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Can I turn a tablet into a portable TV for car rides?
I am getting my daughter a tablet for her birthday. I am also thinking about getting my 1 yr old a tablet too for his birthday. I found a great deal with spill and damage coverage, cheaper than a portable TV with crappy reviews. But my son is obviously too young for tablet use. I was wondering if I can turn it into a portable TV which straps on the back of my headrest. I am just curious how to get movies on it? And if there is headrest cases for tablets? (obviously I am not technically up-to-date)
The reason I need a portable TV for his entertainment is because every Sunday I take the kids to my mother's (3.5hr drive) because I have work and school (19hr day) on Monday and Tuesday. I get them back early Wednesday morning (that's a 7hr ride total). The drive is a bit boring for him. I can't keep entertaining while driving. It's not safe. I sing and try to keep them occupied, but mama is now becoming boring for them.
1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years agoFencing in a bonfire pit...?
I have an idea of driving five metal posts in the ground and wrapping it with chicken wire about a foot around my fire pit. about 2.5ft-3ft high, I am doing this for added safety. I want to have bonfires with family and friends while our kids play, but I have horrible anxiety and I constantly worry about a kid falling in. I mean, no matter how much I guard the fire, kids are unpredictable and accidents happen. Therefore I am looking for ideas, any ideas. My pit has been neglected all year because both of my little ones are stubborn and don't listen. They also don't understand the dangers..
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years agoI am getting my child a tablet, please continue to read...?
My daughter will be turning three in August. I am amazed at her ability to use my smartphone. BUT, I use my smartphone for business, school and also for the mobile hotspot because where I live, that is all I have for an internet option. Point being, it's hard to do my work while she is continually using it.
I have looked at several tablets, I definitely do not want an Innotab or Leappad. My nephews and nieces were bored of those quickly. My question is, what do I get her? I have looked at the Nabi 2 (because it has the parental mode and kid mode), but the reviews were iffy. I was just looking a cheap HP tablet, but obviously if there is a kid-friendly tablet which may prevent the destruction a three year old can cause, I am for it. I don't really want to spend more than $200. Thank You in advnace. Any advice would be appreciated :)
BTW, my daughter loves to color, do puzzles, we sing the alphabet and we count.. my smart phone keeps her interested enough so we can learn together. Before I get any negative BS, this isn't something I am going to allow my daughter to constantly play on. I figure on road trips and every evening for 45 minutes we will make a "tablet time", for fun time. IDK. I love how smart she is and I know she will very much benefit from one.
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years agoMy dog was stabbed with a pitchfork by our neighbor, please read.?
He is okay. At first we thought the wound was caused by a gunshot (.22 caliber). Let me explain the scenario. I live at the end of a private drive (west end), I own 10 acres. On the east side my neighbor owns 10 acres. I had my land surveyed two weeks ago and my property lines are marked. I have a few pictures of my neighbors dogs coming on our property.
The day this incident took place (yesterday) I did not get a picture of their 2 of their 7 dogs on our property. My Chessie Lab, Waylon was playing with the poodle and Shepard mix. They were in our yard for around 20 mins and I noticed Waylon at my feet, bleeding from the neck. I shaved the hair around the wound, and his thick hide had been penetrated by something, at least 2 inches deep. I thought for sure this was a gun shot wound. So my husband jumped in the vehicle, went to their door and was about ready to knock someone out.
They constantly claim their dogs are NEVER on our property (hence the reasoning for the pictures), supposedly Waylon was fighting with their dog and the lady broke up the fight with a pitchfork. The other dog had no marks whatsoever. I am always very cautious of my dog running off, and always keeping an eye on him. So he couldn't have left my property for more than a few moments (which I know is still irresponsible on my behalf). I just feel if their dogs wouldn't have been on our property in the first place, my dog would have never left. I have never hurt their dogs, matter fact, every neighbors dogs have been on our property a few times.
These neighbors that hurt my dog are not good people. They constantly have people going to their place at all hours of the night, leaving only minutes after being there (suspecting dealing drugs), the lady who pitchforked my dog told my husband to keep our BULLDOG on our own property. I don't know what the hell she is talking about, my dog looks identical to a chocolate lab, and usually is mistaken for one. So I am not sure if there was a different dog, perhaps one that resembles a bulldog harassing her dogs and maybe she took it out on my dog, or if she is really that fried in the head that she totally mistaken my dog for a bulldog?? I am not sure.What should I do is my question? I am thinking I should go to the police, not for them to do anything (bc I doubt there is any legal standing to do something), but to explain my situation, frustration and let them know of the drug dealing suspicion. I feel like busting her in the face. This is one of three sisters who live there with a married man, children of all sorts of ages and when we've been to their door, we smell the aroma of pot (which I don't care about), except the children are always in the same room as well.
None of that matters on this incident, I know, I am just trying to show you that these people are not right in the head and are often wrong on their accusations too. Their dogs are not properly cared for.I doubt they have their vaccinations. These people had horses, couldn't maintain their health or afford to feed them. So that was shortly lived. Their dogs are always matted with fur, dirty and are (in my opinion) on the skinny side. Please no bashing. I know this is our fault as dog owners.
13 AnswersDogs8 years agoI need to know if my husband is able to receive unemployment... please read?
My husband started his new job in April. My husband has had a few excusable absences. A couple when he was really sick and contracted a nasty virus (dr's orders) and when my son was born. He was late four times. Two times were when my son kept us up all night, he called and went straight in. Last week he was late because my daughter had breathing issues all night and sleep for both of us was impossible. She was taken to her pediatrician the same day and had severe bronchitis, close to walking pneumonia. This morning he was scheduled for work at 6am, did not know, nothing was posted Friday when he clocked out. So he went to work at his normal time at 7:30am. His supervisor pulled out the work contract, and it states it's the employee's responsibility to ensure what time they are to be to work. Every time they wanted their employees there earlier, something was posted by their time clock. There might be a 5th because of nasty road conditions, but we are unsure if he was late or not. I am not sure though. Either way, he has always called to let them know if he was running 5-10 mins late. My question, this is obviously a tardiness issue, but is he able to collect unemployment? We live in Michigan. I have no clue how this works. Please let me know any information possible.
7 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years agoIs there an app I can download so I can accuratly survey my property/land?
I need to have my property surveyed. I don't have a thousand dollars to do so. I figured if I can get the coordinates of at least one corner on my property and the dimensions, there may be a gps type app that can help me mark the rest of my property.
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years agoAm I overreacting? Or is this normal for a husband?
I don't know how I am supposed to feel. But how I do feel is worthless, under appreciated and above all - unloved.
When my husband and I started dating, my birthday, Christmas, our anniversary, even Valentine's day meant something to him. He made an effort to make me feel loved.
As our relationship progressed and we eventually married, I haven't received anything from him. He doesn't try, even if he made me something or gave me a dollar card, something. Something meaningful, something to show he went out of his way to make me feel a bit more special. Nothing.
Every time his birthday roles around, I plan something.
Even if its a delicious chocolate cake and his favorite meal when times are rough.. I try.
I always try a little bit to make him feel special on any occasion.
When I gave birth to our daughter (who we never thought we'd have and took seven years of trying).. I didn't get a single flower in the delivery room.. and after labor and delivery he fell asleep. Leaving me completely exhausted, awake and alone with our freshly born daughter.
I no longer feel I am special, not even an ounce in his eyes. I feel hurt.. the romance is completely gone. Which his biggest excuse is he doesn't know how to be romantic. Which doesn't make sense because he seemed to know a bit the first couple years we were together?
What do I do? Am I overreacting or should I feel this sad? I am hurt, my heart hurts. I see women gifted with jewelry, flowers, vacations and I am NOT asking for all that on special occasions, just something to make me feel loved. Something he plans, something he wants to do for his wife, the woman he is supposed to love - always. I am upset, unhappy and have become bitter. Every special occasion that is supposed to bring me smiles and laughter brings me tears and saddness.
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoHow to tell if your car has a bad ECU?
How will my automobile act if the ECU is bad or going?
Recently, car stalls, odometer has dashes, fuel and spark are okay.
Need a list of "symptoms" of bad ECU.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoIn Need of Electronic Advice!!?
Okay, I am def not, by no means, understanding the difference between today's televisions. Finally, my husband and I broke down when we saw a bundle at Walmart.
Samsung LCD/LED bundle -
We didn't notice a very big wow factor, so we purchased the Sharp Aquos Quattron through QVC.. and yes there were minor improvements. BUT playing movies looks fake, soap opera-ish! Which I can NOT stand and I really don't think I can get used to it!
Sharp LCD/LED -
We have also purchased a PS3, because we were set on taking back the Samsung bundle to Walmart, and one thing we do know, we def want a blur ray player. There really isn't a "big" difference in either TV, Except $200.00 in cost. I don't know if maybe my picture settings are wrong on the Sharp Quattron, or if it's even worth the extra $200.
Question #1 - PS3 blu ray player ... Good, Bad, Okay, No difference in any other blu ray player?? Please rate it!
Question #2 - The Samsung bundle or more expensive Sharp? AND Why? I know the Samsung is 1080p and 60Hz and the Sharp is 1080p 120Hz
Question #3 - Will the PS3 play the same on either TV?
I just want a outsiders opinion on which TV is the best. We aren't big gamers, we do like our occasional movie, and we don't have HD TV through our cable provider, and we don't want it. The prices on each page are the prices we have paid. (except sales tax, and the qvc order also had shipping charges) I am at a loss for which one to keep and which one to take back.
Looking for some help as to which of the TV's is the best deal!
OR even any other recommendations in the same price range no smaller than a 40".
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoNeed some electronic advice!!?
Okay, I am def not, by no means, understanding the difference between today's televisions. Finally, my husband and I broke down when we saw a bundle at Walmart.
Samsung LCD/LED bundle -
We didn't notice a very big wow factor, so we purchased the Sharp Aquos Quattron through QVC.. and yes there were minor improvements. BUT playing movies looks fake, soap opera-ish! Which I can NOT stand and I really don't think I can get used to it!
Sharp LCD/LED -
We have also purchased a PS3, because we were set on taking back the Samsung bundle to Walmart, and one thing we do know, we def want a blur ray player. There really isn't a "big" difference in either TV, Except $200.00 in cost. I don't know if maybe my picture settings are wrong on the Sharp Quattron, or if it's even worth the extra $200.
Question #1 - PS3 blu ray player ... Good, Bad, Okay, No difference in any other blu ray player?? Please rate it!
Question #2 - The Samsung bundle or more expensive Sharp? AND Why? I know the Samsung is 1080p and 60Hz and the Sharp is 1080p 120Hz
Question #3 - Will the PS3 play the same on either TV?
I just want a outsiders opinion on which TV is the best. We aren't big gamers, we do like our occasional movie, and we don't have HD TV through our cable provider, and we don't want it. The prices on each page are the prices we have paid. (except sales tax, and the qvc order also had shipping charges) I am at a loss for which one to keep and which one to take back.
Looking for some help as to which of the TV's is the best deal!
OR even any other recommendations in the same price range no smaller than a 40".
2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade agoBaby Squirrel questions?
My husband works for a tree service and when he downed a tree... he noticed he had killed a adult squirrel and a baby. When he looked in the nest he found three. So he brought them home, obviously the mom was the adult who had been killed.
I am having a hard time telling how old these little guys are. They all have their eyes open, the can semi defecate and urinate on their own, but I still help them. They are good eaters. All are fully furred and have bushy tails. They are about 5-6 inches long (not including their tails). I feed them 3.5 - 4hrs until they stop. I am using a puppy formula called Esbilac. They love to climb and do so well.. they just don't understand the concept of trees, they use me. Their teeth have come in on top, looks like they grew in a week ago.
I have tried calling two wildlife rescue places around the area, both of which were very rude and tried putting me off... making my decision to raise these little guys easy. Any additional help with these guys will be appreciated, please no bad talk.
6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoLIFE insurance questions... HELP!?
My husband and I are wanting to get life insurance on my father n' law.
He isn't over the age of 80. He has a few minor health conditions, but nothing serious. Never smoked, but "chews". We are wanting a $20,000.00 policy, just enough to fully cover funeral expenses, with a bit extra for whichever else may need to be paid off.
I have no clue how to start the process. It asks me for universal, variable, etc different kinds of health insurance. What would be what I'm looking for? Any good companies with reasonable rates? Will he have to be medically examined? Any different information anyone could provide us with would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You in advance.
3 AnswersInsurance1 decade agoI am a pregnant CNA.. am I at risk of miscarrying?
Okay, so I am in a bit of a dilemma. I found out last week that I am pregnant. I am estimating that I am 6-8 weeks. Maybe a little less. I have my first OBGYN appt. The first week in January. I also have PCOS and I understand that woman who have PCOS have a 45% chance of miscarrying. I need this job. This job is actually like no-other. My third cousin has been doing this work for the past 50 years.. she is older and has remodeled her entire home and it houses 4 residents. One of whom is totally dependent and uses a wheelchair. The other three are completely mobile. I work a four hour shift 4days a week and a 12 hour shift on Sunday's. I average around 24-28 hours weekly. The only problem I have is the lady who is in a wheelchair. Although there are only four residents, the lady I have to lift is 140pds.. so not too bad considering I've had heavier in my past experience as a CNA, BUT I am pregnant. I use proper body mechanics though, I lift with my legs and use my arms to maneuver. It does put a bit of strain on my back, but I try my hardest not to use my stomach muscles.. I have been trying for 5 years to get pregnant.. and I finally am. I need this job.. And I know my cousin is in a tight predicament where she needs workers. I am 24 and I have a lot of muscle mass on my body. I lifted weights in high school... so I have a lot of upper strength and leg strength. It's not like I am continuously lifting though, and I don't have far to lift her. Just into a chair, back in her wheelchair on the toilet and to bed. Is this too much? I need honest answers! Or am I able to do this, The only part I worry about is lifting her here and there. Everything else is fine. Just cooking and a bit of cleaning and sitting and talking with them. Nothing else is strenuous I really like the place too! Stress-free and fun! I know I should talk to my doctor, but I just wanted to see if anyone else has had this experience... because I don't think it's too much.. I honestly feel fine, but I wouldn't want to jeopardize anything!
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoQuestions for Atheist (refined)?
A family member is writing a essay pertaining to Atheism, and why they don't believe in Christianity. We have come to a argument about Atheism facts. So my question to the Atheist is:
With the understanding that Atheism is not a religion, Atheist don't solidly have a set belief, do the majority of Atheist believe in science. Set aside, does every Atheist believe in science and if not, how do you think we all came to be..? I am under the assumption that Atheist don't prefer to be called a religion, because Atheist are freethinkers where some believe in science, while others don't. Therefore their beliefs don't define them as Atheist, free thinking defines them as Atheist. Please help, we are all debating the issue. Do Atheist believe in evolution, and if so, wouldn't that be classified as a belief even if it isn't a God they are believing in?
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoQuestions about Atheism?
A family member is writing a essay pertaining to Atheism, and why they don't believe in Christianity. We have come to a argument about Atheism facts. So my question to the Atheist is:
With the understanding that Atheism is not a religion, Atheist don't solidly have a set belief, do the majority of Atheist believe in science. If a Atheist believe in science, what makes it different than Scientology? Set aside, does every Atheist believe in science and if not, how do you think we all came to be..? I am under the assumption that Atheist don't prefer to be called a religion, because Athiest are freethinkers where some believe in science, while others don't. Therefore their beliefs don't define them as Atheist, free thinking defines them as Atheist. Please help, we are all debating the issue.
30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoPersonal intimate question?
The past couple times my husband and I have been intimate, my neck and head start hurting. The pain is so severe we have to stop and I have to hold my head because it feels my brain has been beat. It is the most painful migraine/headache I have ever experienced. I can't speak, I start to cry, it hurts so bad. The 9 years we have been together this has happened around 5 times within the past year. I never have this pain any other time. Nothing is hitting my head while we are intimate, I noticed that it happens if my neck is slightly positioned funny, but then I wonder why it doesn't happen during the rougher times we're together. Even after we've finished, my head continues to hurt, but no where near the pain during intercourse. What could this be? I am in my mid-twenties, could my neck get a cramp, and if so, would it make the pain carry through-out my entire head? Because my neck doesn't hurt no where near what my entire head feels like. I am sorry to ask such a personal question, but I am wondering if I should schedule a appt. with my doctor over this (which I don't have the money for).
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoPreventing dogs from getting bloat...?
I know the common things that can help prevent dogs from getting bloat. No exercise before or after eating (at least thirty mins). Don't allow your dog to inhale their food.. Immediately take your dog to a vet if you suspect they have bloat. I have the book called the DOG BIBLE. In there it states another thing you can do to prevent a dog from getting bloat is having their stomach sutured to their side. Therefore the stomach is not able to flip. It also said that many people do it when they have dogs who repeatedly get bloat because their dog is very deep chested. (Greyhound owners). I am just curious if anyone has ever had this done? I was thinking about getting this done for my two chessie labs.
I worry constantly that they will get bloat because they are duck retrievers. They drink a lot of water during their retrieving exercises. About two weeks ago I took them out to the lake to practice with their retriving.. My dog Dash stopped all of a sudden in the water and came back to me and his stomach was enormous. He sat down, and my worst fears hit me that he had bloat. I pushed up on his stomach and I heard him burp. We were going to take him into the vet, but he went and did #2 and his stomach was normal. I called a vet that works out of his home and he told me he would be on call if I wanted to bring him and to do so if I notice and abnormal behavior.. I was relieved when I didn't have to take him in, but it still worries me that one day I will have to. Therefore I am trying to find ways that could help prevent it.
Bringing me to my question if people have sutured their dogs stomach to the side, does it actually prevent bloat.. ?
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow long does it take to show signs that a dog ingested antifreeze?
I know vomiting and drunkenness can result within 30 minutes, but when do you know if kidney and renal failure start? How long before a dog shows signs of kidney pain and failure?
I am trying to see if a friend's dog died as a result to antifreeze poisoning. Not my own and there isn't a dog in question that might have ingested antifreeze.. I am curious.
Also if you could provide a timeline of signs and symptoms of it, that would be great.
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow long does it take to show signs that a dog ingested antifreeze?
I know vomiting and drunkenness can result within 30 minutes, but when do you know if kidney and renal failure start? How long before a dog shows signs of kidney pain and failure?
I am trying to see if a friend's dog died as a result to antifreeze poisoning. Not my own and there isn't a dog in question that might have ingested antifreeze.. I am curious.
Also if you could provide a timeline of signs and symptoms of it, that would be great.
1 AnswerDogs1 decade agoEver wonder what would have happened if Palin did become our VP?
I mean, she quit on Alaska, her loyalty to them didn't last her full term. Would she have quit on America? It a bit sad because of all the things she says she did for Alaska, did she complete her job up there? Because if it was me and I was so "successful" in my job, I wouldn't have bailed on it!
5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago