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Lv 610,394 points

Elise K

Favorite Answers58%
  • Where can I find a picture of the chapel inside the Bavarian salt mine?

    Twenty years ago I went to Garmisch-Partenkirchen on a Girl Scout trip, we went to visit a salt mine. We had wear special shirts and pants over our clothes, and we slid down a polished wooden ramp at one part of the tour. There was also a brine lake inside the mountain that we crossed on a boat.

    However, what I really want to find is a picture of is the chapel that was inside the mountain. It had a "chandalier" made out of giant slabs of salt that glowed faintly orange.

    I seem to remember something about it being built or dedicated by King Ludwig, but I may be mis-remembering.

    Is this familiar to anyone?

    2 AnswersBavaria1 decade ago
  • What reaction will turn bleach pink?

    I was cleaning my kitchen counter (which is white) with bleach. When I touched the paper towel (also white - unbleached, recycled paper) to it, the paper turned pink. Why?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What part of China is protrayed in the mountain scenes with Yueci in the movie "Fearless"?

    I'm curious about the blue dresses with the embroidery that she and Granny Sun wear.

    (This is the portion of the movie when Huo Yuanjia has left Tinjian and is wandering aimlessly before they take him in).

    1 AnswerChina1 decade ago
  • What part of China is protrayed in the mountain scenes with Yueci in the movie "Fearless"?

    I'm curious about the blue dresses with the embroidery that she and Granny Sun wear.

    (This is the portion of the movie when Huo Yuanjia has left Tinjian and is wandering aimless before they take him in).

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • How can an average person encourage a greater rail network in North America?

    I asked this question over in "Cars and Transportation" and was told (I quote), "PUT DOWN THE HASH PIPE DUDE!!!"

    So I thought I'd ask again over here where I might get more constructive answers:

    When I lived in Europe, I didn't need a car much because I could get most everywhere, from the next town over, to the other side of the continent, by train.

    Since returning home, I've been frustrated by the lack of rail service. It seems everywhere I look, they are tearing up train tracks. And yet everyone is bemoaning our reliance on the automobile and what it is doing to our environment. I would take the train, if there were trains to take.

    Does anyone know of an organization that encourages passenger rail, inter-city trains, things like that?

    3 AnswersEnvironment1 decade ago
  • How can an average person encourage a greater rail network in North America?

    When I lived in Europe, I didn't need a car much because I could get most everywhere, from the next town over, to the other side of the continent, by train.

    Since returning home, I've been frustrated by the lack of rail service. It seems everywhere I look, they are tearing up train tracks. And yet everyone is bemoaning our reliance on the automobile and what it is doing to our environment. I would take the train, if there were trains to take.

    Does anyone know of an organization that encourages passenger rail, inter-city trains, things like that?

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • How can I balance authenticity and SCA traditon in a Pelican cloak for the persona of a Conquest-era Norman?

    I play in the SCA and I've been asked to make a Pelicaning cloak for a man who plays a Conquest-era Norman (1066-1086). Things like the Bayeux Tapestry don't seem to show decorated cloaks of any kind and this gentle is very authenticity concious. He is both a knight and a count already, so higher status garb would be appropriate for him.

    I'd like to embroider something, but I'm not sure how to balance what may be conflicting interests. I know that the English were known for thier embroidery and that later Normans were known for elaborate beading and embroidery (all that Romanesque statuary in France and the Coronation mantle of Roger II from 1133), but I don't know know about this narrow time frame.

    Would a half circle mantle be appropriate? Or if I use a rectangular shoulder-pinned mantle could I embroider the short ends?

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Did Norman knights in the first waves of the invasion of England wear embroidered cloaks?

    I'm looking specifically at the period between the Conquest (1066) and the Domesday Book (1086).

    Would they have worn, for dress wear, not necessarily on the battlefield, half circle mantles at all?

    If only the shoulder-pin rectangular cloaks (like in the Bayeaux tapestry), could they have been embroidered? Where? Along the the short ends?

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Population Stats 50 years ago?

    I would like to know the populations of some cities 50 years ago (in 1956) and I'm having a hard time winnowing out this information. Can anyone help point me where to look? The cities I would like this information on are:

    New York




    Los Angeles



    Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)

    Many thanks,


    1 AnswerGeography1 decade ago