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I'm a dedicated single mom, a liberal Republican with a smart mouth, and a cranky veteran. I was a mechanic for many years (first jets then auto/diesel) and now I'm a writer. Guess what I write about? Auto repair. How handy is that? I ask a lot of questions here 'cause I have a lot of them. Weird ones, like, do fish drink water? These are the kinds of things that keep me awake at night. If I offend you in any way, you can cry and whine all you want ; that's fine with me. It'll make me want to offend you even more. I told you I was cranky...

  • Is It Necessary to Have My Attorney Present for Order of Protection Hearing?

    I filed for an Order of Protection and I am supposed to go to the hearing tomorrow to make sure that this guy stays away from my child and me. Is it necessary to have an attorney with me? All the domestic violence websites say that it's not and the people at the court house told me that its not, so I realize it's not LEGALLY necessary, but am I making a big mistake by going to the hearing alone?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What Is Your Favorite Dog Shampoo?

    What's your favorite dog shampoo? Which shampoo or other product keeps your dog smelling fresher longer? What other products do you use as part of your dog's hygiene regimen?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How Can I Connect to Internet Using REALLY OLD Gateway Notebook?

    My boyfriend gave this couple $30 for their Gateway Solo 9100 Notebook computer. They told him it was old, but clean and "useful for simple things like writing and checking email." When he brought it home, we looked it over together and can't figure out how to connect it to the internet. There's no place to plug in an ether net cord (or whatever they're called. There's no place to plug in anything but a mouse, a printer, and this weird extension thing. How can I hook this thing up to the internet?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Really Stupid Question Re: Filing Taxes for the Self-Employed?

    I'm so retarded when it comes to the subject of taxes, so bear with me. I've always gone to HR Block when I received my W2 forms and let them handle everything. I never even paid attention. I'm a single mom so I always get a sizable refund back because of EIC and whatever else they give broke single mothers. For 2009, however, I worked as a babysitter and a freelance writer. I didn't have taxes taken out of a paycheck because I received cash or money was sent to me via Paypal.

    The stupid question is this: is there a way to pay taxes on that now and somehow get a refund like I'm used to getting? I mean, I realize I can't get a refund for something I didn't pay in all year long, but will I have to pay some during tax season or get some back or what? I made 800 - 1000 per month for 8 months this year.

    Any and all information is GREATLY appreciated!!

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Invalid Boot Diskette - HELP?!?

    I had to go to my mom's house just to get online and ask this question. I'm computer illiterate. My Dell desktop computer (it's 8 years old and I think it's an Inspiron or something... I don't know I'm not home and I can't remember what it's called) was working fine a week ago. Now, a blue Dell screen pops up when I turn it on, just like it used to, but instead of going to the normal desktop I'm used to, I get a black screen and a message saying "Invalid boot diskette; insert boot diskette in drive A:"

    The first problem is that I'm retarded when it comes to computers, then second problem is that I have no disks for this computer. It was my mom's and she doesn't have anything for it.

    Is there anything I can do?

    All advice is appreciated!!

    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Mini Dachshund Halloween Costume Ideas?

    It's that time of year again and I'm sick of seeing mini dachshunds in the hot dog with ketchup or mustard outfit. Any new and original ideas for a black and tan mini dachshund puppy Halloween costume? All suggestions are appreciated!

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Civilians in the Military Section?

    Quick question and all answers from military and civilian alike are appreciated. Please feel free to be smart-@sses if you feel like it; mean and rude responses are always welcome when I ask questions. They're entertaining.

    My question is this: how many of you feel like it's okay to answer military-related questions if you've never served in the military? How many of you would argue that having a friend or family member in the military qualifies you as a reliable source in the military section of Yahoo Answers? How many of you feel that civilians should refrain from attempting to answer questions in this section?

    Just curious, so once again, all responses are welcome and thanks....

    19 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Religious Beliefs: Holes in the Story?

    How do Christians explain that the story of Jesus (specifically the virgin birth, the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension into heaven) was told centuries before he lived? Do Christians believe that they are a copy of the Pagan beliefs? Even Christian holidays are adapted from Pagan holidays. What's up with that? What about other holes in the Christian story like the fact that the bible they read from and quote (usually inaccurately) isn't even the original bible? Answers, opinions, please. And don't worry, I'm not easily offended or anything so if you have something rude to say, go right ahead. When Christians are rude to Atheists like me, it only proves me right about them anyway, so seriously, all feedback is appreciated.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Going Green; Thinking of Buying a Bike?

    I live in a pedestrian-friendly little city with lots of sidewalks. My apartment is close to the places I frequent and I feel safe in my neighborhood. I think, under these circumstances, it would be irresponsible for me to continue driving a vehicle and better for my health and my environment to ride a bike instead. However, I haven't been on a bike since I was maybe 11; can you give me some tips about buying a bike? Is there bicycle etiquette I should learn? Any tips for people who haven't been on a bike in years?

    Also, I have a 5 year old son and I'd like to tote him around with me. What are your opinions of bike trailers?

    9 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Bike Trailers for Carrying My Son Around?

    Anyone here have any opinions, facts, true stories and experiences about bike trailers for kids? You know, the little buggies that hook onto an adult bike?

    I'm thinking of getting one. Thanks for feedback.

    3 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Military Turned Contractor?

    I'd like to hear some opinions and also some actual facts about contractors who work with Blackwater, DynCorps, Triple Canopy, USIS, etc.

    What do you think of these guys? How many of you ARE these guys? In light of some of the bad press received, what is the state of these companies now? Anything else you'd like to add.

    I have, and am entitled to, my own opinions; I'm just asking for yours out of curiosity, so don't anybody get all upset and start cryin' here.

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Quiero Hacer Un Regala Por Mi Novio, Pero No Hablo Espanol. Ayudame?

    Perdoname, no hablo espanol. Solo poquito. Mi novio tiene un MP3 Player y yo quiero poner musica en este. Mi problema es no se las bandas o canciones buscar. Yo tengo Limewire por buscando y no tengo idea quien buscar.

    Por favor dame ideas for MP3 player de mi novio. Y por favor perdoname por mi espanol terrible! :) Soy intentando aprender mas por mi novio y tambien porque espanol es idioma muy bonita. Gracias por ayuda, pacienca, y ideas.

  • How Do You Respond When Someone Thanks You For Your Service?

    People buy me beers, shake my hand, play Lee Greenwood on the jukebox (which, by the way, is starting to get just a little old, but thank you) and say, "Thank you for serving."

    It's so nice to hear and a couple people have nearly made me teary-eyed, but I never know how to respond. I feel like I sound like a dick if I say "You're welcome" and saying "Thank you" back is kind of silly, so I usually just say "My pleasure" or something like that.

    Anybody got any clever ideas?

    16 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • How to Deal with Military Wanna-Be's and Posers?

    If I'm sitting at a bar and I'm a fairly attractive girl, I realize that the tattoo on my arm saying "USMC" in big, black lettering draws attention; I take full responsibility for that. However, I can't take the blame when men start talking to me and say, "I was in the Marines, too. I was 11Bravo. I was a sniper," and other stupid things. How can I deal with this when it happens again? It happens a lot and I usually handle it by losing my temper; are there better ways to deal with military posers?

    15 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Can I Have Opinions From And About Females in the Marine Corps?

    Just out of curiosity - and be honest when you answer; if you are an attractive female Marine, how do your looks impact your career in general and on a day-to-day basis? How do civilians treat you? Do you have tattoos that indicate your affiliation with the military? I have a tattoo that says USMC and people always ask me if my husband is a Marine. I'm not married so this is silly and also I find it a little insulting; are there other female Marines out there with the same issues?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Answers and Opinions About Puppy/Dog Food?

    I don't know how to start a real-live "poll" or anything, but I'm interested to hear: What do you feed your puppies/dogs? What is the brand you recommend when people ask you what THEY should choose (whether you use that or not)? How do you feel about cheap foods and expensive foods? How do you react when someone tells you they feed their dog a food with which you disagree? Four questions, People, gimme four good answers.

    Let the Yahoo Answer discussions begin and, by all means, check back on this one so we can get some healthy debates!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Real Estate Law Question: Ghost Disclosure?

    Is it true that a seller must disclose information about rumors that a house is haunted or that a murder occured there? If so, does this law apply to apartments?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Need 2nd Opinion After Trip to Vet for Herniated Umbilical Cord?

    I have an 8 week old chihuahua with a bump on her tummy at the site of the umbilical cord. I took her to the vet who told me it was a hernia, but not to worry, that it's harmless and will go away.

    Now, I'm a dog trainer, not a vet so this isn't exactly my area. The puppy is otherwise blemish-free and perfectly healthy. The herniated area doesn't seem to cause her any pain. Still, I'm worried. She's able to leave home in 2 weeks and I don't want potential puppy parents to freak out when they see that bump. Should I get a second opinion or trust the vet? Has anyone else ever experienced this?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can You Define "American Citizen"?

    ...because it seems to me that many people are mistaken about what it means to be a citizen of the United States of America. I was born here, so I'm covered right? How many of you are aware of other ways to become a citizen here?

    6 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • For Adults & Parents: What's Up With Minors in the Pets Section?

    I'm a CPDT (certified pet dog trainer) so I lurk in the Pets ---> Dogs section. I'm starting to feel a little alarmed by all the questions I read posted by kids. I mean, I s'pose I should be happy that they're surfing about dogs on yahoo instead of how to make pipe bombs or meth labs, right?'

    I'm just concerned because it seems to me that kids might be taking on too much responsibility with their dogs, not listening to their parents, adopting/buying pets without permission, etc.

    One question from a youngster was something like "my dog hasn't been bathed in 7 years; is this ok?" Or how 'bout the question: "my mom wouldn't let me get a dog but I did anyways; now I get to keep it but I dont have any money for its food or shots and mom wont help..."

    Am I missing something?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago