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  • I asked this yesterday, but the answers were so cute, I wanted to ask again!?

    Do any of you pregnant mommies play with your babies while they are in utero?

    I have so much fun sitting up in bed and pushing my belly around to make the baby kick me. Sometimes I swear that he is having fun too, because he will stick his elbow/knee/foot really hard into my belly, and when I rub it (like a mini massage) through my belly he'll push harder.

    I tell my husband that the baby is having a party in my belly because it'll seem like he is dancing in there!

    Do any of you play with your baby while its in your tummy?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to tell just by feeling your belly which way the baby is facing?

    If it is facing forwards or backwards, and whether or not its head is down or up?

    Can you tell by the way it kicks? Or is there some clue I should look for when feeling around?


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who here "Plays" with the baby while in utero?

    I have so much fun sitting up in bed and pushing my belly around to make the baby kick me. Sometimes I swear that he is having fun too, because he will stick his elbow/knee/foot really hard into my belly, and when I rub it (like a mini massage) through my belly he'll push harder. Sometimes I tell my husband that the baby is having a party in my belly because it'll seem like he is dancing in there!

    Do any of you play with your baby while its in your tummy?

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How would you deal with this situation?

    There is a married couple that my husband and I have known for a long time. We went to visit them at their home and meet their first baby who is 2 months old.

    They spoil him a lot, which I totally understand. (They say you can never "spoil" a newborn).

    However, she took us on a tour of the nursery and the crib (where he sleeps) was FILLED with stuff. The changing pad, boxes to keep the wipes and diapers were in one half, and he slept in the other half. This made me very nervous.

    THEN, I saw that in the 1/2 of the crib that he slept in there were THREE very fluffy, very loose, very big blankets. I asked my friend if those blankets were in there when he sleeps, and she said Yes, because he gets cold.

    I wanted to scream, but I held my cool and just nodded my head. Do you think that I should send her an email with some information on SIDS? Should I just let it go? Im really worried that the baby is in danger, but I dont want to overstep my boundaries.


    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • OUCH!! Help Please!?

    I will be 30 weeks on Sunday with my very first baby (a boy!).

    Since about week 15 I have had incredible sharp pains in my round ligaments. A couple weeks ago, this turned into constant "sore" pain (like I worked out too hard the day before). It hurts in my inner hip/pelvic area when I twist or get up out of a seat, and sometimes when I walk. One of the worse times is when I am trying to get out of bed, or trying to switch positions at night when sleeping.

    If I am sitting "indian style" on the floor and I get up, I have to wait for a minute in the crouched over position before I stand up completely because it hurts so bad. (Kinda like when your back freezes up but in a different area)

    I have tried to stretch it, but I cant find the correct position to get the full stretch. It seems like nothing is working.

    I need help, because it is getting worse every single day, and I have 10 weeks left! I dont know what to do, and I dont want to take tylenol all day to deal with the pain

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What advice can you give to a first time Mom to Be regarding the hospital/labor & delivery?

    I am 30 weeks preggo on Sunday. I have read sooo many books, but I still feel like the best advice I can get is from people who have "been there, done that".

    What made your expirience better? What did you bring to the hospital that you couldnt live without? Did you do anything special or unique that helped the expirience?

    Thanks in advance for all your help!

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did this happen to anyone else during pregnancy?

    Hi Ladies! I will be 29 weeks preggo with my first baby on Sunday. Everything with the pregnancy is going amazing. I have not had any complications and I am enjoying the belly (other than all the aches and pains and sleepless nights. LOL)

    My question is - About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I noticed that I have lost sensation when I pee. It kinda just trickles out, and I have to listen to make sure I am done. I can push, and it comes out faster, but the sensation of actually peeing is gone.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Do you regain feeling in the urethra once the baby is born?

    Thanks in advance!!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • This may sound like a weird question, but I need to know if this happened to anyone else?

    Hi Ladies! I will be 29 weeks preggo with my first baby on Sunday. Everything with the pregnancy is going amazing. I have not had any complications and I am enjoying the belly (other than all the aches and pains and sleepless nights. LOL)

    My question is - About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I noticed that I have lost sensation when I pee. It kinda just trickles out, and I have to listen to make sure I am done. I can push, and it comes out faster, but the sensation of actually peeing is gone.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Do you regain feeling in the urethra once the baby is born?

    Thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is the best baby swing in your opinion?

    Please list only ones that are on the market today (that I could actually go and buy), and pros and cons.

    Thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • To those that are "SO SURE" you are right?

    about everything regarding science and creation and all that jazz.

    My question to you is - Were you there? Do you have pictures of things evolving, or proof that man did NOT walk on the earth at the same time as dinosaurs...

    Were you there when the earth was created?

    I only ask because you are so sure of yourself. I mean, at least I can say "I have faith, and the peace that passes understanding". You just have a bunch of textbooks that tell you "its true"....

    Isnt that kinda like the bible?

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • To Mormons - You believe the bible is the word of God correct?

    Then please explain to me how you can believe also in Joseph Smiths teachings as well as the Book of Mormon.

    These scriptures are from the bible - which you claim to believe as truth.

    1 Kings 13 tells a story of a prohpet who is told by the Lord to do something. Another older prophet comes along and tells the prophet that God wants him (the first prophet) to come to his house (which was a contradiction to what God told him to do). The prophet then goes to the older prophets house in direct disobediance to God.

    He ends up dying because he followed a prophet who told him to go a way OTHER than what the Lord had said. **Go read it**

    Mormon doctrine teaches that Jesus is not God. How then, do you explain this verse?

    2 John 1:7 states - Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In Texas, the governor has made it a requirement for girls before entering 6th grade to get immunized against?

    a sexually transmitted disease called HPV. Do you think this is stepping over parental consent or do you think this was a wise decision?

    I personally think this would be more appropriate before entering high school...

    Your thoughts?

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Couldn't belief in God be like "Innocent until proven guilty?"?

    If a person is not proven guilty until there is enough evidence to prove he committed a crime... Then couldn't Christians use the argument that God exists until there is enough evidence to prove he does not?

    I guess those who do not believe in a higher power could say it would work the other way as well "God does not exist until proven that he does".... but with the acceptance that "faith" is a true and valid human response/emotion... Then you would have to disprove faith first to use the argument in favor of him NOT existing.

    Side note - Do those who do not believe in God have faith in things other than God? That is - In things that you cannot see?

    Just thinking out loud. Please do not be rude or attack me personally. I value your opinion whatever view you hold.


    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hi Everyone! I need help! My husband and I are asking our best friends to be God-parents and we want to figure

    out a really creative way to ask them. They are super fun people, and would really enjoy a surprise or a cute idea.

    Please help! We have 2 weeks to prepare before we ask.

    Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • This is going to sound really stupid... But Im really curious!?

    I am a short woman, only 5'1. I dont have much torso for my baby to "live in". Right now I am 25.5 weeks and I notice that when I am sitting upright, leaning slightly forward, I feel him kicking very very low in my uterus. Almost so low that it feels like he is past the "crease" in my belly (where my belly meets my pelvic area).

    My belly is very full - The "bump" is all the way from right under my breasts, to the crease.

    Is it possible for me since there is not a lot of room, to squish him? I know the uterus protects him, but I sometimes feel like Im cutting him in half if I bend over, or sit upright.

    Thanks for your answers! I really appreciate it. (Sorry if this question is dumb) :)

    34 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Atheists - If there is no "good" and "evil"... and there is no aparent "soul"?

    Then please explain the conscience (or little voice) to me.

    I am having a hard time rationalizing that we are just animals with more smarts, and bigger brains.

    Humans naturally have a desire to do (or be) "good", and not "bad". (also known as the conscience) I do not see where this can be an animalistic tendency.

    If you were to consider only ONE aspect of the human nature that relates to the little voice.... and that the human being actually feels (natural endorphins are released) better when giving, than when receiving... that would totally go against the evolutionary concept of survival of the fittest. Animals will steal food/shelter etc from other animals. It would be expected that if this nature was to evolve to humans, then it would benefit a human to be selfish and to hoarde food/supplies/shelter etc. And yet, we dont.

    Please explain.

    Thanks in advance for your answers!

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Please do not bite my head off for asking this question... :)?

    If you believe in both Evolution (the kind where it is survival of the fittest, and man evolved over millions of years and were apes)... Can you believe that homosexuality is natural as well?

    Wouldnt it seem that homosexuals would be the "weakest link" in the human species and would eventually die out for not being able to procreate? (assuming no invitro, egg donating, surrogate mothers).

    I am not interested in answers from Christians who do not understand evolution. I am only interested in answers from those who believe or understand evolution as I have explained it above (or an idea close to it)

    Thank you!

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • To Protestant Christians - This question is entirely because I am curious...?

    What "denomination" do you consider yourself? Please explain the very very basic core of your denomination. (What makes it unique from others)

    Personally - I am non-denominational - this means I do not associate with any specific denomination, I mearly rely on God, and the Bible. I do not believe in separate "doctrines" such as "Once saved always saved", "Calvinism", "The Rapture" or "Baptism of the Dead".

    Thanks everyone for answering! I am very curious to see your answers! I would like to know how each person views themselves and their Christian belief/denomination.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it "wrong" to have faith?

    I am looking for respectful answers. There is no need to call those who have faith "dumb" or "stupid" or whatever other kindgergarten name you want.

    I simply want to know, from an outside perspective... Do you think it is actually "wrong" to have faith in something? Or does it show character? Does it make you stronger to believe in something? Or weaker?

    Thanks for your answers.

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago