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Favorite Answers65%
  • Is there a hole preview option in wii Tiger Woods 11?

    When playing mini golf in wii’s Tiger Woods 11, you can press A to see the entire hole layout. It’s called “hole preview”. That’s very helpful.

    But I cannot find the same option when playing a regular course. All I could find was a flyover clip. Is there a way to preview a regular hole like it’s done in mini golf? Thanks.

    Nintendo Wii6 months ago
  • A Stats question?

    Suppose you were playing a dice game where the highest roll wins. Which method would give you a better chance:

    Method A: Roll just one die, then add one to that roll.

    Method B: Roll two dice, then use the higher roll of the two.

    4 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Trouble with translating Hungarian (again)?


    For the Hungarian speakers out there, I'm a beginner, trying to translate two Hungarian words that I've recently heard. I'm a bit confused, again. Please help if you can.

    But first let me say that I understand the Hungarian letter "gy", and how it is pronounced.

    1. I think the first word means "shall we eat", or "let's eat". It sounds like "egyunk", but I cannot find "egyunk" in any Hungarian dictionary.

    2. I think the second word means "shall we drink", or "let's drink". It sounds like "igyunk", with the i pronounced like a long English e. But I cannot find "igyunk" in any Hungarian dictionary.

    I'm rather certain the -unk means we. But other than that, I'm lost. Any help would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • Trouble with translating Hungarian?

    For the Hungarian speakers out there:

    I'm a beginner, trying to translate a few Hungarian words that I heard.Some are confusing me. Please help if you can.

    1. "Mit csinál ma".

    I think that means "What are you doing today?" But when I Google translated that English phrase, I got "Mit csinálsz ma". Why does the Google phrase have a -sz word? Did I hear wrong? Or are both "csinál" and "csinálsz" correct here?

    2. "vásárolok".

    I think that means "I am shopping." But when I Google translated that English phrase, I got "én vásárlás". Are both "vásárolok" and "én vásárlás" correct for "I am shopping"?

    3. "önnel"

    I might have misspelled that word. I think that means "with you." But when I Google translated that English phrase, I got "vele". Did I spell "önnel" right? And are both "önnel" and "én vele" correct for "with you"?

    Any explanation of these three would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • How do I uninstall Internet Explorer 8?

    I have a Windows XP computer. I recently upgraded from Internet Explorer 7 to Internet Explorer 8. Now my Favorites/Tools bar is gone. It just disappeared.

    I can still right-click on my desktop. But I can no longer right-click anywhere on any web page. Nothing happens.

    I tried the Alt key shortcuts. Nothing happens. I tried to left and right click in the grey area at the top of a web page. Nothing happens.

    So I decided to uninstall IE8 and go back to IE7.

    But the uninstaller stops, and asks me for the location of something called vgx.dll.000. I did a search and that file is not on my computer. So the IE8 uninstall will not finish.

    Then I tried to reinstall IE8 from, but nothing happened. I even tried some Start-Run suggestions from the internet, but they did nothing.

    I don't want to go to Chrome, etc. I just want my IE7 back. Please help!!!


    6 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • Yahoo email folder problem?

    I have a Yahoo email folder that I created called "Important emails." I put three emails in that folder. When I put the mouse cursor over the folder, it says 3 emails.

    Yet when I open the folder, I get a message saying the folder is empty. I really need those emails and I don't understand what's going on here.

    Any help would be very appreciated.

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors7 years ago
  • Does the New Yorker magazine ever buy short stories?

    I know that the New Yorker magazine has an online submission portal for short stories. But I've been told that although they read every submitted story, they have never actually bought any of them.

    I've further been told that unless you are a known writer or have an agent, it is a waste of time to submit anything to the New Yorker.

    Does anyone have the inside scoop on this?


    3 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Dice Probability question?

    Suppose I roll one red and one white die. Both are standard six-sided dice. What are the chances that the red die will give a higher number than the white die?

    Thanks for any help with this.

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Removing guitar string squeaks?

    I have some beautiful mp3 songs that are, for me, ruined by squeaks from the guitar strings.

    I know those high-pitched squeaks don't bother many people. They consider the squeaks to be just part of guitar music. But the squeaks really bother me. I guess I just have very sensitive ears.

    I've tried to isolate and remove the squeaks using Wavepad, but I haven't had much luck.

    Does anyone know of any programs or methods that might be useful here?


    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Hungarian vocabulary word question?

    I'm trying to build my Hungarian vocubulary, and I'm very confused about a couple of things.

    The phrase "I would like" gets translated as either "szeretném" or "szeretnék". Are both translations correct? Why does one word end in with -m and the other with -k?

    The word "something" gets translated as either "valamit" or "valami". Are both translations correct? Why does one word end in with -t and the other does not?

    And can you recommend any basic internet sites that would explain these things to a beginner like me?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Best cardinal bird feeder?

    Can anyone please suggest a bird feeder (or bird food) that will attract cardinals but not sparrows?

    I've tried nearly everything, it seems. Different bird feeder designs, different bird foods, etc. I've even tried the "Magic Halo" Birdfeeder Protector that's sold on Amazon.

    Nothing seems to work. Every time I put food out, I get a few cardinals, but then I get a flock of sparrows that quickly clean out the feeder.

    I know that sparrows have got to eat too, but on my limited bird budget I just want to see the cardinals. Any ideas?


    3 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • A dental insurance or a dental discount plan?

    I don't have any dental insurance and pay out of pocket, usually about $300 to $1000 a year.

    I've heard that dental insurance (in the USA anyway) is usually not a very good idea because of the high deductibles, poor coverage, etc. Are there any good USA dental insurance plans?

    And what about dental discount plans? That's when you just pay a percentage of the dentist's fee, by agreement, and not the whole thing. No deductibles, no plan maximum, etc. That seems like a better way to go.

    Am I missing something here? And can anyone recommend any good USA dental discount plans? Any to avoid?


    5 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Hungarian word for ma'am?

    I was listening to a recording of a Hungarian speaker whose sentences were then translated into English.

    When the speaker said a Hungarian word that sounded like "erjam", the translator said it meant "ma'am" (lady).

    I've looked all over, and I can't find any Hungarian word for "ma'am" that sounds like "erjam." This is driving me crazy!

    I'm sure I spelled it wrong, but can anyone please tell me what was the Hungarian word that sounded like "erjam"?


    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • I can't access older Facebook posts?

    My Facebook page holds about two days worth of posts. When I scroll to the bottom of the page, no older posts appear.

    The older posts do not load automatically, and there is no button anywhere that says "load older posts" or "more posts", or anything like that.

    What am I missing here? How can I get to posts that are more than a couple of days old?


    2 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • Are Heco flip coin holders pvc-free?

    I was looking at some Heco plastic flip coin holders in a hobby shop the other day. The clerk said that the holders are pvc-free (pvc in the plastic can harm coins over time).

    But there was nothing on the label that said pvc-free. So does anybody know for sure?


    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Please help me find this handcycle?

    Because of a disability, I cannot use a regular bicycle. The handcycle in this youtube video would be just perfect for me.

    I have looked for years for such a cycle!

    But I can't find any information on who makes it. I have emailed the youtube poster, but no response so far.

    If anyone knows anything about this handcycle, PLEASE let me know.


    4 AnswersCycling9 years ago
  • How can I level out a song's frequency?

    I have a couple songs that have too-high frequency in some parts. The songs are great, but the high frequency parts actually hurt my ears.

    So is there any software out there that can level out the frequency of a mp3 song?

    I have both Wavepad and Audacity on my computer, but I can't get either program to do the job.

    Any advice would be very much appreciated.


    1 AnswerOther - Music9 years ago
  • Dice rolling odds help, please?

    What are the chances of rolling 3 dice, and getting 1 or more 6's?

    And what are the chances of rolling 3 dice, and getting 2 or more 6's?

    By "6", I mean a side with 6 dots, not a total of 6.


    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • I'm looking for old Wheel of Fortune shows, please help?

    I have a relative, a senior citizen, who loves the game show Wheel of Fortune.

    But the show is not on during the weekends. And that makes Saturday and Sunday a bit empty for her. If you spend any time around seniors, you'll know why such things are important!

    I would love to find old episodes for her to watch on the weekends. It would mean a lot to her.

    Does anyone know where I can get old episodes? Youtube has just a few. Was the show every released on home video? Any other ideas?


    1 AnswerOther - Television9 years ago
  • Bird feeder for cardinals?

    Please help. I put up a bird feeder, hoping to attract cardinals.

    At first, I used black sunflower seeds. I got a few cardinals. But I also got tons of sparrows and doves. Swarms of sparrows in particular took over the feeder.

    So I emptied the feeder and waited a week. Then I used safflower seeds instead. Same results.

    Then I tried the "magic halo", which is supposed to keep sparrows away. It didn't work at all.

    So can anybody recommend a feeder that will attract cardinals but not sparrows? Thanks!

    2 AnswersBirds10 years ago