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  • Please help!!!! Is my dog in trouble?

    I have a fenced in yard for my dogs. They never leave the yard, except for walks. They are also not vicious towards other dogs or humans. This morning however there was a cat in the yard when I let them out. One of my dogs attacked and hurt it really bad. I called animal control, and they came out to get it. It had tags so it obviously has an owner. I asked the guy from animal control if anything will happen to my dog. He asked for shot records which I showed and said an officer will be out for a report later. Can my dog or myself be held responsible? He was in his own fenced yard. I'm trying to do the right thing I just don't want them to put him down or anything!!!!

    6 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Can I use a Quitclaim deed in this case?

    I live in Wisconsin with my grandfather. He is of sound mind, and has no health issues. I have been paying the bills on the house since I moved in with him 6 years ago when my grandma died. He wants to leave me the house, but is afraid that his children will fight me on it when he dies (he does not have good relationships with any of them). He was wanting to do a quitclaim deed on the house to deed it to me now, before anything health pertaining happens to him. In this case can we use a quitclaim deed? If we do, does it just automatically transfer to me, without him no longer being on the deed or anyone else having claim to it? I have tried checking the court websites, but they really don't give you any information. Also, any idea who I could contact in Wisconsin to discuss this further? I'm in Kenosha County.

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • What is making my dog urinate on beds?

    I have a 3 year old Rottweiler that we have had since 8 weeks old, and has been fully and totally house trained since he was about 12 weeks old. I am home all day with him, and he has access to his huge yard at any time of day to go to the bathroom, and play.

    Yesterday, while I was in my youngest son's bedroom, he climbed up onto the bed and urinated on it. Then today, I was in my oldest son's room and he did the same thing on his bed. Could this be a health problem, or could it be something else? I am not sure if I should take him to a vet, or call a behavior specialist! He seems to only do it when I'm in the room with him.

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Can your company fire you for not signing a contract?

    I'm not sure who to call about this so any help would be greatly appreciated!!! My husband has been working at his company now for 5 years. They gave him a contract today saying that if he quits or gets fired he is not allowed to work for any of their competition companies, in any state. If he signs it and goes to another competitor company he will be sued. He must sign it before end of day today. If he choses not to sign the contract he will be fired on the spot. His company is not a large company, and they do not have any trade secrets that he would be able to share. It is a blue collar job, working on vehicles. So my question is, can they make him sign this? Is this legal for them to ask this of their employees? If it is not legal, who can I call to report this? Thanks in advance for any answers.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Questions about Gluten intolerance?

    In the past two years I have been having strange(to me at least) medical symptoms. After seeing 3 different kinds of doctors no answers. I took it upon myself to look up my symptoms and have come up with gluten intolerance. My symptoms are as follows; extreme weight gain without diet or exercise change, irritable bowels, extreme fatigue, migraines, stomach aches after eating dairy products(extremely painful almost like mild labor pains.) My questions are; does this sound like it could be due to gluten? If so how do I change my diet? Is there a particular specialist I can see to verify? I have seen a family dr., gastrointestinologist, and an internest, with lab tests producing nothing wrong.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Is there any groups that help with the cost of surgery for dogs?

    I live in Wisconsin, and am looking to find out if there are any groups or orgnizations that help with the cost of surgery for pets. I have a 2 year old Rottweiler, that is in need of surgery. If he doesn't get it the vet says we will more then likely have to put him down. Since he is a large breed dog they are recommending a specialist, that will cost between $2000.00 and $3000.00 total before care, surgery, and after care appointments. I have about half and just need help with the rest of the cost. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I love my dog more then I like most humans, and I can't put him down.

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is it illegal to start a website for donations, without having a non-profit status?

    I have a dog who is in need of a very expensive surgery. I was told by a friend that I should start up a free website to ask for donations from framily and other friends. I was wondering if this is legal or not. I am just desperatly trying to to come up with funds for him. I only have about half of the funds right now, and if I don't come up with the money in the next couple of months it looks like we might have to put him down, and I'm not ready for that since he is only 2 years old.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Dog behavior problem with barking...anybody have experience or advice?

    I have two male rottweilers. They are very well behaved, trained, and socialized. The youngest is 2 years old and we have had him since 3 months old. He has recently, in the last few months, started aggressively barking and growling at the tv, when animals are on. The worst is when it's Horses of all things. They can be real animals or even cartoon characters. He has even lunged at the tv. Our other dog who is 7 has never really been a barker, and now the younger one has been teaching the older one to do it to. We can't watch tv, or have to lock them in the bedroom, while we are watching. Out on walks or at petstores we never have problems, they go to dog parks and interact prefectly fine with other dogs. Has anyone had any experience with this or any ideas on what to try to make them stop.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Has anyone else experience massive weight gain without changing diet?

    About 2 years ago I started exercising. 20 mins to start and over 12 months up to an hour and a half. I lost about 40 pounds in a little over a year. I kept it off for another year. I don't drink soda, I rarely ever have candy, If I do it's a couple twizzlers or gum while running errands and not the whole package. Dinners and breakfast are homemade not box crap. About 8 months ago I stopped working out because of my children's and husband's schedules changed, and I'm always on the run. I started gaining weight back, and now 8 months later i've gained back the 40 I lost plus another 15 pounds. I've been to two doctors that have checked for thyroid problems or anything else that can contribute to the weight, with all lab work coming back normal. I am at a loss and don't know what to do. I've started exercising again about a month ago (cardio and weights same as before), with no weight loss, not even a pound! Does anyone know what else I could do.

    29 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • If left untreated, how long can a dog live with Cushing Disease?

    I have a 5 year old mixed breed dog. We have been having him treated for small tumors, and many other various things, only to find out after two years that it was Cushing Disease all along! Now taking him to a new vet, and since it has been so long since his initial symptoms they do not think treatment is the best option. They also, cannot give any information as to how long they think he will live. We are thinking about taking him to yet another vet for another opinion about treatment.

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How Do I sync a PS3 controller made by GameStop?

    Just bought my son a PS3 controller used from gamestop. It is a gamestop controller NOT sony, comes with the controller and a usb reciever that plugs into the system. It does not have the usb port on the actual controller like the Sony controllers. Does anyone know how to sync it to the system.

    1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade ago
  • Who do I contact about W2's not being mailed?

    My husband worked for a very small company for the past twelve years. He left for a better opportunity at the end of 2009, and when he went in Yesterday to ask about his W2's, the owner said he hadn't gotten to them yet. The owner also said that he'll get around to them MAYBE this weekend, and to just wait. I thought there was a law that they had to be in the mail or your hands by January 31st. If anyone knows who I should contact if he doesn't give them to him. My husband said he got the feeling that the owner isn't going to give them to him at all.

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • What should I do about my father, I've never known?

    My mom had me when she was eighteen. Her and my grandparents raised me. I never asked about my father, because well because my mom, grandma, and grandpa did a great job raising me I didn't miss not having a father. Even after my mom had my two younger half sisters it still didn't bother me that I didn't know my dad and they did. After 29 years of life, my father found my mom through facebook and was inquiring about me. He has three other kids and has always wondered about me. My mom set up a meeting with her, me and him. She didn't tell me what was going on, I thought just her and I were going for lunch. He was there and introduced himself as my father.

    I honestly admit I was appalled at the fact that come to find out he knew about me the whole time and never once tried to make contact. He told me this himself. After 29 years he thought better late than never. I think that in this situation he is totally wrong. I told him never to contact me and walked out.

    I do not have any remorse and it has been a week since the meeting. Was I wrong for thinking this way? Do I owe him anything? My sister told me to get a lawyer and take him to court for back child support since he knew I existed. What are your opinions?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Semi Computer Iliterate and having a problem with Internet Explorer!?

    I have internet explorer 7 on my computer. I updated it about a month ago. The past couple of days, when surfing the internet my it will stop responding, search for a solution by itself, and then the internet will come back up by itself. (Whole process usually takes about ten minutes.) It will not let me shut it off, or use any other programs, even task manager will not come up. I have done a virus scan with no results coming up. Any ideas what might be going on would be helpful or a way to fix it.

    6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • HELP with potty training.?

    My son is 3 1/2. He is very smart and independent. He has been ahead of most kids his age in talking, walking, reading, and many other things. However, I have been trying to potty train him for the last year, with no success. He is suppose to start 4 year old kindergarten this year, but they require him to be potty trained. My oldest son was potty trained by 2 and I am just becoming frustrated this time around. I take him to the potty every half hour and he will sit there for a long time, not go, and as soon as he has a diaper back on he'll go in that. I have bought him books, videos, big boy underwear with his favorite characters, a special potty that sings and praises him for doing a good job. No luck with any of it. I have tried letting him run around with nothing on, hoping when he felt the urge he would have to run to the bathroom, he will just pee on himself. I have tried the pull ups that change colors when wet, nothing. I have even told him he won't be able to go to school unless he can use the potty (he is very excited about school). I am hoping someone else might have any other idea, that i might be missing. All of my friends keep telling me it will happen when he's ready, but I just think going on 4 is old enough.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Looking for a piece of art, wondering if someone could help?

    I had seen this painting a couple of years ago, a reprint of course. It was a painting of headstones and crosses in a cemetary. Upon some of them were black crows. It was mostly greys, and blacks, and deep blue colors. If anyone knows the name or artist of this painting please let me know.

    1 AnswerPainting1 decade ago
  • Need some information on a Home Boiler System?

    I am in the process of purchasing a home. I fell in love with an old farm house in my area and am thinking about placing a bid for it. It has a Boiler system for heating the house. My questions for anyone who has experience with them in their homes are;

    1. Is it very hard to maintain?

    2. Is it alot more expensive to run it in the winter?

    3. What are the cons of having one?

    I asked my realtor, but he isn't too familiar with them, and I can't seem to find out any real pros or cons on the internet searches.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 16 Month old still no teeth. Anyone else have this issue with their baby?

    I have three boys, my youngest is 16 months old and still has no teeth or showing any signs of teething anytime soon. My two older sons had four teeth by the time they were 8 months old. The doctor said to just be patient, but the dentist said if they are not in by 18 months they might have to cut his gums. I don't want it to come to that. I put him on a multi-vitamin, thinking that it was a vitamin deficiancy. That was four months ago. Anyone have the same thing happen with your toddler, and if so what was the outcome?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Your Opinion please?

    I am 35 weeks pregnant with my third. My Sister-in-law is 32 weeks with her first. We were out at the store earlier, and a women came over to us and touched our bellies without asking. I simply asked her to please not touch me, and my Sister said I was very rude for telling her to stop.

    The question is, do you think strange people have the right to come up to you and touch your belly without permission?

    23 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Red Tail Boa Health Question?

    My brother just got a red tail from a friend. It is three years old and only measures about 3 feet long and 3 inches around at the most. We know there has to be something wrong with it because it hasn't grown very large yet, but he was just going to kill it if my brother didn't take it. The head is not larger than the rest of it's body, which we have been told happens when the snake is power fed. He has an appointment with a reptile vet tomorrow, but we wanted to know if anyone had any idea why he would be so small. He has been fed every week two live mice since he was bought at 9 weeks after hatching. We were told he won't take frozen mice at all. Any help would be great!!!

    5 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago