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  • I think all men should have PMS once. Do you think all ppl should have a mental illness for a month?

    Would it increase understanding?


    Create more of a divide?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Are there others with bipolar here?

    Have you ever had "brain chatter"? The best I can describe this is as if you have a song stuck in your head. You can do other things, talk to ppl, etc, but it keeps looping. Brain chatter would be if you turned down the volume a little and sped up the rpm until it's not recognizable. Add 50 more songs to the mix, only it's not songs, more like noise, and occasionally you can almost make out a word or two.

    For those who do know anything about this, it's not schizo or hearing voices! It's an irritation some ppl with bipolar get when not euthymic.

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Christians: If God is the real decider on who gets into heaven, why then do many Christians ...?

    condemn others to hell for living differently than some Christians judge to be the "right" way to salvation?

    For example (just example), two men who marry may be welcomed to heaven by God, but it seems most Christians will tell the men most of their lives that they will go to hell. Believing in another faith or being an atheist are other examples. There are many more.

    Serious question - not about the examples, btw.

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians - When you are thinking about how all the non-believers are condemned, do you ever stop and ask...?

    yourself what if another is the true religion and I am the non-believer condemned to helll?

    There are millions and millions who believe their religion is the true religion. If there can only be one, then all others are wrong. Since there is no absolute certainty which it is, I'm curious if you all ever seriously consider this.

    The question is straightforward. Please don't post a refutation instead of answering.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Catholics - Do those of your faith believe a future pope will be the antichrist?

    Serious question.

    Someone just posted something to this effect, and instead of saying it smelled of inter-religion ignorant bunk, I thought I'd ask.;_ylt=AqAbF...

    Please state your religion/belief.


    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If Eve was created from Adam's rib, why do men and women have the same number of ribs?

    Personally, I think it takes some powerful blind faith to believe this story literally nevermind the rib counting. I respect ppl's faith and freedom to believe as they do, I just don't understand the literal interpretation of what makes little to no sense. Anyway, if the story is true, wouldn't men and women have a different number of ribs? Also, why do you believe this story literally if you do?

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Ppl w/bipolar - How fast do you cycle?

    I keep seeing ppl post on here about those with manic depression going up and down in minutes. Everything that I've learned or heard is that this ultraradian cycling is extremely rare. Rapid cycling (more than four switches a year) is not that common. Less than four switches per year is the norm.

    So..... I thought I'd do a survey, what was your switch rate this past year?

    I was on a monthly rapid cycle. It sucked.

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Straight ppl, pls explain: how is it some of you insist homosexuals are not born gay?

    How do you know better than they?

    Here's some info I'd like you to consider in responding.

    Regular sex chromosomes are XX (female) and XY (male). There are babies born XXY, XXX, XYY. There are intersex children (born with both sexes). There are children flooded in the womb with the hormones androgen or testosterone, more than half of which grow up to be gay or lesbian. Homosexuality also runs for generations in some families strongly suggesting a genetic link for some. And... ppl who can change from a gay to straight relationship or visa versa are not homosexual. They are bisexual. Bisexuality is not valid reasons to claim homosexuality is a choice.

    Anyway, I'm very curious how you know so much more than those who live the life.

    35 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the sources of the seven deadly sins?

    The seven deadly sins are:

    Lust, gluttony, sloth, envy, wrath, greed, pride

    1. What is the source?

    2. Since they are "deadly," does it mean a trip straight to hell w/o chance to repent?

    3. Why are they called "deadly" if they aren't a straight trip to hell?

    4. What about other sins? I would think the 10 Commandments might be more significant.

    5. Are there any sins that one cannot repent?

    6. Or am I wrong in thinking these are identified in the Bible?

    This is a serious question, btw.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think about all the public awareness on bipolar disorder?

    Personally, I believe that anything that helps destigmatize mental illness is good. At the same time, we only make up 1-2% of the population, so I'm having a hard time understanding the epidemic. Manic depression is not puberty any more than it is having problems coping with life. Does one antipsychotic commercial really have that much influences?

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Christians - Since you give birth to homosexuals and only people who are...?

    bisexual have a choice in their orientation, why are YOU free from this so called sin?

    Mostly, I don't understand how you could condemn your child to hell for being him/herself. If you want to free yourself from guilt, find a scholar who can explain that the ancient Latin and Greek biblical texts do not even reference homosexuality let alone call it sin.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is bisexuality?

    and why do so many religious ppl use it to call homosexuality a choice?

    Do ppl not understand the difference?

    This doesn't seem like rocket science to me. If you can have a meaningful romantic relationship with either sex, you are bisexual. It does not mean that you made a choice about whether or not to be homosexual. Is this really so difficult to understand?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do so many ppl choose to take antidepressants before trying therapy for depression and/or anxiety?

    Most types of depression are situational and therapy has been shown to be as or more effective for depression and anxiety than antidepressants alone. Granted, there are severe and chronic forms of each that do necessitate medication, but for the majority, therapy alone (or even in conjunction with) often is enough AND it gives life skills that last beyond the sessions.

    I understand the expense factor, but I also understand that many ppl can afford it while still covering basic necessity expenses.

    Btw, I am far from anti-medication. I just believe a lot of ppl turn to a "quick fix pill" instead of life lasting effective alternative. So, I'm curious, why do you make this choice?

    18 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • My kid had two of his friends over the other day. They were bundled up out in the backyard...?

    where I overheard them having a heated exchange. Nick went off that his dad was better than anyone's and that if my son didn't admit it, he'd throw him in the pool. It wasn't even 40 degrees. Then he turned to Dave and said that since he didn't have a father, he should be dragged through the mud. I went out and broke it up, but I'm not sure what to do about Nick. This seemed very out of hand. It wasn't the my dad's best thing, but the vehemence that concerns me.

    Should I talk to Nick's parents about his hostile attitude?

    and could you explain how this is different than condemning someone of a different faith to hell?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My kid had two of his friends over the other day. They were bundled up out in the backyard...?

    where I overheard them having a heated exchange. Nick went off that his dad was better than anyone's and that if my son didn't admit it, he'd throw him in the pool. It wasn't even 40 degrees. Then he turned to Dave and said that since he didn't have a father, he should be dragged through the mud. I went out and broke it up, but I'm not sure what to do about Nick. This seemed very out of hand. It wasn't the my dad's best thing, but the vehemence that concerns me.

    Should I talk to Nick's parents about his hostile attitude?

    and could you explain how this is different than condemning someone of a different faith to hell?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • When is the last time you did something for the homeless and what was it?

    I hope that I am wrong, but I'm going to guess there will be answers saying they should just go get jobs, they want to be there, etc. So, a fact. The majority are mentally ill. Remember, Reagan emptied the mental hospitals. Yes, a lot self medicate with alcohol and/or drugs, but very few want to be one the street. They just aren't capable of cleaning themselves up and getting by alone.

    So, what's the last thing you've done to help?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When people ask everyone on R&S to pray for things like..?

    a sick dog, a job interview, mending a broken bone, why do I get thumbs down when I reply as follows:

    Dog: Sure, will you pray for the homeless man who probably called the dog friend?

    Interview: I'll send thoughts. Will you pray for all the people in war torn countries that have no jobs to submit applications?

    Broken Bone: I feel for you. Will you pray for the mentally ill for which there are no cures?

    I find this mind blowing. Prayer for relatively minor things is okey-dokey fine but apparently the big stuff can just go to hell. I even received ranting emails from a "christian" on the mentally ill reply.

    Can any Christian explain?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Since creationism is based on one religion's beliefs, why does it belong in public schools?

    Setting aside merit...

    Evolution is religion neutral.

    Creationism is based on Christianity's theory

    If one religion's theory of how man came to be is taught in public school's, then equal time to all religion's versions must be allowed.

    Personally, I would rather see much greater emphasis on reading, writing, and arythmatic in our schools and religious beliefs tought in places of worship.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do fundementalists want government out of the schools and into our wombs?

    Creationism in schools while legaling mandating pregnancy and birth (with no thought to child care or upbringing thereafter, btw).

    Oh, and will they then go on to creating laws about conceptions, too, if they have their way?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago