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mummy of 2 boys and a princess x
No period since August the 14th advice needed :-)?
Hi everyOne I have had the cooper coil the paragard iud in since April 2010, since insertion I have had really heavy periods which come like clockwork always a 28-30 day cycle! My last heavy period started on August the 14th I had a few days of very light spotting in early September and nothing since?!? I did a few preg tests in sept which were negative and I did one last Monday which was negative ?!? I don't know what's going on, I'm not stressed at all or any other obvious reasons! I have 3 children already and I think I want one more now so I want the iud removed anyway, but i moved to France 4 months ago so it's quite difficult to go to a doctor when your French isn't that good to seek advice so I might be returning to the uk for removal! But I just want to know why I'm not having periods?!? Any advice welcome thank you xox
2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoJust found a bird with a bullet hole in its chest on my garden path?
im a bit concerned as i have children should there be someone with a gun by my house shooting birds. its a pigeon and has a perfect circle through its breast, would it be a gun and do i inform the police??
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoJust found a bird with a bullet hole in its chest on my garden path?
im a bit concerned as i have children should there be someone with a gun by my house shooting birds. its a pigeon and has a perfect circle through its breast, would it be a gun and do i inform the police??
8 AnswersBirds1 decade agopost-natal depression?
Hi,i wonder if anyone can help me, i have 2 boys aged 4 and 2 and a baby girl whose 4 months old! My mum and my sister pointed out to me the other day that i am not my usual self, like i always look down and very emotional , naturally i have been stewing on it...and i had a bit with the boys but it was more baby blues! With my daughter i felt fantastic after having her and i carried on doing things i always did, but lately i have got a can't be bothered attitude like towards the housework etc and i find my self crying over the most silliest things, i love all my children and have always bonded with them extremely well so its not that type of depression...i just wanted to know what everyone else thought or if they had been through similar! also forgot to mention i am having trouble sleeping and feeling very tired and deflated, but on the outside no one would know anything was up with me!
Thanks for your help in advance!
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agopros and cons of the coil IUS and IUD?
HI, i have just had my 3rd baby and i want to look into contraception for the next 3 years!!
can anyone tell me what they thought of the coil, i really dont want weight gain or has anyone found an alternative good contraception apart from pill or implant!
many thanks xxx
6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago3 weeks postpartum.....?
hi, my baby is now 3 weeks 2 days old and i am still bleeding red?!? its not large amounts but it is still bright red and dark red, with my other 2 it was def pink or brown now has anyone else experienced this?
BTW it was natural delivery no stitches and delivered placenta naturally! i am making an appointment with doc tomorrow but just wondered if anyone else experienced this!
thanks in advance
c xx
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago3 weeks postpartum.....?
hi, my baby is now 3 weeks 2 days old and i am still bleeding red?!? its not large amounts but it is still bright red and dark red, with my other 2 it was def pink or brown now has anyone else experienced this?
BTW it was natural delivery no stitches and delivered placenta naturally! i am making an appointment with doc tomorrow but just wondered if anyone else experienced this!
thanks in advance
c xx
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoYour experience with 3rd baby....?
Hi everyone i am 38 weeks 2 days pregnant with my 3rd baby, my midwife said 3rd babies can be very unpredictable and a bit of a nightmare, i already have 2 boys the first was born bang on 39 weeks the 2nd was born at 37 weeks 2 days, i am pregnant with a girl this time and have been in slow labor for 2 weeks now, what i am asking is whats your experiences with your 3rd baby, did they come later or earlier than the first two? and was the labour quicker or easier? are girls more stubborn to make an appearance ? i know she will come when she is ready, just interested in your stories!
thanks in advance xxxx
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agohow do you pronounce the french model/actress's name Noemie Lenoir?
2 AnswersOther - France1 decade agohow do you pronounce the french model/actress's name Noemie Lenoir?
just curious!
many thanks xx
6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoI need help on baby girl names please........?
Well i am expecting a little girl in 7 weeks and i am now panicking for a name for her, the name needs to be unique but pretty as i have 2 boys already and their names are LeBron and Nasir, my partner gets to choose the boys names and I have the girls so i have got a challenge on my hands. I do like the names
ZsaZsa (pronouncd jja jja)
Xiomara (pronounced zee-oh-mar-ah or see-oh-mar-ah)
i love Lily but it is very common. My partner hates ZsaZsa but i did hate LeBron and Nasir at first, so help please......
thank you xxxx
10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoless symptoms in third pregnancy!?
hi all
Has anybody had a lot less symptoms in their third pregnancy? With my boys i was so so so sick that i had time off work with this one i only feel sick i am tired and urinating more! Just get a tad worried its a bad sign i have an early scan on tuesday when i will be 7 weeks as i have been spotting which i had at the same time with the other two pregnancies! Just wondered if anybody is in a similar situation!
Thank you for your advice in advance x x
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agothird pregnancy and still worried advice please ! X?
hi guys, its my third pregnancy and still mega worried, well basically with my last two pregnancies i spotted in the first trimester and went on to have two healthy boys and i am now 6 weeks pregnant and found a bit of spotting again , a bit on sun night and a bit yesterday,(very small )so went into a bit of a panic and went to the docs and she wouldnt put me in for a scan cause i was too early but before i had scans at 5 weeks and 7 weeks due to spotting so i have been put on bed rest for the rest of the week! I am just so hoping this baby will be ok! The thing that is really worrying me though is that i am not throwing up constantly and i just feel sick as with my other two i was really sick i couldnt keep anything down has anybody else had a third pregnancy with less symptoms? Does it mean a bad sign ? As when i was sick before everyone used to say thats a well set pregnancy! Sorry to ramble on ! Any advice please x x
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agopregnant but dates arent right is it possible to ovulate late?
hi i did 3 preg tests on 26th may all strong positive. My last menstral period was april 22nd so would make me 5 weeks pregnant! But i know i only had sex on the 13th may that month as my partner was away but thought to try for luck anyway and here i am pregnant so is it possible to ovulate late and have a pos preg test 2 weeks later? So would mean i am more like 4 weeks! Also quite worried as i dont feel as sick as i did with my other pregnancies this being my third, has anyone else had this ? Thanks in advance x x
12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agowhen is desperate housewives back on.....?
i am having withdrawal symptoms lol
its normally on every january!
have they got a new series?
thanks xxxx
6 AnswersDrama1 decade agomy sister has just found out she is preg.......?
and she is having mild pains . she has got a scan first thing in the morning and she is sooo worried.
but i am positive both times i have been pregnant i had mild pains at the beginning and went on to have to gorgeous boys and i was spotting aswell, but i just wanted to check you guys had the same as me....? cause i think when you are conscious of being pregnant you look out for things.
she could be about 10 weeks as her last period was december the 10th but she was on the pill and she didnt want a period in january so she bypassed the break and now she has found out (which by the way is very happy about not planned but happy)
she is just so worried so if any of you have got some good reassuring stories thats great.
thanks in advance xxx
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoenglish bull terrier lover or hater??
i have a 20 week old english bull terrier brindle boy and he is an absolutely fabulous dog! i dont understand why people are so scared of them just because of their appearance! i know they are like marmite you either love them or hate them! whats your views on them? xx
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoenglish bull terrier lover or hater??
i have a 20 week old english bull terrier brindle boy and he is an absolutely fabulous dog! i dont understand why people are so scared of them just because of their appearance! i know they are like marmite you either love them or hate them! whats your views on them? xx
17 AnswersDogs1 decade agodid you know you arent supposed...?
to give a child under 3 ribena? i read it on the bottle today in very small print and im sure i gave it to my son when he was two!just thought i would let all of you know! and does anyone know why?and why dont they make this more aware to parents in bigger writing! xx
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agohelp i have to do a micro-teach??
hi there i have got a job interview next week to be a hairdressing college lecturer and i have to do a micro-teach session for 15 mins any ideas would be great thank you xx
2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago