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Is there a way to store a single MySQL data record as a PHP variable?
I am trying to increment/decrement a quantity counter that is stored on a MySQL table, to do this I need to extract the data so I can work with it, I don't need to use all the values and I am hoping I wont have to deal with an array to do this. The storage engine used is InnoDB and I am using PHP 5
3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoWhat's the name of that song they play in every Army themed film... they play it heaps in stripes...?
in stripes when they're on the obstacle course or working out... upbeat horn sounding with drums...
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoWould you buy fairings for 250cc sport bikes?
I would like to know if anyone in Australia who owns a CBR250, Hyosung 250, ZZR250 etc would consider replacing their fairings if their bike was dropped? Is it worth it? Would you buy a complete kit or would you buy part kits if you could?
2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoSome questions for Christians about the biblical flood?
If the world was destroyed by a flood why do we have intact ice caps? Ice floats in water. If the earth were covered in water the ice would have been carried off and crumbled and/or melted. These ice sheets show hundreds of thousands of yearly layers so they can`t have grown back. I know there will be answers along the lines of 'only a local area was flooded' but if god knew this to be the case, why get Noah to put two of each animal on the ark? The animals would have survived in areas not affected by the flood.
How did Noah build a boat made of wood, about the same size as the titanic? Gen 6:14,15 No wooden boat has ever even approached this size and found to be practical, in fact the closesed mankind has ever come to this size in a wooden vessel was the USS Wyoming in 1859, it was about half the size of the ark and still re-enforced with iron straps, it took on so much water due to buckling it had to hug the coast and be consantly pumped, how was the ark able to weather a storm?
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf we were supposed to have faith then why do we have such a strong logical faculty?
We make our decisions about the world based on evidence, whether those decisions be mundane or profound. We base our legal systems on strict guidelines designed to produce impartial evidence so we can make unbiased decisions. We can ascertain the presence of danger by logicly observing our immediate surrounds. We manoeuvre our lives to gain favourable conditions by thinking about our situations and acting apon them. In spite of all this why do we need to use faith, and not logic, to make a decision on our origins, afterlife, and morals arguably the most important decisions we will ever make? It just dosen`t make sense.
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago