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  • Should I let my rat lick my other rat s wound?

    I have recently acquired a couple of rats that were meant to be feeders but were not eaten so now they have become pets. I have had one for a couple of weeks, he had been picked on and had a couple small injuries, one of which became an abscess. We just acquired a new one so that he could have company. The new one came with a cleaner nicer cage as well, now that we have decided to actually keep them as pets and not feed them to the snake. The first rat is in an overwarm, humid aquarium, which may not be bad since he is showing respiratory issues.

    My question is, should I put the somewhat sick rat in with the other rat yet? They are both showing signs of URI. I want the one with the abcess to have access to the cleaner nicer digs to heal faster. The new rat starts grooming him and they seem to get along, but I am afraid if it will make it worse to have him licking the abscess. Or is it better to have his buddy help it break and clean it out? Or should I keep them separated so it s not stressful for either of them until they are both healthy?

    Both are eating and drinking and climbing around and being active.

    2 AnswersRodents4 years ago
  • Found a cell phone. if i put my sim card in, will it come up stolen?

    I have T-Mobile in Oregon. My friend found this fancy HTC and since my phone's about toast, and he uses a different carrier, he gave it to me. It's been disconnected. If I put in my sim and use it, will I get in trouble?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • What is the reference behind this room with a black couch?

    I've seen it a bunch of times in pics online. What is it from

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • How long after starting ortho low does it become effective?

    Going to have my mirena iud removed and start ortho low at the same time next week. How long should I be concerned about pregnancy risk?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • I have an expired Mirena IUD in place. Is it still functioning?

    My Mirena IUD should have been removed a few months ago, but I am no longer insured and can't afford the doctor's visit. I have not started my period which stopped about 6 months after placement. Is it still effective? Could it be harmful?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • I modified my mortgage, but I still can't make the payments. Now what?

    After 7 years of marriage, my husband decided it would be a fun thing to commit a heinous sex crime and go to prison for 8 years, leaving me with our bills including a mortgage. I want to do what's best for my six year old and what's least detrimental to my credit. I modified my load based on my income from two jobs and my mom giving me $500/ month as a roommate. Sounds great, but my hours got cut on my second job and my mom gives me $0 and just mooches off me, so she's actually an expense. (she is moving out next month, I don't want to hear about it) So what it comes down to is that I'm about $800 shy of making payments. My credit is down the tube already since I've not paid any bills on time and some not at all. I can't sell the house before November because I got the $8000 tax credit. I haven't found a roommate I'd trust around my son that would be willing and able to pay what I need to survive. I'd love to hear some suggestions on how to keep the house, or ditch the house, or sell the house, or what.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • I had a burglary and wonder if I should claim on my taxes?

    I had a burglary and arson in my home which insurance paid out on, wondered if I should claim it on form 4684? I usually file my own taxes without issue, but I've never come across this. What are some of the guidleines?

    4 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Why are toaster cords in the front?

    It's so inconvenient. The only reason I can think of is safety, in case it catches fire, it's easier to see. Can anyone back that up or come up with a different purpose?

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • how do I figure out where this judgment/lien came from?

    My husband and I are separated, and I have no idea where he is. I am trying to do a loan modification for my mortgage, but I have a lien against my house that just says it is a judgment in favor of the state of Oregon against my husband, with the amount and a suit number. how do I find out who this debt is owed to? Obvioulsy the state of Oregon, but who do I contact? What state department would be able to give me more info?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • how do i find out what color my jeep is?

    I have a 95 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo that is kind of silvery with a gold pearl coat. I'd like to know what the color is called, but I doubt Jeep still makes the same color. Know of a website to find out?

    5 AnswersJeep10 years ago
  • in a nutshell, what is the argument in the NFL?

    What are the negotiations and lockout or whatever all about?

    6 AnswersFootball (American)10 years ago
  • Is Brett the only NFL player to be a grandpa?

    It's happened before, hasn't it?

    12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Which video game character should I name my new puppy after?

    I'm thinking Samus or maybe Yuna. We also considered Navi, Lulu, Kairi, Rikku, Lara, Chun-LI, and Zelda. Who's your favorite female character?

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How can I find records of my father's death?

    My dad left my mom when I was a baby, and she filed for child support but didn't know where he was and when the state did find him, he was on social security and never paid much. He showed up to get to know me when I was 14, and we spent weekends together and became fairly close. My mom decided that if he was willing to help with clothes shopping and take me to the fair, etc, she wouldn't push the issue.

    When I was sixteen he disappeared again, and I was hurt, but chalked it up to him being who he was and moved on. When I was 20, my mom got a call from child support division saying that they were closing the case since the father had been deceased for over three years. That was 8 years ago.

    I don't know where he lived at the time of his death, or even when it was, but would love some closure. His mother lived here in the town I live in, but I don't know her name. She obviously made no effort to even tell me he'd passed.

    How can I find any family records or even just an obituary?

    4 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • how do i remove a temporary tattoo?

    I don't have any baby oil or mineral oil. I have a shamrock on my face. I can not have a shamrock on my face when I go to work tomorrow. Help?

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • what should I know before traveling to Haiti?

    I am going on a mission trip to help rebuild.

    3 AnswersOther - Caribbean1 decade ago
  • If I plant a banana tree in zone 7 will I get fruit?

    The orchard says it will grow in zones 7-10, but I want to make sure it will flourish and produce fruit. I am right on the border of zone 7-8 and in a moist climate.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago