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  • What can I expect from the Montgomery GI Bill?

    I'm young a Veteran (29yrs) with no college education to speak of. But I want to go to college! I'm worried that I will not be able to provide for my wife and child while I'm in school. Does the GI Bill pay for books? tuition? Or do they just send a check each month? I really don't know what to expect or how much?

    3 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Catastrophic weather and major environmental events happening in 2011, Is there something Wrong?

    You may not remember all of the news in the past year but; It all started earlier in the past 12 months when Australia faced drought, wild fires, catastrophic flooding, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Then China faced similar weather. Moving west, Pakistan faced flooding that covered 55% of the country. Moving on as the year went by, Europe had devistaing weather and volcano's have been going off like crazy in Iceland, Phillipines and South America. Earthquakes in the Eastern Hemosphere and moving west into the Western Hemosphere (such as Hati, JAPAN and most recently the United States). Airports in the US changing their run way signs because magnetic North has changed dramatically. Record snowfall in the Northern Hemosphere leading to record flooding throughout, including the US. Major catagory 5 tornatos in the United States where tornados don't usually happen as well as Canada. Record drought in the Southern Half of the US. WTF is going on!?!?

    7 AnswersGlobal Warming10 years ago
  • Has Yahoo Answers become as political as public news agencies?

    Can you get a best answer anymore for researching and providing the best answer? Seems like no matter how much I research, or provide the best possible answer to yahoos answers, people are only interested in the answers that support their own views. I always considered this sight to be a place to give and receive experienced or researched answers. If you ask a question, normally you'd be open to any and all answers regardless of point of view as long as it is supported. Seems as though people now choose answers that only support their own agenda. It reminds me of CNN, FOX and MSNBC. Has this become the norm of society? Ask and receive only your own point of view? Is anyone open to debate anymore? Or does everyone know everything and looking for agreement only?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • What will happen to the remains of the 9/11 attackers after the US imposes execution?

    So, if terror suspects are convicted in a US court and face execution, what will happen to their remains?

    Will the US pay $$ in order to ship the remains to their home country?

    Will the US allow family or followers to claim the remains to take overseas to be put in a shrine?

    Will the US destroy any and all remains?

    I was wondering, because I believe that returning the remains would somehow fuel the fire that burns inside extremists by allowing them to create a shrine or holy ground of their burial sights. I also think that it is morally and ethically right to return the remains.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • "Pink Cabs" Sexist? or the next step to female world domination?

    These Pink cabs cater to women and turn away male passengers. They say that women are tired of being glared at and hassled by normal cabs with male drivers. I can understand the trouble, but should it be illegal to refuse service to customers regardless of race, religion, and sex? Are women taking the next step to world domination? (these cabs come ready with beauty kits complete with lip stick, blush, concealer, and eye liner.)

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on "Pink Cabs" Sexism?

    These Pink cabs cater to women and turn away male passengers. They say that women are tired of being glared at and hassled by normal cabs with male drivers. I can understand the trouble, but should it be illegal to refuse service to customers regardless of race, religion, and sex? Are women taking the next step to world domination? (these cabs come ready with beauty kits complete with lip stick, blush, concealer, and eye liner.)

  • WORLD WIDE WEB... why do I feel like I have found the end of it? What are your "go to" web sights?

    I use the internet every day. But it seems so small. Maybe I have limits in my mind that prevent me from finding new and interesting worlds outside of my normal search habits. I'm like you! But maybe we have different "go to" web sights. I want something to keep entertained without reading a 1000 word blog. What are your "go to" web sights that keep you entertained?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Veterans: What do you miss about your service?

    I was a Ranger. I miss the brotherhood. I miss the loyalty. "trust them with your life, not your money or your wife." That always makes me laugh, but it somehow always rang true.

    I miss "suckin' it up" in the woods without food and freezing in the cold or sweating in the heat. I don't miss it, but I do. It is difficult to explain. But I know that you veterans will understand in one way or another. So what do you miss?

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Tequila and what makes a decent drink?

    I've got some tequila here. I have some pepsi and some other regular household beverages... but nothing elaborate that is needed to make the fancy drinks. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about medical marijuana and Obama's new policy?

    President Obama has loosened the guidelines for medical marijuana. Do you support or oppose it? Please give details. Do the pro's out weight the cons?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why are there so many women who ask the same ?'s about "am I pregnant"?

    Seriously, do these women go to school? Do they understand that computers don't have home pregnancy tests built into them? Do they really think that Yahoo Answers will tell them if they are pregnant? When will women get a clue?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Ice ages, melt downs... Are we driving a climate change? Or is the Earth doing it?

    I'm sure people will say, "We are stupid people who pollute the world." I'm not falling for that answer. The earth has evolved on it's own. I'm sure we pollute the earth... but I really don't think we are making that much of a change on our own. You may see me a ignorant... but I see you that way to. Give me some real examples. Not some of the same stuff I have seen on TV. Give me your own supported examples. If the ice caps are melting and we are the cause of it... then why are we finding signs of past life buried in ice caps? That means humans lived and animals lived without the ice caps. Has that much changed in comparison to time itself?

    11 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • How did you over come the difficult process of being "hired" in this troubled economy?

    I've served 8 years in the Army. I have trained thousands of men. I have driven harder than most imagine. Men have trusted me with their lives. I have written reports that go much further than a small company. Why won't anyone hire me?!?! Are you having as much trouble as me? What's your story? How did you overcome?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Are your new tax ideas as good as mine?

    1. Start taxing fast food restaurants, and buffets. Put a higher tax of sweets. Americans are fat!! I went in to Wal-Mart this morning and counted 67 fat people (over 230 lbs) Fat people are dying every day of heart attacks and such. We have to stop it now. I went to Brazil last month and saw maybe 5 fat people TOTAL!

    2. Tax cell phone users. People are being killed every day from drivers who talk or text on cellular phones.

    3. Tax alcohol drinkers. It isn't good for you!! It is bad! Many people die every day from drunk drivers. If we just taxed alcohol, maybe there would be less deaths all around. We have to try to start saving peoples livers.

    4. Tax people who do not do exercise. Everyone knows that if you do exercise, then you are healthier. The unhealthy people just need to wake up and smell the coffee. They are taking an active roll in killing themselves just as if someone were to pick up a cigarette. Get to the gym people! Or we're gonna tax you. We're here to help you stay alive... since you aren't smart enough to do it yourself.

    So these are my ideas. Does anyone else have any great tax ideas? Just think... this is for the good of the people. It doesn't matter if you have a dumb idea. All ideas will be looked at!


    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is the "American Dream" lost in today's society?

    I see immigrants who come to this country with nothing. But have worked hard to own their own gas stations, or own their own taxi cabs. Do they have the American Dream? I see Americans wanting free hand out from the government, and lashing out when someone else gets a free hand out instead of themselves. Has the sense of entitlement gone to far with todays generations? Life, Liberty, and the persuit of happiness is what is guarnteed. What are your ideas?

    I'm just feeling like the reason I joined the Army has been lost. I feel like I am serving an ungrateful nation. I have done the right thing and never done anything ethically questionable. I'm losing my faith in Americans. Can you help me find this faith that I once had?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Have you or haven't you taught your children the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

    I have been asking kids the past couple of days if they knew the Pledge of Allegiance. Out of about 40 kids. Not a single one of them knew it.

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is male chest hair attractive to women young or old? Both young & old or neither?

    Does it depend on the body style of the man?

    How much is to much?

    How much is not enough?

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do I get my Mac to connect with my 52" LCD TV?

    I want to use my TV as a monitor for my Mac. I have the cord that I need. When I hook it up, my Mac does some funny thing but I am having troubles with my TV. I know I am missing something with my TV and or the Mac. I think I have to program something in. Can't seem to figure it out. I have a Sony Bravia LCD TV. This has become a big deal since my wife broke her collar bone and is laid up on the recliner. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • Stimulus package to finance food stamps... will this rebound America? read on?

    In my opinion, the people on food stamps are those who do not contribute to the US economy. They are the people who are to lazy to work, and to lazy to get an education. These people are to lazy to work at Safeway. How will providing more food stamps to people looking for a free ride in the first place stimulate our economy? After traveling the world and experiencing different cultures, I have found that a countries education level and work ethics generate a countries economy. Why not put that money toward scholarships to educate the young people?

    5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Are President Bush and family required to have a passport and visa to go to China?

    We all know they have one....but when the Bush family travels around the world, do they need a passport? Somehow I don't think they need one. But I am really honestly wondering. Did President Bush sit at the oval office and fill out an application by hand?

    2 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago