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  • How did the Beatles change music?

    My mother was a Beatles fan, hence my name, and over the years I have heard other successful bands say it was seeing the Beatles that changed their life. If it's an American band, they always say it was seeing them on the Ed Sullivan Show.

    As they were already at their peak when I was born I don't know any different as I was brought up on their music with my music mad mother, But what was it specifically, they did that changed the world?

    Yes, I love their music so don't be calling me an idiot. I'm just curious as to why they are the holy grail for musicians.

    11 AnswersRock and Pop3 years ago
  • Is it common for elderly male dogs to have weak bladders?


    I have a rescue Border Collie, I m not sure of his age, but he s elderly.

    I have had him 3 years and he has always been clean. Recently though, he has peed on the floor when I get up. He gets a walk before bedtime, and I have cut down his water intake, but it s made no difference.

    I take him out at night about 11pm, and I am up at 5am. I am not going to have him PTS because of this, I was wondering about those puppy pads you can get. Are they any good?

    I had a German Shepherd that lost control of his bladder and bowels, but he had DM (degenerative myelopathy) Which made him have no feelings in his back end.

    My boy is a clever dog, he isn t doing this as a behavioural problem, he just can t seem to hold his bladder like he has in the past 3 years. Many thanks

    16 AnswersDogs3 years ago
  • Can I get back my photos when my laptop was wiped by scammers?

    I got a call a couple of weeks ago, saying they were from my internet provider. To cut a long story short, I believed who they were, and they got access to my laptop. And because I wouldn't give them money, they threatened to crash it. I really didn't think they would, but they did.

    I'm not bothered about any files, it's the photos and videos of my dogs that have sadly died.

    Is there any way I can get them back? I know the police can look in detail of a hard drive, and they can find things that have been deleted. But I don't know how.

    6 AnswersSecurity4 years ago
  • Which is the safest internet provider?

    I have had my talktalk details hacked. And was the victim of a scam the other day. They said they were from talktalk, and said I was due a refund of £200. They asked me to go to my online bank and watch it go in, when some money did go in, it was £1,800, they then said they had made a mistake and asked me to take a screen shot of the bank account. I immediately hung up, and they then began operating my webcam, and were sending me threatening messages. When I didn t respond they crashed my pc.

    So I really want a good internet provider and to cancel talktalk. I have Kaspersky anti virus, but this did not stop them, as I was basically believing them.They had all my details. My bank account was hacked and I contacted the fraud team, who put a block on my account.

    Also, I have restored my pc to factory settings and was wondering if I should also take it to a professional to check the hard drive? This is an absolute mess. They were saying they knew where I was etc.

    2 AnswersSecurity4 years ago
  • Any German Shepherd experts!?

    I lost my beautiful German Shepherd 2 years ago this new years eve. He had Degenerative Myelopathy (DM or CDRM). I adored that dog so much, but to watch him deteriorate from diagnosis to the end which was more or less 12 months of watching him get worse absolutely broke my heart.

    The thing is I adore the breed I've had dogs all my life, but he was special. What I want to know, is if there is any way of finding out if a pup might get DM? Or is there any treatment, or way of preventing this horrible disease?

    I am always wondering if I did something wrong, he was 11 when I had to make the decision to have him PTS and I miss him still. But my friend wants to get me another GS and I'm really reluctant as I can't go through watching a big proud dog become paralysed again. Personally, I don't think I'm ready for another yet. I was just thinking maybe in another year or so I 'might' consider getting a GS.

    Many thanks in advance for any replies.

    7 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • Trouble with rescued Border Collie?

    I have a rescue Border Collie who is about 5-6 years old. He is neutered. I understand from the rescue centre who told me he was in for 12 months due to neglect and abuse from his original owner.

    The problem I have is he sometimes growls at me, for instance if I walk past him when he's eating, or if I dry him off after being on the beach.

    I don't yell at him but tell him in a firm tone that he hasn't to growl. I know this may sound daft, but he does know what I am saying to him. And as a sort of punishment I will ignore him and he will come and put his head on my knee as if he is sorry.

    It's obviously hard not to give in when he looks at me with those big brown eyes, but it's as if he forgets himself, and growls. I don't want to shout at him as he's been through so much and I just want to give him a loving home.

    I have had him since March, and he has improved and become a more confident and happy dog, it's just this growling that's the problem.

    plus if he's lying asleep and I get up, he jumps up and moves. If I go to put his lead on he cowers. It's so sad and I'm not sure how to deal with this.

    I will not give up on him, I just could do with some ideas of how to deal with this problem of growling.

    He also barks and growls at anyone leaving my home. He's ok while they are inside, but as soon as they leave he starts going round in circles growling and barking at them.

    He gets plenty exercise and stimulation, so it's not due to being bored.

    Many thanks for any replies.

    3 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Do blood tests rule out cancer?

    My partner has been losing a lot of weight. Two and a half stone in two months. He had blood tests which ruled out diabetes, over active thyroid and cancer, but his GP said blood tests rule out "most" cancers. He received a letter from the hospital to go for a endoscopy, but when he rang up to see if he needed anyone to go with him he was told it is not a endoscopy he's having but a consultation with a cancer specialist. Obviously I'm worried sick, so is he, I'm trying to tell him it's probably nothing as the bloods were ok. Is it unlikely he may have cancer?

    2 AnswersCancer7 years ago
  • how do i stop my neighbour from bullying me? it has been going on for 3 years now.?

    I live in the ground floor floor flat alone, he lives on the first floor above me. When i walk outside he spits at me, and calls me names like "minger" etc. I work nights as a nurse and he waits until i come home at 7.30am and then turns his music on real loud. When I ask him to turn it down he turns it up louder. He knows I work night shifts. I understand that by law in the UK that people should keep noise down between 10pm and 7am. But when you know your neighbour works a night shift then courtesy should come into it.

    Last year my German Shepherd was not good on his back legs, and as I came in from work he threatened to kill my dog to "Save the vet a job" He has also said one day that we will "Burn in our beds."

    Obviously, he never says this in front of any witnesses and when I have told the landlord or even the police, they can't do anything as it's my word against his. My dog was put to sleep on new years eve and he was shouting out the window "One less Alsatian in the world."

    I have recently had a week off work (holidays that I was due) and I have had no sleep, I have had him threatening me, banging on my door etc. I have had the police.;... they don't want to know, they just class it as a "domestic" and the landlord doesn't care as long as he's getting his rent. But. the fact is I am getting bullied, intimidated, and threatened by a bloke and I am on my own. What can I do? The law is not helping me.One of my neighbours said half joking " You are going to end up physically assaulted by him and another statistic. Stabbed or worse. For what,? I don't know, he's got it in for you."

    The letting agent reckons it's because he is after my ground floor flat and he is doing this to scare me out?

    This is only the recent abuse i have had off him, I have been abused by him and his mates for 4 years, and i'm at my wits end. Why should I be scared to walk out my front door? I really believe he wants to hurt me in some way. It's got to the point where the law is not on my side what do i do????

    9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • How do I get over the death of my dog?

    I had to get my German Shepherd put to sleep on New Years Eve and I can't get over it. Sometimes I think I'm getting better and then I burst into tears and can't stop. I'm crying as I writing this. I got the vet to come to my home to do it as he hated vet surgeries and I didn't want him being too stressed. But I can't get the memory of him collapsing as the injection took effect out of my mind. I managed to keep it together at the time, feeding him chicken and saying we were going for a nice walk etc. but as his eyes rolled back I cracked up. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I loved him so much.

    He had a disease called Degenerative Myelopathy where his back legs had become paralysed and there was never going to be a cure or any treatment, it would just have spread. Even though I know this I think that if he could have talked he would have said "Give me a bit more time" as he still played with his ball in the house, loved his grub, and a cuddle. I feel I gave up on him. He would never have thought I would have killed him, he loved me too and trusted me 100%. I just can't get the memory of him dying in front of me out of my head. And seeing the vet staff carrying him out on a stretcher it breaks my heart.

    Please don't say 'he was just a dog' he was better than any human I ever met.

    many thanks for any answers.

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Could a leaking ceiling in a bathroom cause a drain type smell?

    I live in a ground floor flat, the flat upstairs bathroom is right above mine. I have told the guy who lives there that it's leaking but not sure if he's done anything about it, but it hasn't leaked for a week or so. But the thing is there is a horrible drain like smell coming from my bathroom, I have bleached all the drains etc. but it's still there. I was wondering if the leak is connected to the smell? I have a air vent in my bathroom that used to come on when I knocked the light on in the bathroom, as there's no window, now the vent has stopped working since the last time it leaked. But, the smell was there before the vent stopped working. Many thanks for any advice.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Why does this dog pee on the floor all of a sudden?

    I am asking this for a friend. She has a 11 year old GS/Rottweiler cross female. She has always been clean in the house until recently. She did have a urinary tract infection but that was cleared up by the vet. My friend thought that the UTI not being cleared up but the vet said it has. but the thing is the dog does not pee on the floor through the night, only when my friend goes out. And when she comes back the dog looks at the wall guiltily and knows it's wrong, having being house trained for all it's life. I have heard of dogs starting to pee indoors due to separation anxiety, but as I said the dog is 11 and used to being left alone occasionally. It's got us baffled. Thank you for any replies.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How long can you keep a cheque before it is void?

    I received a cheque from a relative in a will, and I was wondering how long it is valid for. I wasn't going to put it in my bank as I would probably spend it! But a friend said they are only valid for a certain length of time. Thanks in advance.

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Any Kasabian fans....?

    Does anyone know if the kasabian New Years Eve 2011/12 Rewired concert which was streamed live will be released on DVD? I have watched the whole concert on Youtube, and would love to buy it. But as far as I have seen I can't find it anywhere. I wondered if anybody knew if it would be released soon. It's a great concert and I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to get hold of it. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Is it possible to copy a full concert which is on youtube, to a blank DVD?

    sorry i'm not that great with computer technology etc. it's just that there's a brilliant concert i would like to have which is on youtube. it isn't in the shops to buy. so i was wondering if anybody knew how i could copy it? it's probably illegal isn't it?? oops!

    1 AnswerYouTube9 years ago
  • has anyone else had an email from yahoo asking about yahoo mail beta?

    i was just wondering if it was genuine. as since i have been using it my contacts have all received emials supposedly from me, with a link that doesn't work. i was thinking it may be this new mail.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • paying for a dentist in the UK, are there payment plans?

    I have lost a crown on one of my front teeth, the other 2 crowns are loose, and after ringing every dentist in my area- Lancaster- and still not finding a dentist. i had to resort to super glue to stick the loose crowns back in. i know stupid, but this is what the UK dentist system has come to. the thing is i have contacted a dentist who will do a free consultation, but i looked on their website and it will be £450 for a crown! i was wondering if it is possible that you can pay for this monthly instalments? dental insurance does not cover crowns, bridges or dentures. so i will have to pay. which i don't mind but £450 in one lump sum is a lot to pay. there are no NHS dentists round here taking on new patients, so i will have to go private. by the way, why is there such a shortage of dentists these days? many thanks for any answers.

    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Only Rolling Stones fans. Rolling Stones 2011 tour?

    Apparently the Rolling Stones are possibly going to tour this year. I know the tickets will be sold out within minutes. but what i want to know is, where is the best place to get tickets as soon as they are for sale and be in with a chance of actually getting one. and does anyone have a rough idea how much they will cost? i want to be near the front. i know this will be difficult and expensive, but they may never tour again after this so if i save up I feel it would be worth it. thank you for all answers in advance. and to anybody who criticises the Stones about being old and past it, forget it, i've heard it all before, and would like to see where Justin Bieber will be in 49 years.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • another child attacked and mauled by a dog......?

    yet another dog has attacked a child and although the injuries are, thankfully, not life threatening, the dog has been 'destroyed'. the dog in this case was a Japanese Akita, also known as Japanese Fighting Dog. although a very powerful dog, the breed is not one of the breeds in The Dangerous Dogs Act. but how many more children and adults have to be attacked or killed, in the case of the woman killed by a Mastiff not that long ago? don't people realise that any dog is capable of biting anyone? don't get me wrong, i have had dogs all my life, and an owner of a German Shepherd, but i would never leave him alone with a child. not because he is vicious, quite the opposite, he has a great nature and has never so much as growled at anybody in the 8 years i have had him, but i would never trust him 100% with a child, and anybody who says they can is fooling themselves, all dogs are capable of 'turning.' I know a few people who own Japanese Akitas, and they are responsible owners, and always keep their dogs on a lead. as the nature of this breed is to fight, hence the name, 'fighting dogs.' they are very muscular, strong dogs, and a child would not stand a chance against one, neither would an adult really. it is a shame another child has been injured, and another dog has to be destroyed through irresponsible owners, who will no doubt say the dog was a lovely family pet. does anyone agree that we should bring back dog licences? or some sort of legislation where people are vetted (excuse the pun) before owning one of these dogs? i know even little terriers can snap. but children should never be left alone with any dog.

    14 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • why has my throat swollen up with a tooth abscess?

    on Monday my lower back molar started aching and got gradually worse. by the end of the day i felt down the gum of the tooth and there was a soft lump which was really sore. i got some anti biotics from my doctor Cephalexin, and the abscess has eased off and burst, but now my neck has swollen up on one side and is really sore. i also have a headache all the time and i'm aching. why has my neck now swollen up? thanks for any answers.

    6 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • why do my dogs, a German Shepherd and a Border Collie, both hate Husky's?

    Everytime we walk past a husky when we are out walking, my dogs, especially the GS, go mad pulling at the lead and barking trying to get at the Husky. They don't do this with any other breed. I just wondered if anybody knew anything about dog psychology! do they think of husky's as a threat?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago