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Lv 1187 points

Chaplin Bevard

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  • OMG am I epileptic?!!?

    So, I have really severe anxiety, monophobia, insomnia, paranoia, OCD, depression, and manic depressive disorder. I was taking Xanax and Flurazapam(sleep-aid) for a while. Just 5 days ago, I decided to stop taking Xanax because it was making my sister disappointed and all, and I didn't want the addiction problem and all. So anyways, I was on Tumblr, and certain GIF's were giving me these weird panic attacks. Like, paranoid, "OMG WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING", headache, almost nauseous, like I was going to die. I felt like I was shaking, but I wasn't. They were just those GIF's of pictures with the subject in place while the visual moves slightly around it. I also tried to watch the music video "Sheena is a Parasite" by the Horrors (which is known to give epileptic people secures) and the same "weird panic attack" happened, but it was stronger. I've also started to see things like in the corners of my eyes. Always just like black or white shapes, and they're only there for a second and then they're gone. Less than a second, probably. And when I'm left alone(monophobia), I like SWEAR I hear someone whispering my name. It's like I'm a cocaine-addict, but without the cocaine. Should I be on something like Lithium? I don't think I'm THAT bad pff as to be on a psychotic medication, right?

    I don't know; am I ALSO gosh-darned epileptic?!

    Is it just the withdrawl?

    What is this?

    Thanks; much appreciated.

    Other - Health1 decade ago
  • Bad Ouija board experience? WTF?

    In November I was playing Ouija board. I have always been slightly "psychic" so to speak; just picking up strongly on things and being able to get vivid "vibes" from things and always having an I.Q. in the genius range. After the experience, my anxiety (which I had always had) increased tremendously into severe monophobia and paranoia.

    BUT let me tell you the story. I was really into channeling; particularly with Ouija boards. One night in November, I was playing Ouija board with my sister and a couple friends. One friend didn't play and was a Satanist and thought the whole thing was bullshit, and the other was very religious and narrow minded, whilst my sister was also into channeling, but wasn't psychic. Anyways, we had a spirit on the board and it said it was a demon. We (for kicks; thinking nothing of it) kept it on the board. It didn't say anything and all of a sudden I became very paranoid and blank-minded and it felt like my spine was floppy almost. Finally the spirit spelled the letters "A", "S" and immediately I yelled, "I'm getting a bad vibe! GET RID OF IT!" And the little thing was moving quickly around the board, and so we got rid of it. Than (we were sitting on the floor and all) and I got on all-fours and I felt extremely nauseous and I couldn't think properly. And I whispered "I...don't...I just got a really bad nothing else." And than, I don't remember this part, but the others in the room witnessed it, but I slipped into unconsciousness and my face turned bright red and I was rolling on the floor screaming my *** off. And than I regained consciousness and remember feeling SO weak and in panic and I was on the floor looking at the ceiling. I remember feeling like I had NO energy at all and very monophobic and I needed everyone to gather around and hug me and I was in such shock and panic I could hardly think.

    A month later, my anxiety had gotten so bad from thinking of it and being scared completely that I got on Xanax and a sleep-aid "Flurazapam".


    It still scares me and I have goose bumps writing this. I am not possessed like in movies; I think I would know ahaa. But I don't have any idea what happened. Sometimes I get so scared, I REALLY consider taking my own life. If anything similar has happened to you, please share. I'd like to know I'm not alone. And if anyone has ANY sort of answer or guess on what happened, please let me know.

    These are some responses I have received from friends:

    - "Just a bad panic attack" NOT too much like a panic attack.

    - "The mind is a powerful thing; you probably were just really into it and thought something might happen" MAYBE.

    - "I don't know" THANKS.

    - "Maybe a spirit saw you were psychic and thought it could communicate through you, but it went horribly wrong." Maybe!

    - "You were probably just temporarily possessed, but your soul fought it off and that's why you aren't insane or anything, but because you're used to knowing everything in reality, the fact that there was something SO unknown and untouchable that it scared the **** out of you. The paranormal realm is ABSOLUTELY unknown. And it's been months, you need to get over it." THIS one was my favorite.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just tell me your HONEST opinion on the matter.

    Great, thanks.

    14 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • New Mexico Custody laws?

    My parents got divorced about 10 years ago. My mother got custody of my sister and I; due to my father's previous drug addiction. My parents have been living together off and on ever since they got divorced and are now currently living together. BUT my mom and dad are going to break up again and my mother is going to make my dad get an apartment. I want to go with my dad because I much dislike my mother. I am thirteen, will turn fourteen in November. Is there any way my dad can have custody of me?

    Much appreciated & thank you for your time.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Severe headache; am I going to die?

    So I was doing jumping jacks about 8 hours ago. I had a hangover earlier in the day from taking 20mg of Morphine the night before; thus I had a headache. I took a nap and felt fine, so I began doing jumping jacks. Immediately I got an insane headache. It felt like my brain was rattling around in my skull or something. As if someone placed a metal ball inside of a hallow plastic, larger ball. This has happened to me before in the past, but it was never followed by a severe 8 hour headache.

    What caused this?

    Is there anything I can do to cure it?

    Any comments?

    PS I KNOW that the Morphine deal was really stupid; PLEASE do not write a paragraph telling me I am a junky or something. The only reason I took the Morphine was because I was out of my monthly prescription of Xanax, to treat my anxiety, and if I didn't take SOMETHING I would heave a severe panic attack.

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Redness from using Sulfur?

    So, for a long period of time, I was using simply soap to take my makeup off and cleanse my face, and lotion to moistrerize. After a while, I had a lot of acne. So, to treat my acne, I was using Sulfur ointment, along with other face cleansers and acne treatments such as a variety of exfoliaters, deep cleansing acne wipes, the Zeno hot spot acne treatment, a couple cleansers, and makeup remover. After a couple days, I had chemical burn, so stopped using mostly all of the face cleansers and acne treatments and exfoliators. A few days later, my chemical burns went away while I was only using one face wash (Neutrogena's Deep Clean) which worked great for my skin. I was using just this and, like always, my moisturizer. My skin was looking good, but I still had acne; no new breakouts, just "left-over acne" so to speak. Last night, after using my cleanser and moisterizer, I used the Sulfur ointment again on my acne. Today when I woke up, I had a lot of redness spots all over my face. It's not that bad, and it isn't itchy or irritated. Is there anything I can do to get rid of the redness? Thanks.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • How to redeem old membership items on clubpenguin?

    I used to be a member on Club Penguin. All of my stuff is locked because my membership expired. Are there any cheats for me to unlock my stuff?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Have they ever made a movie about Lou Reed?

    If so, what is it and maybe where can I find it?


    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What is a good medication for paranoia?

    So, I have severe anxiety, mild OCD, moderate depression, severe insomnia, and moderate paranoia. I take Xanax/Alprazolam for my anxiety. But I still have paranoia. I see black and white figures of people in my peripheral vision (in the corners of my eyes and all). And sometimes I hear voices yelling either, "HEY!" or my name. They're always whisper-y. But I rarely hear voices. I see things quite a bit. I inherited my anxiety and everything from my dad. I'm going through puberty. My dad said the same thing happened to him at almost exactly my age, but it went away. So basically, I'm at this temporary peek of my mental disorders. I'm also constantly, almost like looking for danger? I constantly feel in danger and scared out of my mind. And like I'm haunted with like images of the worst possible occurring all the time. The worst possible scenario. I don't know why. It's like I'm scared for no reason. And I'm so tense and restless. The Xanax helps, but I want to go on a medication for my paranoia. Because everything else is controllable. But the paranoia is the worst. I don't want to go on a ton of psychotic-medications. Is there any? And if so, what are they? THANK YOU.

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Am I schizophrenic, or do I just have really bad anxiety?

    I have really bad anxiety. And I am going through puberty. And in the last month, my anxiety has just gotten a LOT worse. In the last three weeks, I have seen figures in the corners of my eyes. They're always black or white. And they're just figures. Like as if you're in a room and you're looking straight in front of you, and there's a door to your right, and someone walks in the room, it's like that. But I always turn and it's gone. And in the last five days or so I have heard a total of three whispers that call my name. Also, I inherited it from my dad, and he said when he was going through puberty, the same thing happened to him-seeing things and hearing things-but it only lasted for about six months and his anxiety wasn't as bad. I also have been taking a low dose of Xanax (or Alprazolam((sp?))) for the last two or three weeks. It makes my anxiety go away, but I continue to see figures. But when I am in a conversation with someone or writing, I don't see figures or hear voices. It's kind of a quick-fix; but it really helps.

    Anyways, I am concerned. I haven't talk to a doctor about it because I don't want my doctor to put me in a mental institution or give me psych-meds because of what my dad said.

    I am worried that I may have a slight schizophrenia problem. But I don't think so.

    But really what I'm asking is, is seeing figures in the corners of my eyes (when I look at them they're never there. I never see them when I'm looking straight at them) and hearing voices sometimes any sort of known side-affect of severe anxiety?


    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How long is the average lifespan of a Siamese cat?

    My cat is 12 years old, and extremely healthy. He is on an extremely well diet of a special high-end cat food. He is a mixture of an Apple head and Lilac point.

    I had a friend whose siamese cat lived for 28 years.


    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Can I smoke Marijuana on Xanax?

    So I take Xanax for my anxiety. I take it daily. I take half a mg a day. I'm currently interested in smoking weed. If I go a day with out taking Xanax, can I smoke it that day? And after smoking it, when is the next time I can take Xanax? And how long should I go without taking Xanax before smoking it? I want all my information. Anything you know is great. And I get blood work every 2 months. So I have to smoke it like right after I get blood work, right? So it's out of my system by the next time I get blood work? And speaking of which, it stays in your system for a month, right? So if I smoke it the day after I get blood work, it will be out of my system COMPLETELY by the next time I get blood work done, right? Thanks.

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago