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"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"! -you can't go wrong! ("Love the world through me.") Remember: every morning starts with the dawn of a new day! I love learning something every day. Education should be a life-long experience. I love my God, my country, nature, animals, living in the country, photography, sharing.

  • Anybody know about vaginal replacement in cancer patient?

    48 yr. old niece at end of cervical cancer treatment and they have to rebuild her bladder and also said her vagina! She wonders what it entails and didn't ask doc at the time. She wants more info before her next appt. this coming Friday. Anyone have details? How? Success?

    2 AnswersCancer10 years ago
  • How to protect granddaughter?

    The court ordered visitation with her mom every other weekend as is normal. Her mom is an alcoholic with 3 previous sons living with her. Their ages are from 8-12 and each seems to have some diminished mental capacity, with the oldest just being punished for showing his penis in the school yard. There's no way we can be assured she will not leave the little girl (2 1/2) with them while she goes out drinking, or even when she sleeps in as she usually does. I'm so worried about her staying there and she will be 2 hours drive from us. Her dad, my son, lives here with us. He will have a talk with her, but there's nothing else to do, is there, except pray for her safety? Thanks for any input.

    She also has been turned in to Social Services for neglect of her 3 boys, but she laughed and told my son she talked her way out of it and they did nothing.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What do we do about the neglected and abused children in our society today as an individual?

    Do you report them? Do you step in when you see one abused? Do you try to help the family?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Age-old question: How to deal with in-laws?!?

    His mom makes snide remarks putting me down and laughs with it to make it sound like a joke, you know? His dad constantly tells hubby how to do things. The thing is, we've been married 20 years and only children haven't fought with them, but since moving within 30 miles from them, things are worse. So hard to keep my mouth shut! Continue to do so? I'm tired of them putting us down when clearly we treat them better than the other 3 kids who have nothing to do with them except phone calls. I regularly have them over for meals and they know they can stop for a visit anytime. We've been very good as far as making them feel needed by asking their input on stuff, etc., and yet they act this way. We both are feeling we are going to have to distance ourselves from them if they continue this way.

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How do I attract deer to my country yard?

    Plants? Leave out corn? I don't know how to attract them from their usual trail which seems to be 1/2 to a mile up the road. Thanks for any help.

    10 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Do you have migratory birds in your area? Which? When? How many?

    Where I live, (by Hastings, NE) we experience an influx of thousands of Sandhill Cranes. Awesome to see. Check out or Nebraska Game and Parks Commission's website. Am interested how many others experience this worldwide. (Own experience and/or website).

    8 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Does it make you crazy?

    What do you do to handle stress from family illnesses? I pray for them and turn it over to God, but the worry doesn't really go away. I have 2 siblings with terminal illnesses and 2 that are getting up in age, along with their spouses. And we have already lost mom, dad, brother and 2 nephews. I know that's life, but so sad and I try not to dwell on it, but....any suggestions? Thanks!

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Do you love DIY jobs?

    Do you find it enjoyable, relaxing, refreshing to do-it-yourself or is it too stressful?

    8 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • How many different birds?

    For the season you are experiencing now, what birds visit your yard?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • How many different birds do you see?

    We have a wide variety of birds throughout the year in Nebraska. The winter birds are 'attacking' my bird feeders. What birds are you seeing now in your yard? What, if anything, do you leave out for them?

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • How are you fighting the winter 'blues'?

    It's the middle of January and we're anxious to spend more time outside, but it's sooo cold! How do you keep occupied in cold weather so you don't get depressed?

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Love Dogs...Hate the dirt! What to do?!?

    Scene: In-laws gave me a stray 150lb. part lab 18 mos. ago, AFTER I said repeatedly I didn't want another yet because our beloved lab had just died. So, we decided to try it and I am not a quitter usually but this poor thing is sooooo huge no leash, tie down, collar would hold her and she constantly broke loose. And yes, I gave her plenty of attention and exercise. So I trained her to stay in the yard, but the problem is, living on a farm, she's loose outside and picks up filth all the time! I have to clean my floors daily, because no matter how much we wipe her down, she still leaves dirt and hair terribly all over. She does not want to stay outside when weather is bad; very picky. And I don't have the heart to leave her out when rainy or cold and now with winter coming (Nebr.), she will be in most of the time. Problem: We are moving to a nicer home and all carpeted entries and I do not want the dog messing up this house. What to do? I have a bad back which makes cleanup hard.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 2 Yorkshire Terriers in the house?

    My daughter has a 2-yr-old male, fixed Yorkie whom they adore, but now fiance wants to give a feisty 7-mo-old female Yorkie a good home, too. They met for the first time last night and wanted to tear each other apart and the female kept peeing all over. He wants to get it, daughter unsure if they will be compatible. What do you think? Will they eventually get along and will the female keep peeing on everyone and everything or was it just nerves? (They met at male yorkie's house.)

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does your husband make you feel like you are # 1 in his life?

    Example: Will he choose you sometimes over, like friends or family, when a decision has to be made concerning time spent with whom?

    14 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Remember the Question last night: talk the talk; walk the walk?

    Axel 'invited' us to give up all the atheists' inventions (scoff) and live in the jungle? I'd glady put my faith in God as I have so many times, but kept thinking today, "wouldn't that be testing the Lord"; and "Jesus already did that when He was tempted by satan for 40 days." Anyways, God answered the question today; Ora Anderson, 76, survived 13 days in Oregon woods with no food and possibly some water from a river. Asked how, Dr. DeLashmutt said, "Miracle". When sis-in-law was interviewed, she said"she made it through with prayer and healthy lifestyle."

    Isn't that awesome?

    *Article can be seen @

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 'Endeavour' landing? Wasn't it beautiful?

    Just saw it on CNN; was a perfect landing! Thank God they made it home safe. Can't imagine the anti-gravity feeling; weird.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • If Maddy's abductor was on here now?

    What plea would you make to him/her to reveal Maddy's whereabouts?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Hawaiians: What effects did "Flossie" leave?

    Weather channel said it dissipated but dumped rain? Is that it? And was the preceding earthquake felt in the islands?

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • If a group of Christians showed up at your home?

    If atheistic home, what do you do? Debate, get rid of them, etc.

    If christian home, what do you do? Debate, get rid of them, etc.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do non-believers handle crisis? Seriously....?

    Let's say your child lay dieing in a hospital bed. Do you not call out to God to please save this child? Parent? Spouse? Guess I really don't know how to not pray. It's a way of life for me, though at times I have stumbled, but am guided back to let go and Let God. And yes, sometimes it's not the answer I hoped for, but I receive a "peace" to accept the inevitable and He is there to help me through it.

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago