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  • Who won the super bowl game?

    i misseed the last quater of the super bowl game who won?

    26 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Sophies's Choice??? help?

    okay so i have to read an American historical fiction book for my english class and i want to read Sophie's Choice but the problem is that the book has to be 200 pages long does anyone know if it is at least 200 pages long if not can you tell me a good book to read that is

    7 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • am i stupid for believeing my ex when he told me he wasnt on drgs?

    okay well all the signs were there and i shouldve seen it but some how i believed him like he would accually lock me out of MY bedroom when his "friends" would come over and he was only 145 pounds at 5'9 i was with him a year and didnt notice it all untel after we broke up

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does any one else have a problem with this?

    i am so blown away at the rate of tenage pregnancy i cant stand it i know at least 15 teenagers that got pregnangt in the last year it's insane i think we are at the beginig of another baby boom it worries me

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • if god knows all?

    well if god knows everyhing then why would he have created a world when he knew that it is going to come to a brutel end some day

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • pregnancy emergancy!! please help?

    does any one know what results a mri can have on a unborn baby a friend of mine had an mri done befor she knew she was pregnant and i'm trying to help her find out what it could do to her baby

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • camping on the beach...?

    does any one knwo for sure wether or not it is legal to camp on the oregon coast i want to camp on the BEACH with my family this weekend and i cant aford to go to an accually camp ground

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • my mom is ruining my boyfriends credit what should i do?

    well my mom has really bad credit right well my boyfriend lives with us and she asked him if she could get our internet and phone in his name. now i was really worried about it but she promised both of us she would pay thebill and last night i foud a disconnection notice saying that she didnt pay it for two months and that was the month befors bill and again we got another one for this month and i cant stand the fact that she would ruin his credit and she has spent all of her money now and it's driving me crazy i told him abut it last night and he said to just have it shut off and hed find a way to pay it latter but i dont know how to talk to my mom about it and i dotn think that it's right that hes gonna pay it i dont know what to do

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • should i stay or should i go .?

    my aunt has asked my mom to move me and my brother to california i have wanted to move there since i was younge but i'm currently in a long term reletionship(just over a year) my boyfriend has told me he would move with me but i know he has always wanted to settle down in the town he was raised in he is very close to his family should i even be thinking about asking him to leave his family so i can be close to mine see my dad also lives in cali. i dont know my dad or the sisters i have on his side i'm torn what should i do

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago