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Favorite Answers16%
  • What formula would you use to find the 50th term in this sequence?

    1 4 9 16 25 36

    Any help would be appreciated.


    6 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Does anyone know anything about ECT?

    Have you had it or know someone who has? Did it work if so how?

    I have a meeting with a nurse about it on Tuesday and I am so scared. I don't know that I can go through with it and am frightened about what the procedure might entail.

    Any help would be really appreciated.

    Thanks :-)))

    6 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Does anyone know how to get an HP Officejet Pro 8500A to work wirelessly?

    We have tried installing the software off the disk provided, but it doesn't work. Have tried downloading software off HP but still no joy. The printer can detect wireless network and windows can detect printer, but cannot get the software to see it. I should be able to print, scan, copy and fax but can't.

    Has anyone else had this problem or know how to resolve it?

    Many thanks :-)))

    2 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • My emotions are spiralling out of control how to stop it?

    I have been an emotional wreck since finding my partner dead 5 and a half years ago. I have Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder caused by this and other major traumas from my past. I tried to deal with it by just ignoring it and went back to work for 9 months , then I became too ill to face work and started receiving trauma counselling. About 2 years ago I saw a psychiatrist who prescribed me meds and has recently taken me off them as he feels they are not working. He feels I have Chronic attachment disorder along with the complex PTSD and chronic grief. Since he stopped the medication 3 weeks ago I have felt my emotions becoming more and more intense and I can't get any control over them. I feel like crying all the time, I feel very suicidal at times, I have a clash of so many other emotions battling inside me I am findin it hard to see why I am still here. My care worker wanted to arrange an emergency appointment with my psychiatrist with a view to getting him to put me back on some meds, but I am trying to hold out until I see him next week. I see a psychologist once a week and she is really helpful when I am there, but things get completely turned upside down when I am alone away from there.

    I have a lot of awful stuff going on a home right now between my parents and it is very frightening to see. My dad loses his temper at anything. He has substantial brain damage due to TIAs which means he can't control his temper once he loses it, so you can imagine it can get physical at times. Often he is never sorry to my mom afterwards, just says she deserves it. Not sure if this is him talking or the brain damage. He does have all his faculties and his memory is supposed to be fine. So I am really confused about it and I don't know how to handle it. When it gets nasty it sets of bad flashbacks for me and I freeze up.

    Sorry I am rambling on. Just wondered if anyone else out there struggles with their emotions becoming overwhelming and uncontrollable and if you have any suggestions about how I could try to take control of them or cope with them especially as the alternative for me at the moment seems to be ending it all and that doesn't feel the right thing to do.

    Sorry and Thanks


    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • How do I stop self criticism when I don't recognise that I am doing it?

    My psychologist wants me to start noticing when I am criticising or judging myself badly, but I am finding it hard to do. I don't always realise or recognise that I am doing it. I feel I deserve it and that I hate myself. She is trying to working on the criticising and judging first as a way of trying to be kinder to myself. She has said that it is very deep rooted and is going to take time.

    Has anyone had to try and work through the same thing. Does it help to write down when you are making a criticism or when you are not sure just as a way of noticing it? What works/worked for you? I would be very grateful for any helpful suggestions I could get regarding this.

    Thanks xxx :-)))

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Do you have any successful methods of self soothing?

    Do they help to ease your anxiety for a few seconds, minutes or hours?

    I'm really struggling with anxiety right now and it makes my flashbacks worse. I have been asked by my care worker to try practising self soothing, but I haven't found anything that works. Do you have any suggestions that I may try?

    Thanks xxx

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Do you know where reading out the Banns of marriage in church originates from?

    Also where did the expression Banns of marriage come from?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can I be expected to have future plans when the ones I had were blown apart?

    My partner and I had it all planned out. We were going to get a new house together buy all new things and go on more holidays and do so much together. We worked together as well as lived together. Then one morning I tried to wake him, but couldn't. I tried desperately to revive him, I begged him not to leave me, but he was already dead. I wish I was dead and with him as living life without him is so frightening. He was my soul mate and I have this massive unfillable hole in my heart and life. I don't know what I am going to do to get through today let alone what I would like to aim for in the future. I am always getting asked to make targets, plans asked what I like or would like to do. But I don't like anything anymore. I don't enjoy anything and I am just so lost and alone.

    I am being treated for PTSD brought on by the trauma of finding my partner dead. This has now also brought two older sets of traumas which I had buried. My anxiety is so high all the time, I don't sleep well because of nightmares and flashbacks and I can't go out because I am so scared. I have a care worker who is trying to help me weekly, and I am on a waiting list for trauma therapy with a psychologist, but it's a long list and I am finding it hard trying to keep going.

    How do you cope? How can I ever begin to think of the future? Should I just keep concentrating on getting through each day? I'm just so hurt, frustrated, heartbroken, distressed and in despair.

    I know some of you will probably think just get on with life, but those of you who have lost someone special and maybe very suddenly may understand how difficult that is.

    Any helpful suggestions and words of hope or support would be much appreciated right now as I feel so dangerously low.

    Sorry for being like this and thanks


    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • When does it get any easier?

    It would have been my partners birthday today, but unfortunately he died very suddenly just under 5 years ago. It doesn't feel like he died that long ago. I have PTSD which has been brought on by the trauma of finding him and trying to revive him. I feel like it has happened all over again today and I feel like I can't cope anymore without him. I just want to be with him. He was my soul-mate and I miss him so much. The pain in my heart is unbearable.

    I have other traumas which have come back to me since losing him, which are blocking out any good memories I have and I feel I can barely remember anything we did or said with each other.

    I am receiving some help with the traumas and chronic grief, but I feel so lost and alone today I just don't know what to do.

    Has anyone experienced similar feelings? Does it get any easier? Should I be over it by now or is there no time limit? How should I be marking his birthday? What is expected of me?

    Sorry for sounding so pathetic.

    I would be grateful for any helpful and kind answers you can give.

    Thanks :-)))

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How do you keep going when you feel so low?

    I am finding it hard to keep answering this question as each day I feel worse. I do try to just muddle through each day for my family's sake.

    What helps you to get through when all hope seems gone?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to be in physical pain with anxiety?

    My anxiety has been rising constantly these past few months. These past couple of days I have felt awful and to top it all I have had a really bad pain in my right side under my ribs. I have felt really sick and have been able to sit up or lie down in a comfortable position. I just wondered if it could be related to my anxiety or more likely to be anything else.

    I have been trying to use mindfulness techniques and breathing exercises to reduce my anxiety but without success.

    I suffer from PTSD - complex trauma, chronic grief, chronic depression, anxiety and anhedonia. I feel really alone and wish I could just curl up and die right now. I know I have to find a way through all this as I could never put my family through that sort of heartache.

    Sorry for being like this and thanks for any help you can give me.


    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Does anything work out the way you plan it?

    Or does it all just go wrong?

    33 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you ever feel like you just can't cope anymore?

    Do you ever feel like so much is hitting you all at once that you just want to throw in the towel?

    I am feeling like this and it is really worrying me. I have PTSD - Complex Traumas - which means I am dealing with more than one major trauma . The flashbacks are hitting hard. I have two sets of traumas from when I was younger and I have a more recent one of finding my partner dead suddenly and unexpectedly. I am feeling the grief really badly tonight and its hurting and adding to my distress. My Nan is in hospital all confused and not eating as she is waiting for an op on her leg due to a fall causing a complicated fracture of her femur. My parents are falling out and arguing a lot and my dad is especially aggressive towards my mom.

    I feel lost and alone and I could really do with a hug from my partner right now and for him to tell me it will all work out and be okay. But as he is dead I can't get any comfort at all. I can't sleep because of nightmares and flashbacks. I am on medication, but it doesn't seem to help. I just feel like I am slipping further and further down and it feels like there is no hope of climbing back up.

    How do you cope when you feel like this? What helps you? Do you manage to self soothe and if so how?

    Sorry for sounding so pathetic. I could really do with some help.


    10 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago