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  • I don’t know what I’m going to do without yahoo answers?

    I am in a puddle of tears because I found out yahoo answers is shutting down. This is where I always go when I need advice and help. I don’t know what to do without it I will never be able to fix my problems without it. What do I do? I’m drowning in tears thinking of how anytime I have a problem I will now be completely lost. I am heartbroken 

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers7 days ago
  • My dad made an inappropriate comment towards me ?

    My dad made an inappropriate comment towards me and when I expressed how disgusted it made me and how uncomfortable it made me, he yelled at me and basically said I was being a baby and that I couldn’t take a joke. The comment was just really inappropriate and since I live in the same house with him I can’t really get away from him. But anytime I’m around him I get so uncomfortable and just am reminded of what he said. I want to confront him but I’m afraid he will just tell at me again. It has been bothering me all day and I can’t even do anything because it is bugging me so much 

    7 AnswersFamily2 weeks ago
  • Someone made an inappropriate comment to me that made me uncomfortable ?

    Yesterday someone made a very inappropriate comment to me and claimed it was a joke. The comment made me feel so disgusted and uncomfortable and I immediately told them that I didn’t find it funny and that I thought it was gross. This person then went on to say I can’t take a joke and that there was something wrong with me that I didn’t think it was funny even though the comment was gross and inappropriate. They even started yelling at me and chastising me for things that weren’t even relevant to the situation. The situation died down and it is the next day, but I can’t stop thinking about it. It is so gross it makes me feel horrible and disgusted and anytime I look at the person who said it I am reminded of it. I would confront them again but they would only get angry again and yell, acting like there’s something wrong with me for not finding the disgusting comment funny. I don’t know what to do I am just so grossed out and I can’t stop thinking about it.

    5 AnswersPsychology2 weeks ago
  • I woke up at 4pm and I have to get up early tomorrow what do I do?

    I have terrible insomnia and I stayed awake until 7 am and woke up at 4 pm. I have a really important thing tomorrow and I just do not see how I am going to be able to get to bed at a decent hour. What should I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • What do they have you do when you go in to get state id?

    I have to go to get a state id and I’m really nervous about it. What do they have you do? 

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 months ago
  • NyQuil almost made me throw up and I don’t know why that happened ?

    I’ve had the nastiest cold and it has gone on for days. My throat has been in so much pain and I can’t stop coughing. I haven’t been able to sleep because of the pain I’ve been in. So last night, I decided to take NyQuil. It turned out to be a terrible mistake because I took the tiniest sip and I immediately started dry heaving and I came so close to just throwing up. It was a nasty experience and it lasted for minutes after until I finally returned to a state where I wasn’t nearly hurling. What should I do and why did the NyQuil make me do that?

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 months ago
  • Best friend wants me to clean up with him and I just don’t want to do it ?

    I’ve had the most exhausting week and it’s been extremely difficult. My workload of becoming overwhelming and I’ve felt incredibly stressed. This weekend all I was looking forward to was relaxing at home and doing something enjoyable. But then my friend asked me if I would help him clean up his house. For some context, his house is a complete dump, there’s garbage everywhere, and I have absolutely no interest in going over there to help him clean it. But he claims it’s going to be fun and something we can do together over the weekend. I find it really rude that he has the audacity to ask me to clean up his dirty mess when he know how hard I’ve worked during the week. Why can’t he just clean up his own filthy mess? I just don’t know how I’m going to confront him about this and I’m starting to question even being friend with him. Why should I be friends with someone that has no respect that I don’t want to clean up his disgusting mess in my free time and why should I be friends with a total slob? How do I tell him I don’t want to clean up the mess without making him upset and how can I start ending the friendship?

    7 AnswersFriends7 months ago
  • My friend is trying to break into my house to hang out with me. ?

    My beat friend Andrew is trying to break into my home to hang out. He texted me to come hang out with him I said I was busy, which I was. Then he showed up 5 minutes later and now is trying to break into my home. He is throwing rocks at my window and yelling at me saying I’m lying. I think I should call the police but he is my friend. Update: Now he is the threatening me with a bat. Please help!

    4 AnswersFriends7 months ago
  • An unbelievably rude woman treated me terribly at a coffee shop.?

    I am completely enraged at this run-in I had with this woman. I wish I could’ve yelled in her stupid face and told her off, but anytime someone is rude to me I freeze up and just am unable to defend myself. Basically, I was at a coffee shop and I had forgotten a straw. This dumb woman didn’t understand you can just go up to grab a straw you don’t have to wait in the line. So I went up to grab a straw and as I was walking up there she had already been in line and she steps right in front of me, almost shoving me. At that point, I really didn’t want to get near this crazy rag, so I stood behind her. She ordered her food and then says to me in the most snarky tone ever “that is how lines work”. I am flabbergasted that I total stranger could speak to me so disgustingly when I only came up to the counter to get a straw from the straw dispenser. I wish there was a way to find her, but since there isn’t I’m really unsure of what to do. Anytime I think of this I can’t decide if I want to scream, throw things, or cry. I always try to be as nice as I possibly can to stranger and the fact that this woman did this infuriates me. Tell me why you should be a wanker for no good reason and ruin someone’s day. I just don’t know what to do. I am furious and upset and I just don’t know if there’s a way I can find her and yell in her stupid face. What should I do then?

    21 AnswersEtiquette7 months ago
  • Why do I feel sad in the daytime? ?

    For some reason I always feel so sad in the daytime. I’m just automatically in a sad mood in the daytime. But at night I always feel happy. I feel energetic and excited and I don’t feel down, that is when I feel motivated. In the day though, I’m just in a sad mood and I don’t like the vibes in the day and I have no motivation. Does anyone know why this is and what to do about it?

    4 AnswersPsychology7 months ago
  • Past makes me sad how do I let go of it. Regrets about not being myself. How do I stop dwelling on it?

    I’ve had a rough past and I’m just not sure how to let go of it. I have so much regret about all the things I have done wrong because I know I could’ve done them so much better had I known what I know now. I used to never say anything because I was terrified of people judging me and not liking me but that has led me to end up with nothing. People see me as boring and quiet. I ust hate the way I’m seen now because of what I’ve been like in the past. I hate the person people think I am because it’s not really who I am. How do I stop dwelling on this and move forward?

    4 AnswersPsychology12 months ago
  • Want to have motivation to do something but don’t because it’s too scary?

    What should you do when you are scared to do something that could make your life so much better? I want to get started on a project but the fear of failure has kept me from even getting started. Also as days go on I do not like being unproductive and I know this would improve everything but I’m terrified of failing

    2 AnswersPsychology12 months ago
  • Cannot choose between two guys!?

    There are two guys that I really like. Their names are Chad and Tanner. Chad plays golf and I really like him. Also his dad has a boat that is so fun to go on and just a really good experience. Tanner is probably a way nicer guy but he is not a golfer. He is more nerdier and kinder. But his dad left when he was 5. So no boat there. Also I kind of like that Chad plays golf. I am really stumped on which one to choose. They both have upsides and downsides. I am just not sure what would be the best option. Chad is more exciting but Tanner is more sweet.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Quarantine make me sad?

    I been feeling sad. I miss tyler beab. I just feel really bored and unproductive. How do I feel better. I just haven't been doing much and it is a bad feeling. I really miss going to donkin donuts and now I cannot leave the house. I also miss tyler beab. What should I do? I do not want to go on feeling sad and bored

    2 AnswersPsychology1 year ago
  • If my friends made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt, should I get rid of them?

    This seems odd but it inflicted pain on me that lasted for a few days. It was fun and all at the time but it seriously hurts and I don’t think it is worth hanging out with them. I have gastrointestinal issues. They are fun and all but they inflicted pain on me so what should I do? Should I just start ignoring them

    2 AnswersFriends1 year ago
  • In love with sister's boyfriend!?

    So my sister is dating Tyler beab and I love him so much! I don't know what to tell her! I can't keep my feelings for him down! Help!!! I love him so much!!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • I made a disgusting pasta dish and it is huge. My mom want me to eat it but I cannot without vomiting?

    I decided to make a pasta dish. I went to the store and had to get all kinds of ingredients. I made the casserole dish and it took forever. When I tasted it though, it was simply disgusting! My mom wants me to finish it and no one else in my family really eats this type of food so she expects me to eat it for a few days. I cannot even eat it for one day. I will vomit. What should I do?

    14 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 year ago
  • Cat is playing in his litter box?

    My kitten is playing in his litter box and it is very disgusting. What should I do to stop him he wont stop and it is disgusting and hes getting stuff everywhere? He is out of control and I am in tears trying to just get him to stop playing it there. It is disgusting. 

    2 AnswersCats1 year ago
  • Think something is seriously wrong with cat?

    My cat has a black part on the top part of the inside of his mouth. I don’t know what it is and I’m crying. I’m really worried. I’m thinking of taking him to the emergency vet. What should I do? It’s like when I lift the top part of his mouth, there is a little part of it that is black and it is not coming off. I’m distraught. I don’t know what to do

    3 AnswersCats1 year ago
  • Inflamed taste bud hurts so bad don’t know what to do?

    I burned my tongue yesterday and now there’s a white inflamed tastebud it hurts so bad even when I try not to touch it. It really hurts. I try to stick out my tongue but that doesn’t even help. What should I do? Should I rip it off or try to 

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 year ago