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Favorite Answers37%

i believe in learning, bonds, and being somewhat mysterious. curiosity attracts love jesse

  • What does this mean in lamer terms?

    'I receive an EIN from the irs and filed my articles of incorporation in Massachusetts.'

    How would you describe this to a young student. Thanks

    7 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Can someone Explain this Tattoo to me....?

    feel the pain in your heart

    nourish the truth in your soul

    5 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • Can you choose a 'default font' in YAHOO mail?

    I can't find the option anywhere. If not..which mail (gmail, hotmail, etc.) has this feature?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail9 years ago
  • My bearded dragon stopped shedding?

    She is between 3-5 months old.

    She used to shed regularly, and has randomly stopped, for 2+ months now.

    She is still growing, alot actually. Just not shedding.

    She appears happy. Temps are good. She eats, sleeps, and poops regularly.

    Again, she is growing rapidly...but why isn't she shedding anymore?

    She is definitely still a juvenile Beardie, so this can't be normal.

    The only thing I can think of is that I do live in a 4 season climate, and she stopped shedding when fall turned into could this be a sign of brumation?

    She seems too active to be brumating.

    Again, temps in her terrarium are high...100+ in basking area, and 70-80 on cooler side.

    Any ideas why she stopped shedding?

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • CAn the dentist change the color of my tooth????????

    I chipped my tooth ten years ago and my dentist did a procedure, I think a tooth bonding?

    Anyways the shape is great, but I've always noticed that one tooth to be a lot darker/yellower than the rest of my teeth. It always frustrates me when I happen to notice it brushing.

    Anyways, can the dentist change the color of this old bonding by any means?

    Idk why they thought that was the correct color to choose-it never looked right. =\

    Dental10 years ago
  • Bearded Dragon Help...?

    my young beardie is going through a tough shed right now, I do my best to leave him alone and occasionally mist/bathe him, but I was wondering if there would be any harm in taping up some sandpaper on the side of his tank, so he can rub up against something with a little more texture.

    Also, why is he trying to run up the glass walls of his enclosure? He just started doing this with the shed, any ideas?

    Thank you!

    6 AnswersReptiles10 years ago
  • Texas Hold 'Em Question?!!? PLEEEAAAASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I'm literally gunna go insane trying to understand this.


    I'm watching heads up poker on espn and two guys are goin at it...

    1) one guy has [7,2]

    2) the other guy has [7,5]

    3) the flop presented [9,7,3,Q]...before the river

    4) they show hand-strength % next to each guy

    5) the guy with [7,5] has a higher %

    My question is WHY???

    from the way i see it, they both have a pair of 7's, and since the next highest card (the kicker) is on the table [Q], then they both share that kicker, thus having an equal hand, and making all lower cards irrelevent, correct?????

    Why does one guy have a higher percentage?

    3 AnswersGambling10 years ago
  • Texas Hold 'Em Question?!!? PLEEEAAAASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I'm literally gunna go insane trying to understand this.


    I'm watching heads up poker on espn and two guys are goin at it...

    1) one guy has [7,2]

    2) the other guy has [7,5]

    3) the flop presented [9,7,3,Q]...before the river

    4) they show hand-strength % next to each guy

    5) the guy with [7,5] has a higher %

    My question is WHY???

    from the way i see it, they both have a pair of 7's, and since the next highest card (the kicker) is on the table [Q], then they both share that kicker, thus having an equal hand, and making all lower cards irrelevent, correct?????

    Why does one guy have a higher percentage?

    6 AnswersCard Games10 years ago
  • Can you put crabs w/ Colombian Shark Catfish?

    I have 2 Colombian Sharks. They eat other fish so i CAN'T put fish with them anymore.

    Could i put a crab or two with them though??? Or a bottom feeder??? I want to give them a tankmate they won't eat, that could maybe eat some of the left over food that the sharks leave on the tank floor....

    Any Ideas?!

    ****They live in brackish water!!! Soon to be marine****

    3 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • If you've seen the 2010 movie "The Experiment"......? the end, why does one of the prison guards (Forest Whitaker) end up getting paid for the experiment???

    I don't think anyone else got paid, and he clearly broke so many rules....I don't understand?

    2 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • which is correct>>>>>>>??????!!?

    if i were an ant

    if i was an ant

    omg im drunk....

    its def..if i WAS an ant right?!


    help . lol

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Please HELP! I'm in a lot of pain right now...?

    I have a severe pain going from the base of my skull down to my left shoulder blade.

    It started aching last night, and has slowly progressed to a deep, sharp pain.

    I have not made any sudden movements or jerks of my head or arms within the last few days.

    The pain is to the point where it hurts laying or standing completely still. And I cannot turn my head left nor lift my left arm without experiencing excruciating pain, and it's getting worse.

    I do not want to go to the doctors because it very well could be a bad strain, but I have been lounging around the last few days and it doesn't make sense at all? Plus the pain started very minimal, and has increased to a VERY sharp pain within 20 hours...

    Any ideas what can cause my stiff neck and sharp pain???

    And the pain was noticeable before i slept last night, and wasn't as present in the morning...but now at 7pm its excruciating.

    Could it be something serious?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • Medical Sonography Program Question!!!!?

    So basically, I have completed all my prerequisites in order to apply for this competitive program, but still have one concern. I just read online that they run a background check prior to accepting students and I have a DUI that I got kind of recently, about 7 months ago. Anyways, I have been sentenced to "Continued without a Finding" for 1 year and probation for 1 year. And apon completion of this (April 20th, 2012) the case will be close.

    However, I must apply for this program before that time, and I'm nervous that they may not accept me either because 1) I have this on my record so recently and/or 2) The case is not entirely closed, OR is it?

    If anyone can give me a little background as to what they are looking for on these background checks and if my situation will hurt my chances of getting in, can you please let me know?

    Thank you!!

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • help i need cooking ideas...i have ground beef, mixed veggies, and pasta?

    how should i prepare these three items?

    beef-lean ground sirloin

    veggies-indian vegetables cooked in a tomato based, mildly spicy, curry

    pasta-japanese wheat style


    (im really cooking illiterate and i wanna surprise my boyfriend with a nice home cooked meal when he gets back from work :)

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Ultrasound Tech's - Are there any CAAHEP-accredited ONLINE schools?

    if so, must all the schooling be done online. or eventually could the credits transfer to another school (not-online)

    thank you!

  • Why does my friend have craaazy dreams when he drinks juice before bed?

    it's so funny lol. it could be any type of juice (i.e. apple, grape, orange)...

    but can anyone tell me, scientifically, why this happens....WHY JUICE>

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • I was fired during training, can i asked to get paid still?

    I worked about 4 nights at a local pub (training to waitress). My next scheduled shift interfered with my other job and i asked to come in a little late but the owner was a real stiff and said don't bother coming in again.

    It's been about a week and I'm over it now...but I still want to get a check for those 4 nights i only issue is that they never gave me any legal documents to fill out....the manager just kept putting it off every time i came in to train...

    I did however check in and out every shift with the hostess on shift so i think it should be documented somewhere....does the owner still have to pay me even if i didnt fill out any legal documents/W2's???

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • my dogs face looks like she is about to die any second...please read?

    well its my aunts dog and i live w her. but the puppy is an old beagle mix who recently got diagnosed with cushings disease.

    her eyes are like rolled back into her head and eyelids are almost closed, and her mouth is slightly open with her tongue kinda hanging out. it is very disturbing :(

    im so worried, but my aunt wont take her to the vet til tomorrow....what could be wrong???any ideas?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • could i be pregnant..?

    i started the pill two months ago and missed 3 days of pills and had unprotected sex and started back up on the pill 4 days after unprotected sex. my period is not due for two more weeks so its too early to test. what is the likelihood of conceiving?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago