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  • Electric Motor overheating?

    I have two Robot Coupe R100 commerical food processors. They are both showing serious problems all of a sudden. I opened them both up yesterday and gave them a good cleaning and lube with white lithium grease. But they overheat and shutdown after 5 minutes of coninous use. The other unit just buzzes when you try and start the motor and will not spin. The start-up capacitor looks ok, but I may try replacing it to see if it fixes the problem. Parts are expensive, almost to the point of saying, I'll just buy a new one for $500 and be done with it.

    Can anyone offer any insight into the overheating problem, I have them running with a fan blowing into the air vents, but it doesn't solve the problem. When I opened the machines, the top bearing was pretty badly worn as was the top seal. I applied abundant grease to the whole area.

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Problem with Aquarium Fish keep dieing.?

    I have a 20gal tank setup and had 2 fancy goldfish. They were fine for about 8 months and then they got sick and died, one at a time. They were lathargic and died. Ammonia, Nitrate and all levels were fine.

    After that, I added a heater and did a 75% water change and let it run by itself for 2 weeks with the heater on 84F to kill any illness in the water. I purchased some tetras, 2 pairs of Platys, a Gourami and a pleco. All was fine after a week and half then I noticed one of the Platy's was stressed as the other Platy was harassing him. I saw some Ich. He died. Over the next few days I have been losing 1 - 2 fish a day. Now only 3 tetras and the Gourami are left, but they dont look like they are in good shape. I have done 25% water changes, elevated the temperature to 83F and vacuumed alot of the gravel (There was alot of poop in the corners, where they like to hide). Been treating with Melafix for a while too. I'm assuming they are all going to die, but going forward, what do I need to do...completely breakdown the tank, gravel and all and start over? I cannot figure out what is causing this. Ammonia is 0. Nitrate is under 10ppm. and the pH was a little high at 7.6 before the water changes. Any insight?

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What is the proper way to lubricate electric motors used to drive commercial fans?

    The motors used to drive the ventilators in my business appear to be running hot. It has been almost 2 years, I would like to provide adequate maintenance by lubricating it properly. They are Dayton 1 1/2 and 3hp motors.

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Goldfish and lobster in the same tank?

    Is it possible to put a small Cobalt Blue Lobster in a freshwater tank with 2 Orandas? 30gal tank with plenty of hiding places and temperature ranges from 72-76 all year round.

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Help with black moore about to die...?

    I have a black moore and an Oranda in a 20gal tank. When I came home last night, the moore was laying on its side against the filter inlet. I thought he had passed, but when I touched him he moved. He was just to weak. The other fish seems fine. Testing the water, nitrate levels were high, about 100ppm. So I did about a 50-75% water change in 5 gallon increments. I took the moore out and added about 1 teaspoon to gallon of water overnight. I didn't think he would make it as he just lays there on his side.

    He breathes very intermittently and his gills are very red. Ammonia levels are 0. Any insight?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Who should I start at RB. J. Jones, M. Moore or E. James this week?

    Jones has started splitting carries which is never good. Moore may play as Parker will probably sit out one more week, but he's going against the Giants D. And then there is James who keeps giving up production to Hightower.

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Who to start this week, Edgerrin or Mendenhall?

    Edge is losing more and more touches to Hightower every week, especially at goaline situations. But Mendenhall is finally getting his big shot to start with Parker out, but is going up against the Ravens D. Any thoughts?

    4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Should I drop Joey Galloway in fantasy football?

    He's old..he sucks and now he has multiple injuries. I don't even think he's worth a roster spot anymore. Wanna drop him for Bryant Johnson on SF. Thoughts?

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Best way to keep calamari from shrinking on the Grill?

    I know calamari needs very fast, very hot heat to cook it best and to keep it from becoming rubbery, but does anyone have any marinading tips to keep it from shrinking on the grill?

    Marinading in lemon any longer than say 15 minutes is bad as the lemon cooks the calamari. A little olive oil is great but any other ideas?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why won't my avatar show up on Y! Answers?

    I've had an avatar setup for years thru fantasy football and I can go in and edit it, but it never shows up when I post on Yahoo Answers. I have the radio button selected for AVATAR under the settings here.

    I tried changing it, saving, etc. Still won't show up.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to move Fancy Goldfish to an outdoor pond?

    So my wife got my kids 2 fancy goldfish. They are only about 2-3 inches long at the moment and I have them in a 20 gallon tank with lots of filtration.

    Anyone know if fancy goldfish would survive year round in an outdoor pond when they get a little bigger?

    My brother has a pond with large Koi for many years and I wonder if I would be able to move these goldfish into that pond. We live just outside of NYC, so the winters are cold, but my brother told me he has never lost a fish to the winter....just some large birds on occasion.

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Is a restaurant allowed to sell uncooked meat?

    If a customer comes into a restaurant and wants to purchase say an uncooked steak, what possible legal ramifications could the restaurant face from doing so?

    15 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade ago
  • Is a heater recommended for Fancy Goldfish?

    I have 2 fancy goldfish in a 20gal tank. I live in an apartment in the city and the place sees rapid fluctuations in temperature during the winter months, very hot during the day from the heat and cold at night. Since the tank is only 20gal, it may easily see 5-10deg swings in a day.

    I was thinking of getting a 100W heater to try and keep the temperature from dropping below 66deg and avoid big temp drops. Anyone else use a heater for goldfish?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Help with Goldfish in new tank.?

    We bought a small 2.5gal tank for my 1 and 2 year old, and I had told my wife to buy a Betta after I set it up. She went to the local pet store and told the owner our setup and goes and sells her 2 fancy goldfish. One is a Black Moor and the other is gold with like an afro. (Sorry don't have a strong background in goldfish).

    I've been monitoring ammonia levels and reading up on the forums, and ammonia levels are thru the roof as expected. Its been 2 weeks now and I do daily water changes, anywhere from 30-50%. The first week the water got cloudy but then dissipated. Despite my daily water changes, the ammonia test is dark dark green (something ridiculous like 8ppm). The odd thing is the fish look healthy, don't show any ammonia burns and are constantly hungry, even though we don't feed them much.

    Since my kids gave them names, I'm committed to keeping them alive as I don't feel like answering to a 2 1/2 and a 1 1/2 year old why the fish are floating.

    I went out yesterday and bought a 20gal tank with a 40gal TopFin filter. I have put the new filter in the 2.5 gallon tank and scooped a bunch of gravel from the little tank and put it in the new tank. I've been running the new 40gal filter in the little tank for a day now, is this the best way to get bacteria into the new tank as quickly as possible? Any recommendations on how to best transition the fish as quickly as possible to the new tank?

    Also, if I'm doing 50% daily water changes, why hasnt the ammonia levels dropped, even though I know 2 goldfish is way too much fish for a 2.5 gal tank, I should see some improvement, no?

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago