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Lv 42,822 points

Heike P

Favorite Answers10%

Iam a 44 year old female.very outgoing,open minded,happy going .i love to be around people.Have two wonderfull kid`s and have been married for 25 years now.people say that i don`t act or look my age.I don`t really feel 44 years old either.I am also a german immigrant and have been in the U.S.A for going on 21 years.

  • Where can I watch German Heimat Filme Online for free?

    My friend would love it if you could help.She likes the old once like Sissy and that stuff

    Drama1 decade ago
  • Small fuel leak on 1989 Chevy Cavalier?

    I have located the leak and it seems to be by one of the sensors.My Futur son in law sayes it might be just an O-Ring.If it is would it be OK for myself to replace it?I am used to working on older Ford models but this Chevy thing I am still learning about.I want to do it myself.It doesn`t look like it is going to be that hard.I know that I will have to do all that stuff about releasing the fuel pressure so I don`t need to know how to do that.Just please tell if you think it is the O-Ring .I am pretty sure I can do it myself I just want to make sure I don`t mess something else up in the process.It is leaking right out of the connection where one of the sensors is .When I push it inward it stops a little.I know I needs to fix it soon because the smell of gas get`s pretty strong at times now.I have rigged it up some what but that is obviously not doing the trick.Is there really an O -Ring in there?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 98 Chevy Cavalier going nuts?

    I know it has to be an electrical problem .I think it might be a module that is going out.Sometimes when i first star it ,it dies.No it is not the fuel pump because i can hear it kick in just fine.My theft system light will keep on blinking and most of the time i have to wait for a few minutes to try to start it again.Well it starts every time after i do that,but it still messes with all my other electrical components.I can hear a clicking sound under the dash every time it does that.My head lights will go nuts ,my stereo will go on and off over and over again,my gages also go hay wire at times.My dash board lights keep staying on(ABS,ETS, Bakes, I want to fix it myself but i am not used to newer cars and especially Chevy's .I am used to working on older model Fords.The car drives just fine other then that.

    4 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • What should i feed my Puppy when he comes home from his Parvo treatmernt

    I have learned that he will not be able to digest food regularly.What should i fix him to eat?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • What causes restless leg Syndrome?

    My husand doesn`t just move his legs every minute.His hole body twitches for a long time after he first go to sleep.It is getting realy bad this week.He don`t know that he`s doing it but i told him about it yesterday.He is not the type that goes to a docter and i realy need some better sleep.2 to 4 hours a night is wearing me down now. I don`t want to have to sleep in another bed. Can anyone tell me what i could do to help him and wehat causes this wierd symtom.Tylenole PM don`t help i tried that the other night.

    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Our Baby Sister in Germany is going nuts again.What can we do?

    Me and my sister the older ones now live in the States and have been here for a long time.We actually have learned to be closer just by being away from home.Our Baby Sister is actually gone over the deep end.She believes that Angels are real and that her dreams are real.No doctor in Germany wants to admit or even help with her problem. She has got two of the best kids you could ever ask for but can`t stay in touch with reallety at all.She hasn`t had a job or even tried to get one for a long time now.I would really like it if a good Phsyciatrist could help give us some advise on how to handle this situation.We have been trying so hard to make her see but she just fell back into this strange state of mind .We do have a history of disturbed relatives but that was before we were even born.Please somebody help us and if you don`t mind don`t be one of the doctors that wants money.We just need some help with her please.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Hilfe ich will meine Freundin finden?

    Ihr Name ist Gabi Gottschalk/Bahr und sie wohnt in Frelenberg soweit ich mich drann erinnern kann.Sie wahr meine beste Freundin und ich kann ihre Telefon nummer nicht mehr finden.Bitte kann mir jemand helfen?

    7 AnswersFreunde1 decade ago
  • I am trying to find one of my best friends in Germany?

    I haven`t been able to talk to her in a very long time.Can you or anybody help me find Gabi Gottschalk/Baar who used to or might stilllive in Frelenberg Germany.She has three beautifull kids.One daughter named Nicole.Please help.

    4 AnswersOther - Germany1 decade ago
  • 1997 Chevy Cacalier 2.2lt.Engine Please help?

    It just all of a sudden is blowing a whole lot of White smoke out the tail pipe that you could trail for blocks and the engine shakes really bad,I know it is no good news .I turned the car of as soon as i noticed that and haven`t driven it like that at all. A local repair shop told me that i have a cracked cylider head.What do you think?I just don`t have much money to wast on repairs that don`t fix it and i don`t want to get ripped off.I can`t hear no rods knocking that`s good.I do a lot of minor repairs so i do kind of have an idea.Could it be just the headgasket being blown.

    5 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • cylinderhead for a 1997 chevy Rally Sports?

    My cyliderhead is out and i just got told today that there are two different heads made for this 2.2 engine.I foud one on E-Bay but now am not shure if it will be the right one.I can`t affort to even waste my money if it doesn`t fit.Does mine need to be drilled and tapped for wateroutlet and what the heck is 4 coated.I got this one from our local chevy dealer.Are they just trying to get me to buy the $902.00 cylinderhead.Man that`s a lot of money.I wouldn`t ever buy parts from a dealer anyhow you can find them cheaper anywhere.I need help very soon because i am in correspondence with the seller on E-Bay.

    2 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • How can i get a better local TV channel reception on my TV?

    I have direct TV right now and local channels are not availeble for my area.Which is the cheapest and most efficiant way to boost the signal .All i have at the moment is a set o rabbit ears hooked up to my resiever.I can hear the channel,but i would like to know how to get a better picture.I have an older model tv i would like my picture to appear better.

    5 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Why is it that people can scam you on-line but you can`t tell them how you feel?

    Yahoo should not be allowd to let scam get through.It is bull **** espasially when it comes to hurting peoples feelings.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Where can i find an T-Shirt print maker?

    My husband has a lot of funny things written down that we would like to put on T-Shirts.We love to wear shirts with funny sayings on them .

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Why is it that for some reason,just because you are nice all the time,peolpe you don`t even know think they can screw you?

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • are you also upset with Capitol One services?

    I am getting sick and tierd of getting the run-around and lies from the capital one states On-LIne 24 hrs.7 days a week,but when you call any number given it lies.

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • can anybody tell me how to season enchilada sauce?

    I have a lot of cans of tomato juice and really just need the basic herbs and other seasonings to make a home made enchelada sauce. help is very appriciated.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why is it so expensive to become an American Citizen?

    I have lived in this country legally for going on 21 years,worked and payed taxes all that time.Never done anything illegal. my family is on the lower bracket of the so called Middle-Class.I can`t afford to pay $500.00 to become a citizen.I don`t want no smart butt replys either.I have seen enough of them on Yahoo`s answere .Rudeness is not welcome at all

    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Are there any rich people,that would lend people some money?

    I need to borrw about 20,000.00 to pay off and consolidate our car loans.

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • is this letter about a so-called lottery winning legit?

    i recieved it in the mail looks real and even had a cashiers check from a national bank the letter it stated that i had won the lottory in a international drawing in sydny australia.there are no "IF`s" includet anywhere in the letter.i just think it is funny,that the postmark on the envelop was from canada,the lottery in canada and the check is from a bank in north carolina. do you think this could be for real.people tell me i should go ahead and put the money into an account anyway.theres no way i am gonna put that into my checking account,becauce that might give them unautherized access to it then.i just don`t trust many people,especielly when it sound to good to be true. what do you all think?oh they say that my part of the winnings is $125.000,00 and the check is in the amount of $2.900,00 wich is supposed to be to cover the taxes on the total payout of the winnings.

    4 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • i need to refinance 3 i can have just 1 lower payment .who should i best choose.?

    we have a 2003 2door ,V6,Ford F-150,a Ford.also a 2001 4door,V6,F150 and a 2001 4door,V6,Nissan frontier.we only owe about $15.000 for all three with different lending institutions.that is the approximate pay-off amount.we also have a personel loan account of approximetly $4.600 i would like to add to this.

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago