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Lv 31,237 points

Jilly Bean

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  • Advice please! My boyfriend is ignoring me?

    My boyfriend and I were getting along fine and dandy when all of a sudden he said he needed some alone time. Since we'd spent the whole weekend together that was fair enough..... But he wouldn't kiss me goodbye or say I love you when he left so that upset me. Whenever he upsets me I can't help but be super persistant/clingy until we sort out whatever the problem is (are any other girls like this or just me?)... So I tried to call text/him to tell him I was upset... so he blocks my number! D: He hasn't spoken to me since (that was 2-3 days ago). The annoying thing is that whenever he ignores me like this I'm always the one that comes begging for him (even though I kinda think he's in the wrong). I'm such a push over! Everybody tells me I should ignore him and make him come begging, but I'm not one to play immature games like that. I love him and I treat him how I would like to be treated. Just don't know what to do??? Am I being too clingy, does he just need some space or what?

    I know you're gunna say 'he's a jerk/he's cheating/he wants to break up....' I'm certain he is not cheating and I know he loves and cares about me alot.... I won't deny he can be a jerk tho haha...

    Advice please n thanks!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Advice please! My boyfriend is ignoring me?

    I was suppose to be going to my boyfriend's house the other day but he said he needed 'alone time', fair enough, that didn't upset me too much, but when he left to go home he wouldn't even kiss me goodbye/say love you - being a girl, this is traumatic haha. And so of course I tried to call/text him because I felt he blocked my number! And hasn't spoken to me since (that was 3 days ago). He has ignored me like this several times before, the annoying thing is that I'm always the one begging for him to talk to me, I'll just be so happy when he answers my call I won't expect an apology from him. I'm such a push over!!!!! Everybody tells me 'ignore him, make him come begging' but I just can't bring myself to play immature games like that (even tho he does), I always treat others how I would like to be treated. What to do???

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Advice please! Fighting with my boyfriend...?

    We have been fighting this week, there isn't really even a reason why. But he got angry at me and left on Saturday then wouldn't answer my calls for a while. Every time we fight I always say sorry and try to make it better even tho he's the one being a jerk. He finally answered my call the other day and we semi-made up but he was still being stand-offish. This kind of made me angry coz I'm sick of him always being stubborn when I'm trying to make peace. I decided I wouldn't call him but let him come to me... But he hasn't called!! Should I just give up and call him or does he need to learn to say sorry? I don't know what to do :( What do you think he's thinking?? Also we have little fights nearly every weekend (I don't really mind hah coz we love each other more afterwards) but is it unhealthy to fight that much?

    Fyi I'm 20 years old. We've been together for about 10 months, and he is my first love!

    Help please and thanks!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Advice please! Fighting with my boyfriend...?

    We have been fighting this week, there isn't really even a reason why. But he got angry at me and left on Saturday then wouldn't answer my calls for a while. Every time we fight I always say sorry and try to make it better even tho he's the one being a jerk. He finally answered my call the other day and we semi-made up but he was still being stand-offish. This kind of made me angry coz I'm sick of him always being stubborn when I'm trying to make peace. I decided I wouldn't call him but let him come to me... But he hasn't called!! Should I just give up and call him or does he need to learn to say sorry? I don't know what to do :( What do you think he's thinking?? Also we have little fights nearly every weekend (I don't really mind hah coz we love each other more afterwards) but is it unhealthy to fight that much?

    Fyi I'm 20 years old. We've been together for about 10 months, and he is my first love!

    Help please and thanks!

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Please try to diagnose what's wrong with my car?

    Last night while I was driving, the little red warning 'charge battery' and 'break' lights came on on my dashboard. I drove for another 15 minutes home with no problems.... But after turning the car off I tried to restart it but it wouldn't.

    The car's been having heaps of problems lately, but I'm assuming this time it's because the battery's dead?? But why the break light aswell?

    If the battery is dead, and it died of natural causes lol (coz I didn't leave my headlights or interior lights on or anything) it still possible that it can be charged, or will I probably need a new one??

    Actually come to think of it, I did leave my headlights on for 15 minutes... But that's not long enough to drain the battery, is it?

    Thanks for any help guys!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Help, is my boyfriend a keeper or not? (I'll answer your's in return)?

    Hey, so I'm 19 and I've been with my boyfriend for 6 months - he is my first boyfriend so I have nothing to compare him to, that's why I need your help! There are some aspects of our relationship that I feel so thankful for and others that I'm not sure about. I guess I'll just rattle some things off....

    We can talk about everyyyything, and I'm %100 comfortable around him. My heart aches a little when I have to leave him. We have many of the same ideas and values (about family and stuff). He's super polite to my parents. He opens up about his feelings. We put equal effort into the relationship. He takes me out on dates alot. I can spend days with him and never get sick of him. In general he is a great guy and very respectful.... Anyway I guess I better get to the neggatives... He's quite critical of me, he's always pressuring me to be excercise, to find a job, to study harder, to dress nicer - like he always says these things, but not at all in an aggressive way (he never speaks to me disrespectfully)... But still it does hurt my feelings that he doesn't accept me the way I am, and I've told him that.... He tells me that he does love me the way I am but he cares about me so much that he wants me to be the best I can. He's right, I should try to be my best... I'm just sick of him nagging me is all. Another big thing is that since we've been together we haven't really made any spiritual progression (we're religious, so this is important to me... it seems more important to me than him, but this is something we can work on.) Another thing is that he ignores me alot when I'm being immature/annoying... But I just do it coz I want his attention, if he gave it to me I wouldn't annoy him! It's frustrating. Also he is not much of a funny guy (he thinks he is, but no. Lol). Also (we have good convos sometimes) but alot of the time we don't have anything to talk about, yet we drag out a 2 hour conversation every night on the phone, it's boring! (But is that the same for every couple? haha)

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • So.. Romney for president?

    I'm in Australia so I'm not really up to date with what's going on over there... But I am interested to know what the chances are of Romney becoming president (since he's a Mormon and all)?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • 4 dates and we haven't held hands?

    Is this weird? Like we've spent heaps of time together (coz the dates were full day)... I know he likes me (he's the one chasing me)! He is a massive gentleman and I think he thinks PDA are innapropriate... But does holding hands really count as PDA? We've spent plenty of time alone aswell, still no hand hold haha. And deffinately no kiss, must be saving that for marriage!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What do Mormons understand of Revalations 1:8 'Alpha and Omega'?

    I know that Mormons believe that God and Jesus are seperate. But Jesus said 'I am Alpha and Omega'....Doesn't that mean that Jesus IS God? Why do Mormons believe He is not God?

    This is a sincere question so please no 'angry' replys. Thanks :-)

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What are the most wealthy religions in the World?

    In the World... and what about in Australia, in particular? How does the Mormon church rank?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Atheists, all things have a maker and a purpose... Why would the universe not have a maker and a purpose?

    It is LOGIC that the universe has a creator - things don't simple exist, they must be created!

    For example... Say you and I stumble across a car, and I try to tell you that this car just formed out of no where for no reason at all. You would think I was insane.. because your logic tells you that the car was created by someone for the purpose of driving, der it's just common knowledge. We apply this logic to all things - this was created for this reason. Why is it that when it comes to the universe, way more intricate then a car or anthing else, the same logic that applies to everything else in life doesn't apply to the universe? If the universe was not created then how the hell did it even begin to exist?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What's the best way to turn a guy down?

    A friend of mine (not really a close friend) asked me on a date the other week... I really don't like him that way so I told him I was busy that weekend but we should plan to do something with our group of friends. I thought that was a decent way of turning him down, yeah? ..But he didnt catch on because he keeps peskering me! I keep giving him excuses of why I'm busy, just waiting for him to get the hint.. although Ive probably confused him because, at the same time Ive been a little extra friendly to him.... Because I really don't want to hurt his feelings! Argh, What do I do?!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What's the best way to turn a guy down?

    A friend of mine (not really a close friend) asked me on a date the other week... I really don't like him that way so I told him I was busy that weekend but we should plan to do something with our group of friends. I thought that was a decent way of turning him down, yeah? ..But he didnt catch on because he keeps peskering me! I keep giving him excuses of why I'm busy, just waiting for him to get the hint.. although Ive probably confused him because, at the same time Ive been a little extra friendly to him.... Because I really don't want to hurt his feelings! Argh, What do I do?!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is this love or infatuation?

    (And when I say love, I realise it's too soon for real love.. But I mean are my feelings geniune or am I just infatuated?) So I've known this guy for only about a month, but within the first couple of hours of meeting him we got along so well, like old friends.. And I fell for him from there. I'm not physically attracted to him (I rarely get physically attracted to anyone though, yeah weird), but he has the greatest personalty in a guy that Ive ever met. He's just like a male version of me, but better. I need to get over him though because he has a girlfriend atm. Usually when I need to get over someone, its easy because I just need to realise I was only infatuated, not in love. But with this guy its different, because I have geniune reasons for liking him, because hes the only person ive ever met that has everything im looking for (very kind, friendly, a gentleman, hillarious (we have the exact same sense of humour, which is rare), religious/spiritual, passionate, easy to get along with). Im worried that I'll never find someone else like him. If you tell me that this is just infatuation then it will be easier for me to get over him. But if not, what should I do? Wait around?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Trying to get over a guy but I can't coz he's my perfect match. Help? :(?

    I havent known this guy for very long, but from the first day I met him weve gotten along amazingly well. I really fell for him, hard. It seemed like he liked me too, but I guess he must have only seen me as a friend. Coz see, I didnt realise he already had a potential love interest and now they are together and Im left slighty broken hearted and feeling like a fool. Of course, now that he has someone I feel like I should back down and get over him. Usually when I get let down by a guy, I can recover easily because I just have to make myself realise that there were no real reasons for me to like that guy in the first place. But with this guy its different, because he has every quality that I want. He is my perfect match and its going to be impossible to find someone else as good as him. And thats what makes it so sad/hard :( Advice please? Should I wait around for him? Or just suck it up and get over him, and start the lonnng search to try and find someone as amazing as him? "never mind ill fiiiind someone like youuuuu" haha, #foreveralone.

    Oh, or do you think theres a chance he'll realise that he likes me not the other girl?? (Coz I feel like he likes me too, but shes been around for longer so yeah)

    Sorry, I guess I just needed to rant really. But any help is appreciated. :)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why does God allow people to be gay?

    Love is such a huge part of life, if being gay is a sin why does God allow people to be that way. Its not easy for them to change.

    This is a sincere question so I want sincere answers please. I really only want to hear the answers of those who believe it is a sin. And if theres any Mormons, Id be interested in hearing from you especially, so please state if you are a Mormon. Thanks.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago