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  • Did Obama state that he planned on raising capital gains tax before the election?

    Through out the whole entire campaign he stated that he will only raise taxes on the rich. Shortly after the elections he released his tax plan stating he wants to raise capital gains tax to 30%(Even tho it looks like its only going to go up to %20)

    Well I would say most middle class families have some small investments that they will be paying capital gains tax on.

    So did Obama pull a typical politician move, and purposely reveal this plan after the election? Or did he mention it before the election?

    And if he did mention it before the election how come Romney didnt bring this up at more debates, and use that to his advantage?

    4 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • is it easier to fly a real airplane compared to an RC airplane?

    So I am a Private Pilot. With about 150 hours. And as most of you may know flying is insanely expensive! So I decided to buy a RC airplane so that way when I got the "Its a nice day out I wanna fly" urge I could still somewhat fly and not have to pay $150 an hour on a real airplane. And this way Im actually outside instead of in the cockpit.

    So I bought an RC airplane and a Real Flight RC Simulator. I have been practicing for over 6 months on the simulator and am still no where near comfortable enough to fly my real RC plane. So how do I get good at it?? The orientation just screws me up! As soon as I switch the view to nose view, I can fly that thing Like im in Top Gun.

    But once Im flying it in standard view I crash it as soon as it starts flying towards me!

    Any tricks on how to get better?? So I can actually fly my real RC plane.

    7 AnswersAircraft9 years ago
  • Day traders or other online investors, would you buy a costume made computer? Or do you build your own?

    I am a software developer and my business partner is a financial analyst. We have talked about building some intense computers that are customized for day trading. We have some pretty good ideas that would make these stand out from a typical desktop setup. Possibly having up to 6 screens with different analysis charts on each one.

    However I have noticed that most day traders like to set up their own computers, and some even build their own computers from scratch.

    What do you do? What is your current set up right now? And would you consider buying a custom computer for a reasonable price?


    3 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • Is Obamacare really the same as Switzerland's health care?

    I have never been a big fan of Obamacare, but almost every time I express my dislike for it someone says "Obamacare is a Carbon Copy of Switzerland and they have the best health care system in the world". Well after hearing that line many times I decided to look at the details of Switzerlands health care. After some indepth research I found that I really liked Switzerlands health care model!! But I also found that it is far from a "Carbon Copy" of Obamacare.

    Here is what I came up with between the differences/similarities between Switzerland and Obama care, and I would like your input to know if I'm correct or not.

    In both Switzerland and Obamacare every citizen is legally required to have health insurance. Also no one can be denied care/kicked off their insurance based on any medical conditions.(I think most of us can agree those are both good things)

    However in Switzerland the employers have nothing to do with health insurance. There are 93 privately owned health insurance companies to choose a variety of coverage from. Sense all 93 of them are directly competing with each other, they have to do their best to keep their administrative costs low, and their prices low.

    In America you can not cross state lines to buy health insurance and depending on what state you live in you may only have 2 or 3 insurance companies to choose from. Also anyone working full time in America their employer will pay for their health insurance.

    Making everyone pay for their own health insurance is why I believe the Swiss model works so good. The Swiss can shop around which drives prices down. Some Swiss insurance companies may be better for small families, others may be better for a single person, and others may be great for a large family. Where in obamacare you don't get to choose your insurance provider, you are forced to take whatever your employer offers you. Also sense each Swiss is paying out of pocket for their health insurance, the Swiss health insurance can give discounts to encourage healthy behavior. Such as quitting smoking results in a discount, going to the gym regularly gives you a discount, getting regular checkups = Discounts, etc... I believe these financial rewards for living a healthy lifestyle is what makes the Swiss have the best health care in the world! In obamacare insurance companies cant do that because the client is not paying for the insurance.

    So am I completely missing something??? Or do people really just read one article about how Obamacare is modeled after the swiss and think they know it all?

    ^Im not trying be sarcastic, I am really curious to know if I am missing something. Because Obamacare is ridiculously confusing, and almost impossible to find an objective source of information. I still don't understand why it is so expensive? whats up with this board of unelected officials that provide guidelines to who can receive health care and who can not? And why is there banking laws in the bill?

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • What happened to the Tenth Amendment?

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

    Is it just me or does the government completely ignored this!? The federal government has laws that enforce school lunches!

    I mean I get how they get around it, because of the funding... But this just seems like a huge loop hole! Shouldnt we be concerned about following the ways our founders wanted our country to be, instead of just skirting around the constitution to fit everyones agenda?

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Good used car for around 30k?

    So Im a 22 year old guy looking for a good and sporty looking car. I do not want to buy a brand new car, because you can get so much more car if you find a good used one with about 20k to 30k miles on it. Im looking for something with AWD but would settle for a FWD car. Just NO RWD cars. The car must also be a four door. Im taller so the car must be roomy.

    Im thinking about an AWD Dodge Charger. What other suggestions do you guys have?


    6 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • Am I being shallow for wanting a girl similiar to myself?

    I have been single for a while now, and my friends say I would find someone if I wasnt so shallow and picky.

    I basically have 2 standards.

    1. She has to be skinny!

    Im 6'4" 170lbs. I work out frequently, but am naturally not a very strong person. I find it very unattractive if I cant pick her up.

    2. She has to have a good job, and overall be career orientated. I got a 4 yr degree in computer science at age 21(Im now 22). I am constantly looking at new ways to invest and new business ideas to start. I expect her to be the same. I would be willing to date a girl that is almost graduated, or in grad school. But if she is 23 years old working on finishing up an administration assistant degree we probably are not going to date.

    My friends say Im shallow and want a rich skinny girl. I say I just want to date someone with the same goals as me.

    Who is right??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to fight an unfair tow?

    I parked in an apartment complex in what is appearantly a no parking zone. There were no signs indicating no parking just a faded yellow line that is supposed to indicate a no parking zone. I went in to visit my buddy for 30 minutes came out, and all 3 of the cars that were parked in that area were gone. So the next day I go to retreive my car, and I ask the guy about it. I also ask him how many times he tows people in the place I park. He responded that he usually tows 5 cars out of there every night.

    Well if he is towing 5 cars out of that spot every single night it is clearly not marked well enough that an average person would know not to park there. I feel like this is a huge case of extortion!! Do I have any rights?? Or do these guys just get to become rich, by preying off of good people that are simply unaware they have parked in a no parking zone?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How to thank her? If I'm not allowed to speak to her?

    So about 3 years ago I hooked up with this lady. She was probably one of the nicest and prettiest girls I have ever met. However she was married so our relationship only lasted about 3 weeks(I know you guys are judging me, but I met her after my BEST friend of 10 years just stole my girlfriend, and her marriage was far from perfect). So we had absoultly no contact with each other. Well we were neighbors so we ran into each other about once every other week, but we would maybe say "Hi" or just smile.

    3 years of this went by. Well about 4 months ago I was taking my usually evening walk/jog and some freaking bastard came out of no where and jumped me! He wanted my money, and I was not going down without a fight! Well apparently this low life had a knife, and he stabbed me. He got my phone, but I managed to keep my wallet :)

    I ran off severely bleeding and wounded. I collapsed about a block from my place. Well that lady was coming home from work and she saw me. She immediately grabbed her coat from her car and wrapped it around my wound, threw me in her car and took me to the ER. I think she even stayed by my side at the hospital for a few hours(But im not sure everything was so blurry)

    Well thankfully the doctors were amazing and now Im perfectly fine! I have been purposely avoiding her because I really really want to give her a big THANK YOU, instead of an awkward "Hi".I mean she could have just dialed 911 and went on her way, but she didn't! I was bleeding bad and I know things would have been a lot worse if I would have waited for an ambulance.(I like to think she saved my life) However I do not know how to thank her. 3 years ago her husband informed to never ever come close to their place again, which I have respectfully followed.

    I want to send her a thank you card, with a couple hundred dollar gift card to a coat store. However knowing her she definitely did not tell her husband that she took me to the hospital. Im assuming she told him the the story but she just said it was someone else. Which if this is true thats great! Cause I could just send my card signed "The guys life you saved"

    But Im really afraid that if he was out of town or something that she didnt tell him at all.I didnt get much blood in her car so its reasonable to assume she could get away with not telling him.

    I owe her a thank you and a new coat, but I really dont want to cause anymore suspicions or harm in their marriage!! What do i do? I mean I know if I do enough looking out my window and other research that I could find out when he is gone for a while, so I could go over there and thank her. But that just seems too creepy!

    Also if I did enough digging I could find out how to contact her sister(as I know they are very very close and she will know the story) but once again I would feel like a total creep trying to figure out how to get a hold of her.

    How do I thank her??

    Also I know I posted this in Singles and Dating, I have no interest in pursuing any relationship with her! I just know how clever you guys are that answer in this category ;)

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How can i possibly thank this woman?

    So about 3 years ago I hooked up with this lady. She was probably one of the nicest and prettiest girls I have ever met. However she was married so our relationship only lasted about 3 weeks(I know you guys are judging me, but I met her after my BEST friend of 10 years just stole my girlfriend, and her marriage was far from perfect). So we had absoultly no contact with each other. Well we were neighbors so we ran into each other about once every other week, but we would maybe say "Hi" or just smile.

    3 years of this went by. Well about 4 months ago I was taking my usually evening walk/jog and some freaking bastard came out of no where and jumped me! He wanted my money, and I was not going down without a fight! Well apparently this low life had a knife, and he stabbed me. He got my phone, but I managed to keep my wallet :)

    I ran off severely bleeding and wounded. I collapsed about a block from my place. Well that lady was coming home from work and she saw me. She immediately grabbed her coat from her car and wrapped it around my wound, threw me in her car and took me to the ER. I think she even stayed by my side at the hospital for a few hours(But im not sure everything was so blurry)

    Well thankfully the doctors were amazing and now Im perfectly fine! I have been purposely avoiding her because I really really want to give her a big THANK YOU, instead of an awkward "Hi".I mean she could have just dialed 911 and went on her way, but she didn't! I was bleeding bad and I know things would have been a lot worse if I would have waited for an ambulance.(I like to think she saved my life) However I do not know how to thank her. 3 years ago her husband informed to never ever come close to their place again, which I have respectfully followed.

    I want to send her a thank you card, with a couple hundred dollar gift card to a coat store. However knowing her she definitely did not tell her husband that she took me to the hospital. Im assuming she told him the the story but she just said it was someone else. Which if this is true thats great! Cause I could just send my card signed "The guys life you saved"

    But Im really afraid that if he was out of town or something that she didnt tell him at all.I didnt get much blood in her car so its reasonable to assume she could get away with not telling him.

    I owe her a thank you and a new coat, but I really dont want to cause anymore suspicions or harm in their marriage!! What do i do? I mean I know if I do enough looking out my window and other research that I could find out when he is gone for a while, so I could go over there and thank her. But that just seems too creepy!

    Also if I did enough digging I could find out how to contact her sister(as I know they are very very close and she will know the story) but once again I would feel like a total creep trying to figure out how to get a hold of her.

    How do I thank her??

    Also I know I posted this in Singles and Dating, I have no interest in pursuing any relationship with her! I just know how clever you guys are that answer in this category ;)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I have these weird dreams where I am dreaming that Im laying in my bed and cant fall asleep?

    So about once every other month I will have this weird dream where it feels as if Im laying in my bed and cant fall asleep. The only reason I know Im not actually awake is because my mind is thinking really weird things that dont make sense. (Its usually something to do about work)

    Example last night I fell asleep, and Im not sure if I actually woke up or if it was just a dream, and then I tried to go back to bed, but I couldnt! I just laid in my bed and let my mind wonder for what seemed like hours. But all I could think about was how I was going to make bed sheets into a nice presentable website. Obviously that makes no sense, so I had to have been dreaming! But Every time I have one of these dreams I feel very very sleep deprived the next morning!!

    Any idea on how to prevent these kind of weird uncomfortable dreams!

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Would it be to weird to take a girl on an airplane ride for a first or second date?

    So im a pilot and I think it would be cool to take a girl flying on our first date.

    Here is what I have planned. For our first date I would just do some sort of a typical date like bowling, or something like that. While on our first date I would try to casually bring up how she would feel about flying in a small airplane, but I would not tell her im a pilot. Basically I would just try and make sure she is not crazy afraid of flying or anything like that.

    Then if all goes well and I land a 2nd date, I would tell her about this great restaurant I heard about. (The restaurant Im talking about will be in another town about 60 miles away.) Hopefully she has never heard of it and asks "Where is that at?" So ill play it off and make it seem like its in our town.

    Right before I pick her up, I will do preflight checks on the plane and wx briefing and all that stuff. So Ill pick her up, take her to the airport and hopefully she doesnt freak out and is surprised in a good way. Then we fly for about 35 minutes to the other town, hop in a courtesy car to the restaurant i told her about and then I fly her home.

    What do you think?? What would your response be if I did that to you? I really wanna do it cause I think it would be really fun! But im just afraid it might be a little too much.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how to remain in control when a girl says she is busy when you ask her on a date?

    Ok so im in a bit of an odd situation. Two weeks ago I met this girl at a bar, we hit it off and she asks me "Do you wanna get out of here?" So I take her to my place and we have a one night stand. But unlike other one night stands I was very happy to see her the next morning. And we chatted and made out some more.

    I used to be a firm believer in never date a girl you took home from the bar, but this girl really was great! She has all of the qualities I look for in a girl.

    So next morning she leaves and I grab her number. I wait a few days to text her, and we exchange about 4 or 5 messages of real small talk. But she was the one who stopped texting me. So I didnt wanna seem clingy and made no attempt to contact her for about a week and a half.

    So earlier today I sent her a message that said "Hey Megan, I would like to take you out this week, which night works for you?" and she responds and says she took a few weeks off of work and went back home to visit her family.

    So how do I respond to this?? I mean this sounds like a typical lie a girls tells to a guy she is not interested in. So I kinda just wanna cut my losses and move on. But on the other hand I dont wanna miss out on dating a great girl, just cause she went to visit her fam for a few weeks.

    Its really tempting to say "Well hit me up when your back in town!" But that would give me absolutely no control over the situation, and I probably would never get a date. I also dont want to ask anything like "When do you planning on coming back?" cause that would be way to stalker like.

    So any tips on how to respond that still gives me control over the situation?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • fun place to live that is not expensive?

    Hey! Im a 21 single male, just graduated college in May and landed a good job. I am pretty lucky because I can do my job from pretty much anywhere. I currently live in the upper midwest and wanna try something new!

    Here is a little about my lifestyle

    I love being outdoors! In both winter and summer

    I enjoy a good night life

    I am big into music culture

    My favorite part about living in the upper midwest is the lake country of Minnesota! I cant even describe how much I enjoy that! But, what i absolutely hate is that I can only enjoy the lake 3 months out of the year. So if there is another part of the states that has lakes but is warmer that would be great!

    Also I am currently making about $3200 after taxes, and that will be the same no matter where I live. So I dont really wanna move to NYC or LA or Hawaii where I would be paying $2000 a month in rent.

    4 AnswersOther - Destinations9 years ago
  • Young Pilots! How do you get around once you get to your destination?

    So I am a 21 year old pilot. I am planning to fly me and my lady friend to the twin cities for a weekend. I am still in the early stages of planning my flight/vacation. And I keep getting hung up because apparently I am old enough to rent an air plane but am way to young to rent a car!! I am sure I could easily find a hotel close by, and take a courtesy car from the airport for stuff close by, but we want to go to valley fair, and the mall of america and depending on which airport we choose to land at one of those places will be at least a 45 minute drive(Because I dont wanna land at MSP)

    Since Valley Fair is way out of the city I dont picture any buses being able to take us there.

    Any info helps! Thanks

    3 AnswersAircraft9 years ago
  • would you date a girl thats favorite band is nickelback?

    I found this girl and she is perfect but her favorite band is nickelback! What do i do??

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to tell the difference between liking/loving someone or just wanting something you cant have?

    So I have a bit of a situation with this amazing girl in my life. I met her three years ago, at my job(we are now 22). At first I had a little crush on her, so I asked her on a few dates but she was seeing someone else. We then discovered that we have a lot of mutual friends, so we started hanging out a lot! (Usually with our mutual friends) And somewhere about two years back I found out that she liked me. But I was dating somebody at the time. So last year we were both single at a time, so I asked her on a date, she accepted but it didnt go much further than that. I really liked her, but she said it just felt too weird and thought we were too different(Which is true) and mostly she didnt wanna wreck a good friendship(Which would suck!).. So I kinda shook it off and overall wasnt too heart broken. As time passed I became very content with how that played out because I felt like we gave it a shot, and we are still friends(That almost never happens).

    So last weekend I asked her and two other of our mutual friends to come to my parents lake cabin for the weekend. Well the other two friends couldnt go, so me and her just went. Before we left I had no intentions of making this weekend anything more then just two friends hanging out at the lake. Well me and her really hit it off this weekend! We didnt kiss or anything but we did a little cuddling and there were defiantly some mutual feelings of attraction going on! We even talked about how we would make a good couple.

    I really wanna try and start something with her, but Im just really scared that the reason I feel this way for her is because she rejected me a few times. She is also way more pretty than most of the girls I usually date, so I think that might be a part why I feel like I like her so much.

    Also a few months ago she tried dating a guy that she has been really good friends with since the 1st grade, and it failed and now their friendship is completely gone. And I am so afraid that the same might happen to us!

    So how do I know if I really actually care for her? Like this whole weekend I had the butterflys in my stomach, but I am just afraid they might not be real. If I end up dating her and it doesnt last for at least like 2 years I am going to be very upset with myself!

    Any advice helps

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What are some good podcasts?

    I really enjoy listening to podcasts but want some suggestions for anything new.

    My interests include

    Punk Rock

    Acoustic Guitar



    Anything Extreme(Sky DIving, scuba, etc..)

    Investing(But preferably not in the stock market)

    Computer Programming

    1 AnswerRadio9 years ago
  • Tall Skinny Guys!! Where do you buy your clothes?

    I am 6'3" and skinIny.. I am 21 years old and my style is clothes like pac sun sells. I like plaid and v necks. I also like them to fit kinda tight(Not Jersey Shore DBag tight! Just not loose) If I buy any large shirt or XL shirts they are baggy, but if I buy a medium shirt it is not long enough. I have the exact same problem with shorts!

    Any ideas on stores that sell clothes for tall skinny people?

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago