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Lv 2836 points

Mr Mister

Favorite Answers16%
  • My Chinese girlfriend is pregnant?

    We can not have the baby in China since we are not married. We can not marry because I am currently going through divorce proceedings with my previous partner. The divorce can be finished in 4 Months at the soonest. But the applications for a foreign mational to marry a Chinese person will take too long since I married outside of the UK.

    If my girlfriend comes to the UK and has her baby while on her tourist Visa, can she then be seperated from the child (who will be British through me)? Will they make her leave and go through the correct visa, seperating the mother and child?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce11 months ago
  • The thing that made you laugh more than anything else in the world?

    I couldn't breath after watching the BBC news clip of the baby barging in the room. I nearly choked with laughter.

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 year ago
  • Was Shakespeare right when he told Neil Armstrong to paint the mona lisa on the roof of st Pauls Cathedral in Mumbai?

    I am doing my maths homework. But I need another opinion for this sculpture I am writing.

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 year ago
  • Is it possible to extract benthlomyne from wood ash if I leave it soaking in vinegar?

    Also how long should I soak it for optimum bond? I was told 2 days, but my loft temperature fluctuates. I even bought a trillo to moderate it, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 year ago
  • FIFA 20 seasons AI?

    Can anyone tell me how the AI on FIFA 20 calibrates itself mid season? I have been stuck in a rut for the past 3 seasons following the same pattern. I am playing on legendary, but sometimes it seems really easy, and at other times really difficult, regardless of the opposition.

    I start the first third of the season really well, usually near the top and scoring goals for fun, then for some reason, for the middle third of the season I go on a winless streak for about 10 to 12 games, and can hardly seem to score. It must have something to do with the AI changing it's gameplan or my players losing energy. Sometimes my players do all the hard work, making the right runs, opening up space, intercepting balls, all great positional play. But then I just got absolutely dominated at home by bottom of the league Sheffield United, to the point where my players couldn't even string two passes together, weak as piss in challenges and missing open goals.

    I accept that every now and then just like in real life teams outperform themselves and surprise you, but this is ridiculous, when I go through this routine rut it doesn't seem to matter who I play, or what tactics/players I use, the difficulty drastically fluctuates. I

    It is becoming boringly routine and unrealistic. Any ideas?


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 year ago
  • Why is it that way?


    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles2 years ago
  • Why is my uncle Keith deaf.?

    He worked at a crisp factory but it closed down, now I think he plays on his deafness to.make money. Anyway he was deaf before he started working there.

    2 AnswersPeople with Disabilities2 years ago
  • Were there any 'liberal' movements which proved to be wrong over the course of history?

    It seems to me that a lot of counterculture and left wing ideas were widely criticised upon introduction, but have since been vindicated over time. Anti-Slavery, Athiesm, Gay Rights etc...

    8 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Unfair working conditions in a Sports Direct retailer.?

    I am on a zero hour contract as well as every other member of floor staff. Despite being on zero hours, the manager has decided that we are no longer allowed to casually swap shifts with one another and have to give 2 weeks notice for a day off, and 4 weeks for a week off. Also busy times like Christmas and Easter aren't allowed to be taken off. The rota is usually put up 3 days before the working week.

    Yesterday my lunch break (which is always 45 minutes for a 7 hour shift) was cut to 30 because we were understaffed.

    We have had absolutely no training and no health and safety training despite the fact we climb ladders and lift heavy mannequins down.

    We work under extremely strict instructions as we aren't allowed to leave our sections, yet are expected to follow customers to the fitting rooms, whilst also replenishing stock. We have a radio system to one stock room guy out back which is very inefficient.

    We are monitored on cctv to make sure we don't chat to one another and are under constant overbearing supervision.

    10 members of staff have already left since the shop opened two months ago and more are wanting to leave. It just seems like there is no structure or organisation, no set procedure of holiday and break entitlement, it all just seems to be at the managements discretion, and it's really becoming infuriating to do your job.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • I am on a 0 hour contract with a sports direct owned company?

    We receive holiday pay every 12 weeks. However, we are never offered hours, the rota is just created at managements pleasure, and we are expected to work. We also have a holiday calendar with certain blocks in which staff aren t allowed to take full weeks off i.e. Christmas and school holidays. Does this also apply to me as I need two weeks off over Christmas to visit family overseas? I though I was not obliged to accept any work but am worried if I refuse to work this two week period they won t give me any more hours.

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal5 years ago
  • Wife has very low sex drive.?

    She becomes aroused maybe once a month. At first we had sex a lot, and then she lost her sex drive. About 2 weeks ago she was aroused for two days, and we had a lot of sexual activity, then I made her climax and she hasn t been aroused since.

    She says that she had a higher sex drive in previous relationships because she rarely orgasmed, but with me, it s lower because she usually has an orgasm. She has advised me to maybe try and not make her orgasm the next time she becomes aroused so to maintain her sex drive.

    Is this plausible or is she just trying to make me feel better?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Does alcohol consumption invalidate a nikah?

    Assala Muslaikum,

    I've heard alcohol consumption means prayers will not be rewarded for forty days, but what about a nikkah? Will a nikah be invalid if one of the couple has consumed alcohol within this period?

    Jazak Allah Kahairan

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Red faced after work?

    I work 12 hour shifts as a greengrocer, every night when I come home my face looks sunburnt. Is it being around fruit and veg all the time? Or just heavy lifting all day making me blush?

    My face is really warm as well, exactly like having sunburn.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Illegal working conditions?

    I just started a job in a greengrocer, I work 7am - 7pm 5-6 days a week, and receive £42 a day. I worked out that this is about £3.50 an hour (£3 less than minimum wage).

    The boss has put me down as working part time 25 hours a week, but I usually work 72 hours a week. The other lad working there said its a low amount due to the fact the owner doesn't pay tax on it or something?

    The boss has threatened to sack me, and if he tries, I'm thinking of mentioning trading standards and reporting him for paying less than minimum wage, ridiculous hours and tax dodging.

    Would I get anywhere? Or has he got me by the balls as I'm down on a part time contract and have no proof, as it's all cash in hand. What can I do?

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • My Iman is very weak?

    I practiced Christianity for a year and didn't really like it, so became a Buddhist for two years. Buddhism gave me all the answers I was looking for, it was contemporary, didn't contradict science and was such a practical religion for me. The whole time though I refused to turn my back on God (if he was there).

    I converted to Islam after my girlfriend (born Muslim) rediscovered her faith. I was left with an ultimatum; either convert or break up what is a very serious relationship. I said I wouldn't mind converting for practical reasons but I couldn't guarantee that I'd be a believer.

    In the end we came to a compromise, I would convert and become a practicing Muslim, and I would be given time to try and work on my faith in Islam. However 8 weeks in and my faith is very weak, I just don't see enough evidence to convince me that Islam is correct. I took my shahada with sincerity, but my faith is no stronger. I still pray and go to mosque, and all my fellow Muslims have been fantastic in helping me, but I'm not sure what to do.

    Is it fair to be with someone even though my faith is weak? Am I supposed to end our relationship because I'm not a better Muslim? I really want to have faith, and I just want to know which is the right path.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Why does my stomach still stick out?

    I am a very active person, excercise around 4 times a week both weight and cardio, average around 15,000 steps a day sometimes close to 30,000, I eat probably less then I should for someone my size and yet I still always look bloated?

    At first I thought it was due to beer consumption, but even though I've been alcohol free since September my 'beer belly' hasn't gone away?

    I've definitely lost a lot of wait in the last year but for some reason my stomach and hips aren't budging. Maybe I just need to wait? Sometimes it looks flatter on a morning but as soon as I eat anything I just have a big pot belly again?

    It could be APT as my spine is quite curved, but there's still a lot of fat around my guy area.

    Diet & Fitness6 years ago