one of my only real, close friends.

    I feel so much regret. Will the red lines stay forever as scars? I mean, it's only been an hour or so and they're still red. I'm terrified. Please help, someone. Please.

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Is it possible to love someone so much it hurts?

    I love someone so much it hurts me. He's perfect in so many ways, maybe I'm just infatuated. I just want to be around him all the time. And I just want to hold his hand, but... I can't.

    I'm wondering if this is normal. I love him with a passion, but it hurts my heart when I think about how I can never really have him. I just want to cry when I think about him. I don't know if these are happy tears or sad tears. Maybe they're both.

    Apologies in advance if this isn't in the right category. Additionally, I am a teenage girl. Is this possibly just some teenager-y stuff I'm going through?

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • My best friend hates me?

    It's the freshman year of high school. I met her this year and we're pretty much best friends. It's pretty much the end of the school year and we get in fights sometimes, but we always make up that day.

    Well, during the beginning of the year, she told me what other people said about me (because we somehow got on that topic). She said she'd tell me what people said about me, if I told her. I knew what this one girl said about her was mean, so I said I didn't want to do it. She told me what people said about me, so I told her.

    She said that people say nice things about me. And I was completely honest and I said that one girl said she was ugly. I didn't tell her who... until a few days ago.

    She said it has been eating at her the entire year. I told her who said it (and it is a girl that sits with us at lunch). The girl doesn't know I told my friend.

    Now my best friend won't talk to me. She ignores me and she tweets depressing stuff. She's tweeted "Things are different now," and "Leave me alone, I'm broken and hurt. I'm scared of having feelings, just stay away from me. Its better for both of us this way."

    She didn't @ me in those tweets, but I know they have to do with me. She hasn't talked to me, and I tried to make up with her, but she's angry. I don't understand why she's angry at me. I didn't say she was ugly. She begged me to tell her what people said about her, so I told her. And I told her who.

    This is really depressing.

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • This might sounds really stupid, but why don't guys hug me?

    My friends hug guys all the time, and for some reason guys don't give me hugs. I'm considered a bit shy, but not anti-social, and I get complimented on my looks by guys and girl alike (wow, that sounded really conceited but I swear I'm just pointing that out for the sake of the situation). I mean, guys don't really compliment me to my face, but on social media and through their friends telling me.

    Anyway, it makes me feel like there's something wrong me with. I absolutely love hugs, and hugs from guys just make me feel happier (I don't really know why I like guy hugs over girl hugs...). Guys usually just wave at me, rather than make physical contact. I'm not overweight, nor am I a germaphobe.

    It's a really dumb question, I know, but I'm actually concerned, ahaha. So, uh, thanks c:

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • My friend gets angry at me all the time?

    It's pissing me off. My best friend gets angry at me extremely easily. I'm ALWAYS the one to say sorry (first or at all), even if it's not my fault.

    She was obsessing over this actor, and I was saying how his hair looked photoshopped in one picture and I was just joking, but then she started ignoring me and responding with one word answers to everything I texted.

    I asked her why she was angry, and she's like "Because you insult everyone." I don't even know what she's talking about. The only people I 'insult' are celebrities and even then I make it obvious that I'm joking.

    Now she's not talking to me. I don't even know what to do. I need to work on a project with her (and we can't switch or back out now) and if she's not communicating with me, I don't know how we'll get this done.

    By the way, we're both high school freshmen, but I'm fourteen and she's fifteen. I feel like... if I want our friendship to stay alive, I have to be the one saying sorry all the time and taking responsibility for everything.

    Also, she doesn't just have an anger problem. At lunch, I always give her money and tell her to just pay me back. It's been three weeks and she STILL hasn't paid me back. She like "Uh, no. I'm not paying you back." We went shopping a couple of days ago, and she wanted to get this dress and this other top, and I paid for BOTH. And she still isn't paying me back.

    Anyway, thanks ._.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • How to gain weight faster (for girls)?

    Hii. I'm a girl, fourteen years old, actually. I weigh eighty-four pounds, and I'm 5'3"-ish. I understand that I'm underweight, and I have some weird problem that doesn't allow me to gain weight like a normal girl can.

    It's amazing, but I hate it at the same time. I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and keep abs/a flat stomach (I used the slash, because although I don't have a six pack, I'm still sort of defined?).

    Anyway, what are some ways to gain weight quickly? I get comments from people who tell me I'm too skinny, or that I need to eat more, or that I'm anorexic (which I'm not, because I eat A LOT). It's annoying.

    So, can I get a list of foods? Also, should I increase the number of meals each days, or get increase the quantity of each meal? Thanks c:

    3 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Guys threatened to post pictures and videos on the internet?

    I'm crying. Oh my god. I'm terrified. I was on this chat site, just for fun. I have plenty of friends on there, so I went on camera. I didn't do anything bad, I was just sitting there. And I only showed half of my face (so only my nose and mouth were showing, as well as my torso). I wasn't dressed like a skank. I had a sweatshirt on.

    Several guys messaged me on there saying that they were "jerking off" to me, and then others said that they printed pictures of me and recorded me.

    This one guy said that if I didn't watch him "cumming on" my picture, he would make a video of it and post it all over the internet.

    I didn't view him, but I secretly messaged the moderator of that chat site who then banned him. The guy specifically said that if I told anyone, he would post the video and pictures of me everywhere.

    Honestly, what do I do? I'm not really worried about any of my family or friends seeing it, because if they did mention it, it'd be embarrassing for them because I assume it's on some porn site.

    I just... I feel really sick in the stomach. Is there anything I CAN do? Or am I pretty much screwed?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet7 years ago
  • Why do people think it's okay to bash on skinny girls, but get offended when you call a girl chubby?

    I've noticed that so many people get offended when you call a girl fat, but they're perfectly okay--and sometimes join in--to bash on skinny girls.

    I'm naturally skinny, and I don't starve myself or anything. I'm fourteen and 5'3", but I weigh 88lbs-90lbs (I haven't checked in a while, so I'm unsure). It's really hard for me to gain weight. It's a blessing and a curse. I stay skinny and I have a flat stomach, but people are constantly telling me to eat more, and that I'm boney, and they call me anorexic. It sucks.

    Also, when women try to comfort girls who think they're chubby, they say, "Guys don't really like skinny girls anyway. They like a girl with curves", or "Thigh gaps are so nasty". I mean, wow, thanks for making me feel like ****.

    Anyway... yea. Do you think it's okay to bash on skinny girls, because the media favors them anyway? Or do you think... I don't know. Some opinions, please?

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Why do people think it's okay to bash on skinny girls, but not on chubby girls?

    I've noticed that so many people get offended when you call a girl fat, but they're perfectly okay--and sometimes join in--to bash on skinny girls.

    I'm naturally skinny, and I don't starve myself or anything. I'm fourteen and 5'3", but I weigh 88lbs-90lbs (I haven't checked in a while, so I'm unsure). It's really hard for me to gain weight. It's a blessing and a curse. I stay skinny and I have a flat stomach, but people are constantly telling me to eat more, and that I'm boney, and they call me anorexic. It sucks.

    Also, when women try to comfort girls who think they're chubby, they say, "Guys don't really like skinny girls anyway. They like a girl with curves", or "Thigh gaps are so nasty". I mean, wow, thanks for making me feel like ****.

    Anyway... yea. Do you think it's okay to bash on skinny girls, because the media favors them anyway? Or do you think... I don't know. Some opinions, please?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Why do you, personally, like or dislike MLP? :D?

    I get really irritated when adults and guys and girls above the age of eight years old watch MLP:FIM. I don't know why, and I'd like to stop being so annoyed by it, but I don't know how.

    MLP just seems like a really childish, girly show, and when old guys say they watch it, I get really uncomfortable o.o Even when teenage girls say they watch it, it weirds me out. I mean, shouldn't they grow up already? That show is for very young girls (and possibly young boys too, if they like that?).

    People use the argument that MLP was created for all ages, but it appears on one specific channel, right? A channel directed towards younger kids. It shows on Hub Network. And when you visit the site, it says "Hub Network | Kids TV Shows & Cartoons".

    Also, the terms annoy me too. Pegasister? Brony? It's really getting out of hand. When you reach a certain age, shouldn't you let go of all those childish shows? It's like they dedicate their life and find true happiness in MLP. It's a bit odd.

    Please, no hate. Don't tell me to got f**k myself, or anything of the like. Why do you, personally, like or dislike MLP? Thanks! c: **Just curious**

    7 AnswersComedy7 years ago
  • Cute, romance book titles?

    My assignment for my Pre-AP English 1 class is to create four movie posters based on key scenes from Romeo and Juliet. My first poster is going to take place at the Capulet party. Juliet is standing, not quite in the center, but a little off the center, in a spotlight. Romeo (we see the back of his head, and closer to the front) is looking at her. Everything and everyone else is dark, and there's a spotlight on her. Romeo is in awe. So, it's basically the Capulet party scene.

    Anyway, can anyone think of a cutesy, Romeo and Juliet-themed movie title for that specific scene? Thanks c:

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Is it unhealthy to wear a pad all the time?

    I mean, I wear one every day, but just because I get white discharge and I don't like the feeling. I think it's kind of gross, so I wear a pad even when I'm not on my period.

    So, uh, it's been really itchy and painful... down there..., so is it because of the irritation from the pad, or is it something else? Thank you. o:

    6 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • I think someone is hacking my computer webcam?

    I have a laptop with a webcam built into it.

    I know this is dangerous, but sometimes I like to go on chat rooms. I don't reveal any personal information. I don't give out my name, address, state, country, age, etc. I went on this one chatroom today, and decided to go on cam.

    I went off cam (I was still on the website, but I wasn't on cam on the website anymore), and opened my webcam to just check my hair. It said I couldn't use my webcam because a user was already using my webcam.

    I looked at the tab, and it had a recording symbol. It said that that site was using my video and/or microphone. The webcam wasn't on.

    I exited the website, and the recording symbol was gone.

    Is someone hacking my laptop webcam? If so, is it possible they are viewing me this very second? I'm really scared. Thanks.

    3 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • I don't know anymore?

    I don't know anymore. During the beginning of the school year I was always happy, had lots of friends, got attention from guys, and loved school. Now, though, as the year has progressed, I'm unhappy with who I am.

    I'm a freshman in high school. I've been through a lot this year. I was depressed, bullied to my face (and although that has stopped, I bet it happens behind my back... and within my group of friends), and lost someone that I think I loved... but I doubt it was love (I bet you're all thinking I'm a stupid, annoying, typical teenage girl, huh?).

    I feel pissed off a lot, and I feel like I'm no one's first choice. The guy I loved broke my heart (and I'm still not completely over him, although it's been months), and now that I like a new guy, I know we'll never connect the way we used to. I messed it up. It's all my fault.

    I get really good grades in school and that's great, but it's not fulfilling, you know? I feel really ugly. Other girls tell me I'm pretty, but they're probably just saying that to make me feel better about myself. Girls have made fun of me to my face, and guys too.

    I don't like my group of friends anymore. We've all pretty much been friends for about nine years, but now... I don't want them anymore. They annoy me. Every little thing they do pisses me off. I don't know why, but I don't want them anymore.

    Physical appearance. Ugh. My clothes suck. I have money, but my parents never let me out to go shopping or anything. I wear the same few outfits every freaking week. And then I see other girls with the cutest clothes, and I get jealous. My friends and other people comment on what I wear. Earlier today, one of my closer friends (who claimed she was "just kidding") said that I wear the same thing every single week. Then, this guy that's one of my friends... I guess... asked me why I wear the same thing all the time. And another girl too.

    [TL; DR] People piss me off. I don't like who I am. I don't like my friends anymore. School is boring. I feel like people talk behind my back. My family pisses me off. I wish my parents would leave me alone. My siblings are annoying. I'm paranoid, depressed, and anxious. I hate myself.

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I don't feel good about myself?

    I don't know anymore. During the beginning of the school year I was always happy, had lots of friends, got attention from guys, and loved school. Now, though, as the year has progressed, I'm unhappy with who I am.

    I'm a freshman in high school. I've been through a lot this year. I was depressed, bullied to my face (and although that has stopped, I bet it happens behind my back... and within my group of friends), and lost someone that I think I loved... but I doubt it was love (I bet you're all thinking I'm a stupid, annoying, typical teenage girl, huh?).

    I feel pissed off a lot, and I feel like I'm no one's first choice. The guy I loved broke my heart (and I'm still not completely over him, although it's been months), and now that I like a new guy, I know we'll never connect the way we used to. I messed it up. It's all my fault.

    I get really good grades in school and that's great, but it's not fulfilling, you know? I feel really ugly. Other girls tell me I'm pretty, but they're probably just saying that to make me feel better about myself. Girls have made fun of me to my face, and guys too.

    I don't like my group of friends anymore. We've all pretty much been friends for about nine years, but now... I don't want them anymore. They annoy me. Every little thing they do pisses me off. I don't know why, but I don't want them anymore.

    Physical appearance. Ugh. My clothes suck. I have money, but my parents never let me out to go shopping or anything. I wear the same few outfits every freaking week. And then I see other girls with the cutest clothes, and I get jealous. My friends and other people comment on what I wear. Earlier today, one of my closer friends (who claimed she was "just kidding") said that I wear the same thing every single week. Then, this guy that's one of my friends... I guess... asked me why I wear the same thing all the time. And another girl too.

    [TL; DR] People piss me off. I don't like who I am. I don't like my friends anymore. School is boring. I feel like people talk behind my back. My family pisses me off. I wish my parents would leave me alone. My siblings are annoying. I'm paranoid, depressed, and anxious. I hate myself.

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Is it okay to wear two clothing pieces from two different universities?

    Hii. Well, my older sister goes to UCLA, and my older brother goes to UCBerkeley. My brother got me a hat, and I bought myself an extremely comfortable and cute UCLA sweatshirt from Forever21. Since it'll be cold tomorrow, do you think it'd be weird to wear the Cal hat AND the UCLA sweatshirt? Like, is that showing off too much university-related stuff? Is it odd-looking? o: Thankies c:

    **Sorry if this isn't in the right category**

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Is it okay to wear clothing pieces from two different universities?

    Hii. Well, my older sister goes to UCLA, and my older brother goes to UCBerkeley. My brother got me a hat, and I bought myself an extremely comfortable and cute UCLA sweatshirt from Forever21. Since it'll be cold tomorrow, do you think it'd be weird to wear the Cal hat AND the UCLA sweatshirt? Like, is that showing off too much university-related stuff? Is it odd-looking? o: Thankies c:

    **Sorry if this isn't in the right category**

  • My friend cuts for attention?

    My guy friend likes to cut himself when he's bored. Let's call him... Aiden. One day he came to school with scars of his arms and was like, "I cut myself." I was horrified and I asked why. He said he was bored. I told him to stop (I mean, we're not super close friends, but he's in my group of friends) but he says that he can "do what he wants".

    My other guy friend told the whole group of us at lunch that Aiden does it to get attention from girls. Aiden was sitting right next to my guy friend and he didn't deny it, but he was like, "I told you YESTERDAY. Not today. There's a difference." That's it.

    He still does it. He has cuts on his arms and says he's "bored". What do I do? Do I just let him be, or what?

    I have a girl friend that actually does cut and it offends me that he's using it as a way to get girls -.-

    He's not attractive or anything, so I understand that he may be desperate, but cutting doesn't attract girls. It kind of scared us, but some of us don't mind. It doesn't attract, and it shouldn't be used to attract. What should I do, if I should do anything at all?

    4 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • I don't know how to tell my parents...?

    I'm pretty sure I'm Agnostic. I'm not Atheist, yet not Christian-Catholic(which my parents and family are). So, yeah, Agnostic. My family and parents are Catholic, and they force me to go to youth group, church, and tons of religious events.

    The only problem I have with church is making contact with people (shaking hands during the 'peace' part). I'm pretty sure I have hyperhidrosis (I hate it so much). It's embarrassing. I'd go to church willingly (it's interesting sometimes) if I didn't have that.

    Youth group. A whole other story. I hate the people and I hate the idea. I hate everything about it. I hate it so much. I'm forced to go. I'm being forced to go today. I'd rather take a harsh physical beating than have to go to that. (Subquestion--How do I get out of going?)

    Anyway, how do I tell my parents I'm Agnostic? Knowing them, they'll probably freak out, punish me, and then send me to a trillion religious camps. It'd suck.


    P.S. I don't have anything against the Catholic religion.

    4 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • I'm scared of being in a relationship?

    I'm terrified of being in a relationship. Whenever a guy flirts with me, I like the attention, but when he actually tries to go to the next step (aka getting my number/asking me out/seriously showing interest) I freak out and bail. It's weird because in my head having a boyfriend would be cute and fun and sweet, but in reality I'm so nervous when a guy actually tries. Just wondering, what's wrong with me? ._. Is this, like, social anxiety or something? I have no idea...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago