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Favorite Answers6%
  • Favorite drink, and political leaning?

    I am genuinely curious.

    I have actually noticed that my liberal and conservative friends gravitate toward different alcoholic beverages, and I want to see if that correlation extends past my immediate social group.

    5 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Are toy guns okay for children?

    I work a side-job at a small toy store, and this concern was raised by a customer yesterday afternoon. She told us (very respectfully) that she would not feel comfortable returning if we continue to sell the toys.

    Given the state of gun violence in this country, I do understand where she is coming from. This being said, I also come from a hunting family, so toy guns were always central to my safety training as a child.

    So I'm wondering... How do you feel about giving toy guns to children?

    6 AnswersParenting5 years ago
  • Undiagnosed digestive problems, and my GI can't see me for a month. Any advice?

    I wouldn't be too concerned usually, but I have been having chronic diarrhea for months now. All blood tests have come back with average, healthy results. I was directed to speak to a gastroenterology specialist, but the only one my health insurance will cover can't fit me in until April 20.

    Lately, it has gotten to the point where I am going to the restroom 6 or 7 times a day. The last two days, I have found large chunks (>1 inch) of white tissue in my stool as well. (I don't know if this is just mucus or a legitimate chunk of tissue).

    Do you have any advice on how to self-treat in the meantime? Should I be more urgent and look elsewhere, despite the added cost?

    I have never had health issues like this, so any input is appreciated. Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Health5 years ago
  • Libs/Cons: What is your solution to this problem?

    The city I live in has an extremely high rate of homelessness, and we are one of the coldest cities in the country. Because of this, we have a high mortality rate among our homeless population.

    If you were in a position of power, which policies/public outreach programs would you install to address this problem?

    4 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Republicans: Are you satisfied with the state of your party?

    Especially in regards to your 2016 presidential hopefuls?

    13 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Junior in college and I hate my major: Any suggestions?

    To be more specific, I'm a biochemistry major. I am starting to realize that this field isn't really one I can see myself being happy in. I am making decent grades (not excellent, by any means), but I don't feel like any of my science courses are as fulfilling as they should be. Just getting my homework done feels like a waste of time, but I do it anyway; because what else am I supposed to do?

    What makes it worse is the fact that I am so, utterly happy in my part-time job at a toy store. I *love* getting up in the morning and teaching kids how to juggle, helping parents pick birthday presents, etc. I would love to be in the industry for the rest of my life, but it feels almost like I would be wasting the educational opportunity I've been afforded.

    I am an intelligent person, and I know I can do something huge with my life, but I have no idea what to do here.

    Any suggestions? Thanks!

  • Men: What would this dynamic mean to you?

    No judgments, please.

    My assistant manager and I have been 'seeing' each other once or twice a week for the last month. (Not allowed at work, so it has been a secret). We are both leaving state in two weeks, so the chances of anything committal are very slim.

    We play disc golf, watch Star Wars/hook up in his basement, go stargazing, etc. I was under the impression this was a fwb sort of thing, but then he took me out to a fancy Italian restaurant to make up for cancelling a 'movie' night at his place and invited me to a barbecue with his close family and friends... We also scheduled a 'just sex' night for this weekend.

    We are both in our early twenties, and I am definitely cool with whatever this ends up being. I just want to know what you personally would think of this situation, because I simply don't understand male psychology. Thanks!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is this affair a good idea?

    My boyfriend of a year dumped me last week *over the phone*, the day following a great date and night together. Because of the method of break-up, I don't feel nearly as bad about myself as I usually would...I lost a lot of respect for him, after that.

    Usually I would wait at least a month to start dating again, but it looks like there is an opportunity available that is pretty hard to pass up:

    My assistant manager/good friend is moving out of state in September. We have always been particularly flirty and, as it turns out, we have both considered asking the other out at some point in time, but neither of us wanted to damage our working relationship.Since I am single now and he is leaving, we both want to take advantage of the circumstances and have a bit of an affair.

    What do you think about this? Reckless or beneficial? (I'm kind of excited about the whole thing, but it is new to both of us, so I don't know what to think).

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Beginning Python question?

    Hey there! I have to learn Python for a summer project I am doing, and as practice I am simply trying to write a code that spits back a list of 'y' values when given data similar to the following:

    y=3x + 6

    x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

    I have no idea how to approach this, and all the googling in the world is not helping me here. Any advice?

  • Christians: Is a BDSM relationship okay if done within the confines of a child-producing, heterosexual marriage?

    I am legitimately wondering what your stance is on this. I have a prediction, but making assumptions won't get anyone anywhere.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is my coworker interested in me?

    Basically, I have been away all year at school and was back to work for a quick weekend before heading off to do research (tomorrow). It is a laid back toy store, so professionalism isn't a concern here.

    My assistant manager (my age) and I have been texting/joking back and forth all year. Today, when I was actually in the shop to work with him, he kept smiling at me and picking on me. He also had me teach him how to swing dance and gave me a hug before I left work (something he has never done before).

    My apologies for the dumb question... I am socially inept.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is it normal to continue a conversation for four consecutive days?

    Basically, I am away at college, so I am about three hours away from my summer workplace.

    Basically, my assistant manager and I (same age) have been in this massive poke war for 6 months, and- when I briefly shot him a message to make fun of his devotion to the cause *four days ago*, we started talking about random stuff and cracking jokes, and we just didn't stop.

    I realize that this is exceptionally trivial. The only reason I even bother asking is because apparently last summer we behaved in a way that convinced the boss and some coworkers that we were secretly dating.

    Is it normal for people to maintain a conversation for so long?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How do you know if you really love someone?

    My boyfriend recently told me that he loved me (he has only said this to one other person, so this is a big deal). He was nice and casual about it, which I appreciate immensely, and he promised not to say it again until I was ready for it, too. (Though he has accidentally slipped once or twice after sex and apologized, which I understand completely and don't fault him for it).

    I have been thinking that I may be falling for him lately, but the problem is that I have never been good with emotion and find it difficult to pinpoint exactly what I am feeling at a given time. I know that he makes me feel safe, that I vastly prefer having him around over being alone (I am an extreme introvert, so this is saying something), and that he is the first guy I am truly proud to take home to my family.

    From your experience, how do you know if you love someone?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • At what point should I tell him I have a boyfriend?

    This is not a question of whether I should date him or not- I am in a happy relationship now and don't want to mess with that. (My boyfriend knows all of this).

    A coworker from my "back-home" job seems to take every excuse to start a conversation with me, whether it be a Facebook status update or a new science toy being offered in the shop (it is a toy store). Over winter break, I would constantly catch him looking at me when I was teaching kids to juggle or work one of the toys. When we had our staff Christmas party (before I was in a relationship), he and I basically sat there sarcastically threatening each other with steak knives and maintaining extensive eye contact- so much so that our manager joked about how we should "get a room".

    I just don't know if he likes me or is extremely friendly and attentive. At what point should I tell him I have a boyfriend? I don't want to seem to presumptuous in this situation. (Especially since he is technically my assistant manager, even though our conversations in no way reflect that).

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Muslims: What are your thoughts on suicide bombing?

    I'm an atheist, but I have an Islamic friend who regularly gets called a terrorist for wearing the Hijab in public. She doesn't believe in killing people. Go figure.

    So what are your thoughts on the subject?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago