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  • Methinks you protesteth too much. Why?

    I find it tremendously entertaining to wander into the Religion questions area and read all the gnashing of teeth. Over the years this forum has degenerated from a useful place to ask legitimate religious questions to one where self-proclaimed atheists come to "yank some Christians' chains" or so they would want you to believe. They try so desparately to convince others of the foolishness of their faith and discredit their beliefs all the while the Christians go on their happy way firm in their faith in God and Christ. Why all this effort that is just as pointless as a Christian converting them? The only place you can go and find any semblence of the same vitriol anywhere in Yahoo Answers is the Politics forum. I think it's a shame that obviously intelligent people spend so much time achieving nothing.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If not Hillary as the democratic nominee then who?

    Who's the top contender if it isn't Hillary for 2008 on the Dems side?

    3 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • Republicans, at what point did Condi Rice REALLY become someone you would support for president?

    Honestly, was it just a reaction to Hillary? Do you honestly want Condi as Prez? What qualifies her to hold the highest office in the land? There just seems to be so many other Republicans that would be much better presidents.

    4 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • Political pundits believable?

    Someone please tell me they don't believe the crap that comes out of the mouths of Coulter, Franken, O'Reilly, Morrer, Hannity and all the others. They are all so patently wrong as to be lying outright all in the name of senseless argument. Anyone out there really BELIEVE their garbage?

    3 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • Who do you think are the best five presidents we've had EXCLUDING GW Bush and Clinton?

    I'd really like to get an Idea of who people REALLY consider the best we've had based on accomplishments and not which end of the political spectrum the person hangs out in so I've excluded our current and immediate past president. And to be fair, here are mine in no particular order: Jefferson (Louisiana Purchase), Monroe (Monroe Doctrine), Polk (Texas and California), T. Roosevelt (Labor Reform and Environment) and Lincoln (Civil War).

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 decades ago
  • At what point would you find yourself voting for the party opposite of your basic cons/lib bearing?

    Is it possible or do you just blindly vote the party line on the basis that they MUST be right? I watched my grandfather vote democrat all his life mearly out of respect for all FDR did to help his family survive the depression. My father on the other hand has voted straight republican all his life based mearly on his career in the business world and his belief that the republicans helped him. When do you cross the party line?

    14 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • Why so much disrespect between the parties?

    As recently as 1984, there still existed mutual respect and civility between Republicans and Democrats. Why the radical change? Why are we all so divided and combative? Was it always there but the internet and in your face media allowed the radicals of both parties to dictate party policy? I would prefer peaceful dialogue for the good of the whole country. Do you prefer the constant cat fight that politics as become?

    7 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago