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Rachel D

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  • Do I qualify for Earned Income Credit?

    Painfully confused by it all. Tried doing the questionaire stuff on the irs page to find the answer but wasn't sure if I was answering stuff correctly. married filing joint. Just his income of about 31k, 1 child. I was just thinking there was some sort of cut off earnings wise for whether you qualify or not having a child. Is that correct?

    3 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Should I bring my sick toddler to a prenatal appointment?

    No idea what to do. Military, ZERO family here. Husband in another country for a couple more weeks. The daycares and sitters we normally use don't allow sick kiddos. Friends with kids don't want to be exposed to my sick daughter. Childless friends, are working or have their own appointments. I seriously have NO ONE to watch my child. It's been 5 weeks since I was last seen and I'm over 34 weeks. Apts with my doc are always booked 3 weeks out!!! So basically bring her and try to busy her somehow as I have a cervical exam and expose others to getting sick!!! OR potentially wait till I'm almost 38 weeks before being seen at all. No idea what to do. What would you do?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Why was my check so much less with the payroll tax increase?

    From what I read average income households will be paying out approx a grand a year more. We fall into this category but our check this week was 100 less than usual. The second check of the month is always the same so that would equal 200 extra paid out which is over double what average houses are shelling out. I don't understand why. Ideas?

    2 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Is 7 accidents in 5 hours proof that my toddler isn't ready for potty training?

    She is 2 years 4 months old. Tells me when she has peed or pooped in her diaper and wants changed quickly. She likes the potty, but never wants to really sit on it. More interested in just getting that diaper off than anything. I bought lots of panties and extra sweatpants to put her in and stopped using diapers as of this morning hearing that method works well. She has had 7 accidents! 7 pairs of underwear and pants, wet and changed. She drank one sippie of milk with breakfast.....peed 5 times (small amounts, equaling maybe one pee, but spread out over every 20 minutes or so). And now she's had a lot to drink for lunch and is starting to do the same as with breakfast. Is it clear that she doesn't have the bladder control for this yet? Her diapers never seemed this wet frequently. Should I give up for now or keep at it?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Should I pay off all my loans quickly or take my time?

    Paying off 2 loans (both car payments) and saving for down payment on house over the next 1 1/2 years before we go to buy a house. I can have those 2 loans paid off completely in 6 months or so, but wasn't sure if it were better for our credit if I spread them out over the next year to year and a half to help out our credit even more. Not even certain if it will help it out or not I just know paying them off too quickly can be a bad thing. Interest rates are both quite small so I'm not worried about that, and more so thinking bigger picture. We're also military and I feel confident will get a good interest rate on our mortgage through the VA program. I have an excellent credit score and my husband has a good score. Just one credit card in my name. Also should we go ahead now and get him a credit card so he can be helping out his score some that way too? I always pay the total down every month so I don't get charges.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • Twelve weeks pregnant and not really gaining any weight?

    It bugs me but I'm not too horribly concerned about it all yet. I think I was about 120 lbs at 5'4" before pregnancy. Now at 12 weeks the scale reads something between 122.5 and 123. So just looking at that, it seems that I have gained a normal amount except that I have been at those numbers for about the past 5-6 weeks. So I'm just confused with what my silly body is up to. This is my second pregnancy. With my daughter I gained right away, a healthy normal steady amount. Oh and no morning sickness, eating normal. So anyone else not hardly gaining even though you have zero morning sickness and are of normal BMI? Everyone else who seems to not gain, either starts off over weight, or has nausea. I do not, so I feel like an odd ball.

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Dog won't eat, empty stomach and therefore vomits?

    So here I am again, attempting to find someone with a similar situation. I have 2 dogs. First dog Charlie has always had emotional problems. Seriously he needs doggy prozac, it's bad. He just refuses to eat until his stomach feels bad and then vomits some stomach acid. He eventually eats, but I'm fed up with freakin acid on the carpet!!! Now our other dog, Chewie has started the same behavior. First dog has been at it for a few years now, and the second dog just a couple months. I've asked vets, they confirm that they are in perfect physical health and that they won't starve themselves. That's great. But how the hell do I get them to eat a bit more so that I am not cleaning up vomit?!!!! This is a problem over years! We have tried different foods and every recommendation out there, so I'm more here to see if anyone else has a dog that does this. Am I alone? Feels like I am.

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Why was it so hard to see my 10 week old baby on the ultrasound?

    With my first pregnancy, at 10 wk ultrasound, we had a perfectly easy time getting a normal visual of her. I don't have a tilted uterus or anything like that. This is my second pregnancy, and we had a very horribly difficult time seeing this baby. We could barely get it into the frame of the picture, and my doc was looking all around, high, and very low, and pressing in like normal, it was as if the little bean was mega buried in there somehow but I don't understand why. On my birth board, there are countless ultrasound photos around that many weeks and ALL of them are average looking pictures of the fetus, what is up with me and my body that we couldn't hardly see?!

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • I have bites and dogs are scratching but can't find any fleas?!!?

    One dog is super blond and he's had fleas years back and it was a cinch spotting them on him when we actually started looking. I have looked that dog over and over, for a long time, me and my husband both. Not a bug on him. We are in a house that I'm certain didn't have any bug problems as this is the first issue since moving in a year ago. I have 9 bites. Small hard, red, itchy as can be. on my upper body only. Brand new bed mattress bought recently too. Any ideas what kind of bug it could be. oh and dogs are on flea meds too.

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What do Christians think of potentially having a Mormon president?

    The core of Mormon faith as I understand it, seems to be quite "normal" as to be compared to the Christian faith. The story of Joseph Smith is where some shall we say oddities come up that lots of Christians find laughable.(Christians I know, not everyone) Like they think how can they believe that stuff, it sounds crazy with different planets and special undergarments. But of course romney being of that faith, would believe in such things. What do people of other faiths, particularly christianity, think about this. Are you ok with it? Is it unsettling somehow for you?

    **(I've also heard that mormons consider themselves Christians, so my apologies for seperating the two if that offends anyone) ****(Also I'm of no particular faith myself, I'm just curious what people think and feel)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Opinion on some girls names, Lauren, Elizabeth, Kate, Claire......?








    What are your opinions on these names and what is your fav?

    Concerns I have: Does Lauren sound snobby?, Elizabeth is crazy traditional and I hate the nickname Liz, Kate and claire are pretty but are they too plain? Is Chloe too common now? And would kids make fun of lana, calling it anal?

    I'm having a very rough time finding a name I really like. I lean towards traditional, nothing weird or new at all. Like my first born is Evelyn, but Evie for short. I like that it's classic but has a cute nickname. Any recommendations/other ideas?

    8 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Can I eat Gorgonzola cheese while pregnant if it is pasteurized?

    nurse on the phone totally confused me. She was adamant about not eating certain cheeses like feta and gorgonzola, but then turned around and talked about staying away from raw and unpasteurized. I'm badly craving my gorgonzola and it's packaging says pasteurized so I'm guessing that's just fine and dandy for me to eat then?

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • how long does it take for baby birds to learn to fly and leave the nest, cause I need them gone!!!!!!?

    Nest right in our entry way to the front of the house. I didn't have the heart to knock it down, but my hatred for the mommy and daddy is growing bigger and bigger as they get more and more brave and dive bomb me and my toddler child if we get anywhere near our front door. Like seriously insanely close to our faces, it's horrible!!! I hate them and am about to say screw them and knock down the nest killing them. The babes in it look pretty good sized though with a fair amount of feathers. How much longer would you expect them to stay in the nest? I'll try to wait longer, but not if it means my child being dive bombed and hurt.

    5 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • Recommendations on IF or WHEN I should next take a pregnancy test?

    So terribly confused. Long story but I took 3 birthcontrol pills in 2 days right as my period was just starting back in May. It lightened it for about a day, but then proceeded as usual maybe lasting one day longer. My average cycle is 28-29 days. Today was day 30 with no period. Tested and got a negative result. We were trying to conceive this month. So would you test tomorrow morning.....wait a few days.......or maybe a week? I have no idea if I should consider myself technically late, or not think much of it yet.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Who else has only a few more days till they know if they are pregnant this month?

    To my friends, I'm very calm and whatever about it as it's our first month trying and I know we won't likely end up pregnant just yet, but lordy I'm squirming inside!! The waiting is just awful!!!! I'm on day 26 of my cycle. Periods have ranged from as early as day 26 to as late as day 31, but 29 seems to be the most frequent day for period to start. So I'm twiddling my thumbs slowing going insane for the next few days. I hate to waste a test by trying to early or further get my hopes up and go through that. How are other ladies doing going through this?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • How to fix errors linked to a credit report that is hurting the score?

    Trying to figure out where to start on our journey to fixing this. We were rejected for a very tiny tiny loan recently and received a letter from that bank listing WHY they rejected us. They listed stuff like "frequently delinquent payments" and "number of inquiries". I assume the inquiries stem from when we bought a car in November. The delinquent payments is the big problem we have as we have never actually been late on any sort of payments. Sallie may one day out of the blue, online said that we were like over a year past due on our loan. LOL, well I have the history of our payments clear as day online on their site so not sure why they said that, but then the next day it disappeared so I thought it just a glitch but now worry that it may be what is causing us troubles maybe? The other possible culprit is when a hospital messed up how they put in a claim for our insurance. It got rejected and went to collections as they also didn't have our correct address (we're military and move around), so maybe that's the problem (though that issue was resolved eventually with insurance), so what do we do? Do I call some sort of credit agency first? Is this long and painful and do people actually even succeed at correcting issues. I've already printed out the credit report. It looks normal, with nothing stating that we were very delinquent on payments anywhere on it, so I'm terribly confused :(

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Conceived right away with our first, concerned the second will take forever to conceive?

    Was curious to hear from other women how long it took them to conceive their second, third, ect... children? I know none of it really matters, I'm trying to get my perspective in check. For our first child we got off the pill, and then maybe a week or two later were pregnant. I'm VERY impatient so this was awesome for me! But I'm trying not to get my hopes up that it will happen so fast for us the second time around and be more patient. How did it work out for you?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • What is a fair price to sell this motorcycle for?

    1994 Suzuki katana approx 16,000 miles. It likely has a dead carburetor. Excellent tires on it. Exact kind escapes me at the moment (I'm just the wife) but they are high quality with EXTREMELY low miles on them. What would you personally sell/pay for this bike? It's mechanical issue is what is confusing us on setting a price.

    4 AnswersMotorcycles9 years ago
  • Is there an unwritten rule somewhere that as a military spouse you are NEVER to complain?

    I'm getting that vibe. No matter what the situation. Things could be really really bad for you in some way shape or form, but if you ever express ANY discontent, you may be opening yourself up to dirty looks and statements like, get over it, you signed up for this, it's the military what do you expect. From civilians as well as fellow military. Should you always keep a smile plastered on your face no matter what in front of everyone?

    8 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • What is it like transitioning from crib to toddler bed?

    My child fights sleep just like I do. She never falls asleep anywhere but her crib or pack n play during set nap and bedtimes (though still often fights it), and maybe in the car. She just doesn't get droopy eyed and curl up to fall asleep easy. But she's getting strong. At nearly 21 months old, she is doing a number on her crib. She gets bored waiting for sleep to come and kicks the crap out of it. I'm afraid she'll break a piece so thought about converting it to the toddler bed option. But seriously that seems like I would be forfeiting any hopes of her sleeping during the day at all, ever again. How do kids actually go to sleep when they have free run over the entire room? Should you shut the door and wait outside it, or do you stay in the room, not saying anything and constantly picking them back up and putting them in bed until they stay? I have zero clue how to successfully get her to sleep after making such a transition.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago