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My name is Cathy, I am from Michigan. Not looking for anything but relaxing and chilling out when I am on the net.
What are you doing this weekend?
I just got home from work and realized that I haven't made any plans for the weekend, which really is not a bad thing. I will go out for dinner in a while, but the rest of the weekend is open. What is going on this weekend for you?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow to deal with a co-worker who screws up all the time?
Ok, there is this woman I work with, daily I have to look at her work and correct it, because her work reflects on my work when all is said and done. I have tried to gently correct her but she acts like its non of my biz. Another part of her job is taking some phone calls for her department. Daily I transfer calls from my line to her so that she can schedule with patients. Today I called her from my phone with a question regarding an appointment she made, she answered the phone " I can't talk now" and hung up. The problem is, she would have had no way of knowing that this call was from me, or a patient I transferred to her....I was devastated that there is a possibility that calls that I transfer to her daily may be answered rudely and dismissed this way! Customer service is priority in my office, what should I do?
14 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoHow can I get him to trust me and quit smothering me?
I have been married for 30 years, I have never cheated, EVER. I was a stay at home mom for the first 25 years as 2 of our kids had multiple disabilities, my life pretty much revolved around him and the kids, and I had no close friends. NOw the kids are grown and I am proud that I have a good job, and good friends as well. I am very frustrated because my husband freaks out if I want to do something with the girls. I am 50 years old and if I want to stop at the bar after work for a few drinks with my friends he makes my life hell. This afternoon my friends called and invited me for a few drinks to celebrate Christmas (a day late), he ended up going with me, so it was 6 of my girl friends, myself and my husband. Then he caught an attitude and decided to cancel our plans for the evening for a couples night with a bunch of our mutual friends. Not because he had better plans, he came home and crashed out on the sofa, woo hoo! I do not hate my husband, I love him, have 30 years invested, that's hard to throw away, but he is seriously driving me crazy! Any suggestions?
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoSkin rash from glycolic acid in Vivite Skin Care products?
I recently tried the Vivite Skin Care line with has anti oxidant's in it. One of the ingredients are glycolic acid. With in 3 days I have developed an itchy rash on my face, mostly on my cheeks and jaw line. Any suggestions on how to treat this and heal what ever damage has been done? I have stopped using the products, and when ever I apply moisturizer it stings really bad.
Skin Conditions1 decade agoCable guy crossed the line?
My daughter who is 23 recently moved to an apartment where she lives alone. She had ordered cable to be hooked up, along with a DVR. She told me that this guy was there for almost 2 hours, and kept pushing to get her number so they could go out sometime. He also asked her if she lived alone and if she has a boy friend. She told him that she would not give him her number, and turned him down for going out. A few days later she got a voice mail from him, again asking her to go out. This means he went into her account and retreaved the phone number. My question is, should she call the company and report this? My fear is, he knows where she lives and that she lives alone, and I am worried that if he gets in trouble, he will seek retaliation. What do you suggest?
14 AnswersFamily1 decade agoSarah Palin's Priorities?
As a mother of 2 disabled children I can't help but wonder where Sarah Palin's priorities are. Breaking this down, she has a son who is about to enter the service, this is stressful for any family, her teenage daughter is pregnant by a young man who has dropped out of high school, and they are planning to marry, she has a young daughter who is at an age that needs her mothers attention, and an infant who has Downs Syndrome. I have a career, but my family comes first hands down. It appears to me that her family is struggling and she is more concerned with power. I have no respect for her as a mother, a woman or a politician. What do you think?
19 AnswersElections1 decade agoI totaled my Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 2 weeks ago, After Insurance I will still owe $1500.00?
will the lender just let me keep paying on the loan even though the insurance company will have me sign off the title? Or will they expect me to come up with the balance all at once?
2 AnswersJeep1 decade agoGuys can spot the easy girls?
I was having a conversation with some guys last night about how some girls seem to naturally attract guys, almost instantly even if they are not all that great looking. They all said in unison that it is because they are easy, and they can tell right away. They actually said that they can go into a bar and pick out the easy girls very quickly. I was stunned, and said, how can you tell, you havent even talked to these girls and you KNOW they are likley to be easy? I ask what it was about them, they said first, how they are dressed, also they are the loudest, they usually want to be the center of attention. Also they tend to put on the *dumb* act. These guys claim that men just have a sixth sence about this. Do you agree?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoMy manager at work gets mad.....?
When people in her department go over her head with issues, as she says it makes her look bad to her boss, and it is not respectful of her position. I am considered the only full time person in my position, but she has me scheduled for only 32 hours so I can fill in other positions and work weekends when needed. She is in the process of hiring right now, and I have overheard her (her desk is next to mine) Telling people who call to inquire about the job that one part of the position is to do my job on the one day she has me doing work in other parts of the office. Last week I mentioned to her that I hope that once she has people hired and trained, I can do my job 40 hours a week. Her responce was "ha ha, very funny". This really bothers me! Should I take my concerns to her boss?
9 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoI keeps getting calls and my caller ID .....?
My caller ID just has the letters RP on it, no numbers...when I answer it is an immeadiate disconnect.....this has been happening daily for a few weeks....what or who is this???
3 AnswersLand Phones1 decade agohow do you spend your perfect Sunday?
For me, Friday nights are fun, its time to go out for dinner and end the work week, Saturdays can be busy with projects and plans with friends, but Sundays are the best, just chilling out at home, relaxing, doing what ever i feel like doing.
8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoAre you noticing a huge difference in interest in the election process this year?
It seems to me that this election is different than others from the past, people are very involved and interested. I think it is great. Do you agree, and why do you think this is happening ?
9 AnswersElections1 decade agoDoes the Strike end off Broadway Productions ?
I have bought tickets to see The Lion King in Detroit for December 8. Will This show be shut down by the current strike or does that only apply to New York?
2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade agoif you could wright a letter.....?
to yourself, form present to past...example ..I am now 49, and if I could wright a letter to me to read when I was 20..what would you tell yourself, what advise would you give yourself, knowing what you know now about your life? I based this question on a song I just heard by Brad Paisley called "Letter to Me". Think about it, what would you say? I think I would tell myself to wait to get married a few more years and had some fun and get more education, to go for my big dreams that I passed by.
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoEnglish names for Asian people?
I have noticed that most Asian people who are employed in service jobs in my community, and I can only assume in most American communities use American names. I work for a medical office and a patient came in and presented his insurance card reflecting his Asian name. I asked him how to pronounce his name correctly, and he responded.."call me Rodney". The Asian lady who did my nails last week told me her name is Susan, in very broken English. The second time that "Rodney" came to my offfice I decided to ask Rodney the English translation for his real name? He responded that it is not. He said it is common practice for Asian people to select a common english name to use to make it easier for American's to address them. I think it is sad that people from other cultures feel they need to give up their own identity to make it easier for us to talk to them. What do you think about this?
20 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoTreating an aneurysm?
I am 48, in pretty decent health, not overweight, and a non smoker for about 5 weeks now. A few weeks ago I experianced extream double vision on my way to work, I felt very odd after and had headaches and ringing in my ears for a few hours. I work at a medical office, (opthamology) so they decided to get my blood pressure and it was very high for me...155 over 98, about 3 hours after the double vision insident. I went to my doctor and he felt I had experianced a mini stroke and ordered MRI's and a MRA of my brain. It discovered a small aneurysm on the left side of my brain. I have now been referred to a neurologist, and put on 2 blood thinning meds and my lipitor script was doubled although my cholestorol was not horrible. So what should I expect, are there medications to takew care of this, or am I looking at surgury? I am trying to stay calm about this, but I feel way too young to be going threw this!
2 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoneed advise about cockatiel tail feathers?
My son has 2 cockatiel's, he is concerned because the younger one always seems to have damp tail feathers when he is handling him. The other does not. Does anyone know what this indicates? Is it a sign of poor health?
4 AnswersBirds1 decade agosong for parents for wedding?
I am looking for a good song for parents to dance to at an upcoming wedding. This is not a father daughter or mother son is the parents dance.....something to consider...parents of the groom were devorced about a year ago, both will be dancing with their new partners. Parents of the bride have been married for over 25 years. I am considering Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton, but would really like some other ideas as well....thanks so much!
17 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago