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Lv 55,036 points

Lisa L

Favorite Answers15%
  • Could this present a legal problem?

    If I know something really bad about a person who is "admired" because he's a doctor, and posted a remark on his Facebook page about it, could I get into legal trouble (sued for slander)? This is NOT slander, it's absolutely Truth and I have proof. It just irks me that this person gives everyone the idea that he's an upright, good person....but the truth is he is EVIL. And he needs to be exposed for what he is. I've heard that it's only "slander" if it is NOT true. But posting it on Facebook (for all to see)......would that present a problem for me?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Mental disability and parental rights?

    My 36 yr. old son has a mental disability. His comprehension level is not good when it comes to reading or understanding things. His ex girlfriend left their son with her mother, while she left town and went on a year long Meth smoking "party". In the meantime, his ex girlfriends mother got my son alone, buttered him up and assured him that she was just getting "Guardianship" for his son. So she finally coaxed him into signing the paper, although he hesitated for 2 hours.

    Once I found out about this, I became suspicious, as these are not the most scruptulous people. They lie, steal and have a history of drugs in their family. Does anyone know how I would go about finding out whether my son signed his Parental rights away to this witch??? They signed the paper in a bank, in front of a notary. IF she indeed took his parental rights away, how on earth do I go about getting them back for him? He loves his son, and has been the ONLY parent there for him. Now this woman who has custody allows her Meth smoking daughter around the son (he's 7 yrs. old) and she gives my son HELL everytime he tries to see his own son.

    I asked for a copy of the paper my son signed, and she will not give me one. Therein lies my fear. That she took advantage of him, and got him to sign this paper, even though his gut told him not to. She KNEW he did not understand what he was signing. Any advice would be appreciated!!!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Keeping Raccoons out of the house?

    We have 3 cats. They use a kitty door to come in and out of the house at will. Well, the raccoons have found it, and we've chased several out of the house. We've tried different modes of deterring them from the yard, but so far nothing is successful. Just wondering if anyone has any tricks or suggestions on how to keep these critters out. Can't get rid of the kitty door, that is not an option. The answer would be keeping the raccoons out of the yard. Thanks for any info.

    2 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • What is the difference in "Smart" phones and normal phones?

    How do you distinguish between a "Smart" phone and a regular cell phone??

    2 AnswersLand Phones8 years ago
  • How to store Vodka, shelf or freezer?

    I've seen people put Vodka in their freezer to store. Is there an advantage to doing that as opposed to storing it on your bar shelf?

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • About "Spoofing"?

    If Spoofing is illegal, why can a person buy into and use it to hack into phones, websites, etc. It's STUPID!!

    1 AnswerSecurity8 years ago
  • Questions about Social Security Disability?

    Does someone who has a Child Support order from a court still have to pay child support if they are on Social Security and SSI benefits? If they are in jail, will a warrant be lifted if they are on Social Security? An acquaintance is telling me this, and I am just curious whether it's true or not. Any info would be appreciated.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Renting a home and protecting against fraud?

    We will be looking for a home to rent soon. We are aware of all the foreclosures going on (California) and want to protect ourselves from this scenario: We move in, pay the rent lord does NOT pay his mortgage on the house we are paying rent for. Bank proceeds to foreclose on the house and we are unaware. We keep making monthly rental payments, THAT ONLY GO DIRECTLY INTO THE HOME OWNERS POCKET AND NOT TO THE BANK (FRAUD). Soon we learn we'll have to move after we did the right thing, and the owner did the wrong thing. We've seen a couple of people get defrauded this way, and having to move again.

    Anyway, is there ANY way we can protect ourselves from something like this happening? Anyone we can contact. I'm sure the home "owner" would not give us the name of the bank where the mortgage is held, so we can check to make sure he's making the monthly mortgage payments. I'm thinking about a lease, signed by both parties is maybe the only legal protection one might have against this kind of fraud???? Any information would be much appreciated.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Exemptions on Tax Returns?

    My 19 year old son still lives with me, but he has a job. He will be filing an income tax return this year. But I supply more than half of his living expenses: housing, food, etc. Am I able to write him off as an exemption, since I provide more than half of his living expenses? I'm thinking since he will be using his own exemption, I will not be able to. Help???

    2 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • What is the difference in IPhone and Android?

    And how do you tell when your looking at an Android or at an IPhone. What are the different features. I've heard Android is best, but I know very little about these phones. Can anyone explain to me the difference. (I know, I'm out of the loop on technology, LOL)

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Collecting on a Small Claims judgment?

    When you get a judgment against someone who owes you money in a small claims court, how do you enforce payment? This person who owes me money, doesn't pay his bills if there is any way to get out of it. This is in the State of California.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Bed Bug Bites, what are they like?

    Can anyone tell me what a bed bug bite feels like. We were traveling, and due to not being able to find an "available" motel, we had to settle for one that wasn't that clean. I think we might have brought bed bugs home. I've got these big red bites. First ones I got were on my arm, in kind of a row. Then I started getting them on my legs. Now I've got these ugly sores on my legs, because these bites itch like hell. At first I thought maybe they were flea bites, because we have cats. But these are definitely NOT flea bites. I'm thinking we probably unknowingly brought bed bugs back home from this particular motel. I've had them now for at least 2 weeks. I've sprayed my bed with rubbing alcohol and EVERYTHING was washed and put through the dryer to kill any remaining bugs. I religiously change my bed linens every Monday, so I know it's not because of any problem in my home, it was brought in. HELP!!!

    4 AnswersZoology10 years ago
  • Foreclosure and Credit Score?

    Does anyone know what kind of impact a foreclosure has on a credit score? EVERYTHING else (credit cards, utilities, loans, etc) have currently and always been paid on time, with no credit problems.

    Say I have a credit score of 794. Will a foreclosure bring the score down 50 points or 200 points. Just wondering. Thanks for any information.

    4 AnswersCredit10 years ago
  • O.K. For those watching Casey Anthony's trial.......guilty or innocent?

    I've been following it, and I think she's guilty of something. Whether it's murder, I'm not sure. Her behavior shows she didn't I'm not sure what you'd call that. What a partying Ma-MA that psycho is..........or rather........was. I feel she deserves a few years in prison at the least!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Question about "Walking Away" from a mortgage?

    In California, are there any legal consequences (other than bringing your credit score way down) to walking away from a mortgage? I know a few people doing this, and was wondering if they could face any big problems (ex: tax or charges from a bank) as a result of doing so. Thanks for any info.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Why is the price of diesel SO stinking high??????? I've heard it's easier than producing gasoline!!?

    Here in California, diesel is selling LOW for $3.59 and high for $3.89. What's up with that???

    4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Weight Watchers Points Plus system?

    Is anyone trying this program? Have they changed the amount of points a person can use daily? I'm wondering what the maximum points for someone 5'6", 225 lbs., 62 yrs. old would be? Thanks for any info. (is this program much different than the old Weight Watchers from 10 years ago?)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Legal Question (State of California)?

    My sister-in-law is going to marry a very sick man, who doctor's say is dying. He's got Liver failure, with no transplant in view (none available). This will be the 2nd marriage for both. We told her to be careful, that SHE may become liable for any debts they incur after they get married, including medical. That is IF/when he dies or is unable to pay them. Now in the State of California, once a couple is married, aren't BOTH people liable for debts incurred after the marriage??

    She seems to think (or was told) that if her name is NOT on any of the debt, then if he dies, all she's got to do is show a death certificate and all his debt all vanishes. This just sounds too easy and kind of unreasonable to me. Can anyone offer any info on this? Much appreciated. (I know she'll marry him anyway, it's just info her brother and I would like to know).

    Personally, her brother and I think she's crazy for wanting to marry a man who could die at any time. And how SELFISH of any person to ask another to marry him/her when in this medical condition.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Sciatica relief or treatment?

    Does anyone else have Sciatica (nerve down the leg that radiates almost electrical shock feeling and numbness in the foot or leg)? It doesn't feel like my back hurts, but it's my buttock, one side only. Sometimes the pain is so bad I almost cry. What can you do to treat this and how long will it last? I have osteo-arthritis in my lower back, and sometimes I feel this pain may never go away because of the condition of my spine. I truly feel for anyone who has this condition. I've heard of it before, but never imagined so much pain!!!

    7 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago