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  • what are symptoms of being addicted to vicodin?

    I started taking them for shoulder pain the most I have took in a day is 3 but im worried i am getting an addiction to this drug, im tired all the time when i wake in the morning i feel like crap and im getting muscle cramps are all these symptoms from taking the drug?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia?

    I tried google but im still not sure what it is... I had a barium swallow about a week ago because I was having problems swallowing... well my doctors office called today and said it came back ok but he did see a hiatus hernia she said it was between were my esophagus connects to my stomach.. just to continue the prilosec .. im worried does this heal on its own or do i need surgery.?

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • My husband thinks he can eat a big fat piece of cake and take insulin and it's ok?

    He is a new diabetic (type 1) due to gall stones and getting pancreatitis.. in the begining his sugars was ok because he wasnt eating much he was in the hospital for over 4 months due to the pancreatitis and complications ... anyway to make a long story kinda short, he takes lantus in the morning and novolog with meals as needed... he is starting to eat anything he wants and he just takes the insulin to cover it up.. i mean today he took 5 shots totaling 64 units of novolog, I keep telling him if it was ok to eat cake and take insulin the doc would say " ok here is your insulin now just make sure when you eat cake you take a shot" I know eventually its going to catch up to him I just dont know how to get it to sink into his hard head..his sugar is running very high at night like 300-350 I know thats not good having it that high, but im tired of arguing with him about the food he is eating... he says its not the food its something else.. he is making me crazy any ideas?

    11 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Half life 2?

    Is is possible I can get a code (activation key) for half life 2

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • why why why?

    Why does everyone spell TOMORROW.... TOMARROW? drives me nuts.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • This is not a perverted or sexual question.?

    HA! Now that I have your attention. Tell me where you are located, and why you come here to answer questions.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who is suppose to come first?

    To make a long story short, my husband got deathly ill in october stayed in the hospital 74 days, almost died. When he got ill his mom, dad, and sister was very mean to me. His mom and dad never approved of the marriage. Anyway his sister started a bunch or drama crap while he was on a vent in ICU. His whole family basically didnt speak to me and was very rude, but what kept me strong was I knew in my heart he was going to come home and he wouldnt stand for the way they had treated me. Once he is home he acted like he didnt believe me and never said a word to his parents or sister for the way they caused problems while he was sick. I am just so hurt. All he can think of is how his sister came 2000 miles to be with him, but yet here I am sleeping at the hospital taking care of his every need, and I am the one that is the bad person. I told myself before he came home if this didnt change I would have to walk away from the marriage I cant take his family anymore.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Pancreatitis?

    my husband suffered a severe case of pancreatis from a gall stone getting lodged in his duct work. He had to have surgery because he got a complication from the pancreatitis a pseudocyst they had to wait 5 weeks for the cyst to mature or having the surgery could be a great risk of death.. anyway the 5 weeks while in the hospital he was on dilaudid 2ml per hour ..which is A LOT! anyway here is my question he is home now afer surgery, doing much better but he is having these severe night sweats, can this be an after effect of taking that drug for so long, or maybe its his pancreas still healing? its been since december the 15th since hes been on any pain medicine, im just wondering if the pancreatitis is coming back anyone with any info would be geatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • My husbands health has drove my crazy!?

    Hi there, My husband got Pancreatitis from having gallstones in his pancreas duct. They did an ERCP and thats how the pancreatitis started. My husband has had yellow jaundnice, pnemonia 2 times, his liver bile backed up and they had to put a bag on his side to drain the bile from his liver, he ended up getting a pseudocyst the size of a football ,they waited 6 weeks to go in and drain the cyst, they said his pancreas looked like mush, he is only 35 years old and has been through so much, when they did the surgery his pancreas was infected with MERSA, if you are not sure what that is its a staff infection. He had it in his blood as well, Here is the problem he is home now and I am so paranoid that he is getting sick I am driving him nuts, I stick a Thermonator in his mouth 50 times a day, I take his blood pressure and check his sugar so much I am just scared to death, I wonder if the staff infection is back ,I cant sleep and I am a nervous reck, how do I calm down?

    11 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Pancreatitis?

    My husbands pancreas is dead due to having pancreatitis and he is a type 1 dieabetic, can anyone help me with his diet?

    1 AnswerDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Lazy son in law?

    My son in law is driving me nuts, I allowed him and my daughter to move in with us until they get on their feet. My daughter just had a baby and he lost his job well it's been 4 months and every time I ask him has he found a job I get the same lame excuse I am looking no one is hiring. well I know for a fact that around the holidays everyone is hiring even if its just a fast food joint, heck anything to help out. Well me and my husband cant afford to continue to support another family I cant throw them out they have the baby, I am just stuck what do I do?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Pancreatitis?

    My husband has severe pancreatitis. He has been in the hospital for 2 months. He also got a pseudocyst a complication from having pancreatitis. Then his liver messed up and the bile started backing up and he got yellow jaundnice.They did surgery last saturday to drain the cyst after the surgery they told me the contents of the cyst and his pancreas was infected with mersa. They cleared the infection from the pancreas he no longer has staff. He has had pnemonia 4 times, and also got CDIFF. The cdiff they treated with antibotics and its cleared up. He started breathing like 60-70 breaths a minute so they had to put him on a vent for like 9 days. He has been through so much and he is only 35. He got the pancreatitis from a gallstone lodged in his pancreas duct he never drank. Now knowing all of this, does he have a chance at a normal life? Has this taken years off? I need to know this and the doctors dont tell me much.

    7 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago