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Lv 2972 points

Jenny Loo

Favorite Answers13%

Im 22 and I work a full time job as a receptionist.

  • My two year old cat who has never had an accident on the floor is now pooping on the carpet?

    We are in the process of packing for a new move so we have boxes all over the house. I'm wondering if all the changes are causing her to do this. Any ideas?

    Cats9 years ago
  • My cat has scabs above her eye, under her ear?

    They look like small scabs that are bloody. She is an indoor cat so I know she didnt get in a fight with another cat. Its only one side but i started to notice the other side is starting to get a one now too! Any ideas what this could be?

    1 AnswerCats9 years ago
  • Do you think it would look cheap to have a wedding reception with just appetizers?

    I was thinking about just having different appetizers, wedding cake and an open bar. If we did a late ceremony and reception it could work, what do you think?? The open bar is a must because we want the reception to feel more like a celebration. Its going to be a small wedding 100 people tops.

    15 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • Am i wasting the best years of my life? should I be out there exploring?

    I have been with my boyfriend since I was 19… now im 24. I dated other guys before him but now im starting to feel like im wasting my time being with one person for so long when im so young. Things are great and I think we have a bright future together but I cant help feeling like there’s more out there. Am I an idiot and just have too many hormones or is there truth in my worries? If I get married and stay with him forever am I giving up my chances to meet someone else great? Are all guys *** holes and should I just be grateful I found a wonderful guy who loves me to death?? Im so confused and feel a little stuck. Whats your opinion?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How cheap could you pull off a wedding without it looking cheap in so cal?

    I want to get married but for the cost of weddings now a days I could put a down payment on a house. Yet I don’t want to give up my dream. Any ideas on how to pull off a cheap wedding?

    2 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • Do you think its better to raise your children sheltered?

    Or do you think its better to expose them to all of life's trials and tribulations?

    I was raised in a very sheltered community. My parents didn't teach me about what goes on in real life. Everything was sugar coated and stereotyped. I had a great childhood full of bliss but I couldn't even watch the news because it seemed like all death and corruption and it upset me.

    Now that im older (22) I see that this life is not a bowl of sugar. Its not easy and I feel like if i was more prepared and exposed to it I wouldn't of been so shell shocked.

    What are your thoughts and experiences? I read an article about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. They said they love the fact their kids have seen so much of the world and different cultures and I think thats really cool and gives you a since of being a citizen of the world instead of just one small corner.

    10 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • How much did your wedding cost? Whats the average wedding cost?

    I want to do some research on how much a wedding cost. I would love to get married Summer 2010 but that may not be enough time to save up. Could you give me some ideas of how much your weddings cost and where you had them?

    22 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • What's the right age to get married and start having kids?

    My boyfriend and I have a on going debate. We've been together for 3 years now. I said it would be a good idea to get married Summer 2010 when were 24 and 25. He said that weddings are expensive and that's not enough time to plan and save up. Then I said I wanted to start having kids by the time I was 26 and he said that's crazy and most people don't start having kids until they are 29-30. I plan on having it least 2 kids and I want them spread out.

    Do you think Im crazy and should just enjoy my time now? I don't want to rush anything but I don't want to be a old mom either. Also, I know weddings are expensive but I love him and Im ready to start our lives together. We all ready have been living together for two years so naturally its the next step right?

    help! lol I need advice.... It seems money is the only thing standing in the way of our future.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Were is the best place to buy a couch thats not over priced?

    I'm moving into my first apartment and I need a couch. I'm on a budget so I didn't want to spend more then a 100.00 bucks. Any suggestions on were I can go to look?

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Do think I should let my sister back into my life for the sake of her children?

    Long story short my mom abandoned me when I was 18 to go buy a house in another state to live with my adult sister and her 3 young children. Things did not work out and I ended up taking my sister in a few years later bc she had no where to go. we shared a house we rented & she ended up screwing me over in more ways then one. Because of this I cut all ties with her and my mother for the last year, I only came around to see my 3 nieces. now she is 5 months pregnant with a son and I really want to be in HIS life but the only way I can is to play nice with my sister. Do you think it is possible to be in her life without having to play the nice sister role? I want to be a loving sister but she just has done too many bad things to me and my family to trust her again, plus everyone besides my immediate family hates her like i do so I know im not being unjust. what do u think?

    Please help I could use some advice!

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to look but not touch when your in a committed relationship?

    As I come upon my 3 year anniversary with my wonderful boyfriend I am starting to feel trapped! Josh is the perfect guy. We have been together since we were 19 years old and through it all we have managed to build a life together. We have plans for the future like getting married, buying a house and starting a family. Everyone tells us how refreshing it is to see such a young couple with their head on straight. I really am looking forward to the future with him.

    Here’s the problem: I am starting to get a wandering eye so to speak. I started a new job 6 months ago and it’s at a large office building full of young guys my age. There is this one guy who has been staring at me for months now. At first I didn’t pay any attention to it bc I was new and figured it would stop. But now I find myself picking out cute outfits to wear to work hoping to impress him. Just seeing him look at me drives me crazy! I haven’t felt that since Josh and I first started dating.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Cruise ship suggestions for adults 21-25?

    My Boyfriend Joe and I are both 22. We want to go on a cruise that has alot of entertainment for young adults. Every cruise ship I check out seems to be more catered towards older adults. Any suggestions on a young hip ship??

    5 AnswersCruise Travel1 decade ago
  • If you live in Canada what is the general view of Americans and America?

    no dumb answers please. Im from Southern California and Im just wondering how you guys view us in Canada.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Help! Advice and fighting roommates?

    My two roommates who have been together a year and have a one month old daughter always fight. Its gotten to the point where they argue and she threatens to leave him almost every other week. My boyfriend and I NEVER fight and find this type of atmosphere aggravating to be in. Just last night my roommate told us that we were going to have to find another place to live bc his girl was leaving him... two seconds later they are back together "talking" and working things out. So today on our lunch breaks my boyfriend and I were in the kitchen talking about everything and venting to one another. We had no idea anyone was home but sure enough the "girlfriend" in all of this came out all pissed off and asked us not to talk sh*t about her and her boyfriend. Which we wernt! Now I feel their will be even more tension at home. How do we get them to see that constantly fighting and telling us they are going to have to move out is not fair to us? I know every relationship has problems but when they effect everyone around you its a little much. Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • what are the long term effects of a woman not having a period?

    I'm 22, I have had a period before but I didn't get one until I was 18. Its always been irregular but when I went on the pill it made it regular. The only problem was the pill had savvier side effects on me and I stopped taking it. Now I don't get a period at all! I have gone up to 9 months with out one and now I'm on my 3rd month with no period yet again. Its really annoying, I just want to be normal! Does anyone know what the long term effects of not getting one will do to my body? Will I still be able to get pregnant? My Dr told me everything looked normal and I should be able to but if I'm not having a a period then my eggs must not be releasing right? please dont tell me to go see a Dr bc all they tell me is to go on the pill and i wont! Also I'm not pregnant! So any real advice would be appreciated. Oh & Im not over weight or under weight. I'm 5' 7" 120 pounds. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Advice on how to deal with a moody / emotional roommate?

    My roommate has been so moody lately its driving me nuts. She just had a baby on March 22 and I understand that she is tired and in pain but she makes me miserable when she gets in these moods. She's been like this since she was pregnant! I try to ignore it, but she mopes around the house, stays in her room all night or will just act pissed off. Its hard for me bc I'm a really happy, up-beat person. I feel like she is dragging me down and putting me in bad moods bc I over think why she is upset or mad. Can anyone give me some advice on how to ignore this and stay up-beat?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How did you find your dream job? Did you always know what you wanted to do?

    Im so lost on what to do for a career. Im 22 and still have NO idea. Does anyone have any ideas of where to get started? How come figuring out the rest of your life is so difficult! How did you find your dream job?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How to get killer abs need some suggestions please?

    Do exercise balls really work to get your abs tight? regular crunches dont work for me. I'm a skinny girl but I hate my tummy. I want it flat as a board. I just have a little bit of extra pooch.Any suggestions on how to achieve this goal? Whats the best method?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Random thought..... Will I ever be as happy as I once was?

    do you ever feel like there has to more to life then just going to work every day? Do you remember how it felt to be little and explore the world. The feeling of everything being new and exciting. The feeling of running around during the summer and thinking wow this is life. The sun on your face, the wind in your hair. Happy and carefree. Not a worry in the world. I wonder if Celebrities feel that way bc they dont have to go to the same job day and day out. I imagine it being like one huge party everyday. Waking up when you want, buying what you want. That would be the life! Do you think you will ever be as happy as you were when you were innocent to the worlds manipulation and cruelty?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago