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Tomasi T

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  • Is this evolution the work of God or due to envronmental climate change?

    I caught a caterpillar which was nibbling leaves and I took it and kept it in a glass. Afetr some time, it turned into a cocoon and after that it turned into a beautiful butterfly and flew away.

    On a rainy day I saw many frog eggs in a pool and after some time, they turned into tadpoles inside the water and after that they turned into a frog and went to dry land. Now God created the animals, birds fish and all things, which means this evolution is from God.

    If people evolved from apes why didn't apes turn into people and not remain apes?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are these evolution the work of God or due to envronmental climate change?

    I caught a caterpillar which was nibbling leaves and I took it and kept it in a glass. After some time, it turned into a cocoon and after that it turned into a beautiful butterfly and flew away.

    On a rainy day I saw many frog eggs in a pool and after some time, they turned into tadpoles inside the water and after that they turned into a frog and went to dry land. People evolved from apes, I heard some smart people say people evolved from apes and turn into people and not remain apes?

    Ias waiting to see changes and they do not occur. They remain the same. Evolution in my belief is supposed to be a continuous process but with humans is not so. Apes remain apes and humans remain humans.

    Which is evolution and which is not?

    Which is of God and which is not?

    8 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • I'm compiling a written explanation of the Revelation can you help me?I?

    I have seen picture in youtube videos and would like some photos of : the beast with 7 heads, the whore, Jesus return in the clouds, the new Jerusalem,lake of fire, the judgement seat, the rapture and other pictures connected to Revelation. You will be helping in simplfying the explanation for those who find it difficult to understand. E-MAIL -


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. What is the meaning of the word REMAIN.?

    My definition of these verses is: The dead shall rise first,then we who are alive and at the same time CAUGHT UP TOGETHER with them who are dead in christ to meet the lord and go to heaven.

    If the REMAIN here is the remain of those who are alive or the remain of those who are dead? Where are the others? Have they gone before them?

    If yes, it means that there are two raptures, one before the tribulation and one mid trbulation. Inputs please

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In revelation 12:13-14, who is the woman who flew ?

    It is figurative. Some say it is the church. What do you think?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. Explain please?

    Is this going to be one incident or separate one between the dead and those who are alive?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain 2 Thessalonians chronologically?

    Paul was explaining the coming of christ and our gathering unto him, the man of sin be revealed who is the antichrist. Can someone explain what the word HE means. I want also someone to state what will happen in order from verse 1-8.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In the new testament especially revelation, what is church referred to?

    Is it the bride of christ? the woman? the virgin? or other names.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is there no mention of the church?

    In the book of Revelation 2.3 mentions the church after that, no mention up to Revelation 21.22.or maybe I was wrong or missed out the name. If no mention of the church, what's the reason?.I have concluded a reason and maybe more from your inputs. God bless you guys. amen.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who was Paul talking to in the book of Romans?

    Was it the Romans, the jews, the gentile christians or both the jews and the gentile christians. The reason for asking is because of the tone of the book which is a bit harsh and rebukes. and also included in this letter the laws of the old testament and the new testament and Jesus. It makes me wonder.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who was Paul talking to in the book of Romans?

    Was it the Romans, the jews, the gentile christians or both the jews and the gentile christians. The reason for asking is because of the tone of the book which is a bit harsh and rebukes. and also included in this letter the laws of the old testament and the new testament and Jesus. It makes me wonder.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why did God told John to write to the church first?

    ReveIation 2-3.Is it because Jesus loves his body, the church or warning them to overcome so that they or the members could take part in the pre tribulation rapture?. Your own answer apart from these would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In Revelation 4:1, John was told to go up, where? and to be shown the things hereafter. what chapter?

    I want to know if the answer is the same as mine. I'm studying the book of Revelation.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Mr Don O Theology?

    Its Revelation from God. iin The book of revelation its the book of prophesy by john, read revelation 1 and youll see that God revealed to Jesus and Jesus sent God's angel and the angel to John. Is that theology? God bless you my friend

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Guys check this out. Are you going to allow youself to be resurrected after the tribulation?

    This is the post tribulation first resurrection in Revelation 20:4-6. Those who miss the pre and the mid tribulation rapture are going to be resurrected in this period, that is after the 6 trumpets and the 7 vials . These resurrected are those who were killed during the tribulations for not worshipping the beast or the antichrist and not receving the mark and those who had suffered and are still alive.These are the people that God told the sufferers who were killed and waiting under the altar in heaven after being raptured before the tribulation as stated in the 5th seal in Revelation 6:9-11.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Brother M.came out of tribulation defined?

    M y intepretation here is those who were called out before the tribulation starts. the word i use here is EK. Like in eklesia meaning the called out ones.

    I define this CAMEO OUT OF TRIBULATION AS an assembly of citizens summoned by a crier to a place of council to transact business. The pre tribulation people are the 144,000 and the pre tribulation saints in Revelation 7:9-17 after the 144,000 as stated by John in verse 9.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Alex S states that the 144,000 humans, who are they ?

    They are not 144,000 humans in general but the jews - Revelation 7:1-8. And who are they in verses 9-17.

    Please read and verify before answer.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Guys check this out. mid tribulation rapture, which to chose? pre or mid tribulation?

    Pre tribulation rapture - Revelation 7:9-17.Don't miss it. If you miss this, can you endure the hardships faced in the mid tribulation which will take place in the 6th vials chapter 16;15-16 of the 7th trumpet - chapter 11-15? Verse 14 states that the 2nd woe is past and the 3rd woe cometh quickly which will be the 7th trumpet. It will be the 3rd because of its contents, the 7 vials which will be poured on earth. Some people say that Jesus will protect us on earth. Why will he want to protect us when the 1st to the 7th trumpet including the 7 vials will be performed by the angels of God from heaven? Dont you know that the prupose of the tribulation is for the israelites to believe in Jesus, to those who will not believe? and those that do not know God and obey not the gospel of christ will be caught in this mid tribulation period. If you don't believe the pre tribulation rapture as a christian and live a holy and righteous life you'll be surprised when caught unaware raptured.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can anyone explain the meaning of the words in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8.?

    The person who is going to explain must answer the verses in what is going to happen in logical and chronological order so that i want to know if my explanation is correct or if there are some things which i missed out after studying these verses.

    Extracts from other scriptures would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • hey! guys check this out, rapture before the tribulation. Are you ready?

    Revelation Book. chapter 6 : 1,3,5,7,9.First to the 5th seal - general tribulation on earth - war among nations, peace taken out with many wars, shotage of food,( internation herald tribune,december,17th 2007.matyrs of God's people occuring now in some parts of the word. Revelation 7:1-8. sealing of the 144,000 jews to escape the tribulation.AND check this out - verse 9-17. Who are they ? where did they come from? when? John did not know but one who was with him answered - verse 14. Well it will take place between the 5th and the 6th seal. The seals wil be opened in heaven but the contents will be felt on earth.The wrath of God which will be tribulation will start on the 1st trumpet - 8:7, up to the 7th trumpet. The meaning of the words came out means they escaped the tribulation as they were taken out of the world.Yes the congregation of the called out ones . This also explains Luke 21:36. Yes, the time is there but the day and the hour, nobody knows. All we have to do is watch and pr

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago