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Help with title for essay?
I had to write a research essay of Charlotte Bronte and how her life was reflected in her work Jane Eyre
Jane in Similitude of Charlotte Bronte?
That does not seem to catch one's attention very much
What could be a good title?
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agoHelp: As I got home today there was a 6th grader pushing a 4th grader?
There was two group of kids, three I think they are close family (6 yr. old, 7 yr. old and a 9 yr. old) and the other kids were 6th Graders ( around 11 and 12) One of the older kids was pushing the 7 yr old I thought they were playing but as I was opening my door I realized they were not. The kid was cussing at him pushing him and I listened to music playing, it was all cuss words which is not appropriate especially for a kid that age. I walked to them as one of the other older kids tried pulling them apart. "Excuse me! What are you doing? Do you not see this child is younger than you? Why are you fighting with him? If I catch you here again on my property you will get in serious trouble. I will inform everyone of your mothers." The older boy seemed to be frightened for a moment then he didn't seem to care as I spoke with the younger kids. What should I do? There is a growing "gang" activity here and these older kids seem to be influenced by it. How can I get through to both of them? I wish for them to get over with their little stage and move on.
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years agowhat does it mean to Hangout? Hangout or Date?
Nowadays, hanging out has taken away a chance of dating or becoming something. When hanging out it means like no strings attached, it's less tension. Ask yourself when you hangout did you even hesitate to makeout? Why have our morals come down so low? Now, do you wonder why nothing is taken serious. As tempting as it may be just wait it out if they truly like you they'll wait till you date.
fact: when asked guys who they feel more comfortable around they answered, "It's easier to speak to someone dressed modestly, rather than exposed. Our relationships whether just friends or something more last longer with someone who respects themselves."
so next time just think back on this would you really just hangout?
1 AnswerEtiquette10 years agoThere's this kid in my class he's pretty cute?
I first I guess "met" him at his work place, when I payed for my order he smiled at me. I then bumped into him 2 or 3 weeks after, at school, a couple of days later he was in my class! hahaha but yeah he sits at the table across from me, we face each other. We have never once spoken, I want to but I don't know what to say he seems pretty cool I would like to get to know him better. so yeah guys any suggestions? thanks guys (last year of highschool, so no middle school advice lol, appreciate it)
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoParaphrasing a title help :D?
I'm writing a DBQ the prompt is: Discuss various Europeans' attitudes and beliefs about and treatments of Jews in the 12th though 18th centuries, and analyze how these attitudes and treatments were challenged and changed over the time period.
I was thinking "Challenged and Changed Attitudes and beliefs of and Treatments of Jews over Time" but it does not really sound right. Thanks for taking the time to help, I'm very appreciative.
5 AnswersHomework Help10 years agoMy guy friend going off to college?
Writting him a note but am unsure of what to say I wanna say that Im gonna miss him and that we're gonna have to catch up sometime and to have fun and enjoy college.. anything else? how do i word it lol
2 AnswersFriends10 years agoGuys really just be truthful.?
why are you so anxious to kiss a girl? especially knowing she hasn't been kissed before. Is it that you want to be her first? Do you really like her or do you just want to get something?
If you want to know the reason of me asking read on if not just answer the questions above.
So I went to this guy's house, my first time ever haha, yeah no biggie. But we get talking and it gets personal we share a few things. Things we wouldn't share w/ just anybody. He asks me if I had a boyfriend i said no, and if i had been kissed before i said no. with every no it was as if he got more interested in me. well we end up kissing, pretty good for my first time if i do say so myself. damn his kiss... well he told me that we should hang out again sometime, of course i said yeah. I told him I'm not that type of girl to be all crazy, cause im really not. i kissed him cause i like him/ am attracted to him, not to be a little hoe or whatever. this was a month or two ago and i haven't been a loosy goose he's the only one i've kissed. before we kissed i asked why he wanted to kiss me he said i was cute, nice and different, that meant something if he meant it or not. knowing him.. he's probably kissed tons. But why? why did he want to kiss me? he insisted so much, now we act as if nothing. Well i just go along seems like he likes me but we feel distant. I gave him this necklace for his b-day, i guess he really liked it cause he wears it all the time now :) but yeah he talks to this other girl. I guess my question is how can i be friends w/ him? talk to him? idk haha
any advice is appreciated. thank you :) and thanks for reading this far.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohow do you say happy birthday?
happy birthday my man..
the list goes on and on
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agokisses. what is the best kiss you've ever had?
tell me about your first kiss.
most passionate?
the bestest
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoCute ways to say happy birthday?
my guy friend's birthday. I was thinking happy birthday studmuffin :D hahaha
enlighten me you guys!
1 AnswerFriends1 decade agoAny doctor out there? I don't know what is wrong?
Well there was a kid in my school that had tuberculosis, back in november. He moved away and the school he moved to required you to have the TB vaccine, he came up positive. Their school contacted their health department and the health department contacted ours then the principal. Right now there is a Tuberculosis "watch". A couple of students got tested yesterday and the results will come back monday.
Well I started out with a cough, I then was coughing more and mucus in my throat was starting to accumalate. A day or two later my head was killing me so I had to leave school early later that night I was getting warm (feverish) but I drank acetaminophen. A few days later i started getting white discharge from my eye (as you do when you have pink eye). Today I woke up my eye was sealed with this I couldn't open them. I had a lot of dried nasal mucus. And I could feel the mucus in my throat.
Is it the flu or something else?
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoHow do I get that guy to ask me to homecoming? Help :)?
So the homecoming dance is on Saturday. I have no date, he has no date. I like him and I think he likes me too. If not how should I suggest we go to the game together. (we have kissed before so yeah.. We.. Yeah)
Whatever good advice could be helpful :)please&thank you
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI'm trying to choose my classes for next year.. best answer 10 points!?
This is what it says: 4 Elective credits strongly recommended (four course concentration)
What does it mean by four course concentration?
3 AnswersOther - Education1 decade agowhat time is it where you are :D?
24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat are you thinking about? What would you like to say?
are you thinking of someone? something? what would you like to say to them
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago20 pointss :D help me first?
answer this one:;_ylt=AgqSY...
and comment something on here
4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago10 points best answer. friend/ guy trouble.?
this is my friends little problem
she just moved somewhere. her friend introduced her to her crush. now she likes him. helppp :D
bestt answer gets all points
11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohelp 10 points worth?
so umm i met this guy. he is sweet, good looking, he is something different from most guys. He always says good morning :) asks me how im doing he is a sweet heart.
after i had my first kiss with him he doesnt really want to talk :\
he is flirting with other girls. he has a reputation for that
why are guys like that? help :'(
14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohelp 10 points worth :D?;_ylt=AgqSY...
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoHow would you comfort your friend?
His facebook got hacked and he is like stressed out. He feels kinda down about himself. How can I be his good friend. I kinda like him :)
10 AnswersFriends1 decade ago