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Is this mouse poop ?
I recently have been finding this stuff on the end of my bed when I come home from working all day. I haven t found any on the floor yet which I find weird because I don t understand why it would only be on my bed but it looks to me like it s mouse feces. Although I have never seen mice feces in my life lol but if someone who has can give me their input that would be great
2 AnswersRodents5 years agoWhat kind of pill is this ?
I found this pill in my daughters pocket , I've looked at all types of sites and books and can't figure out what it is , there's no marking on it but on the inside it has brown specks that glisten a little when the light hits it , anyone know what this could be ?
1 AnswerMedicine6 years agoWhy didn't losing my virginity hurt ?
I was expecting the first time to hurt just because all my friends have told me that there first time was very painful , i felt a tiny bit of pressure but nothing uncomfortable and I didn't bleed at all
4 AnswersWomen's Health6 years agoHow much does a new exhaust cost ?
I have a 03 Chrysler Sebring and it's been making a really loud noise lately and sounds like something was loose on the front, when I went over a pothole today the exhaust fell and started scraping against the ground so I pulled over. Do you think I'll need a new exhaust or can it be repaired ?
1 AnswerJeep6 years agoDoes anyone know if finger tattoos fade ?
Everything I read on the internet says they fade quickly. But a few people I know have finger tattoos and they haven't faded so I was wondering if anyone knows any more information about them?
3 AnswersTattoos7 years agoDoes using a dildo before losing your virginity ease the pain ?
6 AnswersWomen's Health7 years agoWhat age does the females breasts stop growing?
I'm 18 and still an A cup and they never seem to grow, not even a little so I was wondering was the age was that they stop growing
2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agodo you shave everything in your private area?
everyone tells me they shave everything completely off so its cleaner and feels better so i wanted to get other people opinions on it
4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoWhat are some good lifetime movies for teens?
any movies about teen relationships or anything about kidnappings?
1 AnswerMovies9 years agoim 5'6 and weigh 107 i look to skinny?
im 16 by the way and people always say how im so skinny but i feel like im too skinny and i feel like they think the i put on a picture to see if you think i look to skinny and what i can do to gain more weight what foods to eat how many calories to have etc.
7 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoDoes gel eyeliner work good on top and bottom lids ?
I have really oily skin and every eyeliner I use just smudges down my face and looks stupid ! Will gel eyeliner work better ?
3 AnswersMakeup10 years agoTips on how to have my eyemakeup stay on longer ? ?
Whenever I put on my eyeliner it always smudges and runs down my face by the end of the day ! How can I Stop this from happening ? I put it on the top and bottom
5 AnswersMakeup10 years agoAlways feel like I'm going to faint? Loss of appetite,nauseous,fatigue ?
For the past several weeks I've been having the feeling I'm going to faint. I always get extremely hot and lightheaded. I start to feel very nautious.when I wake up in the morning I have no appitete what so ever and throughout the day I'm always tired. Everyone's saying it's my "hormones" changing or I have anxiety but iknow it's something else. Maybe a virus ? Anyone have any idea ? By the way I'm 16 years old
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases10 years agoGood ways to masterbait for girls? ?
I know what it is but I've never done it cause I thought it was weird to so but my friends keep telling me to try it so what is the best way to masterbait so it feels GOOOD (;
4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoHow to do your makeup so your nose appears smaller ? ?
My nose isn't huge from the front but from the side it is so I was wondering how to apply concealers to make it appear smaller
2 AnswersMakeup10 years agoTips on how to get a boyfriend?
It seems like i cant get a boyfriend there this one kid i really like right now and he seems interested he talks to me everytime he sees me but why cant i get boyfriends ..ive only had one and thats when i was 13!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoim 16 years old 5"6 and weigh 102 pounds, any suggestions how to gain weight?
ive been trying to gain weight for awhile everyone comments on how skinny i am and i really wanna gain weight... ive tried drinks with a lot of protein but it hasnt helped !
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoDo i have to shave all the hair off my vagina before i have sex?
It seems like all my friends shave down there before they have sex. Should i do the same? would a guy thinks its weird if there's hair down there?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoAm i too skinny? please honest answers how to gain weight?
Im 15 and ive always been self conscious about my weight . All my friends always say how im way to skinny and they dont say it too be mean but it still hurts.i AM underweight . im 5"5 15 years old and way 100 pounds...does anyone have advice on how to gain weight?
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago