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  • What online store sells frozen food items for Bento?

    I need to buy some side dishes for my bento (lunch) and I am having the hardest time finding an online store that will sell stuff like frozen Okra ohitashi, kimpira gobou, croquettes, mayo shrimp dumplings, etc., etc..... Does anyone know where I can buy some easy, throw in the Bento and go food? Locally, there really isn't anywhere to buy it from. Anything single serve, frozen or ready made will do. Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Bank admits they made a mistake but I am still out $965. What can I do?

    I found an old check from my old employer. It was for $965. My friend said it was real, my father looked at it and said it was real too. I couldn't believe I had forgotten about a check! Who does that? It was dated right around the time that I changed jobs so, the only explanation I could think of was that it must have been the last check from my last job and I just forgot about it because I was already working elswhere. I took it to my bank to ask them if it was a valid, cashable check. They said yes and cashed it for me. The unexpected windfall of almost a thousand dollars went fast. I spent it all. Then 3 days later, the bank calls me and says they made a mistake and that due to human error, they didn't notice the check was non-negotiable and they are taking the money out of my account and that they are so sorry. The teller who cashed it called me and told me she'd get fired if I didn't give the money back. I still said no. What can I do to get my money back?

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does a person have to continue to pay child support even if they are not working?

    My friend has been paying child support on a regular basis for his son who he has a great relationship with. But now he is worried because he has been accepted into this program in college where he will have to take a full load of classes and essentially will have to quit working. What about his child support payments I asked him. He says he doesnt know how it works. He has to pay a percentage of what he makes, so what happens when he stops working? This is Texas by the way. Maybe it makes a difference, maybe not. Does anybody know the answer?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Where can I get my own engagement ring design made?

    I'm talking about from scratch. Totally original. From a drawing I make to a beautifully finished diamond ring. I have looked around and most sites claim that I can customize my ring by choosing the shape of diamond and then mounting it on one of thier available rings, but that is not what i want. My perfect ring doesn't exist! There has got to be somebody out there who can do this for me.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Why does he ejaculate so fast? Is there something I can do?

    My boyfriend goes from 0 to 60 in 2 minutes - LITERALLY. It's not like he has been worked up for a really long time. I have already tried some of the numbing gels and they earned me a whole 30 seconds longer. I dont know what else to do! And by the way, he doesn't just leave me there unfinished. He does other stuff so that I am saticefied, but sometimes I just want a longer race, not a sprint. Any suggestions?

    20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can a mother take a child out of US without father's permission?

    What is considered kidnapping? My good friend is going to leave his wife. He told her he wants a divorce. Divorce papers have not been filed yet. Does the mother have the right to leave the country with the child without telling the father? Does it matter what state they live in? They live in TX and she wants to take thier son to the Philippines. He found 2 plane tickets in her car. He wants custody. Should he go to the airport w/ Police and catch her in the act and charge her with attempted kidnapping to win custody of his son, or should he let her take him and then charge her with kidnapping after they are already gone?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend likes me fat, but I'm going to have the gastric bypass. He is a certified fat admirer. Help!

    My boyfriend and I are amazing together, but when we first met, his initial attraction to me was the fact that I am overweight. He is into this whole BBW(Big Beautiful Women) thing which I never even knew existed until I met him. I never knew that there were men who actually PREFERRED big women - they are called FA(Fat Admirers). So now I have a dilemma. For years I have wanted to have gastric bypass surgery. Now, I am finally going to get it done in 2 months. I am worried that he will find me unattractive and just move on. I am happy that he likes me for how I look now, but I would really like myself more if I lose the weight. He said maybe my having the surgery will cure him, but I think what he has is not an illness or a disease, it's just his preference to like big women. There is no cure for that. Has anybody been in my situation and what did you do? Are there any FA's out there who have some advice? Any BBW who lost weight and how did your FA react? HEEEEEELP!!!!!!!

    27 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What do I need to know about becoming a step mother?

    I am dating a man who has a 3 year old son. I have no children of my own. He is talking marriage and I want to be a good step mom. His son and I spend lots of time together and we love each other. There must be something unforseen that only experience would teach me, and I would like to avoid learning things the hard way and just ask for pearls of wisdom from any step moms out there. What do I need to know?

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago