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Hey ! I'm here !!!!!!!!

  • Are you a true Indian?

    Whom are we, the Indians, still waiting for, to ignite the debate?

    Isn't this the right time to raise our voices to polarise every-body's attention towards the culprit Police Officers to be convicted under the strictest possible provisions of Law? Do you think, that this would compel the Police Officials, irrespective of being a IPS or not, to avoid being influenced externally that deprives a commoner to get justice & helps the Political Parties/ influential individuals instead? Can this action compel the Police Cadres to revolt against the Political Parties, who mostly influence the Police Department for their vested interests to the extent of mass destruction of lives of the common villagers?

    Don't you think that this is the right time to implement the "Divide & Rule Policy of the British" between the Political Leaders & the unethical Police Professionals that would create a permanent barrier between these category of people for a more practical & instant implementation of a corruption free India??

    It is none other than our Police Forces, if forced back to function independently, who can bring in the change that India is thriving for right now. Have you ever given a deep thought on this issue for a while & realised the practical efficiency of this movement ?

    Do mail me if you intend to lead a movement through blogging on this issue. Here is my mail-id:

    Each & every mail shall be addressed & replied at the earliest with due respect.

    5 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Whom are we, the Indians, still waiting for, to ignite the debate?

    Isn't this the right time to raise our voices to polarise every-body's attention towards the culprit Police Officers to be convicted under the strictest possible provisions of Law? Do you think, that this would compel the Police Officials, irrespective of being a IPS or not, to avoid being influenced externally that deprives a commoner to get justice & helps the Political Parties/ influential individuals instead? Can this action compel the Police Cadres to revolt against the Political Parties, who mostly influence the Police Department for their vested interests to the extent of mass destruction of lives of the common villagers?

    Don't you think that this is the right time to implement the "Divide & Rule Policy of the British" between the Political Leaders & the unethical Police Professionals that would create a permanent barrier between these category of people for a more practical & instant implementation of a corruption free India??

    It is none other than our Police Forces, if forced back to function independently, who can bring in the change that India is thriving for right now. Have you ever given a deep thought on this issue for a while & realised the practical efficiency of this movement ?

    Do mail me if you intend to lead a movement through blogging on this issue. Here is my mail-id:

    Each & every mail shall be addressed & replied at the earliest with due respect.

    1 AnswerCivic Participation10 years ago
  • What are we, the Indians still waiting for ?

    When shall the debate ignite ?

    Isn't this the right time to raise our voices to polarise every-body's attention towards the culprit Police Officers to be convicted under the strictest possible provisions of Law? Do you think, that this would compel the Police Officials, irrespective of being a IPS or not, to avoid being influenced externally that deprives a commoner to get justice & helps the Political Parties/ influential individuals instead? Can this action compel the Police Cadres to revolt against the Political Parties, who mostly influence the Police Department for their vested interests to the extent of mass destruction of lives of the common villagers?

    Don't you think that this is the right time to implement the "Divide & Rule Policy of the British" between the Political Leaders & the unethical Police Professionals that would create a permanent barrier between these category of people for a more practical implementation of a corruption free India??

    Anybody out there, who agrees ???

    4 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • What are we still waiting for ?? When shall the debate ignite ?

    Is this the right time to raise our voices to polarise every-body's attention towards the culprit Police Officers to be convicted under the strictest possible provisions of Law? Do you think, that this would compel the Police Officials, irrespective of being a IPS or not, to avoid being influenced externally that deprives a commoner to get justice & helps the Political Parties/ influential individuals instead? Can this action compel the Police Cadres to revolt against the Political Parties, who mostly influence the Police Department for their vested interests to the extent of mass destruction of lives of the common villagers?

    Anybody out there, who agrees ???

    3 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • When will the debate start?

    When shall the Public of India raise voice to protest against the Political Parties who keep on saving the Police Cadres despite of their misdeeds unless a stray case is surfaced out of control accidentally?

    1 AnswerGovernment10 years ago
  • Should all the culprit Police Officers of India, prosecuted strictly under the provisions of Law?

    Is this the right time to raise our voices to polarise every-body's attention towards the culprit Police Officers to be convicted under the strictest possible provisions of Law? Do you think, that this would compel the Police Officials, irrespective of being a IPS or not, to avoid being influenced externally that deprives a commoner to get justice & helps the Political Parties/ influential individuals instead? Anybody out there, who agrees ???

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • Why is India is prone to corruption ? Can this be treated as an appeal to the international platform?

    We do hardly have anything to do whenever we face practical problems for ourselves....... Untill then ALL SEEMS WELL !!

    Have you ever come accross any of those of the majority of common Indians who struggle hard for whole of their lives/ those who suffer from floods/eathquakes/drought/ any other pityful situations but never are highlighted by any of the media unlike those few, who are lucky enough to come to the limelight somehow ?

    Have you ever come across anybody who was ever promised of Govt. aid by a renowned minister/Beurocrat in front of the media but never was entertained thereafter till death?

    Must have heard of such things, right?.................. YES !! ...........

    Have you ever tried to taske the pain to find out about such an individual/a family ? Bet, it wouldn't at all be that tough. They are all over around............... struggling & dumb ......

    REMEMBER, they are the majority, whom we share our country with .................

    Thank God for our well being, because I think, India has to go yet far ahead to take care of the citizens of our nation before we truly start feeling yet more proud of our Nation. But still, I love my nation because it is after all my own land.

    Tell you what? People may declare me to be a nut for myself having a gut feeling of finding a major solution to most of our problems by computerising the whole of the Legal System & last but not the least, Ammending the whole of our Holy Constitution afresh because it is all obsolete.

    Have you ever given a thought to this fact that this is an era of of upgrading & we are struggling hard round the clock to upgrade all possible technologies & never dare to unitedly speak loud to upgrade our Consitution that could give us the universal strength to become the most potentially strong Nation in the whole world that could even turn ourselves to be proudest citizens of the economically No.1 nation in the world ?


    Just close your eyes & start thinking about any one country in the world that has no interest to harvest on the Indian Market & hence is in no way, trying to penetrate the potential scopes vested in India .......... How many did you find?

    Please do be kind enogh to express your views that differ from those of mine, so that I have a chance to start realising afresh, about the wrong perceptions those have been budding within myself out of my real life experiences.

    Why isn't anybody speaking about this ever?

    Why isn't any of the international organisations who fight to restore human rights not speaking a word in favour of the scores of people who are compelled to face the innumerous human right abuses since ages ?

    7 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • How important is it to spell a word ?

    I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! ---------- Wsa it enoguh to prokvoe yuo to satr tihs qutesoin ?

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Are all the ladies embarrassed to find a guy staring at their feet ?

    but WHY ?

    sorry to have been a bit too naughty ............ :-)

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago