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  • Dad diagnosed with dementia..need advice!?

    I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out a solution to my issue, and it’s not easy! My dad was recently diagnosed with dementia. He is a retired veteran that doesn’t really have any hobbies besides walking my dog and watching TV. My mom is mostly his caregiver as I am in college, and constantly worries for his safety since he doesn’t always do things he should at his age. He also didn’t pass the senior driving test after being diagnosed so he lost his license and can’t drive. As someone who was always “the man” of the house and the provider, it’s very frustrating for him to not be able to do things anymore and it’s more frustrating for my mom since she’s always trying to figure out what to have my dad do but since he doesn’t like to do much it’s difficult. I’m just wondering if anyone’s had a similar experience and can give some tips or advice? My mom, at her age, shouldn’t be worrying as much as she is but at the same time hiring a nurse and assistant living facilities are too expensive.

    Any advice would help! Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases3 years ago
  • C programming help! I need to convert text from a file into numbers?

    I have an text file that is meant to be input and a keyword, i need to convert each letter to its corresponding number such as

    a = 0, b = 1. and then add each individual number.

    I was wondering if there was any good guides on how to do this because i dont want to do a bunch of if statements, thanks for the help!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Florida rental laws? My mom has been using home-away to rent out her apartments...?

    She has been using it for nearly a year with no issues until some problem arose with a neighbor of her apartment complex with a tenant. Long story short she received an email saying her apartment must be rented out three months at a time not days according to a state law. Does anyone know what she should do? This is the way she makes money and a lot of people who rent out their apartments in this complex use air bnb and home away to make renting easier.

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Coding in C: 2D array and txt file?

    I know this question has probably been asked a thousand times but for some reason I'm stumped!

    I am trying to input a text file into a 2D array, the text file goes into it and shows up once I compile it but it also shows extra lines of numbers that arent in the text file.

    How can I make is so it stops at the end of the last number in the text? I cant quite remember how to do it.


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Looking for a new laptop..advice?

    I'm in the process of searching for a new laptop, my budget is $300 or under.

    As for usage, this laptop would mainly be used for artistic purposes, I just want a laptop I can store all the digital drawings I do. Mainly because they are taking to much space in my main laptop.

    What do you guys think?



    ps. I would be willing to maybe pay more but only 100 dollars more, also it would be purchased from amazon, dont know if thats irrelevant or not but just keep it in mind in case you have an example thats on amazon. Thanks again!

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • I need relationship Advice!?

    This will be a bit long so brace yourselves!

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 months now. He is the first boyfriend Ive had so everything is kind of new to me,

    We've hit the 8 month, almost 9 month mark now, and i've been starting to have mixed feelings about him. I adore and love him but I'm at a confusing place in my life right now, and I think its starting to affect how I feel about other things as well as our relationship. I haven't been as happy due to now knowing what to major in and the stress of finding something I'm good at. I know the feeling may pass but he's noticed that Ive been acting differently. I also feel like the excitement is diminishing, we live in a small town, theres not much to do besides go to the beach or going out to local places so going out to new places is hard.

    We know each other so well were just comfortable, and I'm scared that I may be getting bored because I dont feel that feeling of being chased. How can I spice things up? or how can I let him know how i feel without hurting his feelings?

    Its all so confusing!

    Thanks so much for your answers

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Just got off birth long will it take to get my body stable?

    Hello everyone,

    I stopped birth control almost a month ago now, since then I've been going through withdrawal symptoms, I'm a lot more emotional and take everything my boyfriend says to heart. I don't want to be so clingy and needy anymore but I don't want to get back on the pill at all.

    How long does it take to get back to normal?

    And is there a way I can make the withdrawal easier for my body? I was only on it for 4 months

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • My best friend is being bullied by a long time high school friend of mine? Any Advice?

    My best friend has been getting bullied by an old high school friend. The three of us use to be best friends and hung out all the time, but after graduation, only two out of our little group of three really kept in close contact.

    My best friend, Lauren, is having such a hard time because she use to be best friends with this girls (Angies) brother, she even use to date him until he came out of the closet. Even after that they kept a good friendship.

    but now in college, Lauren has been forced to become this social Pariah due to Angie (who goes to the same college) isolating her from the group of friends that she's made in high school and that are going to the same college.

    Lauren has been publicly humiliated, and bullied to no end, I want to say something to Angie so bad but I'm afraid it will only make things worse for Lauren over there.

    Any advice?

    Also....Lauren has a depressive personality and has already tried to commit suicide which is why I'm so scared for her, I can't be there for her like I use to be since were 5 hours away from each other. I text her as much as I can and am always there to listen when she needs to talk, but It doesn't feel like enough sometimes

    Thanks for listening and for the advice

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • I think my dog is sick…diarrhea, restlessness, loss of appetite?

    Yesterday night my dog had some diarrhea, so I immediately put him on a bland diet of white rice and chicken, he seemed better throughout the day until tonight. His stomach keeps making funny sounds and he doesn't seem to want to keep still or try and sleep. I tried offering him some food but he refused to eat, he even refused his favorite treat. I do plan to take him to the vet as soon as possible. but what can I do for the time being?

    I feel bad because I feel like I can't do anything to make him feel better.

    btw he is a yorky maltese mix, he is 4 years old, hasn't really had any problems like this before so I'm not quite sure what to do.

    Thanks for your help and advice everyone!


    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Something is wrong with my elbow?

    A couple days ago I was playing around with some friends and as I was running I made a sharp turn, lost my balance, and fell. In the process of falling I managed to fall on my elbow and land on my back.

    At the time, Nothing really hurt until I was sitting down, I accidentally bumped my elbow into the back of my chair and it felt as it something, a bone? maybe?, moved. It only hurts if i bump it into something. And I don't think theres anything seriously wrong, but I don't know what to do about it.

    I tried researching it on google, but most of the symptoms for the elbow injuries are severe pain, or swelling. none of those symptoms apply to me.

    Anybody know what could possibly be wrong with my elbow?



    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Socially awkward girl looking for advice! Can you help?

    I haven't seen my friend for 2 years, after he graduated from high school we both became distant. Yesterday I happened to run into him and he and I agreed we should get back to talking. The problem is the reason we became distant was because I felt like we didn't have a lot in common anymore but I want to be his friend again. I am very shy and awkward by nature so I was looking for advice.

    I'm a little nervous that i will be awkward so what are some good ice breakers?

    What are some things you do to start a conversation?

    anymore tips, please feel free to leave the answers below! thanks a bunch


    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Need some advice on cellphone...Nokia Lumia 520 questions?

    I currently have a prepaid phone and I was looking at some newer go phones that at&t has and came upon the Nokia Lumia 520.

    This phone would be a real upgrade from the one I have which is a pantech blackberry looking phone that barely does anything besides text and take crappy pictures.

    I am truly considering buying the Nokia Lumia but I have some questions I wanted to see if anyone on this site could answer like:

    1. Can I use my old sim card and put it in this phone to use my old plan? or will I have to get a new sim card?

    2. Is it compatible with popular apps like vine, snapchat, instagram..?

    3. Is it a good deal at $99.00?

    thanks for taking the time to read and answer this!


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • What are some sayings that describe someone standing out?

    I'm writing a Narrative Essay for my class and I wanted to know if anyone knew sayings that show how people stand out from a certain group. Like for example, my relatives are all blonde and green eyes while I have dark black hair, and brown eyes.

    I've heard people say "The black sheep of the herd" .

    so something along those lines, that will show how I'm very different from my family. (this essay is about me being adopted)


    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Have you ever tried to make a guy/girl jealous?

    So I'm currently writing a story and need some ideas for how I'm going to write a part in which the main female character, tries to get the attention of a guy by making him jealous.

    So I was wondering If anyone would like to share some of their own experience to give me a sort of idea of what it may be like. if you could help it'd be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I need advice on a story?

    I've been trying to get into writing, it's always been a bit hard for me because I can't always come up with good ideas -_-

    Anyway, recently I found watt, and decided to try writing myself. It seemed the most popular books were about romance, werewolves, vampires etc..

    So I decided to go off that. Can you give me advice?

    I feel like its missing something, but what?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • trying to find a song? can anyone help?

    I recently went to best buy and bought some headphones, one of the jazz sample songs was really catchy and I have not been able to forget it.

    Unfortunately I dont remember the lyrics. It sounded like it was modern jazz, it was really smooth and it was sung by a black male singer

    thanks for your help

    1 AnswerLyrics8 years ago
  • how to keep higlights from fading?

    I just got highlights and unfortunately i realized this week im invited to a lot of graduation parties which involve going in water and doing all activities in the water.

    How can i keep it from fading and getting ruined?


    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • animating program thats easy to use/export animation?

    Hello, ive been getting into animation and for mothers day i thought itd be a cute idea to make a mini animation for my mom. i was wondering if there were any programs that i could easily draw out my animation and well animate it.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years ago
  • lately ive been feeling hungry, more than usual?

    I'm an 18 year old girl, I usually can eat a meal and be full until its time to eat the next meal. But lately I've been wanting to eat more than usual. I'm about 5'2 and weigh 104 lbs, I'm just worried that it may not be normal? this has happened for about a month now. no i'm not pregnant -_- but yeah what could it be? I usually try to eat fruits when i feel hungry but sometimes even thats not enough....Thanks!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Can I make french macaroons with cake mix?

    I recently bought some red velvet cake mix and was going to make some cupcakes with it, when i remembered i have a french food day coming up in school.

    I was wondering if it was possible to use the cake mix for macaroons, if so, is there a recipe online that may help?

    Thanks so much!

    Au revoir!


    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago