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Lv 43,384 points


Favorite Answers44%

I've lived an interesting life, and managed to preserve a small portion of my sanity along the way. I taught in public schools in several states, was a mortician (go ahead and groan here if you must!) and worked in baseball in various capacities. Those are just a few of my adventures, and I have now retired to live a life of luxury while I try to spoil my grandkids. To preserve my sanity I am now concentrating on another of my old activities of ghostwriting, which I have done sporadically for over three decades. I'm also trying to learn everything there is to know about the universe with as little effort as possible, and intend to write the great American novel, as well. I have the capability of being successful, and just started it! :-) Why did I wait so long? I look forward to becoming involved in this site a little when I have the time. Perhaps I can answer a few questions here and there, learn a few things from others, and make some new friends! KES :-)

  • What are the best free online "English as a Second Language" (ESL) sites?

    I used to teach English as a Second Language in Europe, but that was over ten years ago. Now that I'm basically clueless regarding what is useful online, I would like to help a couple of young Slovenian friends to improve their English skills online without them having to pay anything. They are attending universities there, and already have a workable knowledge of the language but would like to improve their understanding through repetition and practice without taking away too much time from their other studies.

    I would prefer school/tutorial, grammar/usage sites with lessons more than penpal-type sites; there are several English-speaking friends with whom they can already visit to practice. Some formal lessons would offer them some useful examples and drills that can be beneficial to them..

    Can anyone help me help them by suggesting the best site(s)? Your assistance would be very much appreciated on both sides of the pond!

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago

    I realize I am opening a can of worms here, but I'm just curious. My choice is a Slovenian singing star named Sasha Lendero (Saska to her many fans). She is not only talented, but drop-dead gorgeous - in any language. I have added a link to one of her songs at the end so you can see for yourselves. If she sang in English instead of her native Slovenian, she would be a MEGA star all over the world.... Check out her picture on this music video, then look around and you'll find other videos of her in action. Be warned that some were taken at a beach, but simply show some skin-they're not dirty at all. My vote is for Sasha, but maybe you can convince me otherwise! See:

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you think of a name for my friend's business?

    I have a friend who does fingernails, and wishes to open her own salon where both nails and hair are given their beauty treatments.

    She is having difficulty selecting a name, however, so I thought I'd turn to you - the great Polls and Surveys people of YA - for help. Keeping in mind that the town in which she lives is still in the dark ages and probably still burns suspected witches so a racy name like "Get Teased, Then Nailed" (her suggestion) might not go over well, what do you think would be a good name?

    (Hey! We'd still love to hear your funny names for her business, too! If you can come up with a better name than she did, you may earn ten points!)

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I'm sick, I'm tired, why don't I just...?

    quit Yahoo Answers? I came on here to make new friends and meet new people, and have failed miserably at both. What keeps you coming here? Those with whom I have communicated, thanks in advance for all the memories! I won't forget you!

    45 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • For those of you who have been there, what do you think of Beijing, China?

    I have an international English teaching certificate, am retired and getting a little bored, and have been offered a teaching position there for a year. Since it is where the 2008 Summer Olympics will take place, I am considering it.

    What do you think? Is it fairly safe for Americans? I don't want to be folded, spindled, or mutilated without my permission. Asia is about the only place I haven't visited, and would like to give it a whirl....

    10 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • How do you find the "word count" feature on WordPerfect 10?

    I have used MS Word for years to type my documents, but am trying WordPerfect 10 for comparison. I can't find an icon or any instructions for finding and using the word count feature, and It's driving me nuts. In my case, that's a pretty short drive, so please help! One of you lucky WordPerfect geniuses will not only earn yourself 10 points, you will earn my undying gratitude!

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago