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Lv 59,916 points

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Military spouse, mom of 6 and work from home customer service rep.

  • Could this be the possibility?

    Of us having a boy? My symptoms are similar to my oldest son, I have 1 boy and 3 girls.

    I am burping alot, passing gas alot and I like dill pickles (in the dip form and I hate pickles).

    I was taking clomid at the end of 2008 for 2 cycles, hubby just came home on R&R 2 weeks ago and of course mission complete we found out a few days ago that I pregnant.

    I know every pregnancy is different but I was not like this with any of my girls. Now with my son, I did not eat dill pickles but I sure did eat a lot of spicy foods and I stayed sick with him when it came to the morning sickness...instead of gaining weight I lost weight with him. My daughters were the total opposite. I ate a lot of fruits and veggies with my girls.

    Right now I am eating the dill pickles and veggies with this pregnancy which I find odd.

    Any insight and thoughts would be appreciated. My neighbors says that usually whatever sypmtom you had with one sex you will have the same sex.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why do I get spam IM from friends?

    Lately I am noticing a lot of spam IMs from people on my messenger list. Could it be they have been hacked?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • Why does my cat have a bad behavior?

    My 7 month old cat seems to going thru a behavorial problem these past few days. He will either scoop his poop out of the litter box and a make mess or scoop out his food from his food dish.

    Any reasons as to why? Could he be trying to gain more attention? My hubby will be deploying soon so I wonder if he is acting out like kids do during a time of stress on the family.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Clomid...anyone got pregnant with twins?

    I will be taking my first round of Clomid in a week or so. Need to know if anyone has gotten pregnant on Clomid and ended up with twins or multiple babies. Just need to know what to expect. As well as any side effects.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Cat food...wet or dry or both?

    I have called around different vets, one will say dry food, one will say wet food and one will say owner's preference. I have ready all over the net and seen places that say wet is better than dry due to health problems in cats. For you long time cat owners please provide your personal feedback.

    15 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How much do you tip baggers at the commissary?

    This past payday I went to the commissary and spent $135 on groceries...I gave the bagger a $2 tip...she did not say thank you or anything...was very rude. She was lucky she got anything because I never break change and try to keep a couple of dollars on hand just for the commissary. I swear some people do not appreciate what they get. In my opinion if you do not like the pay your job dishes out then by all means quit...especially if you are working for tips. With the raising gas prices, the commissary should give us the option to bag and carry out our own groceries like Walmart since places like those their baggers get hourly pay not tips.

    21 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Can cycle stop suddenly?

    I am almost 35 years old, had a period last month, almost a week late this month and took 4 pregnancy tests that came out negative. Could my period just stopped permanently due to age, possible menopause? Has any other woman here been thru this themselves?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why when I click on the Yahoo icon on my toolbar?

    It brings me to Yahoo India?

    I did a spyware scan and made sure my PC is clean and all that but it is annoying.

    1 AnswerYahoo Toolbar1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of work from home jobs that do not cost a fee?

    I currently work from home for ChaCha and member of some sites that pay you for doing surveys and read emails. I am looking to find some other at home jobs similar to ChaCha where you can chat to customers. I really do not like the phone much anymore as I have worked in a call center for 3 plus years.

    1 AnswerCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Is Yahoo Mail Slow Today?

    I just noticed that I am not getting any mail.

    4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Is there a reason why male dogs show their red rocket while sitting down?

    Our Boxer is always showing himself

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does your Boxer do the bathroom dance?

    Our Boxer stomps his paws when he needs to go out or whines/whimpers. Just wanted to see if anyone else goes thru the same thing with their Boxer/other breed of dog.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is there a reason why people come on here?

    Asking common sense questions or questions they should be asking a doctor or healthcare provider? If you cannot afford a doctor go to your Department of Health and get on Medicaid since the state will pay for your medical if you have no or low income. Everyday I see the same common sense questions. Then you have those who have a medical emergency and come online asking for information when they should be getting in the car and heading to the hospital to seek medical help. People on the net cannot tell you if you are pregnant or not. People on the net cannot tell you why you are cramping or bleeding. People on the net are not medical professionals and you cannot go by what one person had experienced because we are all not one in the same. When in doubt please call a doctor, call the nurse advise line at your local hospital. Call Labor and Delivery at your local hospital if it is after hours and you cannot talk to your doctor or the nurse at the doctor's office.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Breeding a Boxer?

    I have a male Boxer that I want to breed when he turns a year old...should I wait till he is over 12 months or that age is fine?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why are there too many teens on here asking questions about sex and what not?

    The parents of these teens need to be sitting down and talking with their children so they do not come online asking questions about sex and adult things from total strangers. It is getting way out of hand which is causing too many teen pregnancies. The boys need to keep it in their pants and the girls need to keep their legs closed.

    For those teens who have had more than one baby, apparently you did not learn from the first baby.

    Kids these days are just in too much of a hurry to grow up. They are quick to do ADULT things but when faced with being pregnant they get scared. Well apparently you were not too scared to lay down and do the deed.

    I advise all of you teens out there who are thinking of engaging in adult acts to sit down with your parents because it is not right at all, kids do not need to be engaging in adult activities. You need to keep your head in those books.

    The teen girls need to keep their legs closed till they are married JMO.

    15 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago