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Chris G.R
Get off my back
How long do DVDs/Blu-Ray discs last?
If well-kept, and great condition. How long will it take for DVD's and Blu-Rays to stop functioning properly from age
8 AnswersHome Theater5 years agoHypothetical Situation about a tank?
If a large tractor unit (with a full load) going 60mph were to hit a tank (an M1A1 Abrams to be exact), would the tank itself have any visible damage? Would it be out for good, or would it still work but maybe it has a couple of dents, or something? If not, how about a freight train?
This is for a Physics project, by the way
1 AnswerPhysics6 years agoWhere is the headphone jack on a Jaguar S-type 2003?
I can't find this thing, but considering it's a Jaguar, I wouldn't be surprised if its in awkward spot
2 AnswersOther - Car Makes6 years agoHow many bee stings does it take to kill a typical human being?
1 AnswerZoology6 years agoWhat was the inspiration for Link and his outfit?
As I recall, Shigeru Miyamoto first came up with the idea following his adventures insides caves as kid in Japan
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years agoWhats the plural for Genesis?
I'm talking about the Sega Genesis, by the way
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay6 years agoWhat is the origin and meaning of the XBOX series?
5 AnswersXbox6 years agoHow much memory can the brain store?
4 AnswersPsychology7 years agoIf the moon wasn't Earth's moon, would it be big enough to be considered a planet?
What about Titan or Europa
15 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years agoIs a Brown Dwarf a Gas Planet?
As a Brown Dwarf is really just a failed star, is it considered a Gas Planet or a totally different object
6 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years agoIs there an animal that doesn't poop?
After finding out that girls do actually poop, and do so on a regular basis, my world view has been shatterred
5 AnswersBiology7 years agoShould i get a PS2?
I currently own the current generation of consoles(Xone, PS4) and the previous (360)
But i've been thinking of getting a PS2. I had a PS2, but i only owned it for like 2 years. Which is a very short amount of time considering the abosolutely gargantuan amount of games for the system. A lot of which are classics, and hidden gems. Its just that, being 2 generations old, i fear it may be a little outdated. Not in terms of graphic, but rather the games.
1 AnswerPlayStation7 years agoWhere can I get myself some eggnog this time of year?
I love that **** and I don't want to wait for Christmas
3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years agoWould these be some nice states to visit?
I'm seriously considering visiting, or possibly moving to Wyoming, or Vermont. Really just any state with not a lot of people. Get that small town vibe, and just get a break from the noise.
What would be a good recommendation?
Places to visit, housing, etc.
1 AnswerOther - United States7 years agoWithin the DC Universe, do humans get powers under a red or blue sun?
Like reversing the superman if you will
3 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoWhat Shin Megami Tensei game should I get?
Strange Journey or Devil Survivor?
I'm not overly fond of difficult games and I know Megami is all over that ****, but I love number 4
Even though I played on easy mode
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago