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  • Salvia vs DMT trip, which one have you tried?

    I want ot know, yeah, share your experiences

    1 AnswerBotany1 decade ago
  • what would happen if someone got drunk, smoked weed then dropped acid?

    I mean all at once, they just went off and did all three together. Well, thats what I am thinking about doing. I wonder how i would feel or if my trip would be better.

    6 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • HORRIBLE salvia experience?

    I would just like to know if anyone else has had extremly negative/possible freaky things happen on salvia. I smoked a small bowl and saw things ok, they seemed more real then real. my vision started messing up really badly, my heart raced and time went off the damn wagon lol. I looked at a tree and it was like I couold see every individual movement. When I jogged I like only 8 frames of the movement. it was like steps there were only 8 movements to take a step, and each one had a start and stop point.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • is it normal to panic during meditation?

    I was meditating and was starting to feel a lil dazzed. then I felt a cold sensation run dowm my spine and sorta spread, it felt so constricting like I got a feeling of constriction. I then just became very upet and angry. So my question is are these types of sensations just roadblocks or am I just not meditating at all?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Strange sensation in my Head?

    I have for the past 3 weeks been feeling a strange sorta pressure build in my head, sometimes it sinks down into my body and my body heat up. It's always uncomfortable and unpleasant, but it seems to be there. Sometimes it leaves, but it comes back. I would really like it to stop. I have tried meditating, but when I do I just notice it and it sorta distractes me, What the heck can it be and how do I get rid of it???

    It may have been cause by stress, I am sure it was. I remember one I wanted to focus on the center of my brain (pineal gland supposedly) and I keep forcing my awareness inward. I think that may have been the beginning of my frustrations.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A message to the world?

    here I am, what do you have planned for me? Why are you testing me, or restricting me, are you doing this or is it only my misconception? Why have I been so discriminated against, and how can I over come these problems if the problem is people's prejiduces. I see not clear path, nor definite venue for my energy. I want to change, to be a good and prosperous person.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • does anyone else hate people?

    I really, really dislike people. They way they act, consume and really attack anyone different then them and call it just. The way the economy is set up, the poverty in this world is so sad. The apathy of the rich, the ignorance of the masses. The chemical laden fast food and shitty movies and tv. the awful air quality in urban centers and darn jet streams blotting out the sky. I dislike obama, for on because he is black, two because nobody is honest enought to just say it affirmativen" and lastly and most importantly he is sorta puppet. were still in war to bolster the economy which fake anyway, and in general people are unhappy and obedobedientthe economic system...****. o and girls think II am creepy, so that is just the cherry on top.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • why are people so stupid?

    let me just say outright what I think, humans are not very smart. an animal wouldn't eat posion, but o wait that is exactly what millions do daily. an animal learns to harmonize with it's enviorment, and what do we do? the governmental system is corrupt, ok I get it, all systems are corrupt right? But why do people simply not care? I see total apathy in these people, likely induced by shitty food and media saturation but idfk. like for instance I have read from various sources that aspartame, artificialasweetenerer is linked with brain cancer, and when I told my family member that they juslaugheded and chugged a diet COKE! lol I know this sounpro ballyly hilarious, but geez its really bothering me lately.

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Bad Karma or luck??!!!?

    lonely everyday for the rest of my life

    This blog contains Explicit Content. Are you sure you want to view it?

    Yes, I want to view it!

    This blog is a small sample of what it is like to be hexed by society.Leave a comment even if all you have to say is I am a gay emo or whatever.

    Although I do realize my life sucks, I still realize realively I have an easy one. What I don't understand is the ignorance to believe that just because someone's problems are less the obvious that makes them un valid. It simple isn't true, and as statistics will show even the ricfh can commit suicide. This is my brief gripe about my life, a snippet of what its like.

    I wake up, it doesn't matter when because I have no oblligations.Say its 9am. I eat a lil something, then jog,read, go on the internet or do something else to pass time. Typically I will leave the household to either go job searching or walk anywhere. I come back, maybe eat then jog,read, go on the internet or do something else to pass the time. As the day begins to end, I am not tired and stay up late at night, I do so kinda regardless of wheather I am tired or not, I might have insomnia. Thats it, another day of it, nothing really changed, nothing reallly seems to.

    The only work Ive had recently is brick laying, a very laborous job, yet even then I had a lil trouble sleeping. The job was only 2 days.. I have applied to what I would guess be 140 jobs by now, and I have quite a few interviews, but as you may have already known I am jobless. I have a sister, she has a job, it ws easy fo her. No job for me, nevermind if I try my best and present myself politly, no job for me. I guess I am not worthy to brew coffee at starbucks, or even Volunteer. I tried the library and asked around the Employment offices about volunteerism, but alas I have no volunteer job. Even if I found one, it just so happens I lost my wallet, well it sorta was ripped up by my mom's dog, so I threw it away and kept my ID in my pocket. I went out once with my ID in my pocket and its gone, no more, pooof. I now have to catch a bus 100 miles and to go to an office, then pay for identification.

    I have no friends at all, never had a girlfriend and I just realized that my sense of inferiority inbued in me by my so called betters was wrong. I am not worthless, or lazy or ugly. I have even been called handsome a few times, ran a marthon and volunteered tutoring kids, but that voluneer position is no longer available. I say that becasue I know people immediate assume the worst, and If I didn't say that someone would comment "hey why don't you just tutor kids again" as if I was that oblivious. As far as girls go, I found out a few girls had liked me, but didn't find out intill later, much later and then I was in a diffrent city and get the picture. I learned to approach any girl, just straigh up, this was intensly hard, but I found the will thinking if I suffered and showed passion that maybe karma would take favor, it didn't. I can now be creepy to random girls, 21 yr old virign, wow that hurts, espeically when your healthy and young. Sex drive is too much, hard to bare knowing I will not find anyone soon. So maybe I should just eat shitty food and don't move, that way I have no sex drive....j/k

    I just don't isn't nice, everyone knows this. You probally think your so much better then me, idk. Just read it, don't judge it, this is my experience in life, this is why apathy exists.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • bad Karma 2????......?

    lonely everyday for the rest of my life

    This blog contains Explicit Content. Are you sure you want to view it?

    This post in a brief snippet of what its like to be hexed by society.

    life sucks, that being said I knwo I have it relatively well. What I don't get is people who say "O well at least your not an orphan" as if to say my problems, pain are somehow not real or valid. remember, even the rich kill themselves.

    I wake up, it doesn't matter when because I have no obligations....say its 9am. I eat a lil something, then jog,read, go on the internet or do something else to pass time. Typically I will go outside, either job hunting or aimless I come back, maybe eat another Small meal then jog,read, go on the internet or do something else to pass the time. As the day begins to end, I am not tired and stay up late at night, I do so kinda regardless of wheat her I am tired or not, I might have insomnia. That's it, another day of it, nothing really changed, nothing really seems to.

    Ive worked before, matter of fact got promoted and was doing good there, then I moved, now I can't find nothing.I would guess ive applied to 140 jobs by now, and I have quite a few interviews, but as you may have already known I am jobless. I have a sister, she has a job, it ws easy fo her. No job for me, never mind if I try my best and present myself politely, no job for me. I guess I am not worthy to brew that starbucks coffee, or even Volunteer. I tried the library and asked around the Employment office about volunteerism, but alas I have no volunteer job. Even if I found one, it just so happens I lost my wallet, well it sorta was ripped up by my mom's dog, so I threw it away and kept my ID in my pocket. I went out once with my ID in my pocket and its gone, no more, poo of. I now have to 100 miles on bus to wait in an office to get a new one.

    I have no friends at all, never had a girlfriend. i am not ugly, have been called handsome and even found out later on a few girls liked me, but as fate has its way none worked out. I either never knew, or never found compatible girls. It was hard to learn to approach women randomly, very diff cult experience, but I did it and it did nothing fo rme. I am still the same creep, just now I can be creepy to random girls. 21 and virgin, wow that hurts. Especially when you run a marathon, when your body is in great condition, I almost want to be unhealthy that way my sex drive leaves, I am not getting any pussy.

    I just don't isn't nice, everyone knows this. You pro bally think your so much better then me, IDK, Just read it, don't judge it, this is my experience in life, this is why apathy exists.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Life sucks and then you die?

    lonely everyday for the rest of my life

    This blog contains Explicit Content. Are you sure you want to view it?

    This post in a brief snippet of what its like to be hexed by society.

    life sucks, that being said I knwo I have it realativly well. What I don't get is people who say "O well atleast your not an orphan" as if to say my problems, pain are somehow not real or valid. remeber, even the rich kill themselves.

    I wake up, it doesn't matter when because I have no oblligations....say its 9am. I eat a lil something, then jog,read, go on the internet or do something else to pass time. Typically I will go outside, either job hunting or aimless I come back, maybe eat another smalll meal then jog,read, go on the internet or do something else to pass the time. As the day begins to end, I am not tired and stay up late at night, I do so kinda regardless of wheather I am tired or not, I might have insomnia. Thats it, another day of it, nothing really changed, nothing reallly seems to.

    The past week I worked a good 6 hours a day laying brick for my father, I did sleep better but not as good as I had hoped. I have applied to what I would guess be 140 jobs by now, and I have quite a few interviews, but as you may have already known I am jobless. I have a sister, she has a job, it ws easy fo rher. No job for me, nevermind if I try my best and present myself politly, no job for me. I guess I am not worthy to brew that starbucks coffee, or even Volunteer. I tried the library and asked around the Employment office about volunteerism, but alas I have no volunteer job. Even if I found one, it just so happens I lost my wallet, well it sorta was ripped up by my mom's dog, so I threw it away and kept my ID in my pocket. I went out once with my ID in my pocket and its gone, no more, pooof. I now have to 100 miles on bus to wait in an office to get a new one.

    I have no friends at all, never had a girlfriend. i am not ugly, have been called handsome and even found out later on a few girls liked me, but as fate has its way none worked out. I either never knew, or never found compatable girls. It was hard to learn to approach women randomly, very diffcult experience, but I did it and it did nothing fo rme. I am still the same creep, just now I can be creepy to random girls. 21 and virgin, wow that hurts. Especially when you run a marathon, when your body is in great condition, I almost want to be unhealthy that way my sex drive leaves, I am not getting any pussy.

    I just don't isn't nice, everyone knows this. You probally think your so much better then me, idk. Just read it, don't judge it, this is my experience in life, this is why apathy exists.

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • My life as a Loner, what is the point?

    lonely everyday for the rest of my life

    This blog contains Explicit Content. Are you sure you want to view it?

    Yes, I want to view it!

    This blog is a small sample of what it is like to be hexed by society.Leave a comment even if all you have to say is I am a gay emo or whatever.

    Although I do realize my life sucks, I still realize realively I have an easy one. What I don't understand is the ignorance to believe that just because someone's problems are less the obvious that makes them un valid. It simple isn't true, and as statistics will show even the ricfh can commit suicide. This is my brief gripe about my life, a snippet of what its like.

    I wake up, it doesn't matter when because I have no oblligations....say its 9am. I eat a lil something, then jog,read, go on the internet or do something else to pass time. Typically I will venture outside of the household to either go job searching or walk anywhere. I come back, maybe eat another smalll meal then jog,read, go on the internet or do something else to pass the time. As the day begins to end, I am not tired and stay up late at night, I do so kinda regardless of wheather I am tired or not, I might have insomnia. Thats it, another day of it, nothing really changed, nothing reallly seems to.

    The past week I worked a good 6 hours a day laying brick for my father, I did sleep better but not as good as I had hoped. I have applied to what I would guess be 140 jobs by now, and I have quite a few interviews, but as you may have already known I am jobless. I have a sister, she has a job, it ws easy fo rher. No job for me, nevermind if I try my best and present myself politly, no job for me. I guess I am not worthy to brew that starbucks coffee, or even Volunteer. I tried the library and asked around the Employment office about volunteerism, but alas I have no volunteer job. Even if I found one, it just so happens I lost my wallet, well it sorta was ripped up by my mom's dog, so I threw it away and kept my ID in my pocket. I went out once with my ID in my pocket and its gone, no more, pooof. I now have to 100 miles on bus to wait in an office to get a new one.

    I have no friends at all, never had a girlfriend. i am not ugly, have been called handsome and even found out later on a few girls liked me, but as fate has its way none worked out. I either never knew, or never found compatable girls. It was hard to learn to approach women randomly, very diffcult experience, but I did it and it did nothing fo rme. I am still the same creep, just now I can be creepy to random girls. 21 and virgin, wow that hurts. Especially when you run a marathon, when your body is in great condition, I almost want to be unhealthy that way my sex drive leaves, I am not getting any pussy.

    I just don't isn't nice, everyone knows this. You probally think your so much better then me, idk. Just read it, don't judge it, this is my experience in life, this is why apathy exists.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • whats teh peace corps like?

    sipmle questoin no?

    2 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • what kind of voluteer work can I do? IE peace corps, TEFL?

    I want ot travel and do something postive for the world. I wanna know if anyone is in peacecorops and what it slike?

    5 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • Is Spirulina healthy for you? Nutritonal question?

    I heard it causes stomach pain in some, is this true?

    1 AnswerVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • How do you like Navy Life?

    Jobs are scarce, and the jobs I am can get (fast food, coffe shop) are rather lam. I am thinking about the navy, should be exciting. I want to know real examples of what navy life is like. what is it like, do you travel, is there any time for fun, do you get days off?

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Buddist Teacher In Red Bluff, CA?

    I have pretty recently become interested in buddism, and have practice meditation a little, and would like to find a temple near Red Bluff,CA. I know this town isn't poping out with temples, its fairly conservative, but I will look anyways. Is there any group, or club about buddism close to red bluff?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where to Find Shrooms in NOR CALI?

    I live in the redding area, and me and some friends would like to go shrooming. Where can we find some mushrooms, maybe in the woods or near cows. Where would be the best place to look for mushrooms?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to Travel To Japan in THE NAVY!?

    I am 21, and would really like to join the NAVY. I haven't taken the ASVAB yet. I want ot know what job I should puruse in order to be station in Japan.

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • Should I join the Navy or US Coast Gaurd?

    I am looking to travel....I am looking to be part of a team. Which is better?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago