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Lv 31,384 points


Favorite Answers7%
  • Should I start making new friends?

    I have been noticing lately that the friends I consider as best friends have been treating me as their second choice and excluding me from certain events (one is getting married and never invited me, invited ppl she is not that close with) another joined a group and doesn't want to give any details about the group and doesn't invite me to their events, and when I bring these things to their attention they say "I'm reading into thing too much" but when they're bored and their other friends aren't available, they turn to me. Should I forget about them and move on? It's gutting to be treated like the last resort by ppl you regard highly- best answer 10 points!

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • How can I make peace with this woman?

    Some background info:

    There is this woman in my church who wanted to be my friend at one point and was giving off the vibes that she wanted something more than just friends and was flirty, (she is gay) but I was in a relationship at the time and was a bit guarded but still friendly with her, because I'm open to friendship. After it came up in one of our conversations that I was in a relationship, she became less friendly, more aloof, to now where she ignores me completely. I approached her to ask her if everything was okay and she called me "obsessive" because I texted her twice, and sent one email to say hello and to let her know her uncle are in my thoughts & prayers, because when we were on good terms, she mentioned before that he had been diagnosed with cancer.

    I was hurt, and apologized for coming across as obsessive towards her, and told her that I would like to move past this and continue to be friends. She said she'd really rather not be my friend and only want to interact with me if we see each other at church. I told her I want to make amends, it fell on deaf ears, and now, she is super friendly with everyone else around me and goes out of her way to ignore me. I feel like I have done all that I can to make things right with her but she is becoming more difficult to be around far less to deal with. There's a part of me that feels like i missed an opportunity to make a good friend, maybe even more now that I'm no longer in a relationship, but I've done all that I can and just want to make peace for myself with this situation, move on and no longer allow her meanness to color my Sundays bad. Helpful supportive response gets best answer!

  • How to deal with a rude, selfish, self- centered brother?

    I would like some feedback/ helpful advice on a family situation: I have an older brother who only reaches out when he wants a favor done e.g. babysitting, when my birthday comes around would not make the effort to even purchase a card (when I was working I made sure I remembered his birthday and got him something special for Christmas) rarely calls, (I'm usually the one who calls to say hi but have begun to call less the more I realize he takes a while (days-weeks) to return the call, or not at all) and when he does takes 95% of the air time, and when I want to share my thoughts, happenings etc., suddenly wants to end the conversation. He has also become more impatient with me whenever he sees me, his demeanor is less friendly and he is aware that I am currently in a financially tough situation (unemployment) but doesn't care to offer much help. I feel like my friends treat me more like family, with much more kindness, respect and empathy. I also feel disappointed that I am dealing with a family member who treats me this way knowing that not only myself, but our family has been there to love and support him- one would think he would learn to treat others kindly, the way he has been treated, by loved ones. It's also disappointing because he is the older sibling, I am the younger. I have spoken to him before about his treatment of myself and other family members and he will either get upset or brush my thoughts off. I don't talk to him as much anymore, because of all that I described above and more in a nutshell, but any advice-practical, helpful, wise, advice on this would be highly appreciated, and my appreciation for your feedback will be shown with a lovely 10 points for best answer! :)

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Advice on how to respond to Boyfriend's Mother?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 months (still a relatively new relationship) and I've been getting an attitude from his Mom here and there that intuitively gives me the impression that she probably doesn't like me deep down, and might be jealous of the relationship I have with her son, examples:

    B/f's Mom: "He doesn't call me as much as he calls you!"

    "You're lucky to have him in your life!"

    (When I called her to say hi): b/f's Mom: " Whenever you call me text it b/c I can't hear what you're saying -wiring in the house, and in fact when you do call I will time the conversation to make sure you don't use up my minutes" (I don't text her anymore and I stopped calling her)

    Email to 20 ppl including me: " My Son called Me, His Mother, to tell me he just earned his doctorate" (my b/f called both her & i to tell us when he did)

    and the list goes on... including sarcasm, put downs, and sometimes downright insulting remarks..

    Should I ignore all of this or gently discuss how I feel w/ my B/f about his Mom's behavior towards me? He has stood up for me before when she tried to say something rude in front of him to me and she gave a fake apology, but when he's not around she acts up- Sound Advice on this will be much appreciated and highly rewarded with the Best Answer- Thank You!

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • 'Put not your trust in man'?


    My question is this , in the Bible it says not to 'put your trust in man' neither 'put your trust in princes' then how would you build trust in human relationships if you're not supposed to 'put your trust in man' or is the translation in the King James Version expressing something else because the English is 400 years old and sometimes unclear? 10 points for the clearest wisest answer!

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I like this woman but she already has a b/f with 2 kids for him and says she loves him, However she told me?

    That she is beginning to have feelings towards me (i'm female) too - am i wasting my time???? Is she just leading me on???? Help please!!!!!

  • Why do US Male Athletes get paid so much more than other Professions?

    Members of the Police department, civil servants, domestic workers, ferrymen, teachers and so many other professions aren't paid that much and they do soo much more for the society...sports is entertainment

    And the US athletes competing against the rest of the world in sports such as Soccer usually don't make it past the first round

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What do You think Would Happen in the US if police arrested President Obama if he were in plain clothes?

    Let's just say hypothetically like there's a case of mistaken identity and the President was dressed in plain clothes and happen to not carry ID on him and he were arrested, what do you think would happen, think there may be a racial civil war or what? Or nothing at all? Tell me your thoughts...

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What do you think Would Happen in the US if police arrested President Obama if he were in plain clothes?

    Let's just say hypothetically like there's a case of mistaken identity and the President was dressed in plain clothes and happen to not carry ID on him and he were arrested, what do you think would happen, think there may be a racial civil war or what? Or nothing at all? Tell me your thoughts...

    9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Any blacks/Africans in Norway, that can give me insight on what life is like there regarding racism?

    Are there major racial disparities or is life in Norway generally ok for all races?

    15 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Did Hurricane Ike wash away the borders that were built in Texas against the Immigrants? ?

    Isn't it remarkable how this country went through the trouble to treat human beings like animals by putting fences to keep them out, and now it's all been washed away.... wow...

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • Anyone that can list 5 Good things that Homosexuality/Homosexual Relationships can do for a person?

    I have 5 major problems it enhances/creates:

    1.(Substance Abuse) Alcohol and drug abuse affects an estimated 20-30% of the gay and lesbian population – a rate that is two to three times higher than the general population.

    2. (Depression & Other Mental Disorders) Anxiety, alienation, depression, and low self-esteem among gay men and lesbians increase their risk for substance abuse.

    3.(Higher Morbidity)Alcohol and other drug use among gays contributes to increased risk of HIV and AIDS, and other health and safety problems including drunk driving fatalities, date rape, and verbal and physical abuse.

    4.(Higher Suicide Rate)33% of gay youth will attempt suicide, gay teen suicide attempts are 4 times that of heterosexual youth.

    5.(Higher Promiscuity Rate)In more recent years, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control has reported an upswing in promiscuity, at least among young homosexual men in San Francisco.Despite its continuing incurability, AIDS no longer seems to deter individuals from engaging in promiscuous gay sex.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Can someone please tell me what the phrase"a mean right hook" means ?

    (I heard a celebrity use that phrase)

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago