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☮☯welcoмe мιѕғιтѕ,orpнanѕ,all☮☯ 🌋we're all мad нere🌋 ☠ ĸeep calм and нιde вeнιnd daryl dιхon☠ ☻тнe walĸιng dead☻ 👐wнaтever ғorever👐

  • Form a Polynomial Function Transfer Task - Algebra 2?

    A polynomial function with integer coefficients has zeroes of -3, 1/2, and 1+i . Write the function in standard form.

    (please explain work)

    1 AnswerMathematics4 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Find The Parabola Function Help?

    y= a(x-0.75)^2+128.

    I don't know how to find a? I've attached the data table... Please explain how you found it, it's a transfer task.

    1 AnswerMathematics4 years ago
  • Finding the function of a parabola with vertex point and additional point?

    Find the function of a parabola if it passes through (0,0) and the vertex is (-2,4). Put into vertex form, intercept and standard.

    2 AnswersMathematics4 years ago
  • Quick Monologue Ideas ((With A Theme))?

    Okay, so for my Drama class they want me to write a monologue that ties back to a theme. Except I missed the day it was due because I was sick, so she's expecting me to turn it in tomorrow. So if someone has any idea of a monologue that I can do that TIES BACK TO A UNIVERSAL THEME that'd be great!

    example (that i can't use) : how you saw christmas as a kid vs. now. theme : your age changes your perspective.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Math help?? Percents and Discounts ?

    "The 299.99 cell phone Brittany purchased was on sale for 10% off. What amount did Brittany get off the price ?

    Please explain the procedure because there are tons of questions like that so I really need to know how to solve it so I can figure out the rest

    2 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • Ideas For Friend's Birthday Gift? PLEASE HELP!!?

    Right well my friends birthday/birthday party is in 4 days (the 11th) and I really have no clue what to get her. It's also a surprise party and she doesn't have her phone right now so I can't ask at all. I've tried to ask her mom but she said "She'll like whatever you like!" And I know that's not really true so I was wondering if anyone can help me please? So the ideas can be general or based on the information about her below (:

    (Her name's Hannah T***** so if you need her initials there)

    She likes



    -Christ (she's a Christian so any gift ideas like that are welcome!)


    -I call her highlighter girl because she loves bright colors


    -very much loves her family

    -divergent (but has already read all the books)

    so yeah i don't really know.

    try to help PLEASE.

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Song Meaning? 10 Points please help?

    So just wondering if anyone knew the meaning of the song "Devil May Dance" by A.J. Roach? I personally think it might symbolize cheating somehow but idk...

    So here are the lyrics and just try your best to figure it out?

    Even among the holy ones

    You're dirtier than that

    Leave it alone, take the long way home

    Sneak around and let yourself in back

    All you said was honey give it a chance

    Just give it a chance

    Just give it a chance

    How'd you ever get the devil to dance

    Get the devil to dance like that

    Open your mouth just to talk me down

    You're sincere as any neon sign

    Think of the reasons that you brought me here

    But nothing ever really comes to mind

    All you said was honey give it a chance

    Just give it a chance

    So I gave it a chance

    How'd you ever get the devil to dance

    Get the devil to dance like that

    All of the losers on 16th and South Van Ness

    They all fall to their knees with rosaries as they confess

    Every suitor up by Lafayette and 12th

    They don't fool the world, no, they only fool themselves

    Yeah, thanks (:

    1 AnswerLyrics7 years ago
  • Why Am I ALWAYS Second Choice to People?

    I honestly feel like everyone is choosing someone over me. I'm a girl who has one main clique but I make friends VERY easily so I'm sort of just in a lot of sub-cliques. Anyways, all my friends ( and I literally mean ALL ) have someone that, if faced in a dire situation, they would save someone else over me.

    My main clique includes Me, Aliyah, Hannah, and Taylor. So basically I used to just be the main focus of the group because Aliyah & Taylor used to argue a lot, so they just sort of relied on me to even things out. Then, I met Hannah and introduced her to the group. We've all been a group since AUGUST 2013, and I've noticed some exclusion of me along the way, but lately it's just been building up.

    First, Hannah had a sleepover. She invited Aliyah, Taylor and Sam (another girl we all know) . You know who wasn't there? Me. I was a little offended but just brushed it off really. This exact scenario happened many, many, MANY times after that, but, again, I brushed it off. We all got assigned to the same art class back in January, and this is the jaw-dropping moment of which I realized how little I meant to them. We all shared a table in that class and we were just drawing when suddenly I realized Taylor wasn't at our table. Instead she was at the table behind ours. And she came over, whispered something to Aliyah and returned to her seat. Then Aliyah moved too. Then they both started calling for Hannah and she moved to. I was alone at the art table and none of them seemed sorry. AFTER TWO WHOLE DAYS they realized I wasn't talking to them so they came back asking for my forgiveness. I forgave them. But ever since then, I still realize they don't actually think I'm important!! They still exclude me from sleepovers, mall-meetups, after school hangouts, and group texts! They do not try to hide it by the way. They're completely oblivious to the fact that I'm even there and just accidentally flaunt it all the time.

    A normal conversation between us all goes like this :

    *me and Hannah/Aliyah/taylor talking*

    *one/two of the others sits down*

    Whichever one was with me first : Oh hey ______ are you coming over tomorrow?

    ________: YEAH! You and ____ (< not me) should come to mine next week


    Honestly it sucks, and I don't even know if I'm just over reacting? So any advice with dealing with this? Or am I just blowing this out of proportion?? Thanks.

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Any tips for starting Track??

    Okay so I can't really 'prepare' very well because track practice is in 4 days. Well I played soccer for 7 years and over that my coaches have always told me I could be the fastest player if I would just be confident and put all my effort into it without questioning myself. I'm trying not to do that anymore, obviously, but I'm just really nervous that I won't do well. At my school, they choose which category you'd be best in, but I will most likely end up in Short distance because I've always been good at sprinting. So any fellow short distance runners have any tips?

    Like, what type of work out schedule do get into, exercises that would help, how to practice it at home, etc. ?

    Also, if you were ever nervous about starting track, how to push yourself further? I struggle with pushing myself if I know I don't HAVE to do it. Like if I'm running laps and I get tired, I don't even TRY to keep going, I'm just like 'Well there's not really anyone to MAKE me run so why should I?' and immediately stop. I hate it when I do that but no matter how hard I try not to give in, I do anyways. SO any tips on how to push yourself?

    1 AnswerRunning7 years ago
  • I'm terrible at basketball but I have to do it for gym?

    So, I've known for a very long time that I'm absolutely terrible at basketball. But at the schools I go to they've always had a basketball unit that we had to do. Last year a bunch of girls were always teasing me and making fun of how I couldn't play right. Those girls were my "friends". But anyways, I literally just cannot stand being made fun of like that and I'm very afraid I'll just make a fool of myself during the basketball unit we're doing this year. All my friends are basketball players and I'm really scared they'll make fun of me for not being good because I've heard them do it to a girl ON THEIR TEAM. I don't have a basketball net to practice on or anything so I don't know how I'd get better at it. Any ideas, tips, anything please. I just want to get good enough that I won't end up being embarrassed or humiliated.

    I might just fake sick the whole unit.

    4 AnswersBasketball7 years ago
  • Gift For My Best Guy Friend?

    So one of my guy friends birthday is coming up on the 26th (I'm a girl just btw lol) so I have a whole but I don't want to procrastinate on it. Basically there's a pretty big problem; I can't spend money. It's a complicated reason why but yeah I just can't.

    My other girl friend (it's like a group of three/four-mainly me and my friend Ash and him) my other girl fried Ash is just drawing him a cute little picture because she's flipping amazing with a pencil and paper. I,on the other hand, only have the ability to write exceptional stories.

    Im pretty stuck on what to get him so yeah.

    If it helps he's :

    More on the slightly nerdy side. He likes to read but he hate schoolwork so he just gets it done as quick as he can. He's really funny and a total sarcasm freak. We laugh alot when we're together and even though we haven't known each other more than a month, we consider ourselves as like best friends.

    I don't know if I should just make a friendship bracelet or WHAT . Please suggest FREE gifts I could make/find around the house.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Make Character Name Help??

    So I have a slight problem with coming up with a name for this male character I have. In my opinion if describe him as mysterious and sort of secretive. A guy that has this sort of edge to him coming across as dangerous but at the same time,in hi presence you can't help but feel safe. He's supposed to be a sort of ghost if it helps at all.

    Here's an excerpt If you need a thorough physical description.

    He materialized out of thin air,cross-legged at the foot of my bed, a mere seven inches from me. He wore a black polo with matching black skinny jeans. The part of his converse sneakers not tucked under his legs,revealed to me they were also black.

    In the dim-light, I could just barely make out the dark brown hair that was grown out far enough for him to have to flip it out of his eyes every so often.

    What stood out to me were two things; his eyes and his skin.

    The eyes were striking,captivating. The bright blue hue forced you to stay in their view,holding you there. They were somewhat eerie,what with the lack of light and all,but at the same time they made me feel warm and safe.

    But his skin. Oh,his skin! It was strikingly pale like you'd see on people who stood outside in below 0 temperatures for fun. Or like you'd see on someone in the hospital who'd contracted a deathly illness. It was almost terrifying.

    Overall, he looked like a normal-despite the pale skin-sixteen-year old boy.

    So yeah. A few names I was previously battling on were


    -Marco ( a little eighteenth century-ish)



    You don't have to use those names but if you like on of them let me know!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Halloween Costume ideas?

    So me and my friend always travel together on Halloween. And we like to coordinate our costumes together. This year I'm being a pirate and we don't know what she should be to match that or whatevs. Um so if you could like leave suggestions of things that typically go with pirates then thanks.

    Bye. >.^*•_€|!%\¥}¥{\!|'

    1 AnswerHalloween8 years ago
  • Should I find out if he likes me?

    So some people say this guy likes me and I like him too. But the thing is I consider him a semi-close friend. Also there isn't a way of confirming it unless I get one of my friends to ask. It's just really scary because I know I'd be absolutely crushed if he said no, but at the same time I really want to know!! Should I just suck it up and find out or just wait until he asks me out or something?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Does this mean he likes me?

    It's not a lot to go on,but I'm really curious.

    (People you need to know- Jack-friend who sits behind me in science

    Laura-friend who sits next to me in Science)



    Event #1: I was messing around a bit and told Laura that Jack liked her (he didn't -we joke around about that kind of stuff a lot though)She jumped out of her seat and yelled "EW!" And when I told Jake what I said (and told Laura it wasn't true) he laughed. But to get even, Laura told Jack I liked him. I really do like him but I didn't want him to know that so I said "Ew!" and firmly denied it. The weird part is Jack responded differently to my reaction. He said "well thanks!",sarcastically and actually looked kind of pissed and offended.

    Event #2: Because of what happened ^ I was curious so I tested things out. I told Jack and Laura they should go out. They both said no and we all laughed about it. After the laughter died down I started a conversation with Jack about my shoes (they had cows on them xD) Then Laura said me and Jack should go out should go out. We Both paused to look at her and I waited for Jack to deny it or say SOMETHING but he just looked at me for a while before ignoring the question entirely and returned to our original conversation.



    I do like Jack so I tried to spend time with him in Science. We were researching things for a Science Project on Adaptions and I had finished early so I went over to where he was researching. We talked A LOT more than usual but he also seemed to find more ways to touch me. Not inappropriately or anything but he always found small ways to touch me. Like I grabbed his pen so I could write something down but he tried to take It away from me. What was odd though, is he held on a little bit longer than needed. And randomly during a conversation he just put both his hands on my shoulders and rocked me back and forth for a minute.


    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago


    the thousands digit of a 4-digit number is 4 greater than the hundreds digit. The tens digit is 2 times the thousands digit. The ones digit is one-half the thousands digit. What is the number?

    PLEASE help. I honestly wouldn't ask if I wasn't so hopelessly stuck! I have to show my work so if you could please show how you got your answer that'd be great. I know it's hard and sorta complicated but if you try thank you that's all I ask :)

    3 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago

    A furniture shop makes only tables and stools. Each table has four legs and each stool has three legs. The legs for both the tables and the stools are the same. How many tables and how many stools can be made from 32 legs if some of each are made?

    Please it's just that one problem and I need to show my work so if you could tell me how you got the answer that'd be great :) thank you for your time and I'm really grateful for the help!!

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Character Name? (Narrowed down)?

    I've narrowed down a list of names to two of my favorites. I can't really pick though. The names are Lena and Lillian.

    Here's her description if it helps at all??:

    -Artificial black hair (semi-permanent dye)

    with hazel eyes (more brown than green), rises up to a good 5-foot-6-inches. About 14. She's on the run so she finds the most comfort in the woods and operates alone for the most part. She does have several secret allies that she prefers not to use unless in times of emergency (she doesn't work well with others-slows her down). She's a master mind in the art of stealing & sneaking around.

    Yeah that probably sucked but names please? Help!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Songs for when I'm sad?????

    I'm going through a tough time and I don't want happy music. I like sad songs better. They make me feel like I can relate.

    Any songs preferably a list please thanks <3

    10 AnswersLyrics8 years ago