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Favorite Answers32%
  • What would happen to me if I wore a t-shirt at Dollywood that said:?

    "Gay marriage is an abomination" ? Dollywood would be right in telling me to turn my shirt inside out, just like they asked this "couple".

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • Why are the budget deficit talks being held behind closed doors?

    This is the biggest problem facing our country right now, and they're hiding the discussion from public view. Shouldn't it be discussed/debated on the floor of the House of Representatives since the power lies with them?

    6 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • When are people going to realize: you can't tax the rich?

    Is there a poor politician?? No.

    And what happens when politicians champion the increased taxes or closing loopholes (which they put there in the first place)? The increased cost is passed to the consumer of the products made by the company owned guessed it...the rich guy.

    Either way, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer...don't you agree?

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • From what authority does the TSA have the right to search/pat down every passenger?

    I want to know the US law that gives TSA the ability to search passengers.

    Airport terminals are not federal property that tacitly grant them the ability to search. These invasive searches are not in effect at railroad terminals or ferries. The only time a police officer can frisk you on the street is when you have been legally detained under the legal burden of reasonable suspicion that you're up to no good. Just because the government doesn't know that I'm not their enemy doesn't give them the right to subject me to search without warrant or legal burden. Even if they replaced the TSA with private firms, it would still be illegal for them to search me without permission. And don't tell me that these searches are voluntary--you're coerced into having one or you are restricted from traveling=unconstitutional.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What would be the top 5 things you'd want Congress to do in the next session?

    and why? Regardless of who wins the midterms, what are the most important things that need to get done before we vote for our next president 2 years from now?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • When you hear the name Shiloh, do you think of a boy or girl?

    What is your opinion of the name Shiloh?

    26 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Where does Obama get off guaranteeing private company loans for any business?

    Does anyone else see this as a breech of federal powers? When the government guarantees payment of private sector business loans (and in a specific company)--they have a stake and can control them. Isn't that fascism? Who gave Obama permission to spend our tax dollars like that for one company? And on nuclear power of all things...I'd sooner go along with T Boone Pickens than Obama's "plan"

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Don't know if we're having a boy or girl, but I have these two names (guess due date Feb 19th)?

    Please rate these names:

    For a boy:

    Ethan Matthew White

    For a girl:

    Katelynn Michelle White

    (this one references me, and both grandmothers names)

    24 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Why are more and more women electively opting for induction and C Sections?

    I mean, with no medical reason to do them...just because they want to??

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Whatever happened to separation of powers?

    Excuse me, but what business does the Executive Branch have in conducting legislative negotiation meetings with the Legislature??

    Why are we hearing representatives and senators saying they're trying to promote and propel President Obama's legislative agenda (1rst link) instead of these representatives representing the interests of the people for whom they work and by whom they were elected? Or that they'd give up what's good for America if they can have something good in return (2nd link). Have they forgotten that they ALL work for the American people, not for the President? ( and

    And why is it these legislators think that they have the privilege of privacy when discussing or negotiating bills that will become laws of the land--they are accountable to the people, and the people have the right to free speech/press to be informed as it happens!! When they include only one-sided views from the majority parties only in the negotiation process, they alienate at least half the population--how is that fair representation, and is that Constitutional? I think not...

    Liberal, moderate or conservative, isn't there anyone else who has a serious problem with what is going on today in our government? Have you been writing your representatives and voting those with blatant disregard for our Constitution OUT of office?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What are some good exercises/methods for getting the baby to turn head down?

    I'm 31 weeks and baby hasn't moved into the head down position yet. I'm not worried since it'll probably happen in the next 2-3 weeks, but I want to help as much as possible. What methods have worked?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why aren't Christians educated about their own traditions/holidays?

    I'm Christian.

    I've done my research on history alongside the bible. I know that Christmas is NOT based in Christianity, but rather is a conglomeration of Yule and Saturnalia to get pagans to "celebrate" with Christians by Constantine. The very word Christmas literally means in the old Latin: the murder (mass) of the king (Christ).

    So what's with the whole fight against commercialism in the holidays and Christmas? Shouldn't they be fighting to spread the truth that Christmas has nothing to do with the virgin birth of Jesus?

    Even in the bible it's clear that he was born sometime in September based on where the shepherds were tending their sheep.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How much and what kind of movement could you feel?

    I'm trying not to worry. There hasn't been anything wrong up to this point. And my belly is growing fast too, so I know in my head that there's not much room to move. It's just nerve racking because I was a bigger girl to start with and I can't hear the heartbeat with those home monitors, to at least let me know it's still beating. My next appointment is this coming Friday. I'll try to pay more attention to movements, they're probably more subtle now.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What good is sex education in schools if?

    we still get lots of questions on here about "could I be pregnant" after having unprotected sex or if semen touched the vagina?!!

    The simple answer is YES, you could get pregnant. Get a test! If you're not pregnant, thank goodness and keep your legs together until you grow up some!

    Thanks for reading an annoyed, preggo lady's rant/question :)

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Not feeling the kicks like I used to and wondering if something is wrong?

    I'm 28w5d. I've been feeling regular kicks and pokes for the last 6 weeks. But this week, he/she was active Sunday and Tuesday, but Monday and today, it's next to nothing. Should I be worried??

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Would you please rate these names?

    I'm 28 weeks along with our first. We've tried twice to find out the sex, but got no cooperation from the little one :) Here are some names hubby and I are tossing around. Please rate them 1-10, 10 being the best, 1 the worst:






    Ethan Matthew White (my fav)




    Michelle (my fav and my middle name)

    Petra (his fav)


    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How to handle a disappointing baby shower?

    Sorry this is long...

    My mother threw my first baby shower this weekend. It was good, except that she went overboard in some places and corny in others. I really appreciated her efforts and how the room looked. She wrote me a beautiful card that brought tears to everyone's eyes when I read it. I thanked her repeatedly.

    Here's the story and why I was disappointed:

    Two months ago when she said she wanted to do the shower, I gave her only 2 guidelines--that I wanted it simple/cozy and I wanted a say in the food--she could do anything else she wanted. (Background: she used to be public relations for a big company putting on parties and she became bipolar with compulsive spending problems that caused her to retire early). My grandmother agreed to pay for the party and mom would handle the arrangements. I would be traveling 250 miles to the shower because most of my dear friends lived near her and not me since I moved away 2 years ago.

    About 6 weeks ago, my mom and I went over the menu platter selections because this was the most important aspect of the party to me. I had 30 people on my invite list, but I knew at most only 12-15 would be able to come. We argued about platter sizes--she wanted the large (20-25 people), I wanted the medium (15-18 people). I told her that a few people had allergies, so it would be best to keep the food simple with a meat and cheese tray and separate bread/accompaniment trays so people could build their own sandwiches (party was from 1-4pm but it needed substance since my friends/family were coming from at least 30-100 miles away). She was drawn to the European exotic cheese tray and the pre-made wraps, I wanted the assembly line sub trays and simple cheeses like Monterrey jack, cheddar, gouda and american cheese. She wanted the froufrou specialty decorative bread that were shaped like leaves and had a special spinach dip. I thought that was just too much with only 12 people, sandwiches, veggies, fruit, cheese/crackers/chips/dips, punch/coffee and cake. I wanted a cake from one of 2 specific places where we used to get cakes as kids and because I used to be a professional cake decorator and I knew these cakes tasted especially good. She agreed that she would follow my menu to keep it simple. I agreed she could do whatever else with the shower and by whatever grandma was willing to pay.

    Then a week later she calls to let me know she's booked the neighborhood clubhouse party room (requiring a $250 deposit in addition to the cost of the room). Grandma and I had discussed a total budget of $300, where the heck is this coming from (I thought)??? OK, I let that go, but it's not simple anymore. Then she decided to get the catering from the high end grocer that had the exotic cheeses, wraps, specialty breads, and she ordered the cake from there too! After I found out about the room fee, I had offered to help her make the meat/cheese trays at home to save money---no way, she wanted catering. The idea she had for the cake was great and I told her so....the taste and the quality of the cake was awful. The only thing I really cared about was the food...I knew what people liked (they were my friends), I knew what I liked, but she ordered what SHE liked. The decorations were tasteful, but there was this huge room and a bunch of tables set up in a semi circle for my total party of 11 people with a center table I had to sit at by myself with all the gifts that were brought. She made everyone wear name tags--nobody wanted to. She played nursery rhyme songs as the party music and had nursery rhyme quizzes (which I didn't have any idea what the answers were since neither me nor my friends had children or kids old enough to read those stories to) so it was corny. And she didn't let people finish their food before she started making me open gifts (I wasn't finished eating what little I could either).

    The thing that bothers me most is that 2 of my friends came to me after the party and told me they were really hungry and bored. Most of the food went back with my mom uneaten because it was just too much and too specialty. I'm embarrassed and upset because my grandma paid for all of that and it was wasted because of my mother's whims AND my friends didn't have a good time. Grandma and I both agreed we wanted my mom to be happy (because of her bipolar, this party was something she threw herself into).

    Should I say anything to my mom about what she did or what the people said about the party? She really upset me by disregarding everything I asked for and wasting money. But I am grateful she tried.

    19 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of parents who do not vaccinate their children?

    and on what do you base your opinion?

    18 AnswersParenting1 decade ago